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Chapter 397 The power of the financial owner

 "I'm holding your mother in my mouth, looking for a beating, right?" "How can Li Yintong suffer such a loss? Roll up your sleeves and prepare to fight!"

Huang Huangxiang was submissive in front of Lin Baici, but he was domineering in front of these Koreans. He was holding a wine bottle in one hand and planned to open the ladle for Jin Jiwen.

He had long disliked this seven-cent head, and with Lin Baici's character, he would definitely have to fight, so he

If you take action first, you can also increase your favorability.


Quan Xiangren quickly reached out to stop him: "Everyone, calm down!" "You should tell them!

Li Yintong snorted coldly: "Robbing our light sticks will give you face, right?"

"Lin Shen, there is an outbreak of rule pollution right now. How about we all take a step back and get through it safely first?"

Kwon Sang-in persuaded in a low voice. "Why should we retreat? They don't have glow sticks. They will die first!"

Huang Jinxiang was aggressive. "Let's go!"

Li Shengzhu didn't want to argue, so he led the four of them to the long street and started to support them.


Quan Xiangren was dumbfounded. I am here to make peace with you. What the hell did you do when you ran away?

Jin Jiwen turned around and showed his middle finger, very arrogantly.

"I can't stand it!"

Tai Mei spat.

[Keep dancing, otherwise your body will explode.] [If you don’t dance well, you will explode!] Comments from God.

Lin Baici raised his eyebrows, this divine game was indeed not simple.

The exciting music played, and the five sisters began to twist their bodies and dance sexy and hot dances.

"Go quickly!"

Lin Baici asked everyone to hurry up, but Jin Yinan parted his hair with one finger and invited: "I like your hairstyle, you come first!"

"Thank you so much."

Lu Yuming couldn't laugh or cry. He was admired by a monster. He didn't know whether he should be proud or unlucky, but he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Dare to delay, shake the light stick vigorously with both hands.

"Come on." "I will always support you!"

There are so many girl groups in Korea. Lu Yuming has never eaten pork, and he has seen pigs run away. He knows how to support them. Although it is embarrassing, he still does it in order to survive.

It's just that things didn't develop as he expected. "That's not right!"

Jin Yinan took the microphone and shouted, "I love you!"

Lu Yuming held the fluorescent stick and waved it harder. "That's not right!"

This time the five sisters shouted together!

"Nishiba, how far do you want to go?"

Lu Yuming was super unhappy and had no choice, so he imitated those fanatical otaku fans who chase stars, yelling and waving the light sticks into flowers.

Those otakus in Sakura Country can even create slogans and come up with a whole set of support moves. As for the clothes on their bodies,

The ribbon with the idol's name written on it is the basic operation.

"We don't want to be like this, right? We look so stupid!" Kim Young-jin is a chaebol lady. She has never chased stars and never thought there was anything worth liking about idols.

The song ends.

Lu Yuming stopped, breathing heavily. He saw Jin Yinai looking at him, and shook Liu Yuming coolly.


"Too bad!"

The five sisters all shook their heads and announced the result: "You are not qualified to be our fan!"

These words made everyone's hearts sink, and they suddenly felt bad. Lu Yuming also sensed a sense of crisis, and just when he was about to ask what to do, his limbs began to swell irregularly, as if they were filled with hydrogen.

His body even slowly floated up. "Yu Ming!"

Zheng Shuen was anxious: "Captain, what should I do?"

"What did he do wrong? We can change it and double the compensation!

Li Shengzhu shouted, racking his brains to think, but before he could find a clue, Lu Yuming's limbs exploded with bang bang bang.

Blood mixed with flesh foam splashed. Ah!

Lu Yuming screamed and fell to the ground

, all limbs are gone, only a human stick is left.

"I'll take it!"

Huang Huangxiang's frightened voice changed its tone. Juhua subconsciously tightened her grip and leaned closer to Lin Baici.

It seems that there is a sense of security here.

"Asiba, is it so scary?" Jin Zhenzhu looked at Lin Baici: "Lin Shen, have you discovered the key?"

Lin Baici ignored her.

Jin Zhenzhu asked for trouble and smiled awkwardly. "Yu Ming!"

Li Shengzhu wanted to rush over and bandage Lu Yuming, but Lin Bai said a word and made him freeze on the spot.

"If you touch him, be careful of being targeted by the five sisters. You will be chosen next!"

Li Shengzhu's face was tangled. "Captain, help!"

Lu Yuming cried, without the arrogance and calmness of the cold and handsome man before.

"Captain Li, give up, he is hopeless!"

Quan Xiangren persuaded.

Lu Yuming's limbs are broken. Even if he is not dead now, he is still a burden. Moreover, even if he gets out alive, it will be a burden to Shi Zongzheng.

It's useless to say that.

"Xi Ba, what did you say?" Jin Jiwen roared.

"How dare you yell at me?"

Prime Minister Quan is so happy, do you know what is good or bad?

He glanced at Lin Baici and found that his expression was calm. He couldn't help but wonder, could it be that Lin Shen had discovered the purification method again?

Is that the key point?

Wouldn't it be that strong?

Quan Xiangren now feels torn and uncomfortable. He hopes Lin Baici will discover the key, but he doesn't want him to be so strong because he is not a Korean after all.

"leave here!"

Li Shengzhu roared and immediately ran towards Lin Baici who was standing by the street.

"If I hold it in my mouth, will the disaster be diverted to the east?"

Huang Huangxiang was unhappy, but there was nothing he could do.

"Why are you running? Don't you like our dance?"

Jin Sanshun questioned. "No!"

Zheng Shuen quickly explained: "You can see it more clearly from here! "One bottle of wine as a penalty!" Jin Wuyue pouted. Who dares to refuse this?

Absolutely? Just drink it!

Fortunately, it is soju and the alcohol content is not high, but the problem is that I have drunk a lot and feel very full in my stomach.

They were all a little drunk.

"come here!"

Jin Yinai pointed at Jin Yingzhen: "I like the temperament and appearance. Do you want to join us?"

"And a good figure!"

Jin Wuyue added, looking Jin Yingzhen up and down: "Awesome!

"Sister, our group doesn't need outsiders!" Jin Ermei complained.

"A group of five people is just right!" Jin Sanshun scolded: "Come here!"

When Zheng Shuen heard this, a flash of joy flashed on his face, waiting to see Jin Yingzhen be polluted and become a human being.

"I wish I had chosen that Kyushu man!" Jin Jiwen regretted.

Lin Baici immediately came to Jin Yingzhen's side, covered his mouth with his hands and said: "No need to cheer, just follow them."



Jin Yingzhen walked to the street and faced the five sisters. The music started and the five sisters started dancing again.

Jin Yingzhen immediately followed suit. Because her family was rich, she had not spent much time on studies since she was a child.

Many, but I have learned a lot from dance, equestrian, and piano courses.

Gao Lemi is now good at dancing, not to mention that after becoming a god hunter, her physical fitness has improved and her limbs have become more coordinated.

"They didn't say it was wrong!" Jin Jiwen muttered.

"It seems like this scene is about dancing with them!"

Zheng Shuen felt so bad. If he had discovered this earlier, Lu Yuming would not have lost his eggs.

Li Shengzhu's face was gloomy, he turned his head and looked at Lin Baici. If it were a normal encounter with rule pollution, one or two people would die.

People can accept it, but the problem is that this Kyushu man found the key at once. Comparing the two, he looks stupid.

The song is not long, nearly four minutes.

After the five sisters finished dancing, everyone was anxiously waiting for the results.

"You're almost too good to dance!"

Jin Sanshun wagged his finger at Jin Yingzhen. These words made Gao Limei's heart skip a beat. "I think you can dance pretty well!"

Taimei muttered, anyway, she had a good feeling after watching Jin Yingzhen dance. If she were a man, she would definitely reward herself.


"But you have a great figure, which more than makes up for your lack of dancing skills!"

Jin Yinai commented: "If you want to join our team, you are welcome at any time."

"Can you finish speaking in one go? That's scary!"

Jin Zhenzhu patted her chest. She actually didn't care about Jin Yingzhen's life or death. She said this mainly because she wanted to win over Lin Baici.

Show your team spirit in front of others.

After two dances in a row, the five sisters had to rest and ran back to the roadside stall to greet everyone: "Come and drink!"

This time I didn’t pour the wine, I blew directly into the bottle. Everyone looked worried.

This time it’s not a question of whether to pee or not. It’s a matter of drinking too much and being drunk. How can you still dance?

"You should be lucky that this is not in Kyushu, otherwise it would be high-altitude liquor and you would drink it to death!"

Huang Jinxiang has a good drinking capacity.

After the five sisters drank three more bottles, they ran to the street.eon! "

Jin Sanshun pointed at Jin Jiwen, and the other four sisters pointed at Lin Baici.

"Third sister, what are your views?" Jin Wuyue accused.

Jin Sanshun shrugged his shoulders. "Oppa!"

Jin Yingzhen was worried. She knew that Lin Baici's resume was definitely not bad in terms of study, but dancing?

Lin Baici had never even been to a disco. "Brother Lin, have you ever danced?" Taimei was also worried.

"Does children's radio gymnastics count as dance?"

Lin Baici also had a big headache. This was not a question of whether he was embarrassed or not, but that he really couldn't.


Jin Yingzhen raised her hand: "Can I dance for him?" "I can too!"

Taimei recommended herself. She has been hanging out in bars and nightclubs all year round and has excellent dancing skills. She can dance both meat and vegetables.

Jin Yinan didn't even glance at the two of them. "Haha!"

Jin Jiwen was amused. When Lin Baici came over, he taunted in a low voice: "Lin God, right? Bye bye!"

Lin Baici's face was expressionless. A powerful song played and the dance began. Jin Jiwen immediately imitated it, and his movements were even better than

The five sisters are also handsome, powerful and good-looking.

"I'm holding it in my mouth, what's going on?" Huang Huangxiang was surprised.

Jin Jiwen smiled very proudly. He has been a trainee for two and a half years and is also the dance leader of the team.

Instead of accidentally absorbing divine grace and becoming a divine hunter, he will now be a boy band idol.

When it comes to dancing, Jin Jiwen is a professional. Not only can he dance, he can also choreograph!

Lin Baici jumped a few steps, then couldn't keep up and simply stopped.


The five sisters immediately stared over with angry expressions.

"Brother Lin, you have to dance even if you don't know how. Maybe because you are handsome, they will let you go!"

Li Yintong came up with an idea.

Kwon Sang-in and Kim Jin-soo looked at each other with mixed feelings in their hearts.

"Oppa!" Jin Yingzhen held the dog-leg knife and prepared to fight.

Lin Baici was about to take the bronze sword from his backpack when the god commented.

[If you can’t be a fan, you can be a sponsor!]

[Tickets for underground concerts, all-inclusive, albums sold by girl groups, buy 10,000 tickets.]

When Lin Baici heard this, he stopped holding his sword, replaced it with a pipe wrench, fastened it to his belt, and put on his backpack again.

Sure enough, no matter how fanatical the fans are, they can't compare to the sponsors who spend real money. It's like opening a thousand accounts to receive free gifts. No matter how many swipes you make, they can't compare to the money spent by the big brother on the list.

The dance is over.

"You dance very well!"

Kim Sam Soon Drum

Palm, referring to Jin Jiwen.

The other sisters were also very satisfied, and then it was Lin Baici's turn.

"You suck!"

The quintuplets said in unison: "It doesn't matter if you can't dance well, but if you don't dance, are you looking down on us?"

"Kill him!" Zheng Shuen secretly said fiercely. "Bye!"

Jin Jiwen waved his hand towards Lin Baici proudly,

Just when Huang Jinxiang and others were worried, Lin Baici took a quick step and rushed to the side of Jin Yinan, and then got close to him.

Next to her ear.

"We at the New World Hotel need to build a reputation, so we would like to arrange a dozen road shows. Are you interested?"

Lin Baici was like a wealthy man: "Don't worry, money is not a problem!

Jin Yinan raised his eyebrows.

"At that time, we will also invite several media! You can also be interviewed!"

Lin Baici smoothly grabbed Jin Yinai's waist.

By the way, Jin Yinai is not a young woman, will the pipe wrench be ineffective in the affair?

Taking off his shirt, the charm value was +1, but Lin Baici was embarrassed.

"Those who don't have money are too outsider, just take care of the food!"

After Jin Yinan finished speaking, he paused and added: "Can you please invite Korea Satellite TV?"

This TV station is for the whole country. "No problem!"

Lin Baici smiled: "Can I find a way to arrange a five-minute interview for you?"

"And where are you doing a road show? I've organized a group of fans to support you. Do you have an album? I want to buy one.

Collect 10,000 photos! "

Isn’t it just money? Just rob a bank!

Jin Yinai smiled and took the initiative to lean towards Lin Baici: "Oppa, do you have time in the evening? Let's have a meal together?"

This is the financial owner, so I have to serve him!

The two people interacted here, leaving everyone confused. "Why didn't his limbs get blown off?" Zheng Shuen didn't understand.

Even if her dancing imitation is so bad and she is not punished, why does this eldest sister still look like she is lying on her waist?

Are you cheap or not? "I'm a fool to you, but my Lin Shen's charm has reached this point?"

Huang Jinxiang was shocked.

Sure enough, pretty girls are popular everywhere!

Of course, ridicule is ridicule, and everyone knows that Lin Baici must have discovered the key to passing the test. In addition to imitating the dance, there are other ways to avoid punishment.


Li Shengzhu felt a strong sense of frustration. "Let's go and drink!"

Jin Yinai hugged Lin Baici's arm and walked to the table.

"Sister!" the four sisters were puzzled. "Financial Master!"

Jin Yinan made a mouth shape with his mouth: "He is the son of a chaebol family!"

The five sisters immediately gathered around with smiles on their faces.

"Oppa, I respect you!" Jin Wuyue raised his glass. "Steady, steady!"

Huang Huangxiang put his heart in his stomach. He was good at cooking but not good at dancing. He was worried at first, but now he is not panic at all.

Believe in Lin Shen and get eternal life! "This is not fair!"

Jin Jiwen couldn't accept this fact: "Why should I rely on my strength?"

The five sisters glanced at Jin Jiwen and ignored him. "Sorry, I can't say goodbye!" Lin Baici grinned.

He finally understood that rule pollution is not illogical. For the Korean girl group, the financial backers are the first, and the ones who are least afraid of offending and most eager to curry favor are definitely the chaebols.

This chapter has been completed!
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