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Chapter 487 The Soft Rice Forest

Crow Ridge shrouded in thick fog is filled with an aura of decay and death.

Those dead flesh men got up and rushed towards Lin Baici with great force. Their brains seemed to be damaged. Even if there was a big tree in front of them, they didn't know how to dodge and they just slammed into it.



The big tree fell to the ground, splashing with mud, and many leaves bitten by insects flew around.


Lin Bai said filial piety.

The candidates turned around and ran for their lives. Those who wanted to follow Lin Baici also gave up and ran faster and faster, trying to escape from this ghost place.

"what happened?"

Zhang Hao's whole body felt numb.

Lin Baici's powerful divine grace could not completely kill these dead flesh people?

Each of the seven towns in Luoyang is more difficult than the last. Judging from this situation, the number of people who can survive in the end is very few.


Will the pollution intensity of this sacred ruins return to its original state?

Zhang Hao was so worried that he stretched out his two long and muscular legs like a female leopard and caught up with Lin Baici: "We have to find a way to get rid of these monsters!"

There are a lot of dead fleshmen in Crow Ridge. If they were all like this, they would be exhausted to kill them all, so they had to find ways to avoid the battle.

Lin Baici avoided a poplar tree and took a good look at Zhang.

Zhang Hao understood Lin Baici's eyes.

He was wondering why he came here.

In fact, the right choice for Zhang Hao is to take the candidates away and find the Longmen Inn. But for Zhang Hao, if those candidates die, they will die. She doesn't care at all. She wants to purify the rule pollution with Lin Baici.


The friendship of comrades is not something that comes from drinking at the bar, but a real friendship that comes from taking risks together and fighting for your life together!

In Zhang Hao's opinion, if "all the candidates die in exchange for the opportunity to become Lin Baici's companion," she would do it without hesitation.

"I admire you!" Zhang Hao looked at Lin Baici without any sign of weakness: "Isn't it okay?"

Since he had almost no contact with Lin Baici, Zhang Hao couldn't figure out Lin Baici's character. Now he just hopes that he is not that kind of virgin bitch, otherwise his behavior of giving up on the candidates will definitely make him unhappy.

"it's my honour!"

Lin Bai smiled politely.

Zhang Hao looks good. As for her figure, she wears a tight-fitting black leather jacket that outlines her uneven curves. The outline is very exaggerated.

Like a big pear.

In fact, if you think about it, if you don't have a good figure, which woman would dare to wear such clothes?

As one of the three elites in Beijing, Zhang Hao took the initiative to show his kindness. Lin Baici would definitely not show off to others. As for those candidates, he took the initiative to lure the monster away, which could be regarded as fulfilling the responsibility of the examiner.


Zhang Hao looked back at the dead flesh men and was about to come up with an idea, but was interrupted by Lin Baici.

"Go and lure the dead meat man away and give me three minutes!"

Lin Baici gave the order.

Zhang Hao frowned subconsciously. She had her own team. Even when she went on a mission with the dragon class, she was still the deputy leader.

I haven't had this kind of experience of being commanded for a long time.

But immediately, Zhang Hao's brows smoothed out, and without any complaints or dissatisfaction, he turned around and rushed towards the dead meat man behind him.

Zhang Hao uses practical actions to express three words.

I believe you!

Lin Baici understood that if he didn't do well this time, he would lose Zhang Hao's trust, so he accelerated his charge forward.

Hiking boots hit the ground heavily, and when I lifted my feet, they kicked up dirt.

Zhang turned back and took out a small hand crossbow from her backpack. It was one foot long and painted silver. She quickly pulled the string of the crossbow, and then stuck a ten centimeter long crossbow arrow in the groove.

During this process, Zhang Hao was still sprinting. By the time she loaded the crossbow, she was only three meters away from the dead flesh man in front of her.


The dead meat man's body was trembling with fat. He roared and punched Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao's right leg kicked off the ground, and he leaped forward, more than three meters high. Then with a bang of his left foot, he stepped on the dead meat man's face, and then he used his strength to jump off its head.



Zhang landed on the ground and turned around halfway. She had already spotted the second fastest one, so she took aim with the crossbow and pulled the trigger.


The crossbow arrow shot out with a flash of silver light and hit the dead flesh man on the back of the head.


The crossbow exploded, a ball of fire suddenly appeared, and minced meat flew everywhere.

Most of the dead meat man's head was blown off. After relying on inertia to rush forward a few steps, he fell to the ground, causing mud and debris to fly everywhere.

"Come to play with my sister!"

Zhang Hao shouted, started to run, and hung up the second crossbow arrow at the same time. Then he raised his hand and aimed at the dead flesh man who jumped three meters in front of him.

Go to hell!



The crossbow arrows exploded in the flesh-dead man's face.

When the fireworks dissipated, only half of the flesh-and-blood man's empty skull remained.

"Lin Baici, don't let me down!"

Zhang Haoyi was not afraid. Although the dead flesh man was scary, it was just a small scene for a divine hunter of her level.

If it weren't for the cost of killing them, she could get rid of these dead flesh people.

After Zhang Hao did this, the dead meat man's attention was attracted and he began to chase her.

In the forest, there was a sudden roar, and crows flew up in fright.


Zhang Hao frowned and uttered a curse word because she saw the first dead flesh man whose head she shot off got up again.

Still can't die?

This is troublesome!

"Sister Zhang, run to your 8 o'clock direction!"

Lin Baici's voice suddenly came from the front right, and Zhang Hao immediately followed the instructions.

Change direction and run!

After rushing for about twenty meters, a tall black shadow suddenly flashed in the woods ahead, which made Zhang Hao's heart skip a beat.

Soon, she saw clearly.

It was a tall reindeer, with two bulging backpacks full of supplies on one side of its back, and a sleigh pulled behind it.

It's a pity that it's not a snowy winter, otherwise Zhang Hao would take a few selfies if a reindeer appeared on a sleigh.

There was a man sitting on the sled, holding the reins.

It's Lin Baici!

"Sister Zhang, here!"

Lin Baici shouted, just as he was about to remind Zhang Hao to pay attention to the lead time and not miss the sled, Zhang Hao had already observed the route and changed direction.

One person and one reindeer gradually meet each other.

Thirty meters later, Zhang Hao looked at the sled passing in front and swooped down.


Lin Baici grabbed Zhang Hao's outstretched right hand and pulled it back hard.


Zhang Hao bumped into Lin Baici and got close to him.


Zhang Hao did not get up immediately. After cheering happily, he kissed Lin Baici on the face.

A dead flesh man screamed and rushed over like a mad dog.

Lin Baici used his arms to push Zhang Hao aside: "Be careful of a car crash!"

Fortunately, Zhang Hao did not continue to pester. After leaving Lin Baici, she took aim and fired the crossbow.



The dead meat man's big face was smashed.


The dead flesh man hit the ground solidly.

The sleigh accelerated, throwing away the dead flesh man, and entered the depths of the forest.

"You actually still have this kind of vehicle?"

Zhang Hao touched the sleigh and was filled with envy.

With this thing, you can save a lot of energy.

"This thing can run fast on snow and grass!"

Lin Baici looked at the road ahead. Although the trees in Crow Ridge were sparse, he did not dare to be careless to avoid being hit.

"This speed is enough to get rid of those dead meat people!"

Zhang Hao turned around and glanced at the dead flesh man who was getting farther and farther away: "You just asked me to delay these monsters just to summon this sleigh?"


Lin Baici nodded: "The dead meat man is too close. I summoned the reindeer at that time. Before it could speed up and run, the monster was already around!"

"By the way, I remember that the Great Shaman of the Yellowstone Group in North America also had a reindeer sleigh!"

Zhang Hao suddenly remembered this rumor and asked Lin Baici curiously: "Where did you get this fighter?"

Most of the taboo objects are regional.

Reindeer sleighs, Santa Claus, and the Tooth Fairy are generally produced in North America, while knights, saints, and heroes are from Europe.

Japan is rich in ghosts and monsters, as well as abnormal rule pollution.

"Where to go now?"

Lin Bai changed the subject.

"What? I haven't kissed you enough. Am I not worthy of hearing your secrets?"

Zhang Hao looked sad, as if Lin Baici was a heartless man.

"The great shaman gave it to me!"

Lin Baici thought Zhang Hao should be given a little shock.

Blindly hiding one's clumsiness will be looked down upon by others, and Lin Baici felt that Zhang Hao would not believe it.

"Hey, I can't even lie. Who would believe me?"

Zhang Hao despised: "If I read correctly, this sleigh can be used as both a vehicle and a space equipment. Do you know how rare this sacred object is?"

"I guess Shakira wouldn't even give it to her own son if he asked her for it!"

Lin Baici shrugged his shoulders and was too lazy to respond.

Zhang Hao did not continue to ask, after all, everyone has their own secrets.

But in his heart, Zhang Hao couldn't help but think about it.

Kyushu should not have such sacred objects.

Lin Baici should have been obtained from abroad.

It just so happened that he had been to Busan Shrine Market before.


Shakira also went,

Is it possible...

Zhang Hao turned his head and looked at Lin Baici seriously.

Under the dim light, Lin Baici's profile was shrouded in shadow, giving him a touch of mystery in addition to his handsomeness.

Damn it!

Will Lin Baici have an affair with Shakira?

Even if she beat Zhang Hao to death, she had never thought that Lin Baici could win a dragon level, so she felt that Lin Baici must be a softie.

The reindeer were galloping and the sleigh was bumpy.

Zhang Hao lit a cigarette, leaned back on the chair, crossed his legs, and watched the surrounding scenery fly by.


"Xiao Linzi, judging from the way you resisted just now, you've never been in love, right?"

Zhang Hao licked his lips: "Do you want me to give you more experience?"

"Don't you have a boyfriend?"

Lin Baici asked back.


Zhang was funny, and deliberately teased Lin Baici: "So you like women with boyfriends, then sister can talk to you about one, and then help you gain experience!"

"How is it? Sister, is it interesting?"

As Zhang Hao spoke, he tilted his body and leaned on Lin Baici's arm.


Lin Bai resigned to Zhang Hao.

"Haha, I'm just teasing you!"

Zhang was hilarious, but Lin Baici was really inexperienced: "There are so few men that women like me can fall in love with, it's hard to find them even if you want to!"

"Don't talk about looks and money, let's talk about body. Even professional athletes can't last thirty seconds on me. What's the point?"

After Zhang Hao finished speaking, he sighed.


That's luxury.

"I want to find a boyfriend who is the right match for me and can satisfy me physically. I can only find it in the God Hunter. But why would a man of this level waste his time on me?"

Zhang Hao talked about it at random, and it was obvious that he had deep resentment.

It is human nature to like beautiful people of the opposite sex, and both men and women are no exception.

"Okay, the joke is over, let's get down to business!"

Zhang Hao blew out a smoke ring: "Those dead flesh people have become too strong. The worst result is that this sacred ruins will spread again and contaminate radiation."

"Now it is no longer a matter of saving those candidates and getting out alive, but of purifying this sacred ruin as soon as possible!"

Zhang Hao looked solemn: "There are some towns within dozens of miles around the seven towns of Luoyang, with a combined population estimated to be over one million. Once they are involved in the Shenxu, the consequences will be too serious."


Lin Bai resigned from the Busan Shrine and knew how miserable mankind would be when the city was polluted.

But there's no point in hurrying. If you want to find Longmen Inn, you can only rely on luck.

Fortunately, the reindeer sleigh has greatly increased the search efficiency.

Twenty minutes later, Lin Baici heard the noise and calls for help. He pulled the reins and rushed over immediately.

Deng Mingyu ran at the front, looking back from time to time to glance at the dead flesh man.

Behind him, there were more than a dozen candidates, all of whom were panting at this time.

Suddenly, the dead flesh man rushed over like a cannonball fired from a tank.

"Get out of the way!"

Deng Mingyu shouted.


The Dead Flesh Man rushed straight through and broke two big trees with two bangs. It climbed up, turned around and rushed towards the candidates.

Deng Mingyu immediately ran to the left, and the candidates quickly followed.

"Examiner, don't leave me!"

He Ziang stumbled. When he was dodging just now, he sprained his ankle. Now every step he took was a sharp pain.

"Zi Ang, you can't run away, why not lure the monster away?"

Xu Wei persuaded.

"Why don't you lead me?"

He Ziang cursed.

"Because the monster is chasing you!"

Xu Wei's tone was natural.

"Fart, he is chasing everyone!"

He Ziang cursed loudly, and then begged: "Examiner, don't leave me, I can give you money, a lot of money!"

"Captain, what should I do?"

Du Ke was worried.

Deng Mingyu had just hammered the dead flesh man's head and smashed its heart, but in less than ten seconds, it had grown a new head and heart and resurrected.

The most terrifying thing is that it keeps chasing you and can't get rid of it no matter what. It's clear that it will never stop.

"Don't make any noise, I'm thinking of a solution!"

Deng Mingyu roared, this monster should need the correct way to kill it.

"Please, help me!"

He Ziang was still crying.

The chest of the dead flesh man chasing him suddenly snapped, and a ball of blood exploded. A half-meter-long rib was shot out like a spear gun, and with a pop, it pierced He Ziang.

on the shoulders.


He Ziang screamed and was shot to the ground.


Duko shouted: "Save him!"

Deng Mingyu was indifferent and continued to observe the dead flesh man. Suddenly, there was a sound similar to the sound of horse hooves in the west. Deng Mingyu turned around and saw a sleigh breaking through the morning fog and heading straight for He Ziang.

This chapter has been completed!
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