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Chapter 513 Gravel Beach, Swamp of the Dead!


The fire ax struck the female ghost with her face covered in the neck.

With the blessing of the power of the colossus glove, even if Lin Baici was using one hand, his slashing power was very strong, and he cut off the neck of the masked female ghost at once.

A head, like a ripe peach, fell from the monster's cervical spine. After hitting the ground with a winter sound, its long black hair was scattered on the ground. At first glance, it looked like a jellyfish.

Lin Baici used his ax again, cracking the head in half like cracking firewood.

In the eyes of others, they couldn't see a female ghost covering her face, so Lin Baici's fight made them panic and anxious, and they couldn't help even if they wanted to.

Yuan Jifeng heard the noise behind him and rushed over. What he saw was Lin Baici slashing the fire ax like a dancing master.

This female ghost is not dead yet.

After losing its head, its hands were inserted into the eldest aunt's body, and then its upper body was pressed against her back, trying to get into her body and complete its possession.


That intestine whipped towards Lin Baici's head like a whip.

The eldest aunt, who thought she was about to be saved, stiffened and lost control.

Lin Baici could have chosen a safer tactic and killed the female ghost who covered her face, but in order to save his eldest aunt, he slammed the fire ax on the ground with his right hand.


Fire ax embedded in stone.


Lin Baici grabbed the ejaculated intestine with his right hand, quickly wrapped it around his hand a few times, and then pulled it hard to his side.

The female ghost who covered her face was dragged over together with her eldest aunt.

Lin Baici kicked his eldest aunt on the butt.



The eldest aunt screamed and rushed forward, and the female ghost covering her face was pulled out from the aunt's back like a carrot.


The female ghost covering her face fell to the ground. She wanted to attack, but her intestines were pulled by Lin Baici and she wanted to bite. Her head was gone, so she turned around with her hands.

Lin Baici kicked the fire ax with his right foot.


The fire ax whirled and flew up. Lin Bai loosened his intestines, grabbed the ax, and then hit the female ghost with all his strength.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After four or five blows, the headless monster stopped moving at all.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The eldest aunt coughed and gasped for air.

If you don't suffocate, you should be alive.

The female ghost covering her face stopped moving and broke into wisps of black smoke that dissipated into the air.


Lin Baici let out a sigh of relief.

"nailed it?"

Zhang Hao immediately ran over, took out a handkerchief, and wiped Lin Baici's sweat.

"Lin Shen, what kind of monster is this?"

"Your oil lamp seems quite magical!"

"Lin Shen, don't be careless. Look around again to see if there are any similar monsters!"

Everyone saw Lin Baici standing still, his expression relaxed, and knowing that he had finished purifying the rule pollution, they immediately started asking questions.

Most people's eyes fell on the oil lamp in Lin Baici's hand.

It's the kind used by nobles in the European Middle Ages, with a Baroque flavor.

"Sister Xiu, are you okay?"

Lin Baici's kick just now was very powerful in order to knock the monster down.


The eldest aunt rubbed her waist and looked at Lin Baici enthusiastically, her eyes almost blurred: "I really want to thank you this time. When I go out, I will treat you to dinner. I must give you this opportunity!"

The kindness of saving lives allows you to kill seven people in one night without any problem.

Come on harder,

Sister can handle it!

"Is it a monster that can only be seen using special methods?"

Yuan Jifeng asked.


Lin Baici's answer made everyone's hearts skip a beat and their heads went numb.

This type of rule pollution is quite special. It usually appears in evil castles, ancient houses in deserted villages, and strange tombs. It can either be purified with divine grace or with divine taboo objects. It is impossible to rely solely on wisdom.

Because the Qin Palace Divine Ruins has recently been contaminated by radiation again, it is speculated that it is likely to be an emperor's tomb, and there must be this kind of regular pollution inside. Therefore, the price of sacred items that can allow people to see such monsters on the market has skyrocketed.

, a premium of hundreds of times.

Just like this, it's still affordable and has been sold out long ago.

Lin Baici, a newcomer, actually has such good things!

He is really rich!

Everyone was envious and his whole body was sore.

"If he hadn't been Xia Hongmian's little puppy, I would have written the character Deng upside down!"

Deng Mingyu curled his lips, he felt that Lin Baici couldn't get so many top-grade sacred objects on his own.

"Brother Lin is so handsome!"

Long Miaomiao was chewing on the melon seeds. She was still not satisfied and wanted to watch it for another ten minutes.


Fang Mingyuan also wanted to be praised like this.

Xia Hongyao patted Lin Baici on the shoulder: "This is Xiao Linzi's basic operation, no need to make a fuss!"

"Alumni, lend me the oil lamp!"

Gu Qingqiu was curious.

"The monster's body has disappeared!"

Lin Baici handed over the oil lamp and urged everyone: "Hurry up and search for the remains. The longer it takes, the higher our mortality rate will be!"

There is no need for Lin Baici to remind you that everyone is a hunter of gods and has this awareness.

Staying means giving up and relying entirely on others.

This is the most despised behavior among the god hunters.

More than a hundred people continued to set off. Although only two people died, the atmosphere was still very depressing because it was foreseeable that rule pollution would break out.

After walking tremblingly for half an hour, everyone finally left the intestine-like winding tunnel and came to a huge cave.

The place is very large. The ground is covered with gravels as big as black dates. They are relatively flat and not too steep. You can also see vertical stone pillars, all of which are weathered, as if they have been gnawed by wild dogs.

"Who will contribute and take the initiative to explore the road?"

Yuan Jifeng turned his head and asked, his eyes sweeping over everyone present.

Xia Hongyao was about to raise her hand, but Gu Qingqiu stopped her.

No one is talking, there is a high probability that there is something wrong with this place.

"In that case, draw lots!"

Yuan Jifeng suggested.

"Let me do it!"

Xie Yangchun was very courageous and at the same time wanted to compete with Lin Baici and did not want to be compared.


Yuan Jifeng patted Xie Yangchun on the shoulder.

Xie Yangchun picked up a few stones and threw them forward. After waiting for a few minutes and no response, he started to set off.

The stones on the ground are a bit harsh, and as soon as you walk in, you can feel a gust of wind blowing, about the size of a level 5 or 6.

Xie Yangchun walked away while throwing stones.

Soon, his back disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Just wait patiently!"

Yuan Jifeng sat down.

"What are you waiting for? He is too far away and there is no way to notify us!"

Zhang Hao was worried about Xie Yangchun: "Let's go together!"

Some people looked at Yuan Jifeng and Deng Mingyu, while others looked at Lin Baici.

Now in the team, the top two are the chief examiners, half-step dragon level, the strongest, while Lin Baici has excellent performance and has a strong voice.

As one of the three outstanding figures in Beijing, Zhang Hao ignored Yuan Jifeng and Deng Mingyu and asked Lin Baici directly: "Is it okay?"

Yuan Jifeng and Deng Mingyu were a little embarrassed, especially Deng Mingyu, who was quite unhappy. This clearly showed that he was not taken seriously.


Lin Baici felt that waiting would be a waste of time: "Let's go!"

Lin Baici spoke, and Xia Hongyao was the first to walk down the shore and enter the gravel beach.

"I'm second!"

Hua Yueyu trotted over and took the initiative to explore the way as cannon fodder.

"Let's go!"

Long Miaomiao spit out the melon seed skin and urged Fang Mingyuan: "Follow closely!"


Xu Wei swallowed, looked at Deng Mingyu, then at Lin Baici, and then he chose to follow.

An Yixian and Liu Langqing did not hesitate. After the eldest aunt was rescued by Lin Baici, they became even more die-hard fans. Not to mention entering the gravel beach, going up the knife mountain and into the sea of ​​​​fire, they would follow.

"Yuan Tuan, you people from the Haijing Security Bureau don't know how to respect the old and love the young!"

Deng Mingyu joked.

"Don't put eye drops on me!"

Yuan Jifeng glanced at Deng Mingyu: "I'm not as narrow-minded as you think!"


Deng Mingyu originally wanted to suggest that people like Lin Baici should be allowed to walk a certain distance first, but when they encountered rule pollution, they were the first to resist, but Yuan Jifeng saw through his mind.

"You are still half-step dragon level after all, don't let your identity be tarnished!"

Yuan Jifeng walked down the gravel beach.

"Fuck Oma!"

Deng Mingyu spat, he finally wanted to lose face and had no choice but to follow.

Three waves of people all came down, with the largest number of people around Yuan Jifeng.

None of the examiners are stupid. Walking at the front is the most dangerous. Walking at the back, Deng Mingyu seems to be more selfish, and Yuan Jifeng, although he always has a straight face, is not a bad person.

If something happens, everyone is still waiting for him to help.

The soles of the shoes rubbed against the gravel, making a swishing sound.

The wind blowing here is a bit like a knife cutting the skin, which is quite painful. Other than that, there is no danger for the time being.

"There must have been a lake here before, right?"

Liu Langqing reasoned that when her left foot landed on the ground, the gravel under her feet suddenly softened, like mud, causing half of her foot to sink in.

Liu Langqing didn't take it seriously. He supported the ground with his right foot, shifted his center of gravity, and pulled out his left foot hard, but it was useless, and his right foot still sank in.

This time, Liu Langqing was shocked, because she keenly noticed that her body was sinking.

"Brother Lin, something happened!"

After Liu Langqing finished shouting, he saw Lin Baici and others, unable to move, standing on the same spot and sinking.

"What the hell, what's going on?"

Xu Wei was shocked.

"Is this regular pollution? Or is it encountering terrain similar to quicksand?"

Fang Mingyuan didn't quite understand.

"It must be pollution from the rules!"

Long Miaomiao tried her best to pull her legs out, but the harder she tried, the faster her body sank. Coupled with her small stature and heavy weight, in just a short while, her knees had sunk into the gravel beach.

"It's over, I'm going to die!"

Long Miaomiao sped up the speed of eating melon seeds and shouted at Lin Baici: "Brother Lin, think of a way quickly!"


Fang Mingyuan felt a little uncomfortable when he saw the chubby girl asking Lin Baici for help instead of himself.

"Why was everything okay when Xie Yangchun came here just now?"

"Is it because there are so many of us?"

"Pollution has already broken out. The most important thing is to find a way to purify it quickly!"

Everyone was noisy and trying to think of ways to save themselves.

"Stop moving, the more you move, the faster it will sink!"

Deng Mingyu scolded him that he didn't care whether these people died or not, but he was worried that these people would affect him.


You should have been shameless just now and stayed.

Yuan Jifeng activated Divine Grace, and a dragonfly, larger than a calf, appeared on his head, its wings vibrating, leaving a trail of afterimages.

Yuan Jifeng grabbed its belly and legs.

The dragonfly took off and pulled Yuan Jifeng out of the gravel beach.


Dragonfly rises into the sky.

"Captain Yuan, help!"

"Lao Yuan, you can do it!"

"Captain, think of a solution quickly!"

Everyone yelled, as if they saw a glimmer of light in the darkness.

"Stop shouting, be careful to expand the pollution!"

Yuan Jifeng roared: "I'll go around the neighborhood first to find the source of the pollution!"

Even though he said this, Yuan Jifeng still controlled the dragonfly and flew to the head of Xia Hong Yao.

"Hongyao, grab my ankle!"

This is Xia Hongmian's sister. If she dies, she can commit suicide. Otherwise, if she goes back, Xia Hongmian will still be used as a specimen alive.

"I can hold on, you save Lin Baici first."

After Xia Hongyao finished speaking, he suddenly reacted: "No, you save Xiao Loach first. Xiao Linzi is so powerful, he can definitely handle it by himself!"

Gu Qingqiu rolled his eyes.

This is obvious. In Gao Mawei's heart, she has a better relationship with Lin Baici, but she trusts Lin Baici more and is confident that he can definitely solve this rule pollution.

And I am the one who needs help.

"I can take two at a time!"

Yuan Jifeng said to himself that you are really stupid and have no brains. You can hang one person on one foot, do you understand?

And even if Xia Hongyao didn't say anything, he would still save Lin Baici, and his priority would be higher than Zhang Hao.

"Then add the little fish!"

Xia Hongyao arrangement.

It must be said that Xiong Da has a sense of responsibility and responsibility as a group leader. At this time, she did not want to run away first.

"Stop arguing, Yuan Tuan, you go search the surroundings first to see if there are any monsters!"

Lin Baici gave the order.

"That you……"

Yuan Jifeng frowned.

"I have a way out!"

Lin Baici's voice was very calm, and he was not worried at all because he was trapped in pollution.

"What a big heart!"

Yuan Jifeng muttered, and after a quick glance, he found that besides Lin Baici, Xia Hongyao and Gu Qingqiu were not panicking, and were even calmer than Zhang Hao.

Who are these people?

Made of neural steel, right?

"Be careful!"

After Yuan Jifeng finished speaking, he was taken by Dragonfly to patrol.

After all, Deng Mingyu was still at the half-step dragon level and was not trapped. He activated a sacred object, and a grasshopper as big as a pony appeared.

Grasshoppers have thin legs and fall slowly.

Deng Mingyu climbed up quickly, and then the big grasshopper jumped, more than twenty meters at a time, and successfully brought it to the nearest stone pillar.

"Red medicine, grasshopper!"

Deng Mingyu shouted loudly. The first person he saved was also Xia Hongyao, because he could give Xia Hongmian a huge favor.

"No, save others first!"

After Xia Hongyao finished speaking, she looked at Lin Baici eagerly: "Xiao Linzi, it's up to you!"

"You really can trust me!"

Lin Baici couldn't laugh or cry.

"That is required!"

Xia Hongyao gave a thumbs up, the number one trump card of the Seventh Star,

I don’t believe it, who do you believe?

"Did you see the weathered stone pillar more than forty meters away?

Lin Baici pointed it to Gao Ponytail: "You become a giant and throw me over."

"no problem!"

Xia Hongyao took out the giant finger from his pocket, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it hard.


The giant's fingers were a bit long and the nails were sharp, scratching the throat, but the effect was extremely strong. As the fingers went down, a large amount of white steam immediately began to appear on the body of the high ponytail.

Tsk! Tsk!

In the steam, a large number of muscle fibers grow and wrap the summer red medicine inside.

This chapter has been completed!
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