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Chapter 917 The king meets the king, God versus God!

The whole city was as quiet as a cemetery.

Apart from the occasional flock of white doves flying across the sky, there was no sign of life.

The bus is driving on the road.

Even if there is no one in front of it, it still drives very slowly and obeys every traffic light.

On both sides of the road, through the green belt, you can see skyscrapers standing like giants on the verge of death.

In the car, the four people did not speak.

Seeing the bus passing by the stop sign next to it without stopping, the muscular man couldn't bear the silence. He looked at Gu Qingxiang who was looking down at the book and suddenly punched out.

Gu Qingxiang didn't make any move, but the muscular man's left face was suddenly punched, and his whole head hit the glass next to him. But at the moment it was smashed, a vortex appeared on the glass, which happened to swallow the muscular man's head.


Then a strange scene appeared in the car. The muscular man's head stuck into the car window, leaving only his body from the neck down.

At this moment, it is like a grasshopper being grabbed by a giant. It is struggling and beating on the car window, but when its fist hits, it will immediately be swallowed up by the whirlpool that appears out of thin air.

"This ancient god is so powerful!"

The alarm bells in Huang Cheng's heart went off crazily.

Although the muscular man is not as powerful as the God Realm, he is physically strong and has explosive melee abilities. Even a dragon-level man would be beaten into a puddle of rotten flesh by his two punches. But now, facing Gu Qingxiang, he has no power to fight back.

You know, Gu Qingxiang didn't move at all.

What a terrifying deterrent this is!

"I approached you before, but you refused!"

Aunt Diao spoke, but as soon as she said these words, her aura became weaker.

Because she is explaining.

"I told you, you can't win!"

Gu Qingxiang lowered her head to read the book and turned a page.

"But the current situation is not bad!"

Huang Cheng didn't want to be looked down upon, so he interjected.

"That's because Xia Hongmian hasn't taken action yet, and you have staged such a big battle, but after so long, except for killing a few dragons, there is no result!"

Gu Qingxiang disliked it.

"We just destroyed a dragon-level team from the Celestial Club!"

Huang Cheng was not convinced.

"so what?"

Gu Qingxiang asked back.

"Isn't it enough to kill until the enemy is afraid?"

Huang Cheng feels that killing is the best deterrent.


Gu Qingxiang closed the book and looked back at Aunt Diao: "Your companion is of this level, how do you think you can win?"

"What happened to my level?"

Huang Cheng was so angry that he clenched his fists, but looking at the muscular man who seemed to be stuck in a spider web and couldn't move, he held back.

"Dragon levels are very strong, but for humans, do they lack a few dragon levels?"

Gu Qingxiang looked out the window: "Do you know how many humans there are?"

"Tens of billions!"

"More than ants and cockroaches!"

"As long as a period of time passes, they will breed more children and give birth to more dragons!"

"so what?"

Huang Cheng sneered: "Aren't we going to resist?"

"How many gods are there? Are you kidding me if you want to conquer mankind with such a small number?"

Gu Qingxiang sneered.

"We don't want to conquer humans, we just want to scare them, and then let them carve out a piece of land for the gods to rest and recuperate!"

Huang Cheng explains the plan.

"Stupid! And naive!"

Gu Qingxiang shook her head: "The best way to hide is to blend in with the crowd. When you live in the habitat you created, you will feel the gaze and malice from humans every moment!"

"Why expose yourself proactively?"

Huang Cheng continued to argue, but was interrupted by Aunt Diao who raised her hand.

"According to your wishes, we will live in the shadows for the rest of our lives. Our generation can tolerate it, but what about our descendants? Do we have to live like this for the rest of our lives?"

Aunt Diao asked: "We have lost our land and are wandering in a foreign land. Do we want our children to continue like this?"

Gu Qingxiang was silent.

"They should live in the sunshine, and they should be proud of their own race, instead of mixing among insects and treating themselves as lowly insects!"

Aunt Diao was homeless, so she didn't want her children to suffer the same kind of hardship.

"But this is not our land!"

Gu Qingxiang sighed.

"Then make it ours!"

When Aunt Diao said this, her voice was filled with murderous intent. Anyone who dared to stop her would be killed.

Ten thousand to stop it!

Just kill ten thousand!

One million to stop it!

Just kill a million!

If the entire human race stands in the way, then kill them all!

"If you think so, the war will continue continuously until one day, one side will be exterminated!"

The last thing Gu Qingxiang wants to face is someone like Aunt Diao, because she can't convince them.

"Then we'll exterminate the entire clan. Anyway, it won't be us who die!"

Huang Cheng sneered.

"You are so confident!"

Gu Qingxiang laughed.

"Old God, in my opinion, even if the clan is exterminated, it will be more comfortable than just living!"

Aunt Diao said sincerely: "I don't want our descendants to complain that we don't even have a home where they can grow healthily!"

"Even if we don't fight this war now, outstanding heirs will start it in the future, because this is the essence of population development, so it's better to let us go first."

Reproduction is engraved in genes, even gods are no exception.

The two races live on the same land, and if they cannot integrate, a war will break out sooner or later.

Aunt Diao is worried about what if she doesn't have any outstanding children.

So it's better to create a one-hundred-year peace period while these old guys still have the strength to fight.

"I won't say your idea is wrong, but there is a problem. You can't win!"

Gu Qingxiang looked at Aunt Diao: "You can't win the Eclipse of Darkness, the Golden Dawn, the Celestial Club, or the Illuminati Hermitage. This is the era of Xia Hongmian."

"Why are you so obsessed with other people's ambitions that you destroy your own prestige?"

Aunt Diao shouted: "You are an ancient god. As long as you stand on our side, we can win!"

"You are wrong. Let me say it again. This is the era of Xia Hongmian, and after that, it may be the era of God Haijing Lin."

Gu Qingxiang laughed at herself: "Also, I'm not as strong as you think!"

"Perhaps one day, one of our gods' descendants will create his own era, but it is definitely not now!"

A trace of sadness appeared on Gu Qingxiang's face: "I've seen all those old guys, and none of them work!"

When Aunt Diao formulated this plan, the first person she approached was Gu Qingxiang. Why didn't she agree?

In addition to being unwilling to fight, it is also because there is no hope.

A group of fugitives, who didn't work hard to find a way to take root and survive, were so eager to start a war...

Aunt Diao's plan was right, but it was executed too early.

"So? Let's go back in despair now?"

Huang Cheng laughed at himself.

"If you don't go back, you will die here!"

Gu Qingxiang glanced at Huang Cheng: "Do you know why Xia Hongmian didn't show up until now?"

"It's waiting for us to use up the last drop of blood, right?"

Huang Cheng sneered: "Then it will be disappointed. We have also set up a dragnet and are waiting for it to take the bait."

"If I tell you, this auction was facilitated by Xia Hongmian. Her purpose is to bring you, including Europa, North America, and other god hunter bosses from around the world, and their heirs together.

Together, destroy them all, what would you think?"

Gu Qingxiang asked with a smile.


Aunt Diao frowned. She knew that Xia Hongmian had not shown up yet and must be planning something. However, she did not expect that she was responsible for this auction. This meant that the number one person in Kyushu had prepared carefully.

A long time.

"Killing gods is because you old guys are becoming more and more restless. You always feel that after a few years of training, you are good again, and you want more!"

Gu Qingxiang opened the book: "The reason for killing those big bosses is because thirty years have passed and the god hunter circle is about to solidify. These people occupy the most important resources. It is too difficult for new blood in this circle to rise!"

"Similarly, there are many second-generation hunters coming to this grand event. Look, once these people die, will a lot of opportunities and resources be freed up?"

What Xia Hongmian has to do is to clean it up.

Now these gods and god hunters who have beaten their heads to pieces have unknowingly become Xia Hongmian's tools.

At the end, Xia Hongmian will come out to finish.

No one can escape.

Huang Cheng was stunned. That Xia Hongmian had such a big appetite?

Moreover, it does these things not for selfish reasons, but to revive the circle of divine hunters.

There was a long silence on the bus.

The information brought by Gu Qingxiang had a huge impact on Aunt Diao. If it was true, wouldn't she have been completely played by Xia Hongmian?


Aunt Diao raised her head and looked into the distance: "Why don't I stop?"

"Yes, even if Xia Hongmian planned it this way, the situation may not develop as she expected. We are now in a strong position and there is no reason to give up."

Huang Cheng's words have a sense of self-comfort.

"Instead of letting Xia Hongmian get your corpses to improve the combat effectiveness of the Kyushu Security Bureau, why not let me kill you!"

Gu Qingxiang's tone was calm, but Aunt Diao and Huang Cheng's hair stood on end.

Because they heard great determination from among them.

And Gu Qingxiang does have this strength.

"You...are you determined to deal with us?"

Huang Cheng didn't notice it himself, he was nervous.

"I am telling you all this because we are all strangers in a foreign land, and because I hate war!"

Gu Qingxiang raised her head, her eyes drifted across Huangcheng and landed on Aunt Diao: "You are not so naive that you think I can't kill you, are you?"

The moment Gu Qingxiang finished speaking, her eyes turned into vortex shapes and began to rotate.

For a moment, Aunt Diao and Huang Cheng felt that the world was like a bucket of colorful paint, which was pushed in with a wooden stick and then stirred vigorously.

Then the world blurred and finally turned into gray.

When Aunt Diao and Huang Cheng regained their attention, they saw Gu Qingxiang sitting at a window seat, reading quietly.

The sunlight shines through the glass and shines on her body, as if covering her with a sacred golden veil!

Aunt Diao opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she said nothing. After sighing, she told Huang Cheng: "Take it and leave!"


The bus stopped.

Next to it is a stop sign with no name!

Aunt Diao waited for Huang Cheng to get out of the car with the muscular man on his shoulders, and followed him, but stopped at the rear door.

"If the children's lives are miserable, they will remember that it was you who caused all this!"

Aunt Marten got off the car.


The door closed and the bus continued to drive.

"Sister, what should I do?"

Huang Cheng was unhappy: "Do you really want to evacuate?"

"Otherwise? Have you ever beaten that ancient god?"

Aunt Diao's words were actually self-deprecating.

I can't afford it, there's nothing I can do about it.

"She won't really do it, right?"

Huang Cheng analyzed: "In that case, there won't be many gods left!"

"You don't realize that in her opinion, the gods captured by Xia Hongmian are the ones she can't stand the most. For this reason, she is willing to kill all the gods."

Aunt Diao looked solemn: "And this ancient god never lies!"

"So she is right when she says that all this is Xia Hongmian's plan!"

"Let's go and gather everyone, it's time to evacuate!"

Aunt Diao finally gave up.

"Next time, let's choose another city and implement this plan!"

Huang Cheng was indignant.

Boom! Boom!

After two thunders, it started to rain.

Xia Hongmian, who was sitting on a bench in a square, holding a bag of bread crumbs to feed the pigeons, raised her head.

Gugu! Gugu!

The pigeons were shouting, and a strong wind blew over them, but they didn't care and continued to jump around among the messy and split corpses, pecking at the flesh and blood of the corpses.

Xia Hongmian glanced towards the road,

Soon, a bus came and stopped next to the station.

The car door opened and Gu Qingxiang walked out.

At this time, a drizzle began to fall in the sky, so Gu Qingxiang held the book in front of her chest with her left hand and held up a folding umbrella with her right hand.

After walking to the square, she didn't look at the horrific scenes of corpses strewn everywhere, but sat directly on the bench.

"I thought you would always avoid me!"

Xia Hongmian opened her mouth and looked at the pigeons.

"Can't hide anymore!"

Gu Qingxiang sighed: "If I hide any longer, I will be the only 'person' left in this world!"

"How could I possibly kill all the gods?"

The corner of Xia Hongmian's mouth curled up, and a smile overflowed: "You think too highly of me!"

"Stop it, okay?"

Gu Qingxiang suggested.

Xia Hongmian was silent.

"Is it worth it?"

Gu Qingxiang's tone was like chatting with an old friend: "Your compatriots are still thinking about how to use this Shenxu incident to weaken your influence and then get the position of general director."

"How ridiculous!"

"Would you like that chair?"

"They look down upon your mind too much!"

Gu Qingxiang's words were sincere praise.

"I've been planning for so long, so I can't get nothing, right?"

The rain from the sky was a little heavy, and it sprinkled on Xia Hongmian's body.

"I'll help you get rid of those foreign god hunters!"

Gu Qingxiang's opening conditions.

Xia Hongmian smiled, she knew that this was Gu Qingxiang showing off her strength.

To make a person obedient, the most reliable thing is always a strong ship and a sharp cannon. No matter how unruly a person is, he will become docile in front of the muzzle of the cannon.

This chapter has been completed!
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