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Chapter 1053: Leaving the Three Realms

 The Gate of the Three Realms stands on the highest snow-capped mountain in the northernmost part of the heaven.

The gate faces north and south.

Under the majestic gate tower, there is a red plaque with four gilt characters engraved on it: Gate of the Three Realms.

Zhang Xiaozu and the others flew thousands of miles to get closer. After seeing the four big characters on the plaque, they felt slightly uneasy and immediately felt at ease, confirming that this door was indeed a passage leading to the outside of the Three Realms.

The door is twenty feet high, and the door leaves are engraved with many lifelike patterns of birds and animals.

There is a keyhole under the knocker of each door.

But after the three people flew to the door and stopped, their eyes did not fall on the keyhole, but on the brass ring beast on the door knocker. They were surprised to find that the ring beast looked exactly like the gods and demons.

"The two gods in heaven are actually two gatekeeper beasts." Ye Mingyue said in shock.

"This tells us that no matter what the gods are, anyone can be a god as long as they have enough strength."

Zhang Xiaozu responded, then walked to the door and inserted the two bronze keys into the two keyholes.

He was about to try to twist it with his hands and see which way to turn it to open the door lock, but unexpectedly the key suddenly started to turn on its own.




With two heavier clicks, the two keys stopped turning, followed by a loud bang from the door, and the two doors slowly opened inwards.

Through the crack in the open door, Zhang Xiaozu and the others saw that behind the door was not the passage they imagined, but a black light curtain.

"Gate to space." Ye Mingyue said, staring at the black light screen.

Zhang Xiaozu and Qi Yoyo nodded, they were no strangers to the Space Gate.

The door has not yet been fully opened. Zhang Xiaopou did not step forward in a hurry, but turned his head and looked behind him.

In the sky behind you, many cultivators followed, some were demons, demons, and ghosts, all looking at the slowly opening door.

Some of their eyes are full of curiosity, others are full of excitement and desire...

The expressions are different.

Because some of them are just curious about where the door leads to, and some, like Zhang Xiaozu and the others, want to leave this three-realm world.

However, they did not get too close to the door, both because they were afraid of the fierceness of Zhang Xiaozu and the others, and also because they wanted to let the three of them go ahead and explore the danger behind the door.

Zhang Xiaozu's eyes fell on a place in the sky in the southwest, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. He discovered that there was a person hidden in the folded space at that location, and this person actually exuded an aura of the holy realm.

Then he turned his gaze to the southeast and noticed another aura of the holy realm.

In the subtle state of mind, he carefully searched the sky and the earth behind him. After finding no third holy realm aura, he turned his head and looked at the door again, reminding them in a voice that only Qi Yoyo and Ye Mingyue could hear: "Be careful.

There is a Saint Realm powerhouse hidden behind us in the southwest and southeast respectively. I don’t know if he is an enemy or a friend, or if there is a third or fourth one..."

Qi Yoyo and Ye Mingyue nodded lightly.


The two stone doors opened as wide as possible and stopped.

Zhang Xiaozu took out a piece of thunder gold jade from Xumi mustard seeds and held it in his hand. He was worried that there was danger behind the door, so he took out Butcher Zhang's killing move just in case.

"I don't know what's behind the door, so be careful."


Zhang Xiaozu reminded him, and then led the two girls into the door and stepped into the space door inside.

As soon as the three people left, the cultivators in the distance immediately approached the gate of the three realms.

The two Holy Realm cultivators no longer hid, walked out of the folded space, and released the Holy Realm pressure, scaring all the cultivators to quickly move away from the door.

The two stood in front of the door, looking at the door of space warily. After waiting for a while, they found that there was no abnormal movement, then they stepped through the door and walked towards the door of space.

Other cultivators who wanted to leave saw the two leaving and immediately swarmed towards the gate of the three realms.

A wolf demon rushed forward, jumped up suddenly, and flew towards the door of space.


However, it was bounced back by the space door.


A demon cultivator was also bounced away.

Bang bang bang!

Following this, cultivators of all races were bounced away one after another.

"what happened?"

"Why can't I get out?"

The cultivator who was bounced open by the space door looked anxious and confused.

"I know!" A human cultivator suddenly shouted loudly, "Only outsiders who come in from the outside can go out through this door, and we local cultivators cannot get out."


"I don't know that."

Sure enough, as this person said, only outsiders can get out. No matter how hard local cultivators try, they will be bounced away by the door of space.

The eyes of Zhang Xiaozu and the others went dark, and their bodies felt a falling sensation at the same time. In about two or three breaths, the falling sensation disappeared, and their feet felt solid.

But the vision is still dark.

It was pitch black all around, with no light at all.

Zhang Xiaozu's subtle state of mind immediately covered the surroundings. He suddenly found a person sitting on the ground ten steps away behind him. He instantly became alert and reminded the two women beside him: "Be careful, there is... there is... behind you..."

He wanted to say "there is someone behind him", but the last word stopped on his lips because he immediately discovered that it was not a person, but a white withered skeleton.

"What's there?" Qi Yoyo asked curiously, and at the same time, he waved his hand and spread the power of the stars, illuminating the surrounding area.

She and Ye Mingyue turned around and looked back curiously, and saw the back of a withered skeleton not far behind them. They thought it was a living person and were startled. "Don't be afraid, it's a withered skeleton." Zhang Xiaozhu comforted him.

His eyes fell on a shelf seven feet high and four feet wide in front of the withered bones.

It was an easel because there was a painting hanging on it.

Thick dust fell on the painting.

"This seems to be an ancestral cave. Check it out quickly to see if there is anything good." Ye Mingyue said in surprise.


Zhang Xiaozu waved his hand and swept out a strong wind, blowing away the thick dust on the painting, and the scenery in the painting jumped into his eyes.

He stared at the painting and froze on the spot.

The huge shock that exceeded his cognition caused his brain to go blank.

Ye Mingyue and Qi Yoyo's eyes also fell on the painting one after another, and then they had the same reaction as Zhang Xiaozu, staring at the scenery in the painting, and froze in place in shock.

The painting is six feet high and four feet wide.

There are mountains, water, flowers, grass, people and animals in the painting...

The scenery is diverse and diverse.

But this is not what Zhang Xiaozhu and the others are paying attention to. What they are paying attention to is the top of the painting three feet down, close to the extreme edge on the right side of the painting. There is a snow mountain painted on it, and there is a towering gate on the snow mountain.

The door is open, there is a space door inside the door, and there are many cultivators standing outside the door.

Isn't it the Three Realms world they just came out of?

"Did we come out of this painting?" Zhang Xiaozhu woke up from the shock, stared at the painting and asked in disbelief.

"Look there, where we fought with the God, the God's body is still lying there!" Ye Mingyue found the location on the painting where they fought with the God not long ago.

"Heaven Realm, Mortal Realm, and Turbid Realm." Qi Yoyo's eyes swept across the upper, middle, and lower parts of the painting, and he was shocked: "The three worlds are actually the world in a painting. Oh my god, this painting is amazing.


"Someone has come out, put it away quickly!" Zhang Xiaozu immediately urged when he saw the two holy realm cultivators stepping into the door of space.

Ye Mingyue immediately stepped forward, grabbed the easel, and wanted to put the painting and the easel into the void space. But what shocked her was that the painting could not be put into the void space. She immediately informed Zhang Xiaozu and Qi Yoyo urgently.

Zhang Xiaozhu and Qi Yoyo stepped forward to try, and found that it was true as Ye Mingyue said, the painting could not be absorbed into the void space, nor could it be absorbed into the Xumi mustard seeds.


The sound of two footsteps falling to the ground was heard, and the two holy realm cultivators appeared at the place where Zhang Xiaozu and three people were standing just now.

Zhang Xiaozu took out a large cloak from the mustard seeds and put it on the easel to cover the painting.

Ye Mingyue's eyes fell on the paintbrush in Gu Gu's hand and the futon under her buttocks. Inspired by Zhou Jianlai's wordless heavenly book, she felt that these two things must be good things, and immediately stepped forward to get them.


Just when her hand was about to grab the paintbrush in Dry Bones' hand, a sword light shot out, forcing her hand back.


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