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Chapter 1138: The Power of Heaven's Choice

 "Ah! Not good!"

Zhang Xiaozu suddenly screamed.

Because except for the four Godheads placed in the Nine-turn Jiling Formation, the other Godheads were placed in his Sumeru Mustard Seeds, so when Po Meng asked what happened to the Godheads, he immediately checked the Sumeru Mustard Seeds and found red.

Rune had sneaked into Mustard Seed at some point and was "holding" the godhead and "eating" inside.

Two of them had lost their luster, with fine cracks like spider webs exploding on their surfaces, and they had lost their power.

Zhang Xiaopou knew at a glance that the energy of these two godheads had been sucked away by the red runes.

In fact, Red Rune has been coveting the Godhead during this period, but Zhang Xiaopou put the Godhead in the mustard seeds of Xumi and they couldn't get in, so they never succeeded.

But the mere mustard seeds obviously couldn't stop their attack, and they finally pried open the door and got in, and even managed to hide it from Zhang Xiaopou without anyone noticing.

Zhang Xiaozu yelled so frightened that the red runes trembled. They hurriedly let go of the godhead, ran out of the mustard seeds, and then slipped into Zhang Xiaozu's body and hid, as if a thief had been caught committing a crime.

Same thing.

Po Meng and Niu Dawa heard Zhang Xiaozu's screams and looked at him questioningly.

Zhang Xiaozu smiled helplessly, took out the two lost gods from the Xumi Mustard Seeds, held them in his palms, showed them to Po Meng and Niu Dawa, and explained: "My red runes sneaked into the Sumeru Mustard Seeds.

, drained the power of these two gods."

It's not that he is stingy and unwilling to feed the godhead to Red Rune, but because the godhead belongs to everyone, not just to himself, otherwise he will definitely let Red Rune eat his fill, because Red Rune has become his.

One of the important means, so the growth of red runes is equal to the growth of his combat power, and he is also looking forward to the changes after the growth of red runes.

Niu Dawa stretched out her hand, wanting to take the Godhead in her hand and inspect it, but as soon as her fingers touched the Godhead, before she exerted any force, the Godhead made a soft click and broke into pieces.

"Quickly take out the godhead of Emperor Qitian, the red one." Seeing this, Po Meng suddenly shouted urgently.

Zhang Xiaozu thought that Po Meng was afraid that Emperor Qitian's divinity would be absorbed by his red runes, so he took out Emperor Qitian's divinity and handed it to Po Meng, intending to give it to her for safekeeping.

However, Po Meng did not reach out to pick it up, but said: "Use your runes to drain its power quickly, destroy it, and kill Emperor Qitian."

After she woke up, she had been extremely concerned about the safety of the man in white, worried that he would not be able to defeat Qitian. However, she was seriously injured and was unable to go to Fengdu City to help the man in white, and speaking out would only increase the pressure on Zhang Xiaozu and others.

, so I can only keep this worry in my heart.

However, seeing that Emperor Qitian's body had not come to her door yet, she felt a little relieved, knowing that Emperor Qitian probably hadn't gotten rid of the entanglement of the man in white yet, otherwise he would have followed the induction of his godhead to find him.

Now that she knew that Zhang Xiaozu's runes could quickly absorb the power of the Godhead and destroy it, she immediately thought of destroying Emperor Qitian's Godhead to help the man in white deal with Emperor Qitian.

Seeing Meng Po's anxious expression, Zhang Xiaozu didn't ask any more questions, and immediately activated the red runes to flow out of his body, wrapping the Qitian Emperor's godhead layer by layer.

The red runes are densely adsorbed on the godhead, like hungry leeches, sucking up the power of the godhead.

Zhang Xiaozu discovered that after the red runes absorbed the power of the two gods, in addition to being much brighter in color than before, new lines appeared on each rune, making the runes more complex and profound.

Po Meng calmed her mind for a moment and continued to focus on making soup, only paying a small part of her attention to the god of Emperor Qitian.

"Grandma, do you know the power of these red runes?" Zhang Xiaozu asked.

"Why, don't you know?"

"I don't know." Zhang Xiaozu replied awkwardly.

"If I read it correctly, this should be the power of the chosen one." Po Meng said while observing the red runes.

"The power of the Chosen One, what is that?"

"When a kind of power is cultivated to the extreme and surpasses the strongest power given to it by Heaven, then this power will be selected by Heaven and become part of the power of Heaven's laws, which is the power of Heaven's choice.

When the universe first opened, there was only the original power of chaos between heaven and earth, but one day someone suddenly cultivated another powerful power through the power of chaos. The power of heaven thought that this power was good, and would add it to the laws of heaven.

Or one day, another person cultivates this power and cultivates this power to a whole new level, surpassing the power of heaven's recognition of it, so the power of heaven will recognize it again and let the new one replace the old one.

It becomes part of the laws of heaven.

This is the power of God’s choice.”

"Listening to what you said, why do I feel that the way of heaven is like a thief? Whoever cultivates great power will be stolen by it and become his own power." Niu Dawa said.

Po Meng nodded and smiled and said: "It can be understood in this way, but if it were not so, life would be difficult for cultivators in the world."

"Why do you say that?" Niu Dawa asked.

"The laws of heaven are all-encompassing, so cultivators in the world can understand various powers and let a hundred flowers bloom.

But if the laws of heaven are not all-encompassing and there is always only chaos, then the cultivators in the world cannot understand the laws of heaven and can only grope their way forward in chaos. How difficult it would be.

Let me give you a simple example. Take your power of fire element. The reason why you can sense its existence is because the predecessors cultivated it from chaos and was selected by the laws of heaven. So

Only then will it exist in the world.

But if the predecessors had not cultivated the power of the fire element and it did not exist in the world, how could you sense its existence?

You can only understand it from chaos, which is obviously extremely difficult.

To put it simply, can you create an elemental power that does not exist in the world?"

Niu Dawa shook his head in astonishment.

Creating a new elemental power, before Meng Po said these words, he had never thought about such a thing. This was completely beyond his cognition.

"Actually, you can regard the laws of heaven as a master who knows everything. But this master will not teach you step by step. He will only put what he knows there. How much you can learn depends on your own ability and ability.

Good fortune." Po Meng said.

"According to what you said, the laws of heaven should become more powerful every century. Then why do cultivators say that the laws of ancient power are stronger than today?" Zhang Xiaozhu asked in confusion.

Po Meng replied: "It is not the current laws of heaven that are weak, but the current cultivators. They cannot understand the strongest power of the laws of heaven. To put it simply, their qualifications are too poor and they cannot learn from the master's opinions.

I have great skills, but I blame the master for the problem."

Zhang Xiaozhu nodded when he heard this, feeling that what Po Meng said was reasonable.

Po Meng's eyes fell on the red runes and said: "It's already very remarkable that a person can spend his entire life cultivating the power of a chosen one. You can get so many, which shows that the senior must be an unparalleled genius.

, it is even possible that most of the power of the talismans in the laws of heaven comes from this senior."

This chapter has been completed!
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