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The first thousand two hundred and fifty-eight chapters

 "Look, there is ancient magic on that bone!"

Shen Kui, the ancestor of the Shen family, suddenly pointed at a giant bone and shouted excitedly.

As he said that, he took a step forward, reached out and grabbed the bone from the air, and took the bone into his hand. However, the bone shattered as soon as he took it into his hand. It was obviously decayed, and the ancient immortal magic on the bone had lost its ancient immortality. The protection of my power is gone.


"What a pity!"

Shen Kui shouted distressedly.

"Hey, the demon pills of these demon tribes have also been corroded."

Another ancestor of the Shen family, Shen Hongxi, leaned over and took out a gray-white demon pill from the head of a huge demon beast. He exerted slight force with his fingers, and the demon pill turned into powder in his hand.

Shen Haotian looked around and sighed: "It is indeed a pity. If all these things are well preserved, they will become the wealth of my Shen family, and then it will be difficult for our Shen family to decline. What a pity, what a pity."

The five of them sighed and felt distressed for a while, then continued to fly forward.

However, the further they flew forward, the more distressed they became, because more and more magical weapons were scattered on the ground, and more and more bones with ancient immortal magic were scattered on the ground, but they were all decayed.

At the same time, I became more and more frightened. Although the white bones were withered, they still exuded an intimidating power. One can imagine how terrifying their cultivation realm was during their lifetime.

However, this extremely powerful being not only died in a group here, but also died cleanly. Judging from the wounds left on their withered bones, they all died under swords, and most of them were killed by one sword. Or kill him with a sword.

Looking at the corpses of these powerful beings, Shen Haotian and the other five people couldn't help but feel horrified. They felt that their knowledge was limited and they could no longer imagine how powerful these people's opponents were.

"Hey, look there, there are footprints and traces left by someone."

Shen Sanyou suddenly pointed to his left front and said.

Shen Haotian perked up after hearing this and shouted: "It must be Zhang Xiaopeng and the others who left it behind."

He flew forward and observed for a moment, and found that the footprints and traces were a bit old and were not left recently, and there were very many footprints. It was roughly estimated that there were dozens or hundreds of people, and they were obviously not left by Zhang Xiaozu and others.

"This was not left by Zhang Xiaozu and the others. There were other people who came in here, long before us." Shen Haotian said.

Shen Kui looked towards the direction where the footprints extended and said, "They are going forward, let's go and have a look."

The five people immediately accelerated their flying speed and chased after them following the footprints left on the ground.

These dozens and hundreds of people, like bandits, turned over almost all the dead bones on the ground, probably looking for uncorroded treasures.

The five people flew forward for nearly a hundred miles and reached the front of the battlefield, where they were blocked by a towering mountain.

The pile of bones at the foot of the mountain is twenty feet high. It is impossible to imagine how many people died here. Affected by the evil spirit, the entire mountain is bare, without a single plant growing. The stones and soil at the foot of the mountain are reddish brown. It should look like it was stained red with blood.

"There is a palace on the mountain."

"Let's go up and have a look."

The five people saw a magnificent palace on the top of a bare mountain from a distance, and the footprints and traces on the ground disappeared at the foot of the mountain. They must have flown to the palace on the mountain, and they immediately flew up.

The huge palace almost occupies the entire top of the mountain.

The red walls and gold tiles have been covered with thick dust and have lost their bright colors, but they cannot conceal the grandeur of the entire hall.

The largest palace built by the Shen family on Wanfeng Lake is not half as grand as this palace.

But compared to its majestic appearance, what is more eye-catching is its majestic and inviolable imposing manner. It stands there quietly, with a domineering air that looks down on the world.

Shen Haotian and the five others were flying in the air, looking down at this magnificent hall. They were oppressed by its momentum and did not dare to cross its walls.

They wanted to use their spiritual consciousness to explore the palace first, but found that the hall was covered with a forbidden magic circle, which blocked their spiritual consciousness.

"Look at the footprints on the ground. There are only those who went in and no one came out." Shen Haotian pointed to the gate of the palace, then followed the footprints on the ground and moved forward, finally stopping in front of the main hall of the palace.

Chaotic footsteps entered from the palace gate, walked straight to the main hall along the main road paved with red bricks, and finally entered the main hall.

The strange thing is that the footsteps only move in and out, and I don’t know what happened.

"Go down and have a look." Shen Haotian took the lead and landed in front of the palace gate.

Two vermilion doors were open, and a mahogany plaque hung under the tall gatehouse with three large golden characters engraved on it.

Shen Haotian and the other five people looked at the plaque and frowned because they did not recognize these three words.

They looked at each other questioningly, and after realizing that no one knew each other, they put these three words aside for the time being, not to worry about them.

Shen Haotian raised his hands toward the door and shouted: "Shen Haotian of the Shen family in Lower Zhongzhou accidentally entered this strange place and took the liberty to visit. Please don't blame me."

After calling, I waited for a while, but there was no response.

"anyone there?"

He raised his voice and shouted loudly again.

After waiting for a while, there was still no response.

This was what he expected, because there was no breath of living life in the palace, so he was not surprised. He said "Excuse me", stepped onto the stone steps in front of the door, then crossed the high threshold and entered the palace. Door.

Shen Kui and the others followed closely.

They walked straight along the main red brick road and soon arrived in front of the main hall.

There was a black plaque of golden nanmu hanging above the palace door, with two large characters inscribed with dragons and phoenixes flying on it, but they still didn't recognize it.

The door of the main hall is open. The hall is deep and wide, with eighteen red-painted stone pillars supporting the top of the hall.

Shen Haotian and the other five stood in front of the door. Their eyes did not stop at the splendid decoration in the hall, but were attracted by the two thrones side by side at the top of the hall.

There are people sitting on these two thrones.

No, to be precise, there are mummies with tall and burly skeletons sitting on each of them.

The mummy on the right is dressed in red feathers and sits majestically, with only its head hanging down. Its left hand is holding the handle of the chair, and its right hand is holding a long knife with a red scabbard, leaning on its right leg and standing on the ground.

The mummy on the left is dressed in white feathers and sits majestically with its head lowered. Its right hand is holding the handle of the chair, its left hand is holding a long sword with a green scabbard, and it is leaning on its left leg on the ground.

Both mummies exuded supreme majesty, making people dare not blaspheme or even approach them.

The eyes of Shen Haotian and the other five people suddenly became intense, and their breathing became rapid.

The knives and swords in the hands of the two mummies reminded them immediately of the sword energy and sword energy in the battlefield images, and they were almost certain in their hearts that it was these two people who did it.

They couldn't wait to rush into the main hall and take the knives and swords as their own, but the dozens of corpses lying in disorder in the main hall made them stop thinking and did not dare to act impulsively.

I saw dozens of corpses lying on the white marble floor tiles in the corpse hall, some lying down, some lying on their stomachs, and the footprints on the ground that had only entered but not left immediately gave the answer. All of them died in the hall, and naturally they could not get out. went.

Perhaps because of the coldness in the hall, these corpses did not rot, but turned into shriveled mummies.

There was a pool of dried blood under them, staining the white marble floor tiles reddish brown. The fatal injuries on their bodies were sword wounds and knife wounds. It looked like they were caused by the two mummies on the throne, but those two mummies There are no traces of any movement.

Shen Haotian and the five people were terrified.

"That person is wearing clothes from the Lingxiao Sect, and that one is from the Yujing Sect. When did they come in?" Shen Kui pointed at the two corpses and identified their sects from the clothes they wore.

"Judging from the dust on the body and the degree of dryness, it must be at least a year old." Shen Sanyou said.

Shen Haotian said: "They obviously wanted to rush into the hall and snatch the magic weapon, but not far after they rushed in, they encountered a poisonous hand. Could it be that the sword and the soul of the knife were responsible?"

"Well, it is possible that the magical weapon must have a soul, and it will protect its owner when he is in danger." Shen Kui nodded.

"There is a magic weapon in front of us. There is no reason not to take it. We just need to be careful." Shen Sanyou said.

"That's right." Shen Haotian nodded in agreement.

After saying that, he stepped into the hall, stopped every step, and walked inside cautiously.

Shen Kui and the other two followed a little slower.

This chapter has been completed!
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