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Chapter 1261 Trapped Hall

 Zhang Xiaozu and the four of them carefully flew over the palace.

They flew over from the rear of the palace, so they looked at the palace from back to front, first scanning the silent back hall, and then landed in front of the main hall.

There was a body lying in front of the door.

His feet were facing the palace door and his head was facing out. Judging from the marks left on the ground, he should have fallen out of the palace on his back.

His chest was completely cut open from the upper left to the lower right with a sharp weapon. His intestines were broken and his stomach was swollen and rotten. He had obviously been dead for a while.

The strange thing is that there are no maggots on the body. Otherwise, based on the degree of decomposition of the body, he should have been eaten clean by maggots long ago.

What shocked Zhang Xiaozhu and the others was that this man was wearing clothes from the Shen family. Judging from the cuffs and the badge on his chest, his identity was extraordinary. He was actually an ancestor of the Shen family.

The four of them wanted to explore the situation in the main hall, but their mental state and consciousness were blocked by a restriction covering the palace, and they could not see what was going on in the main hall.

Then they followed the messy footprints on the ground in front of the palace door and looked in the direction of the palace gate. They found that the footprints in the palace were also in and out. After these people walked into the palace gate, they all walked straight towards the main hall and finally disappeared.

In front of the main hall.

"Those five pairs of newer footprints should be left by the Shen family, and those old footprints have been almost completely covered by dust. They should have been left for a long time. I wonder who left them?" Zhang Xiaozhu observed.

He speculated based on the footprints on the ground.

Zhou Jian came to look at Yuan Taiping and asked: "Fourth, I heard you say before that a group of you explored the end of the Huangsha Ancient Road more than a year ago, and all of them died in the end. Could these footprints be left by them?


"It's possible." Yuan Taiping nodded and said, "On the afternoon of the third day after they left, all the soul lamps suddenly went out. We all thought they died on the ancient Huangsha Road, but we didn't expect that they entered here."

Niu Dawa stared at the open door of the main hall curiously and asked: "What do you think is in the main hall that can kill the ancestor of the Shen family? Didn't Shen Haotian die in the main hall? Otherwise there is no reason to put the bodies of his family members

Leave it alone. Do you want to go in and take a look?"

Zhang Xiaozu shook his head and said: "Curiosity killed the cat. This hall is like a man-eating demon with its mouth open waiting for people to come in. We'd better not take this risk."

"It's indeed a bit weird." Yuan Taiping nodded, "These people walked straight to the main hall after entering the door, as if they were possessed by evil spirits."

"Look over there." Zhou Jianlai pointed at the ancient battlefield.

Zhang Xiaozu and the others looked in the direction of his finger, and couldn't help but be shocked by the scenery they saw. They saw bones spreading thousands of miles, with no end in sight. From a distance, it looked like a piece of pure white snow.

Just now, all their attention was attracted by the palace. Now when they looked at it, they realized that the mountain below was the direction where the army was charging on the ancient battlefield.

Seeing the piles of corpses at the foot of the mountain, a picture popped up in their minds. Countless armies rushed towards them, trying to capture the mountain and the palace, but they failed in the end and left behind

There were corpses all over the ground.

"Who is the owner of this palace? Or are there any important objects in the palace? How can it make countless troops fight for their lives and lose their lives?" Zhou Jianlai asked.

Niu Dawa's eyes lit up and she said, "Brother Zhou, after you said that, I want to go into the palace to find out what's going on."

Zhou Jianlai shook his head and smiled, pointed at the body of the Shen family ancestor, and said: "That may be the end of curiosity, so we'd better be honest and put away our curiosity."

Niu Dawa touched the tip of his nose and hummed, "I'm just talking."

Zhang Xiaozu said: "I'm just afraid that if you want to leave this place, you won't be able to get around it. I hope our luck won't be so bad. Let's go and look elsewhere."

He was worried that the way out or relevant clues were in the hall, but he was not sure yet, so it was best to avoid this hall if he could.

The four of them were about to turn around and leave when a hoarse voice suddenly came from the hall.

"Ancestor, make a decision. If we continue like this, the four of us will probably die here. If we all die here, our Shen family will be finished, and Zhongzhou will definitely be divided up by other sects."

"Yes, ancestor, make a decision quickly."

"You...how do you ask me...how to be so cruel?"

"If the sacrifice of the two of us can preserve the Shen family's inheritance for thousands of years, we will be considered worthy of death."

"That's right."

The voices of three people came out one after another in the hall.

Zhang Xiaozu and the other four were suddenly startled. They couldn't understand what the people in the hall were saying, but there was a voice they vaguely recognized, and it belonged to Shen Haotian.

"It's Shen Haotian."

"Look at what they are going to do and listen to the meaning behind their words. It seems that the way out is really in the main hall."

"Stay away, be careful not to be discovered by them."

The four of them talked in low voices.

Since they had been hiding in the folded space, their conversations were not heard by Shen Haotian and the other four people in the hall.

They heard the ancestor of the Shen family talking about dying here and sacrificing himself to save the Shen family's foundation. They mistakenly thought that the ancestor of the Shen family wanted to sacrifice himself to help Shen Haotian leave here. Otherwise, how could it be related to the Shen family's foundation?

Little did they know that Shen Haotian and the others were just trying to survive.

That day they coveted the magic weapons in the hands of the ancient corpses in the main hall and broke into the main hall. Although they stopped every step and approached the ancient corpses with extra caution, planning to withdraw immediately if there was danger, but when the danger came, they did not

There is no chance to retreat.

They walked more than thirty steps into the main hall when they were suddenly targeted by a murderous intent. They felt that the two ancient corpses on the throne seemed to have come to life, holding swords in their hands, sitting there and staring at them majestically.

Locked by this murderous intent, cold sweat broke out on their bodies instantly.

In fact, they were mentally prepared before entering the main hall, guessing that the corpses lying on the floor in the main hall should have been killed by the weapon souls of the swords. However, they were very brave and thought that their cultivation level was so high that they would not be manipulated by a mere weapon soul.

, however, when they faced the murderous intent of the weapon souls, they realized that they were completely wrong and had underestimated the souls of these two magical weapons.

They are not even sure whether this is the murderous intention of the weapon soul, or the murderous intention of the immortal will of the two ancient corpses against the intruders like them?

They immediately wanted to retreat, but were horrified to find that no matter whether they were advancing or retreating, as long as they moved their feet, the sword would be alerted, and the sword would be unsheathed and kill them.

Shen Duolong was the first one who couldn't stand the suffocation and pressure and risked retreating. As a result, he was hit in the chest by a domineering and cruel sword energy, killing his soul and died tragically on the spot.

Apart from making him retreat faster and fall out of the hall, his Heavenly Cultivation had no other effect.

Shen Duolong's tragic death scared Shen Haotian and the others away from their adventurous ideas and wanted to find a way to break the situation, so they remained in a stalemate in the hall with the murderous intention targeting them until today, but they have not been able to find an escape. method.

Their cultivation is so high that they can go without food or drink for several months without any problems, but they cannot withstand the suffocation and oppression mentally, and they are already haggard and exhausted.

It was definitely not possible to continue the stalemate like this. In helpless despair, Shen Sanyou came up with a way. He was going to take the initiative and use the attack as a cover to give Shen Haotian and the others a chance to escape.

Shen Kui felt that he could not do it alone, so he volunteered to join.

The two were ready to sacrifice and covered Shen Haotian and Shen Hongxi's escape.

However, Shen Haotian was really unwilling to sacrifice his two ancestors in vain, so he has not made a decision for a long time. However, as their mental and physical strength gradually depleted, their combat power had begun to decline. If they did not make a decisive decision at the right time, they might None of the four can survive.

"The Shen family is proud of you two!"

"Your names will forever be engraved on the glorious monument of the Shen family, and they will be looked up to and worshiped by future generations of the Shen family!"

Shen Haotian made the decision with heartache.

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