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Chapter 1394: Restoring Memory

 "Where is Zhang Xiaopeng?"

"Did you get captured by that old guy and sent to the outer world?"

The broken sky returned to calm. Ni Qiufeng did not find Zhang Xiaozu and looked at Yan Taibai eagerly and asked.

When Zhou Jianlai arrived, Niu Dawa and others' hearts were also in suspense, and nervousness and worry instantly filled their faces.

Zhang Xiaozu had just been captured. They wanted to catch up and rescue Zhang Xiaozu, but they were all suppressed by Heavenly Dao. In the chaos, no one noticed Zhang Xiaozu's whereabouts.

So after hearing Ni Qiufeng's question, they all turned their attention to Yan Taibai, hoping that Yan Taibai, who was highly skilled in cultivation, would know the whereabouts of Zhang Xiaozu.

However, Yan Taibai also frowned uncertainly.

After a while, he replied: "The old guy did intend to do this, but he was suppressed by heaven. Not only did he fail to succeed, but he was struck by thunder and his soul was dispersed."

"But another force took the opportunity to break through the barrier of heaven and kidnapped Zhang Xiaopeng."

"As for whether this power comes from the sky, I'm not sure."

After speaking, he looked at Chu Yumei and asked her if she had found anything else.

Chu Yumei shook her head.

"Damn it, it's all my fault!"

"If I could have shot that arrow, the pawn would not have been captured."

Niu Dawa blamed herself extremely.

Zhou Jianlai walked up and patted Niu Dawa on the shoulder, comforting him and saying, "Don't worry, Lao Sanji is a lucky person. Everything will be fine."

hold head high!

Chilong came over with Qi Yoyo on his back to support him.

Zhang Xiaozu ordered Qi Yoyo to stay by Zhang Tianci's side, but when she saw the huge fighting movement from a hundred miles away, she felt uneasy, so she handed Zhang Tianci over to Jin Zhihui, Zhang Xiaobing and others.

Called Chilong to support us.

It's a pity that it came a step too late.

When she heard that Zhang Xiaozu had been captured by people from Tianwaitian, she felt as if she had been struck by lightning, her mind went blank, and her expression was full of panic.

With the comfort of Zhou Jianlai and others, it took a while for her to slowly calm down her panicked mind.

She told herself that no matter whether Zhang Xiaopeng was lucky or unlucky, she had to be strong and not bring panic and fear to Xiao Tianci, because she knew that Xiao Tianci's mind was far more mature than his peers. If he knew that his father had been caught by bad guys,

If he is gone, his whereabouts are unknown, and his life and death are unknown, then his young heart will definitely be under extra heavy pressure.

She wanted to protect Zhang Tianci and prevent him from worrying about their adults.

At the same time, she believed that Zhou Jianlai, Niu Dawa and Yuan Taiping knew that they were Zhang Xiaozhu's life and death brothers. They were no less worried about Zhang Xiaozhu than she was. They would do their best to find Tianwaitian and do everything possible to rescue Zhang Xiaozhu.


Niu Dawa used Thousand Miles to move Liujiacun back, and lied that Zhang Xiaozu and Lei Zhige had gone to the ancient battlefield to appease the worries of Zhang Guangyao, Shen Wenjun and others.

Zhang Xiaozu's leaving without saying goodbye surprised everyone.

If Qi Yoyo hadn't acted calmly and cooperated with Niu Dawa and Zhou Jian to lie, Zhang Guangyao and others might not have believed it.

After everyone dispersed, Miss Dong found Niu Dawa, looked into Niu Dawa's eyes and whispered to Zhang Xiaozhu if something had happened, because she felt that Zhang Xiaozhu's character would not leave without saying hello.

Niu Dawa told the truth.

"I know how to get to Heaven."

"You must go to Tianwaitian as quickly as possible to rescue Zhang Xiaopou. If you go late, you may not be able to save him."

Miss Dong said after listening to Niu Dawa's story.

Niu Dawa was surprised and happy when he heard this. He stared at Miss Dong and asked eagerly: "You...how did you know? Who captured the pawn? What do you know?"

"Let's talk while we walk," Miss Dong said.

"Okay, where to go?"


Niu Dawa immediately called Zhou Jianlai and Yuan Taiping to go to Chuanzhou with Miss Dong.

Dukeyi and Chilong also followed.

Yan Taibai, Chu Yumei, Jiang Tianyue and others have already gone to Chuanzhou to look for the ancient teleportation formation that Yan Taibai mentioned and to verify whether it is really the teleportation formation leading to the outer world.

"I took the drop of Meng Po's Tears you gave me and restored that missing memory. It was the memory before I came to Jiuzhou Continent."

"I come from Tianwaitian and am a person from Tianwaitian."

On the way, Miss Dong kept talking in a calm and nonchalant manner.

When Niu Dawa and others heard this, they were so shocked that they wondered if they had heard it wrong, and stared at Miss Dong in disbelief.

In fact, when Miss Dong took Po Meng's Tears and restored the missing memory, she was as shocked as Niu Dawa and others.

She even wondered if she was going insane, or if there was something wrong with Meng Po's tears and a memory that didn't belong to her was implanted in her.

However, as the memory was gradually completed and cleared, she finally determined that this memory indeed belonged to her.

This is a memory full of painful memories.

The reason why she was missing was actually that she couldn't bear the pain of the tragic past, so after coming to Jiuzhou Continent, she took the initiative to go to the underworld to ask for a bowl of Meng Po soup, and after drinking it, she sealed the unbearable pain.


When Niu Dawa mentioned Meng Po's tears in front of her for the first time, she suddenly felt inexplicably flustered and uncomfortable. It was precisely because Niu Dawa's words inadvertently stimulated the secret that had been buried deep in her heart.

At this moment, she regretted drinking Po Meng's tears.

If she hadn't wanted to help save Zhang Xiaopou, she would probably have immediately asked Niu Dawa for a bowl of Meng Po soup and sealed her memory.

She would rather die without memory than recall those painful memories.

Miss Dong calmed down and continued: "In the distant ancient times, the ancestors of Jiuzhou Continent, the ancient gods you call them, discovered a wonderful holy land for cultivation, which is Tianwaitian."

"They set up eighteen teleportation formations all over Jiuzhou and established teleportation channels between Jiuzhou Continent and Tianwaitian, so that the people of Jiuzhou Continent can freely go to Tianwaitian to practice."

"Tianwaitian has a pleasant climate, abundant spiritual energy, vast world, and rich materials. It is like a fairyland to Jiuzhou cultivators, so most people who go to Tianwaitian never return."

"As time goes by, the spiritual energy of Jiuzhou Continent becomes increasingly scarce, and it is increasingly abandoned by cultivators."

"The eighteen teleportation formations also gradually developed various problems due to lack of spiritual energy, until they finally collapsed one by one and could no longer operate."

"Without the connection of the teleportation formation, Jiuzhou Continent and Tianwaitian will gradually lose contact."

"So the Jiuzhou Continent is the ancestral land of Tianwaitian."

Listening to Miss Dong's narration, Niu Dawa and others gradually calmed down their shock.

"Why do people from Tianwaitian want to arrest people from Jiuzhou Continent?" Zhou Jianlai asked curiously.

"They want to seize the original body."

"Original body?"

"Although the cultivators in Tianwaitian have abundant spiritual energy, abundant cultivation resources and loose restrictions on the laws of heaven, which allow them to practice very fast and reach heights that are beyond the reach of cultivators from Jiuzhou Continent, they seem to have been fooled.

There is a certain kind of curse that when one's cultivation level reaches a certain height, one will suddenly lose power and die suddenly.

Finally, they discovered that the more atavistic a person is, the less likely they are to die suddenly due to lack of energy.

So they focused on the people of Jiuzhou Continent, and called the bodies of people from Jiuzhou Continent the origin body. As long as they captured an origin body, they could lift the curse of sudden death due to dissipation of power.

In other words, they captured people from Jiuzhou Continent in order to seize his physical body.

So we need to go to Tianwaitian as soon as possible to rescue Zhang Xiaopou."

When Niu Dawa and others heard this, their faces became very ugly.

Let’s not talk about whether they can save Zhang Xiaozu in time, but let’s talk about Ye Mingyue, who has been captured for a long time. According to Miss Dong, she is most likely dead.

"Son of a bitch!"

Niu Dawa was so angry that he cursed loudly.

"Miss Dong, do you know who kidnapped the third child? Is there any way to save him?" Zhou Jianlai asked.

"Zhang Xiaopou should have been captured by people from Liujiabao, one of the three overlords of Tianwaitian. As long as I can get there in time, I may be able to save him." Miss Dong said.

But there was a flash of pain in the depths of her eyes, because if she wanted to save Zhang Xiaozu from the people in Liujiabao, she had to mention her identity in Tianwaitian again and uncover the scars that she least wanted to recall.

"Zhang Xiaopeng, you have to spare others and spare them!"

"You let me go, and when Sunwaitian's army attacks Jiuzhou Continent, I will protect your whole family from death!"

"Ah, Zhang Xiaozu, do you have to kill me?!"

In an empty field, Liu Wuzhi's spirit screamed while running for his life.

Zhang Xiaozu was chasing after him.

(Everyone, please protect yourselves. This new coronavirus is far more terrifying than imagined. It has so much stamina that I was almost taken away.)

This chapter has been completed!
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