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Chapter 1520: Dreaming

 "Dad, your beard is going to kill me!"

"Dad, let go, you are going to strangle me to death!"


Zhang Tianci struggled for a while before escaping from Zhang Xiaozu's arms.

Then the father and son, one with his head lowered and the other with his head raised, stared at each other for a long time, and suddenly said in unison: "I'm not dreaming, am I?"

The two of them were stunned when they heard each other's words.

Then there was silence.

"If this is a dream, then let this dream last longer."

Zhang Tianci prayed secretly.

"My son has grown so tall." Zhang Xiaozhu reached out and stroked Zhang Tianci's head, and then said with a guilty look, "I am an unfit father because I can't be by your side when you grow up."

"Dad, I already know it. It was the bad guy named Liu Wuzhi who took you away. I can't blame you." Zhang Tianci replied.

Not wanting to make Zhang Xiaozhu feel guilty and blame himself, he immediately changed the subject and said: "Dad, look at me, I haven't fallen behind in my practice at all. If mother hadn't asked me to stop practicing?????????????

???In the solid realm, I have already reached the other shore and stepped into the star realm."

"Really? Let me take a look." Zhang Xiaozu checked Zhang Tianci's cultivation realm, and then laughed happily and said: "Haha, my son is really outstanding. He has reached the ninth level of the Sea Realm at the age of four. Even if

He is also a first-class peerless genius in Heaven."

After being praised by Zhang Xiaopou, Zhang Tianci proudly straightened his chest and said: "Dad, I haven't fallen behind in the physical combat skills you taught me. I practice them diligently every day. I'll show you how to do it again, okay?"


"Okay." Zhang Xiaozu nodded happily.

Zhang Tianci retreated and walked under the old willow tree, then stepped on horseback, holding his fists at his waist. Then his eyes widened, and a power suddenly burst out from his small body. He shouted angrily and punched like a tiger descending the mountain.

"Okay!" Zhang Xiaozu couldn't help but applaud.

Zhang Tianci first practiced a set of boxing, then practiced a set of palms, and then practiced a set of combination combat skills.

"Dad, how are you?"

After finishing his attack, he looked at Zhang Xiaopou expectantly and asked.

Zhang Xiaopou raised his thumb at him and praised sincerely: "The fight was a thousand times better than I expected. The most valuable thing is that you have integrated your own insights into the moves and reached a state of comprehensive understanding.



"I also figured it out blindly."

Zhang Tianci scratched his head and smiled, feeling a little shy after being praised by Zhang Xiaopou.

Zhang Xiaozu looked up at the village and asked: "You——"

"Dad——" Zhang Tianci spoke at the same time as him.

Zhang Xiaozu immediately withdrew his gaze and said to Zhang Tianci: "Say."

"Can you teach me some new combat skills?" Zhang Tianci asked with hopeful eyes.

Zhang Xiaozhu saw the extremely expectant look in his eyes and couldn't bear to refuse, so he nodded and said: "I will teach you a very powerful fist and palm combat technique, but this fist and palm combat technique is more difficult to learn. I will show you it first.

Look, then let’s go home and see your mother, okay?”

"Okay!" Zhang Tianci nodded happily.

"This boxing set is called "Fuhu Fist", take a look." Zhang Xiaozu shouted, unfolded his fists, and practiced "Fuhu Fist" as slowly as possible.

Then I played "Dragon Palm" again.

With the last slap before finishing the attack, Zhang Xiaopou deliberately wanted to show off his power in front of his son, so he slapped his palm towards the mountain to the west.

hold head high!

The palm energy turned into an angry dragon and rushed out.

But the angry dragon suddenly disappeared halfway through its flight, and then the surrounding space suddenly began to distort, and its vision began to become blurred.

"Hey, although it's very real, it's still a dream after all. It's a pity that I didn't get to see it."

Zhang Xiaozu looked at the scene that quickly disappeared and sighed with disappointment.

He turned his head to look at the village, and happened to see Qi Yoyo walking out of the alley at the entrance of the village. Unfortunately, his vision was blurred, and he couldn't see Qi Yoyo's face clearly despite his wide eyes.

This made Zhang Xiaozu feel that this was a dream even more, because in dreams, the more you want to see something, the less you can see it.


Zhang Tianci suddenly shouted, rushed to Zhang Xiaopou and grabbed his hand tightly, with eyes full of reluctance.

Zhang Xiaozhu looked stunned. It felt so real that he couldn't bear to leave.

"Godsend, good son, go back and tell your mother that dad is safe in Tianwaitian, so that she doesn't have to worry about me every day. I will find a way to come back as soon as possible."

Zhang Xiaozu stroked Zhang Tianci's head, and said urgently at the last moment when the dream was broken, thinking that he could not see Qi Yoyo, so in this way, he would draw as perfect a picture as possible for this short but beautiful dream.

The end of it.

"Dad, please take care of yourself, I will take good care of your mother!"

Zhang Tianci shouted with tears in his eyes.

Then he suddenly opened his eyes, and after a moment of confusion, he found himself lying on the bed.

"It is indeed a dream."

Zhang Tianci muttered to himself.

Then he took a long breath and relaxed his body that was unconsciously tense due to the emotional excitement in the dream. He felt the moisture in the corner of his eyes and quickly raised his hand to wipe it away.

It is already bright outside the window.

He did not get up in a hurry, but lay in bed greedily recalling last night's dream.

Then he was pleasantly surprised to find that he remembered this dream very clearly. He even remembered every move and style of the two sets of physical combat skills his father taught him in the dream very clearly.


"Great, great..."

"Ha ha…"

This discovery made him dance with joy and laugh excitedly.

"Goddess, get up when you wake up. The sun is already shining on your butt."

Qiyoyo's voice came from outside the door.

She slept too late last night, so she didn't wake up Zhang Tianci early in the morning. It wasn't until she heard Zhang Tianci's silly laughter and the breakfast in the pot was almost cold that she called him out.

"Okay mother."

Zhang Tianci responded, then quickly got up and washed up.

He had to finish breakfast quickly and go practice boxing.

"What were you having fun in bed just now? Did you think of something beautiful, or did you have a beautiful dream? Tell my mother about it, so that she can be happy too."

At the dinner table, Qi Yoyo asked with a smile.

Breakfast is relatively simple.

White rice porridge, steamed buns, pickles, eggs and a large bowl of fresh milk, plus a small cup of wine and medicinal soup.

If Zhang Tianci has a good appetite, he can eat a bowl of rice porridge, a steamed bun, two eggs, and drink a bowl of fresh milk.

It seems that he inherited Zhang Xiaozu's large appetite.

That small wine cup of medicinal soup was also prepared for Zhang Tianci. It was carefully prepared by Yan Taibai. A small cup of wine every day can help Zhang Tianci to recover from his illness.

"Mom, I had a good dream last night. If you tell me, you will definitely envy me." Zhang Tianci replied after swallowing the steamed bun in his mouth.

"Did you go to the church to get married with your sister?" Qi Yoyo asked jokingly.

"Of course not." Zhang Tianci shook his head and said, "I dreamed about my father. He also taught me a set of boxing techniques and a set of palm techniques. I have clearly written down each move and I will practice it later."

Qi Yoyo was not surprised when she heard this. She thought about it day by day and dreamed about it at night. Yesterday, she told Zhang Tianci so many things about Zhang Xiaozu. It was not unusual for the little guy to dream about Zhang Xiaozu. She even dreamed about it herself.


"What a coincidence, Mom also dreamed about your father." Qi Yoyo said with a smile.

"Did he also teach you martial arts?" Zhang Tianci asked.

"That's not true." Qi Yoyo shook his head, recalling a brief residual dream he had just before dawn and said: "I stood at the entrance of the village and saw your father and you standing under the old willow tree chatting about something. I was about to shout

You guys woke up all of a sudden. What a pity!"

"What a coincidence, my father taught me physical and combat skills under the old willow tree. Mom, you didn't come into my dream, did you?" Zhang Tianci asked in surprise.

"Well, it's possible." Qi Yoyo said with a smile.

"My father also asked me to bring you a message."

"Oh, what did he ask you to bring me?" Qi Yoyo asked curiously.

"Dad said he is safe in Tianwaitian and asked you not to worry about him every day. He also said he would find a way to come back as soon as possible."

"He is really a good son of mother. He never forgets to care about mother even in his dreams." Qi Yoyo said warmly, feeling that these words were what Zhang Tianci was thinking.

She thought of the way Zhang Xiaozu and Zhang Tianci stood together in her dream, and asked casually: "Did your father touch your head and say this to you? As for you, you are holding his hand and hugging him


"Mom, how do you know? You can't really run into my dream, can you?!" Zhang Tianci asked in surprise.

Because when Zhang Xiaozhu said this, he was actually stroking his head like Qi Yoyo.

Qi yo yo was meant as a joke, but Zhang Tianci's shocked look made her heart skip a beat. She suddenly thought that Zhang Xiaozu was a master of Taoism. Could it be that he had used the power of blood as a connecting medium to use some kind of method to connect the two?

Zhang Tianci must have had a dream.


"If it was easy to have a dream, he would have come back long ago."

Qi Yoyo immediately denied his guess, but he still couldn't help but asked curiously: "Do the boxing and palm techniques your father taught you have names?"

"Yes, of course."

"He's super domineering."

"The fist is called "Fuhu Fist" and the palm is called "Dragon Subduing Palm".

Zhang Tianci replied.


Qi Yoyo was shocked when he heard this.

This chapter has been completed!
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