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Chapter 17 Nightmare

"When I go back, I have to ask my mother if Xiaopeng is their biological child and I am the orphan picked up under the old willow tree? Otherwise, why did Niu Yao only pass on his skills to Xiaopeng and not to me?" Niu Dawa was very depressed.

He murmured to himself, watching Zhang Xiaopeng fighting the black wild boar alone, showing off his majesty, with a look of envy and jealousy on his face.

Of course, he could only dare to mutter such rebellious thoughts to himself, otherwise if his father found out, he would definitely hang him from the eaves and give him a severe beating with a belt.

"Hehe, isn't it the same as passing it to me?" Niu Dawa suddenly grinned and smiled maliciously at Zhang Xiaopou. He didn't take advantage of him because he used to use belts and canes to reason.

, it’s unreasonable, but he is very capable of dealing with Zhang Xiaopeng.

Niu Dawa was in a good mood, and suddenly felt that what he knew was all a trick, and he didn't even want to learn anything he taught him. Look at the pawns, they are like tigers, powerful and domineering. Only with such sword skills can they be worthy of it.

His Niu Da Wa, oh no, is worthy of his Niu Letian.

"Oh, what a pity." Zhang Youxiong looked at Zhang Xiaopou who was showing off his power and shook his head with regret, "If he hadn't been that closed-minded warrior, he would have definitely become a great man in the future."

"Who says it's not the case?" Li Dajiang also expressed regret.

Zhang Xiaopou was able to make a killing with a hunting knife. Although the three-step "Three Steps to Kill" sword technique could not be said to be superb, it was at least very handy. The furious black boar was suppressed by him and was unable to fight back, but he also

He did not cause fatal damage to the black wild boar because he had been practicing his sword skills with the black wild boar. At this time, he had already mastered the sword skills, and he had murderous intentions.

As if smelling the danger, the black wild boar turned around and ran away. This was what Zhang and Liu villages needed to survive. How could Zhang Xiaopeng let him go?

The knife mark he made easily broke through the thick skin of the black wild boar. With a hiss, blood spattered three feet, and a deep bloody gash was opened on the back and abdomen of the black wild boar.

The black wild boar screamed in pain and seemed to have used all its strength to escape. Zhang Xiaozu couldn't help being surprised and immediately pounced on him. Unexpectedly, the moment he pounced on him, the black wild boar jumped up.

The wild boar suddenly turned around. I don't know how it did it. Instead of rushing forward due to inertia, its huge body slammed into Zhang Xiaopeng at a faster speed.

Zhang Xiaopou had no idea that the black wild boar could be so smart. He pretended to run away, but actually secretly prepared a killing move, catching him off guard. In the midst of stone fire and lightning, Zhang Xiaopou had no time to dodge, so he simply shouted and executed with a single slash.

The hunting knife drew a cold line in the air, smearing the two eyes of the black wild boar, and the black and white eyelids spurted out, spraying Zhang Xiaopeng's face. Then there was a bang, and Zhang Xiaopou was unable to avoid the black wild boar's attack.

Upon impact, his body immediately flew backwards like a kite with its string broken, hit a tree trunk, and fell to the ground.

Zhang Xiaozhu felt his stomach churn, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his throat. He then became dizzy, his vision went black, and he fainted.

His IQ was crushed by the black boar. This was his last thought when he fainted.

In a dense valley, there is a cold pool.

Layers of ice crystals were piled up around the cold pool, spreading hundreds of steps outward. Due to the extreme cold, not a single flower, grass or tree survived within the area covered by the ice crystals, and no animals dared to approach.

The strange thing is that the water in the Cold Pool has not frozen. The water has no waves, is as blue as ink, and seems to be ten thousand feet deep.

What's even more strange is that every fifteenth full moon night, the mist in the valley will disperse and weaken, leaving only a faint white mist of water vapor, lingering around the cold pool. And a graceful figure will float on the water of the cold pool, slender.

I stepped on the water and danced gracefully. It was covered in mist and I couldn't see clearly. I didn't know if it was a human being or an phantom.

At this time, around the cold pool, in the areas not covered by ice crystals, hundreds of beasts gather to temporarily put aside their disputes and watch the light dance on the water of the cold pool. There are ferocious beasts, such as dazzling tigers, black bears, giant

Apes, pythons, eagles, etc. rely on their strength to withstand the cold of the cold pool and step on the ice crystals, hoping to get closer to the cold pool and see more clearly.

At this moment, their animal hearts were clear, forgetting hunger, cold, fear, hunting, fighting and other hardships, and seemed to have endless joy rippling in their hearts.

Until the mist rises again and the graceful figure disappears on the cold pond, the beasts will reluctantly retreat. On this night, within a thousand miles of the cold pond, all the beasts coexist peacefully and there is no fight.

There is a black wild boar that comes to the valley early every full moon night, occupies a good position with a wide view, and quietly waits for its graceful figure to float and dance on the cold pool.

At first, it was just a small, thin wild boar that got separated from the group.

That night, it was chased into the valley by a group of vicious wolves. Just when it was exhausted and collapsed on the ground, thinking that it was impossible to escape from the wolf's mouth, the wolves bypassed it without even looking at it. Later it

Only then did he realize that the wolves were not chasing him, but were rushing towards the valley.

That night, it saw the graceful dancing on the cold pool for the first time. When the figure on the cold pool disappeared in the mist, it took a long time to wake up from its obsession. Then it was surprised to find that not only was its hungry belly not

Instead of feeling hungry, the body was full of energy and seemed to have endless strength. It ran a few laps happily and felt that its limbs were much stronger and more flexible than before.

It thought for a long time, and finally looked at Yin Yun, guessing that the graceful dancing posture had magically changed its body. This guess made it impatient to see the graceful dancing posture again, so it found a hidden location to hide.

Then he stared blankly at the mist, hoping that the mist would dissipate and the dance would reappear. But he waited until dark, then dawn, and when his stomach growled with hunger, the mist did not dissipate.

As a last resort, it went to find some food. After filling its stomach, it couldn't wait to run back and waited all night, but still didn't wait until the clouds dispersed.

It perseveres.

Finally, it was seen again.

When the mist rose again and the graceful figure disappeared, it was pleasantly surprised to find that its body was much stronger and more flexible. Its guess was right. The dancing posture in the mist could strengthen his body. No wonder all kinds of beasts gathered here, even the most powerful ones.

The powerful tigers, giant apes, etc. all put away their ferocity and crawled quietly by the cold pool.

twice, three times

It finally found the law of the mist dissipating, which is every time the moon is full.

It envies tigers, giant apes and other ferocious beasts, which are not afraid of the biting cold of the cold pool. They can get so close to the cold pool and see so clearly. However, it can only watch from a distance, through the mist, hazy.

, nothing can be seen clearly.

So it began to search desperately for food. It wanted to become stronger and polish its skin desperately, so that it could not be afraid of the cold and get closer to the cold pool, and then get closer.

Now it has grown into a strong wild boar. It can already walk a hundred steps forward on the ice crystals, but it is still hazy and cannot see the dancing figure clearly. It is determined to make itself stronger.

Try to go some distance further, at least to catch up with the tigers, giant apes and other ferocious beasts ahead.

Just a few days have passed since the last full moon night, and the black wild boar feels that it is stronger again, especially its long and pointed tusks, which are getting sharper and more lethal. It believes that even if it encounters tigers, black bears and other ferocious beasts, it will

It is not afraid at all. Of course, except for the few ferocious beasts that watch the dance of the cold pool with it in the valley and walk in front of it, because every time when these ferocious beasts pass by it on a full moon night, it

They would all be trembling with fear, lying on the ground and not daring to move.

The black wild boar likes its sharp white tusks very much. From time to time, it will run to the stream and admire the water.

When he woke up this morning, he felt that his fangs seemed to have grown a little longer, so he couldn't wait to run to the stream and poked his head to look at the reflection in the stream.

At this sight, it was so frightened that its head turned into a human head.


A horrified scream broke the tranquility of the night. Zhang Xiaozu sat up suddenly with a panicked expression. He touched his head eagerly with both hands, then looked down at his body and found that he had not turned into a human head.

The monster with the body of a pig breathed a sigh of relief.

"Pawn, what's wrong? What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

The champion who was responsible for looking after Zhang Xiaopou was startled, and everyone who had not yet fallen asleep was also startled and hurried over to check the situation.

Zhang Xiaozu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and replied: "It's okay, I had a nightmare."

Suddenly he remembered that he was knocked unconscious by the black wild boar when he was fighting with it, and he quickly asked: "Did you catch the black wild boar?"

Li Dahe sat down on the side, nodded and smiled: "I caught it. Thanks to your last knife that blinded the beast's two eyes, otherwise we really couldn't do anything about it. What about you, do you feel any discomfort?"

He and Zhang Youxiong had checked Zhang Xiaozu's injuries and found that he had no injuries, but was knocked unconscious.

Zhang Xiaozu stood up and tried to move his limbs, and replied: "It's okay, I'm just a little sore. It'll be fine after a nap."

"No. 1 Scholar, go and bring the food." Zhang Youxiong ordered the No. 1 Scholar.

The champion responded, stood up and walked towards the bonfire in the distance. There was a large pot beside the bonfire. He opened the lid and took out a large black porcelain bowl from inside.

"It's specially reserved for you, a great hero. It's still warm. Eat it quickly." The champion handed the black porcelain bowl to Zhang Xiaopou's hand.

Zhang Xiaozhu's eyes suddenly widened and his mouth watered, because the black porcelain bowl was filled with a bowl of meat bones, and the fragrant meat smell went straight to his nostrils.


Zhang Xiaozhu couldn't help but swallow a big mouthful of saliva. He moved his eyes away from the meat bones with difficulty, looked at Zhang Youxiong and others, and asked: "Have you eaten?"

"We have already eaten. You should eat quickly. It won't taste good when it's cold. Ah, I'm so sleepy. I'm going to bed." Zhang Youxiong waved his hands and said, but when he spoke, his throat obviously moved twice, and he swallowed

He took a big sip of saliva.

"Well, I'm going to bed too. You can go to bed early after eating."


Li Dahe and others all laughed and walked away.

Zhang Xiaopou knew at a glance that they were lying, but he didn't point it out because there was only one bowl of big bones, which was too little to divide. Anyway, they have enough dry food now. Adults who don't need to grow up should go eat dry food. They are growing up.

Being such a young man, he had to take good nutrition, so he stopped the top picks, and without any explanation, each of them shared a piece of meat bone and said: "Look at how greedy you are, your eyes are shining like Shiba Inu dogs.

Whatever you are looking at, eat quickly. There are so many preys in the Black Forest, are you afraid that there will be no meat to eat in the future? I won’t tell you about the soup, I’m really a little hungry.”

"That's enough, brother." The champion gave Zhang Xiaopeng a thumbs up, said nothing more, and began to bite the big bone with big mouthfuls.

The same goes for several other people, who are very grateful to Zhang Xiaozu.

These big bones were specially left by Zhang Youxiong to Zhang Xiaopeng. There is very thick meat on each piece, which is a pleasure to chew.

"Where's Da Wa? Where did he die? Why do I feel so quiet? It seems like something is missing." Zhang Xiaozu suddenly found that Niu Da Wa, who had a loud voice, was not there.

"Back to the village." The champion said while eating: "The weather is too hot, and the salt we brought is not enough to marinate such meat. We were afraid that the meat would smell bad, so Uncle Zhang and Uncle Li assigned fifty people to quickly send the meat back to the village.

deal with."

After speaking, the champion pointed in another direction and continued: "There is a stream over there, which has not stopped flowing. There are many traces of prey activity on the stream. We will stay by this stream in the next few days, while

Wait for them to come back while hunting."

This chapter has been completed!
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