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Chapter 179: Eating is disgusting

He has an average appearance, average temperament, rough skin, dark complexion, and thin body. He wears a loose silver-gray military uniform, just like a costume for a big opera.

The funniest thing is that with a bald head and bald eyebrows, it's like putting the whole head into a stove and spinning it twice, burning the hair, pulling it out, and then flushing it with water.

If Wan Qiuqing hadn't delivered it in person and introduced it in person, all the young talents in the room would have thought that this was a clown from some theater troupe who had gone to the wrong place.

They all stared at Zhang Xiaozu in astonishment, trying to find something extraordinary about Zhang Xiaozu, but they searched back and forth several times from head to toe and couldn't find anything special. They even thought that they would go to the refugee camp outside the city.

If you look for someone at random, they will be more energetic than Zhang Xiaopou after washing and dressing up.

Is this guy here to be funny?

They looked at each other, each seeing the same confusion in the other's eyes as in their own hearts.

When Zhang Xiaozhu was reminded by Niu Dawa, he realized that no one in the room had used their chopsticks yet, as if they were waiting for him to be the last person to come to the table. However, as soon as he sat down, he was so focused on eating that he didn't even say hello to everyone.

It was really rude. So I quickly took my eyes away from the side dishes in front of me and looked around:




If you are polite, you may return a greeting or nod in greeting; if you are not polite, you may just pretend not to notice.

"Eat. Eat. I'm starving too." Niu Dawa picked up the chopsticks and said.

"Eat." Zhou Jianlai also smiled and picked up the chopsticks.

Zhang Xiaozu nodded, picked up the chopsticks, shook his cheeks, and took a bite from left to right.

Niu Dawa is also in a similar posture.

Zhou Jianlai, on the other hand, sat upright and ate slowly, one bite at a time, calmly and elegantly. This was the strict etiquette education he had received since childhood, and it had already been subtly integrated into his bones, and he couldn't pretend to do it.

jingle jingle

Zhizhi baa baa

For a moment, the huge room was filled with the sound of Zhang Xiaozhu and Niu Dawa opening their cheeks and eating food. They didn’t know how to handle their chopsticks properly, and the chopsticks clinked against the bottom of the plate. They didn’t know how to close their mouths tightly when chewing, making loud noises.

The sound of chewing.

They are two old haters from the countryside!

After seeing Zhang Xiaozhu and Niu Dawa eating, a group of young heroes gave them such comments. Some even frowned and showed displeasure, feeling that it was an insult to their status to sit in the same room eating with these two people.

Some of the gentlemen who had an admiration for Qi Yoyo couldn't help but feel a little nervous after hearing Wan Qiuqing's high praise for Zhang Xiaozu. They felt that a strong competitor had come, but when they saw Zhang Xiaozu's vulgarity

After the meal, all the tension in their hearts was instantly gone. They all smiled and shook their heads, feeling that they were worrying too much.

The four plates of side dishes were cleared away by Zhang Xiaopou in the blink of an eye. He lifted the plate to his mouth as if no one else was watching, opened his mouth and poured it in. He took a sip and drank up all the soup in the shallow plate.

Putting down the chopsticks, the four shallow plates were as clean as water.

"Two starving ghosts are reincarnated!" Someone murmured in an unhappy tone. Although his voice was not loud, the room was very quiet, so the sound was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

The young heroes suddenly showed expressions of deep approval.

If Zhang Xiaozhu and Niu Dawa's vulgar eating scenes were said to be unacceptable to them through gritted teeth, Zhang Xiaozhu's action of picking up the plate and drinking vegetable juice after finishing the food was really unacceptable to them. Not to mention Niu Dawa openly sticking out his tongue.

The disgusting act of licking the plate.

"It's an insult to politeness! It's an insult to politeness!" Another person shook his folding fan violently and shouted angrily.


Niu Dawa was so angry that he stood up and slapped the case. He glared at the man with tiger eyes. Just as he was about to speak, he was stopped by Zhang Xiaopou, saying: "I don't even know them, so why bother with them? Besides, I don't know them."

He said, "Sven, if you can't eat or drink, it's just an insult. What's the use of it?"

"What you said makes sense." Niu Dawa gave Zhang Xiaopou a thumbs up, and the anger in his heart disappeared immediately, and he sat back.

"go out!"

"You two, get out of here for me!"

"I am ashamed to share a meal with you two barbarians who don't understand etiquette!"

When the man heard Zhang Xiaozhu's understatement, he even compared being polite with eating and drinking. How ignorant and ridiculous this was. He became angry on the spot. He started to slap the table, and the cups and plates were flying on the table, and he rushed towards Zhang Xiaozhu and Niu Dawa.

Xie Si roared.

"There is a dog barking, what should I do?" Niu Dawa was angry again, but he did not get up immediately, but asked Zhang Xiaopou for advice.

"I remember that the number one scholar said that when a scholar and a dog bark, a dog barks, so you should say 'a dog is barking'." Zhang Xiaozhu said seriously.

"Damn, you're crazy!" Niu Dawa rolled her eyes at him angrily.

"You two ignorant barbarian children, how dare you call me a dog? How unreasonable! How unreasonable!" The man with the folding fan yelled in shame and anger.

"Fart!" Niu Dawa glared angrily and said, "It's a dog, not a dog!"

"You" the folding fan man pointed at Niu Dawa with the folding fan. Niu Dawa tilted her head and squinted at him from the corner of her eyes, smiling and looking like a rogue, as if to say "What can you do to me?", Folding Fan

The man was so angry that he trembled all over and shouted suddenly: "I want to fight you! The dignity of a scholar cannot be trampled on!"

"Damn, you're crazy." Niu Dawa waved his hand angrily, withdrew his gaze and turned his head, saying, "I'm too lazy to talk to you."

"You, you, you," the man with the folding fan pointed at Niu Dawa. After a long time, you still couldn't figure out why. When faced with someone as arrogant and unreasonable as Niu Dawa, he seemed to have no moves at all.

"Brother Wenmao, don't be angry. Anger will harm your health." A man in blue sitting on the east side of the room suddenly stood up, bowed his hands to the man with the folding fan, and said: "When you encounter such barbarian and vulgar people, why don't you let them go?"

Let me talk to him a little bit. Some people are not good at arts and science, so you have to talk to him about martial arts."

The man with the folding fan calmed down slightly, and returned the greeting to the man in blue, saying: "Then Brother Laoliyan. We must let them understand that our Yancheng is a land of etiquette, not a remote land of barbarians."

"Brother Wenmao, please sit down and leave everything to me." The man in blue nodded in agreement.

"Brother Liyan, educate these two wild children well."

"Yes, let them pay for their vulgarity." Some people who couldn't stand Zhang Xiaozhu and Niu Dawa immediately came out to agree.

"Today is Brother Changkong's first day. It's best for everyone to value peace." A woman in green clothes said with a sad look.

"Yes, everyone, please calm down. Although the two of them did something wrong, fighting is always bad," someone advised.

The man in blue squinted at Zhang Xiaopou and Niu Dawa from the corner of his eyes, and said with an arrogant expression: "It's okay not to do anything, but they must apologize. Apologize to everyone, because their disgusting appearance has affected everyone's appetite."

Really, if I hadn’t seen that the two of them were guests of the Qi family, I would have kicked them out. People are divided into three, six, and nine grades. Don’t you have any idea of ​​what grade you are in? "

"Haha, the poor people who come from the countryside happen to be hungry, so they are inevitably a little impatient. You are all highly educated and talented women with extraordinary bearings. Can't you even tolerate two country boys? No. No.

." The person who persuaded them said again, obviously he was very tolerant of Zhang Xiaozhu and Niu Dawa.

As soon as these words came out, many people nodded subconsciously, feeling that they seemed to be making a fuss out of a molehill. Everyone took a note and ate their own food. Two uneducated country boys were a little impatient when eating. Why?

As for getting angry.

Unexpectedly, the man in blue did not give in and said: "Country people should go where country people should go.

A place to eat instead of sitting with us elite children of the upper class. The two of them must apologize today, otherwise I, Sun Liyan, will give them a severe lesson and let them know their identities. In addition, I have to go

Let’s ask the host what he means by arranging two countrymen for us at the table. Is it intentional to humiliate us?”

"Brother Liyan, I support you!"

"Everyone should apologize for the mistakes they have made, and country people have no privileges!"

"The two of them really disgusted me. After finishing the food, they picked up the plate and drank the vegetable juice. What's even worse is that they even stuck out their tongues to lick it, which almost made me vomit. So, they must apologize!"

"Damn!" Niu Dawa raised two middle fingers at them unceremoniously and cursed: "A bunch of self-righteous bullshit. Damn, if you were left to starve in a cellar for three to five days, you would definitely be licking cleaner than I am.


Zhang Xiaozhu and Niu Dawa are both people who are afraid of hunger. In their eyes, as long as it is edible food, even a drop of soup, it cannot be wasted. When they were in Liujia Village, let alone licking the plate, they were burning

The rice pot has to be washed two or three times with water.

Of course, these well-fed young masters and ladies in the room would definitely not be able to understand their vulgar eating habits.

"See, they have no regrets at all!" Sun Liyan, a man in blue, shouted angrily.

"It's too much, it's too much!" The man with the folding fan was also filled with indignation.

"Must be severely punished!"

"You guys, you guys." The man in yellow who had been persuading looked at Zhang Xiaozhu and Niu Dawa, shook his head and sighed, "take a step back, apologize, and everything will be fine. Why is this?"

The reason why he has been looking towards Zhang Xiaozhu and Niu Dawa is because his ancestors were farmers in the countryside. Even now, every time he eats at home, his grandfather will eat all the food left, and the used dishes will be washed with water.

The same, clean.

When he was young, he was ignorant and thought his grandfather was embarrassed. As a result, as Niu Dawa said, he was tied up in the cowshed by his grandfather for half a month. In the end, he was hungry and lay down in the cow trough and fought with the cows to eat. Which he

As long as you care about whether you are polite, disgusting, humiliating, and dignified, you will be fine.

So now when he eats out, although he doesn't wash the dishes like his grandfather, he will eat as cleanly as possible without wasting any food.

So he understood Zhang Xiaozhu and Niu Dawa. Just seeing how rudely they ate, not a drop of soup spilled on the table, he knew how much they cherished the food in front of them.

He knew that these two people must have suffered from hunger.

"Do it!" Niu Dawa stood up from the table again, rolled up his sleeves and said, "Just do it, am I still afraid of you?"

Zhang Xiaozu stood up, holding chopsticks and an empty plate in his hand, walked to Niu Dawa and patted his shoulder, asked Niu Dawa to sit down, then walked to the folding fan man's desk under the gaze of everyone, and bowed

I picked up all the vegetables scattered on the table and put them on the plate.

The dishes scattered on the table were shaken when the man with the folding fan slapped the table and stood up.

The plate was small and shallow. Zhang Xiaopou picked up a full plate, held it in his hand, and asked the man with the folding fan: "You must not eat these dishes."

"Hmph!" The man with the folding fan flicked his sleeves and said angrily: "They have already fallen on the ground and are stained with dust. How can you eat them? Do you think that I, like you, are uneducated barbarians? Ridiculous!"

"Then what should we do with this dish?" Zhang Xiaozu asked again.

"Of course I pour it into the rancid bucket and feed it to the pigs and dogs," said the man with the folding fan.

"Young master, do you know that if you send this dish outside the city, you can save the lives of at least three or five refugees? You have read the books of sages and sages, and your understanding of truth is naturally thousands of times better than that of an uneducated barbarian like me. I dare to ask you for advice.

Which one is more important, a meal for a pig or a dog or three or five lives?" Zhang Xiaozhu asked, staring into the folding fan man's eyes. (https:)

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