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Chapter 2045: Spirit-Destroying Sword Sect

 The Lingjian Sect is in chaos.

Just now, the disciples guarding the ancestral hall cried and ran to the five saint ancestors who were staying in the sect to report that the soul lamps of ancestor Shi Santai and all the saint ancestors who went on the expedition were extinguished.

The five saint ancestors who stayed behind were frightened when they heard the bad news. They realized that something was wrong and immediately ordered people to sound the alarm.

The sound of "dang-dang-dang" resounded throughout the sky above Lingjian Sect, causing all Lingjian Sect disciples to panic.

"If there is a powerful enemy coming, activate the sect-protecting formation as soon as possible!"

"Open all the sword formations!"

"Hurry up!"

The five Saint Ancestors flew to the sky above Lingjian Sect and shouted out orders one after another in a hurry.

In fact, they didn't know whether the enemy would attack the Lingjian Sect, but the death of Shi Santai and other ancestors made them feel that a disaster was imminent, and they did not dare not to prepare for it.

As the formations opened one after another, the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect became more and more panicked. They all unconsciously clenched the hilts of their swords hanging at their waists, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

But they don't even know who the enemy is.

Time passed slowly in the torment of fear.

They waited from morning to noon, from noon to afternoon, to dusk...


A group of people appeared in the distant southern sky bathed in the dusk glow.

Then he broke into the spiritual consciousness of the Holy Ancestor of the Lingjian Sect.

"The enemy is coming!"

The Holy Ancestor, who sensed the enemy's situation, immediately alerted the disciples.

"He's from the Tianque Sect!"

"Following...followed by Zhang Xiaopou and Zhou Jianlai, as well as the White Tiger Holy Beast and the Green Dragon Holy Beast."

"Everyone, prepare to fight!"

When Zhang Xiaozu and Zhou Jianlai entered the range of the five saint ancestors' spiritual consciousness, they immediately knew who the dangerous enemy was.


More than 30,000 disciples of the Lingjian Sect all drew their swords.

In an instant, the sword energy surged into the sky.

After a while, Shu Xuliang led Zhang Xiaozu and Zhou Jianlai to fly over the Lingjian Sect.


Zhang Xiaozucong
Bai Hu jumped down and landed heavily on the Spirit Sword Sect's sect-protecting formation.

"Zhang Xiaopeng, you... what do you want to do?" the Holy Ancestor of the Spirit Sword Sect asked in shock.

"Destroy your sect." Zhang Xiaozhu replied indifferently.

"How dare you!" The man raised his eyebrows in anger.

Zhang Xiaozu raised his eyebrows and sneered, "Why don't you dare?"

Then with a thought, red runes poured out from under his feet, covering the entire Spirit Sword Sect's sect-protecting formation in the blink of an eye.

Originally blocked by the sect-protecting formation, although the Lingjian Sect disciples were panicked, they still had something to rely on in their hearts. They felt that no matter how arrogant Zhang Xiaopeng was, it would be useless if they could not break through their sect-protecting formation.

But looking at the sect-protecting formation dyed red by the power of Zhang Xiaopou's runes, their trust in their hearts suddenly disappeared, and the palms of their hands gripping the hilt of the sword began to sweat.


It only took half a cup of tea for Zhang Xiaopou to peek through the Lingjian Sect's formation.

Compared with the prohibition formation they encountered on the way back from the Outer Heaven, the Spirit Sword Sect's sect-protecting formation was really child's play in front of him. He only had to expand the runes to the forty-eight levels of derivative changes to solve it.

"Break it for me!"

Zhang Xiaozu raised his foot and stomped on the large light screen.


The great array shattered with a roar.

The ancestors and disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect all had their eyelids twitching in shock. Zhang Xiaopou's kick was like stamping on the door of their hearts, causing their heartbeats to suddenly stop.

"Sword formation, open!"

The Holy Ancestor of the Spirit Sword Sect shouted anxiously.

"I come."

Zhou Jianlai gave a soft drink, stopped Zhang Xiaopeng who was about to take action, and pointed his sword in his hand.


The five swords of Hate Sword, Lihuo Sword, Jiyue Sword, Yunzhong Sword and Daozhi Sword came out at the same time, each using a sword technique to attack the five remaining saint ancestors of Lingjian Sect.

These five

The swords are all related to the Lingjian Sect.

The Sword of Hate was forged by Master Three Hammers with all his hatred towards the Spirit Sword Sect.

The Lihuo Sword was once the sword of the Lingjian Sect.

The Silent Moon Sword is the sword of Shang Houchun, the ancestor of the Lingjian Sect. He went to Liujia Village to snatch the Li Fire Sword and the Nishui Sword, but was killed by Zhou Jianlai instead, and the sword fell into Zhou Jianlai's hands.

Yunzhong Sword and Daozhi Sword were just snatched by Zhou Jianlai from Shi Santai, the ancestor of Lingjian Sect, and another ancestor.


The five swords came out together and returned together, piercing the heads of the five saint ancestors of the Spirit Sword Sect, carrying their souls and flying back to Zhou Jianlai.

These five people are all newly promoted to the Holy Realm after their spiritual energy has been revived. Their cultivation levels are no higher than the Cai Di Holy Realm and the Heavenly Holy Realm. There is no way they can be the enemy of Zhou Jianlai's sword.

Zhou Jianlai pointed his sword and put the sword and soul into the Ten Thousand Swords Box.

"Uncle Zhou is so handsome!"

Zhang Tianci stood on the back of the white tiger, looked at Zhou Jianlai with shining eyes and shouted.

Only then did he realize that the sword could actually be played like this.

"So have you decided to practice sword training?"

Zhang Xiaobing asked.

On the way here, Zhang Xiaopou asked Zhang Tianci to seriously think about his martial arts and decide what to practice, so as to specialize in one in order to prepare for entering the holy realm.

"But the physical combat skills are also very cool."

Zhang Tianci looked at Zhang Xiaopou and said.

I saw that Zhang Xiaopeng had already landed on the main peak of the Lingjian Sect and was walking towards the main hall step by step. He broke through all the sword formations and formations with one punch and knocked down the 30,000 disciples of the Lingjian Sect.


Zhang Tianci clenched his fists and was eager to fight. Then he looked bitter and sighed, "It's too difficult to choose. Can't we all practice?"


On the main peak of Lingjian Sect, Zhang Xiaopou fought all the way to the door of Lingjian Sect's main hall, kicked the plaque of Lingjian Sect to pieces, and then shouted to the disciples of Lingjian Sect, "From today on, there will be no more spirits in Kyushu."

Sword Sect."

The faces of the Lingjian Sect disciples were all pale.
Frightened, angry, confused, afraid, and confused for a while.

Zhang Xiaozu looked at Shu Xuliang, not only to warn the disciples of the Lingjian Sect, but also to issue a mission to Shu Xuliang, and shouted, "Those who abandon the sword and surrender will live, and those who resist stubbornly will be killed!"

"I will obey Mr. Zhang's order!" Concubine Xuliang bowed to Zhang Xiaopeng and said.

He was shocked by Zhang Xiaozu's methods. He knew that Zhang Xiaozu's unification of the Nine Provinces was already unstoppable, so he might as well express his attitude early.



There was a sound of weapons falling to the ground on the main peak of the Spirit Sword Sect.

But there are also many people who swear to live and die with the sect.

Shu Xuliang fulfilled their wishes.

The blood gathered into a river and flowed down the mountain along the stone steps of the main peak.

Zhang Xiaozu captured one person, asked about the Lingjian Sect's treasure house and the caves of each ancestor, and then robbed them all.

Zhou Jianlai raided the Lingjian Sect's sword pavilion and put everything good or bad into the Ten Thousand Swords Box.

As a result, an interesting scene appeared in the Wanjian Box.

Those swords of average quality tried to land on the mountain peaks, but were rejected by the mountains. In the end, they could only fall at the foot of the mountains like foils.

Of nearly a thousand swords, only six found their way to the mountain peak and fell down.

So far, there are twenty-three swords sitting on a mountain peak in the Ten Thousand Sword Box.

Among them, the sword occupying the highest peak is the Kunming Sword.

This sword is the sword of Shangguan Jinqiu.

The sword's heart is so proud that Zhou Jianlai has not surrendered it yet.

"Leave two people to guard this place, let's go to Daqiong Sect."

Seeing that his concubine Xuliang had stabilized the situation, Zhang Xiaozu immediately ordered him to set off.

Naturally, Shu Xuliang had no objection.

Daqiong Zong.

Ancestor Du Yong came to the door of the cave that had not been opened for more than 5,000 years. He knelt down respectfully on the ground and kowtowed, "Master, my disciple Du Yong has something urgent to report to me."

But after waiting for a long time, there was no response from the door.

This chapter has been completed!
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