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Chapter 2119 Sacred Mission

"smoke bomb!"

Zhang Xiaozu had already prepared for battle.

The moment the palace door opened, a handful of smoke bombs were thrown in, faster than his consciousness and subtle state of mind could enter the palace.

Boom boom boom!

Smoke bombs then exploded and roared in the hall.

Qi Yoyo pulled out the Tai'a Sword, and Ye Mingyue presented the "Jiangshan Sheji Tu". Their movements were equally slow.

But the attack on his hand suddenly stopped at the next moment.

Because there was no one in the hall, there was no target to attack.


Suddenly, a huge flame burst out of the hall.

Extremely fast.

Bang bang!

Zhang Xiaozu and Ye Mingyue were knocked away by the oncoming flames before they had time to dodge, and fell forty or fifty feet away.

Fortunately, the protective defense was not burned through by the flames, otherwise I might have been burned to death.


Qi Yoyo suddenly screamed.

A tongue of fire that looked like a tentacle wrapped around her body and dragged her into the hall.

The fire tongue was so powerful that it dragged her into the hall at once.

"Yo yo!"

Zhang Xiaozu rushed back and reached out to grab Qi Yoyo, but he was a step too late.


The palace door slammed shut.

Blocked Zhang Xiaopeng from the door.


Zhang Xiaopeng's eyes widened in anger, and he punched the palace door, trying to break in.

But after punching him through the palace door without any damage, he was knocked back three big steps.

There are restrictions on the door.

"Open the door for me!"

Zhang Xiaopou was so anxious that he rushed to the door with a single stride, his feet planted firmly on his horse, and then he punched the palace door with both fists.

Boom boom boom!

There was a lot of movement when the fist hit the door, but the door leaf only shook slightly.


Without any hesitation, Zhang Xiaozu took out the only remaining Taozu killing move, crushed the jade piece, and released it.


Dao Ancestor punched the door of the palace, like a mountain of ten thousand feet plummeting down from the nine heavens. The force destroyed the heaven and earth, and the hall and the entire alien space shook violently.


The ground exploded, sand and soil flew everywhere, and the hall seemed to be sinking.


The restrictions on the main hall were twisted violently and were about to be torn apart.

Zhang Xiaozu once again used both fists to bombard the palace door. Ye Mingyue also drew out her sharp sword and slashed at the palace, wanting to add more force and destroy the restricted defense of the palace in one go.


However, a terrifying force suddenly erupted from below the main hall, knocking Zhang Xiaozu and Ye Mingyue away.

Then the forbidden defense of the hall burst out with dazzling light, and complicated formations extended from the original forbidden hub, which not only stabilized the forbidden forbidden zone that was about to collapse, but also strengthened it.

Zhang Xiaozu only took one look and felt dizzy.

"Damn it!"

Zhang Xiaozu's eyes were about to burst.

Extremely worried about Qi Yoyo's safety, he was so anxious that he took out the Wenxian Pill from the void space and was about to take it.

"Husband, calm down. Asking the Immortal Pill can only increase your combat power to the level of Dao Ancestor, but the restriction on the door cannot even be broken by Dao Ancestor's strongest attack, not to mention it has been strengthened now. Asking the Immortal Pill cannot solve the problem, you have to

Use the power of runes to break the restrictions."

Ye Mingyue reminded hurriedly.

Zhang Xiaozhu took a deep breath after hearing this and suppressed the anxiety in his heart. He knew that Ye Mingyue was right and that he could not break the formation with brute force alone.

Then he put away the Wenxian Pill, slapped his palms on the door, and drew out the red rune.

Seventy layers of derivative changes are fully activated instantly.

Ye Mingyue lay on the door leaf, wanting to hear what was going on inside, but there was a restriction and she couldn't hear anything.

"Oops, the connection between me and my master has disappeared."

Over Sichuan Province.

The white tiger that was chasing him suddenly stopped.


Niu Dawa and others were shocked.

The master-servant sense between Bai Hu and Zhang Xiaopou disappeared, which means that Zhang Xiaopou is dead.

Bai Hu quickly explained, "Don't be excited. Master, he is still alive, but the induction between us is broken. Maybe he took the initiative to hide his Qi, or maybe he entered some strange place."

When Zhang Xiaozu entered the Immortal Mansion, he left a door on the restriction so that the white tiger could sense his location and find him.

However, Daozu's blow triggered a stronger restriction in the Immortal Mansion and sealed the door he left behind, so Bai Hu's induction of him was suddenly disconnected.

"Keep moving forward, the master should be thousands of miles ahead."

The white tiger estimated a rough distance and then continued to fly forward.

In the main hall.

The tongue of fire let go of Qi Yoyo and retracted into the flame.

The flames condensed into a ball and floated in front of Qi Yoyo.

Qi Yoyo was in shock, holding the Tai'a sword across his chest, wary of another attack from the flames, and quickly retreated towards the palace door.

"Woman, you don't need to be afraid, I will not hurt you."

The flames swayed, and suddenly human words uttered from the mouth.

"Who are you?"

Qi Yoyo did not relax her vigilance.

She had quickly retreated to the door, put her left hand behind her back, grabbed the doorknob, and pulled hard, but the door leaf wouldn't move at all.

"I am Lord Huodexing."

"The Shunu family has little knowledge and knowledge. They have never heard of the name of their senior." Qi Yoyo has never heard of this name.

"Woman, you don't know this Lord?" Lord Huodexing's voice was very unhappy. It seemed that he was famous and everyone in the world should know who he was.

"Senior, please forgive me!" Qi Yoyo quickly lowered his posture and begged softly, "The three slaves from the slave family accidentally broke into the senior's immortal mansion. They were deeply offended and sinful. I beg you, senior, to forgive my mistakes and let us go."


"Hmph!" Lord Huodexing snorted angrily and said, "Senior, I am an immortal from the Nine Heavens. How can you, a mortal woman and child, be compared with me?"

"Please forgive me, Lord Shangxian!" Qi Yoyo quickly changed her words.

"That's all, don't blame those who don't know. I don't have the same experience as you." Huodexingjun suddenly softened his tone and sighed, "The gods have been wandering in the foreign starry sky for a hundred thousand years. The civilization of Kyushu is seriously lacking, and the gods no longer exist.

, it’s normal that you don’t know who I am.”

Qi Yoyo was shocked when he heard this.

She originally thought Lord Huodexing was just some ancient cultivator, an ancient existence similar to Yan Ji and Master Jiyang, but listening to his words, it seemed that he was a god from ancient times.

In addition, a little information revealed in Mr. Huo Dexing's words made her confused.

Didn’t the ancient gods disappear tens of thousands of years ago?

Why is it one hundred thousand years ago?

"Are you an ancient god?"

Qi Yoyo asked curiously.

"That's right."

"You are Lord Huodexing, who controls the divine power of fire. Could it be that you are the legendary Lord Zhurong?" Qi Yoyo asked in shock.

There are not many mythological figures in Kyushu, but Zhurong, the god of fire, is one.

"Shangshen Zhu Rong is the ancient ancestor god, the god of fire. I am just a little immortal in the heaven. I dare not compare with the gods." Mr. Huode Xing said humbly, full of respect for Zhu Rong.

"Heaven?" Qi Yoyo was shocked.

"I will tell you slowly in the future. Now, I have a sacred mission to give you."

"I respectfully listen to the Immortal's instructions. As long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

Qi Yoyo didn’t know that there was only fire in front of her

Whether De Xingjun is good or bad, or evil, I don't even know whether his identity is true or false. I only know that I am now under his control and unable to resist, so the wisest thing to do is to follow his wishes.

"One hundred thousand years ago, Kyushu faced an unprecedented catastrophe. In order to protect Kyushu from this disaster, the gods in the heavens took the initiative to go to the alien star realm to find opportunities for Kyushu. As a result, an accident occurred and they were trapped in the alien star realm. Now the gods

We are suffering in alien stars, we need to do something to rescue the gods and welcome them home."

"This—the slave family is weak in power. I wonder what they can do for the gods?"

"You are the body of the Nine Yins."

Qi Yoyo couldn't help but frown when he heard this, because every time he mentioned this physique, there was basically no good thing.

"I want to lend you your belly."


"I am a ray of Yang God whose true body remains in Kyushu. I can use your Jiuyin's belly to transform into a fetus and support life. With the power of reincarnation, I can reincarnate my true body back from the alien star realm.

At that time, this star-lord's true body has returned to Kyushu, and he can use his immortal magic to open the passage to the alien star realm and welcome the return of the gods."

"Ah?" Qi Yoyo's face suddenly turned red.

How could a grown man get into his belly and then give birth to a baby in ten months?

Although it is said that I picked up a fairy son for free, this son was too shameful and unacceptable.

"Although I am just a ray of yang spirit, I possess the most powerful yang power. Only the nine-yin body can withstand my power and allow me to transform into a fetus and be reborn.

And you are the body of the Nine Yins, and you happen to be here, and you have a certain destiny.

So rescuing the gods is your destined mission.

Glorious and sacred.

It’s obligatory!”

"This -" Qi Yoyo said with a red face and an extremely embarrassed expression, "Having a child is a matter for two people, so the slave family has to seek the husband's opinion. How about you let the slave family go out first and let the slave family and the husband discuss it."

"Why, do you still want to reject me?"

Mr. Huodexing suddenly raised his voice, "I, Mr. Xing, borrowed your belly to be reborn. It is a blessing you have cultivated in eight lifetimes. Returning to rescue the gods is a blessing you have cultivated in thousands of lifetimes. You will definitely be able to live in heaven one day." To obtain an immortal position and receive incense and offerings from the world, what do you want from your mortal husband?"

Qi Yoyo's expression changed greatly when he heard this. Tai'a Sword, which had been hanging down, suddenly reached his chest again and said, "The blessings you mentioned are indeed very good, but if the slave family is to give up her husband in exchange, then the slave family will not be able to do anything." It’s not unusual either.”

"You have no right to refuse, otherwise I will burn your husband to death." Huode Xingjun's tone suddenly became gloomy.

This chapter has been completed!
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