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Chapter 2191 Xingtian Bloodline

"Who are you?"

"Why did you break into my world?"

"This is a private place. Outsiders are not welcome. Please leave quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

Liu Pu stared at the intruder in front of him with vigilance and shouted loudly.

This Paradise of Heaven and Earth was an ancient ruins discovered when they passed through the Hongming Mountains on their way to escape.

Because it is very hidden, it was chosen as a hiding place by them.

The space of this ancient ruins is huge, a hundred times larger than the Danxia Fairy Land in Liujiabao.

There are more than a thousand peaks and more than a hundred rivers.

The mountains and rivers are surrounded by dragon veins and filled with spiritual energy.

There are also hundreds of splendid and majestic palaces located on high mountains.

You can still see the sun, moon and stars in the sky.

The four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter alternate, with wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and the shine of the sun and moon nourishing all things.

The cave heaven and paradise here can be described as a fairyland.

The Liu family has lived here for a long time, and they can no longer tell whether this is a foreign world or the real world.

In fact, they have almost forgotten the real world.

Liu Pu and his six people have extremely strict control over their tribesmen and do not allow them to step out of the world for fear of exposing their traces and being found by the giants.

"Who is your Excellency?"

When Liu Wuming and others heard Liu Pu's message, they immediately flew over and blocked the intruder in a fan-shaped formation.

The six people glanced at each other, and they all saw the hidden murderous intent in each other's eyes.

The Huanyu Cave is the secret hiding place of the Liu family, which must not be known to outsiders. Therefore, regardless of whether the visitor has malicious intentions or not, breaking in here is already a capital crime.

"I am the God Lord of the Nine Provinces, and this world and cave is my God Lord's fairy home. You guys, despite trespassing, dare to overwhelm me and challenge my God Lord. You are really guilty and deserve death!"

A hollow voice came out from under the golden armor mask on the white-robed man's face, cold and hollow.

The six Liu and Pu people were shocked when they heard this. They stared at the white-robed man and asked, "Is this your cave?"

The man in white robe did not answer, but looked up at the palace on the mountain and said, "It has been a hundred thousand years. The palace must have become stuffy. Open the doors and windows to ventilate and bask in the sun."

After speaking, he raised his hand and waved towards the mountain.



In an instant, the doors and windows of the palaces on hundreds of peaks were all opened.

Liu Pu and the others were shocked on the spot.

They have been in this paradise for five years, and have only explored four palaces, because there are severe restrictions on each palace, and it is not possible to enter just because you want to.

However, the man in white robe opened all the palaces with a wave of his hand.

It is obvious that he is really the master of this paradise.

"Senior, please forgive me for our rude offense!"

Liu Pu woke up from the shock and hurriedly bowed respectfully to the man in white robe.

Then he explained, "We were chased by our enemies, but we were lucky enough to find refuge in Guixian Mansion. We also saw that this place had been covered in dust for a long time and did not seem to be inhabited. We mistakenly thought it was an abandoned ancient ruin, so we settled there. It was really an unintentional offense.

I would also like to ask seniors to show their caution."

Liu Wuming and the other five people also hurriedly bowed respectfully to the man in white robe.

It wasn't that they suddenly became sensible and prepared to return the blessed land of Cave Heaven to the white-robed people, but they knew that they were no match for the white-robed people, so they did not dare to continue to offend, lest they cause death.

If you can beat it, it will be a different picture.

"The sins are unforgivable and all must die!"

The man in white robe suddenly shouted loudly.

After he finished speaking, he suddenly slapped Liu Pu with his palm.


Liu Pu's head was smashed before he could react, his brains were scattered everywhere, and his soul was also smashed.

He died on the spot.


Liu Wuming and the other five people screamed in fear, and then angrily took out their weapons and pounced on the man in white robes.




The man in white robe slapped each one, killing Liu Wuming and the five of them instantly.

The other Liu family members were immediately frightened out of their wits. They stopped in panic and did not dare to step forward in trepidation.

"Evil thief, suffer death!"

Suddenly a childish shout rang out from the crowd, and then a six or seven-year-old boy flew out, holding a sharp sword and killing the man in white robes.

Although the boy is small, he exudes the powerful aura of perfection in the Star Saint Realm.

This is the divine son of the Liu family, Liu Tianci.

The eighteen great laws are carried in the body right after birth, and improving one's realm is as simple as drinking water and eating.

If it weren't for the Supreme Bliss setting a seal inside his body, which suppressed the speed of his cultivation, he wouldn't even know what state he was in now.

However, no matter how talented he is, he is still just a genius who has not grown up.

Liu Pu and the other six extraordinary beings are no match for the man in white robe, so how can he be.


The sharp sword was flicked away by the man in white robe, and then the man in white robe reached out and grabbed Liu Tianci's neck.

"Uh huh——"

Liu Tianci throat

He let out a painful groan, his strength was imprisoned, and his limbs fell limply.

Like a hanged ghost, the man in white robe strangled his neck and held him up in the air.


"Let go of my son of God!"

When the Liu family saw Liu Tianci being captured, they suddenly became violent.

But he was afraid of the men in white robes and didn't dare to get close.


The man in white robe suddenly stared at Liu Tianci and expressed surprise.

Then he stretched out his left index finger and pointed it at Liu Tianci's heart, drawing out a drop of bright red heart blood from his body.

"Ha ha……"

The man in white robe stared at Liu Tianci's blood for a while, and suddenly burst into laughter after discovering something.

After laughing, he raised his feet and took a step back, returning to the position where he originally stood.


The six Liu and Pu people who had fallen dead to the ground suddenly opened their eyes and woke up. Their heads that had been blown away unexpectedly returned to their original shape.

The six people climbed up holding their heads with splitting headaches. Their eyes couldn't help but be a little confused, and they couldn't tell whether they were resurrected from the dead or whether they had never died at all.

Liu Pu came to his senses slowly and saw Liu Tianci being held in the air by the man in white robe. His face changed with fright, and he hurriedly lowered his posture and begged, "Senior, please be merciful and don't hurt my son of God."

"Submission or annihilation?"

The man in white robe asked coldly.

"Submit...surrender, we are willing to surrender to the Lord God!"

Liu Pu replied with a trembling voice filled with humiliation.

Liu Wuming and others clenched their fists angrily, but they did not dare to say "no" even though they clenched their fists loudly.

The men in white robes were too strong, so strong that they were desperate, so they had no choice but to let them slaughter them.

Otherwise it would be genocide.

"Since you surrender, then kneel down and worship." The man in white robe ordered.

Liu Pu clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, full of anger, but he did not dare to disobey. He closed his eyes and knelt down, kowtowed to the man in white robes and said, "See the Lord God!"


The man in white robe waved his hand and said, "You are my slaves and you should be called my master."

Liu Pu suddenly raised his head and glared at the white-robed man, and said in a deep voice, "Senior, you can kill the scholar -"


A loud noise interrupted Liu Pu's words.

Suddenly, ten people in the Liu family crowd exploded into a ball of blood mist.


Everyone in the Liu family screamed in fear.


Ten people again.

"Senior, stop it!"

Liu Pu shouted.

There are only less than 500 members of the Liu family left, and they can no longer withstand the killings.


Ten people again.


Liu Pu hit his forehead on the ground and shouted in humiliation, "See the master."

The man in white robe nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Liu Wuming and others.

How dare Liu Wuming and others disobey, they all surrendered, knelt down and shouted "Master".

"See Master!"

All the Liu family members knelt down and shouted in unison.


"I haven't felt this way for a long time."

Laughter came from under the golden armor mask. Although the sound was hollow, it could still be heard that the man in white robe was very happy.

"Don't feel humiliated, but you must know that in ancient times, the most powerful person in your hearts was not even qualified to be a slave to the Lord of God. The doormen in the Lord of God's house were all in the heavenly realm. They could crush him to death with just a move of their little finger.

A heavenly realm.

Serve this God Lord well and I will not treat you badly."

The man in white robe glanced at the Liu family and said.

Then he returned to Liu Tianci, looked into each other's eyes, and said, "Boy, don't look at me with such hatred, I didn't kill any of your people."

After saying that, he relaxed his fingers and let go of Liu Tianci.

Liu Tianci jumped back, stabilized his body when he landed on the ground, and asked happily, "Can they still survive?"

He thought that the man in white robe could resurrect the thirty people he had just killed like the six Liu and Pu people.

But the man in white robe shook his head and said, "They have exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and their souls have been wiped out. How can they survive?"

"You lied to me!" Liu Tianci said angrily.

The man in white robe slowly shook his head and said, "I didn't lie to you, it's just that you didn't understand what I meant.

You have the body of an ancient god, with a little blood of the ancient Xingtian clan flowing in your body. You are obviously a descendant of the ancient Xingtian clan, and are ten thousand times nobler than these mortals.

You have no blood relationship with them.

That is to say, they are not your tribe at all, so I did not kill your tribe.

do you understand?"

He had just taken a drop of Liu Tianci's heart blood, precisely because he felt that Liu Tianci had the blood of the ancient gods in his body, but it was relatively thin, so he guessed that it should be a branch of the ancient Xingtian clan.

Liu Pu and the others were shocked when they heard this. They never expected that the man in white robe could see through Liu Tianci's identity.

Liu Tianci was an infant found by Liu Xiangrong in an ancient ruins. He was indeed not a descendant of their Liu family.

This chapter has been completed!
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