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Chapter 22 Three-eyed Wolf King

At six o'clock in the morning, the sky was bright, and the hearts of the people in Zhang and Liu villages all sank to the bottom of the valley.

They were no longer in the mood to find out how many wolves there were, because the end of the field of vision was still densely packed with wolf heads. It seemed that not only wild wolves from the entire black forest, but wild wolves from all over the world were here.

Wave after wave of howling wolves, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, constantly broke down the inner defenses of the people in Zhang and Liu villages. In the end, they became numb and despaired because they could not see any hope of survival.

In their hearts, they even began to admire a few people in Daqiao Village, admiring that they could escape with their lives from being hunted by so many wild wolves.

However, if a few people from Daqiao Village were here, they would definitely shout "Buddha bless you", because the number of wild wolves chasing them is not as large as the ones squatting under the tree. Otherwise, even if they are given eight more legs, they will not be able to survive.

Can't escape.

"The bag contains definitely not ordinary wolf cubs." Zhang Youxiong said in a hoarse voice. His face was haggard, his eyeballs were bloodshot, and he seemed to have aged more than ten years overnight. He blamed himself deeply and blamed himself for his bad intentions.

, took in several people from Daqiao Village, otherwise they would not have caused this catastrophic disaster to everyone.

The person holding the bag untied it and studied it for a while, then suddenly shouted in surprise: "Oh my god, this wolf cub actually has a tuft of white hair between his eyebrows. Could it be the legendary three-eyed wolf?"

"That's no wonder." Zhang Youxiong smiled bitterly, "The Three-Eyed Sirius was born as a king, the king of wolves. This cub should be the cub of the Three-Eyed Sirius King. Only the Three-Eyed Sirius King can

By mobilizing such a huge wolf pack, wild wolves from countless miles around have been summoned.”

"What should we do?" Someone finally couldn't help but ask this question that they knew the answer to but didn't want to believe it.

"Waiting to die in the tree, there is nothing we can do!" Zhang Youxiong tangled his fingers in his hair, feeling deeply desperate.

"We can't wait to die. We must get out alive and quickly." Li Dahe looked anxious. "One person has to go out to inform people outside and let them know the danger here. They must not come here."

As soon as Li Dahe said this, everyone's expressions changed. Only then did they remember this serious problem. If the people who returned to the village to deliver meat returned, wouldn't they be throwing themselves into a wolf's mouth?

"Yes, we can't wait to die. Even if we die, we must die like a man." Zhang Youxiong beat the tree trunk and shouted, "We used flying claws and ropes to move tree by tree to the mouth of the canyon. When we got there, we

Just jump off the tree and fight into the canyon, and then fight out along the canyon. I have never heard of the ferocious beasts of the Black Forest leaving the Black Forest to cause trouble in the world. I guess these beasts dare not leave the canyon for some reason. Don't be discouraged, everyone, we still have it.

Hope of living.”

The more Zhang Youxiong talked, the brighter his eyes became, and the eyes of those who listened gradually became brighter, and they all saw the hope of living.

"I'm afraid not!" A very discordant voice sounded, coming from Zhang Xiaopou's mouth. With a bitter look on his face, he pointed in one direction and said: "Look at the tree over there."

What he had been worried about finally happened. A large number of wild wolves suddenly appeared on the tree trunks dozens of steps away. They ran and jumped on the tree trunks, and were a hundred times more agile than Zhang Xiaopeng and the others.

The wolf climbed up the tree.

Zhang Xiaozu's doubts were finally solved. The people in Daqiao Village were forced down the trees by wolves.

Seeing the pack of wolves approaching quickly on the tree trunks, everyone's faces instantly turned pale, and they were filled with hope and fell into despair.

"Quickly untie the ropes and prepare to fight!" Zhang Youxiong's voice was trembling, and he asked everyone to untie the ropes that fixed their bodies. Otherwise, they would be easy targets for the wolves to attack, and they would not even have a chance to resist.

"Hey, I have a good idea." Zhang Xiaozhu suddenly laughed, a sinister smile, and shouted to the person holding the sack: "Uncle Li, throw the sack to me quickly, I have an idea."

The situation was extremely urgent, so when the man heard Zhang Xiaopou saying that he had a solution, he immediately threw the sack to Zhang Xiaopou without thinking about it, and then looked at Zhang Xiaopou, expecting his good solution.

Zhang Xiaozu took the wolf cub's body out of the sack and tied it around his waist with a hemp rope.

"Xiaozu, what are you going to do?" Zhang Youxiong asked loudly. In fact, he already knew what Zhang Xiaozu was going to do. Zhang Xiaozu wanted to use the corpse of the wolf cub to lure away the wolves.

This was a solution that Zhang Xiaozu came up with after thinking about it all night, and it was prepared for this desperate situation.

"Uncle Zhang, I will lure the wolves away later, and you can find an opportunity to lead everyone to escape." Zhang Xiaozhu smiled and said very calmly, and even comforted everyone: "Don't worry, these beasts can't kill me."

But he knelt on the tree trunk and kowtowed several times in the direction of Liujia Village. Obviously, he knew very well that if he went there, he would probably be dead.

"Beasts, don't you want your wolf cubs? Come after me, and I'll give them back to you when you catch me."

In order to attract the hatred of the wolves more thoroughly, Zhang Xiaozu used a dagger to cut twice on the corpse of the wolf cub. Unfortunately, the corpse of the wolf cub had already cooled down, and only a little black blood was squeezed out from the wound. However, even so,

The wild wolves on the trees under the tree also went crazy instantly, baring their teeth and roaring at Zhang Xiaopeng, roaring incessantly.

Zhang Xiaozu did not dare to get down from the tree because there were too many wild wolves under the tree. Once he got down, he would be instantly submerged and there would be no room for resistance. He stood up, stepped on the trunk of the tree and ran, and finally jumped up in the air.

He grabbed a tree trunk and swung violently, and his body flew out, as agile as an ape.

Wild wolves on the trees along the way roared and pounced on Zhang Xiaopou, many of them missed, and many were chopped into pieces by Zhang Xiaopou with his hunting knife, but some of them touched Zhang Xiaopou and tore a few holes in his clothes.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" a loud and powerful wolf howl penetrated the sky and circled above the black forest.




The wolves looked up to the sky and roared at the same time, and then the entire wolf pack was like boiling water. Everyone on the tree and under the tree rushed towards Zhang Xiaopeng.

"Number One Scholar, remember to help me see the raging river, the towering peaks, the Dragon Capital, and the martial arts world!"

Zhang Xiaozu's roar was drowned in the howls of wolves, but it still reached the champion's ears clearly.

"I will! I will!" The champion looked at the direction where Zhang Xiaozu's figure disappeared, with tears streaming down his face.

Everyone looked at the direction where Zhang Xiaopou disappeared, with tears streaming down his face. Their hearts were cut with daggers, but there was nothing they could do.

Soon, the wolves under the tree receded like a tide, and not a single one was left. If it weren't for the dozens of wolf carcasses lying strewn on the ground, one would doubt whether they were dreaming.

"What the hell are you doing standing still? Why don't you just run away with your tail between your legs!" Zhang Youxiong howled angrily with a cry. After saying that, he climbed down from the tree, cut off a pair of wolf legs from a dead wolf with a hunting knife, and carried it on his back.

Run towards the exit of the Black Forest on your shoulders.

It can be seen that although he is angry, his brain is still somewhat clear. He knows that since things have happened and cannot be undone, he should focus on the present and plan for the future. I don’t know if Black Forest can come again, so I will take more food when I can.


The others also followed the instructions without saying a word, and those who were strong simply carried the whole dead wolf.

Zhang Xiaozu heard the loud and powerful howl of a wolf and identified the direction from which the sound came. He suddenly turned around and changed direction and jumped in the direction of the sound. He guessed that this should be the howl of the Wolf King.

Barking, if you want to perfectly attract the hatred of the wolves, the best way is to completely anger the wolf king.

Jumping forward for more than ten miles in one breath, Zhang Xiaopou stopped at a towering tree. Because there was no tree trunk in front of him, he jumped into a low bush area. He was very disappointed.

, the Wolf King was not found.

Zhang Xiaozu grabbed the trunk and climbed to the top of the big tree. He looked towards the end of the bush and wanted to observe the terrain ahead. However, his eyes fell on a half-slope and couldn't move away. That half-slope

There is a large bluestone protruding from the bushes, and a huge wolf stands on the bluestone.

This evil wolf is completely black, and its soft hair reflects a bright luster in the sun. Its strong limbs stand powerfully on the big bluestone, its ferocious white fangs always exude a fierce atmosphere, and its black forehead is covered with a tuft of white hair.

, like a vertical eye standing between the eyebrows.

It paced slowly on the big bluestone, its eyes sharp and profound, like a victorious general commanding his army.

With just one glance, Zhang Xiaopou was absolutely certain that it was the Wolf King, the Three-Eyed Sirius King.

Zhang Xiaozu looked at the Three-Eyed Sirius King, his eyes as wide as copper bells, and his face was full of disbelief.

He discovered that he had actually seen this wolf king. To be more precise, he had seen it in his dream. To be more precise, a black wild boar in his nightmare had seen this wolf king. It was the one who woke him up from his sleep last night.

That nightmare.

In the dream, the black boar will go to a valley every fifteenth full moon night. There is a cold pool in the valley. On the full moon night, a graceful figure will appear on the cold pool, dancing in the mist, and there are many ferocious beasts.

They would all go to the valley and gather around the cold pool to watch.

This three-eyed Sirius King is among them, very close to Hantan, far in front of the black wild boar.

Every time it passed by the black wild boar, the black wild boar would be frightened by its beast and crawl to the ground.

If everything in the dream is true, then how many times more powerful than the black wild boar must this three-eyed Sirius King be?

Zhang Xiaozhu felt trembling with fear.

This chapter has been completed!
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