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Chapter 2265 Jiuyin Bloodline Awakens Again

Under the leadership of Qingqu, Zhou Jianlai and others have begun to explore the fairy mansion of Lord Mu Dexing.

With the main hall as the center, they carefully explored into the depths of the surrounding mist. First, they found two side courtyards on the right side of the main hall. They thought they would gain something. However, they searched the two courtyards and couldn't find any treasures. They couldn't help but be disappointed.


But a surprise came unexpectedly.

They soon discovered a medicine garden a hundred feet away behind the main hall. Looking inside through the moon gate, they saw that the entire garden was covered with strange flowers and fruits.

However, there is a restriction and isolation. It is impossible to determine whether the exotic flowers and fruits in the garden are real or just a fleeting shadow left over from ancient times, just like the medicinal fields in the palaces on Taiwang Mountain. Looking from the outside through the restriction,

The elixir inside was all fresh, but after breaking the restriction, they found that the elixir had long since withered, so they did not rush to notify Zhang Xiaozu.

It took them more than half a month to finally break through the restrictions of the medicine garden. Suddenly, all kinds of strange fragrances came out from the Moon Gate, making them unable to help but be intoxicated.

Everyone looked at the rare treasures that they didn't recognize. They were afraid that they might accidentally destroy these unknown ancient treasures by picking them randomly, so they resisted the urge to rush in and sweep them up, and quickly notified Zhang Xiaozu's master and apprentice to come over.

"I'm going to make a fortune! This is it!"

Zhang Xiaozu stood in front of the Moon Gate, looking at the garden full of ripe elixirs and fruits, his mouth wide open in shock.

This medicinal garden is visually estimated to be 500 acres in size.


Niu Dawa swallowed her saliva, raised her hand and pointed to a peach tree in the innermost part of the medicine garden, and asked in a low voice, "Can you pick a few peaches first to try them out? The peaches on the branches are already ripe, and there are already a lot of them."

It fell to the ground and rotted."

This peach tree is extremely tall, eight or nine feet high. The branches that stretch out like umbrellas are covered with red peaches that are almost dripping with water. Just one look at them makes people salivate and they want to pick them right away.

One has a taste.

"Of course."

Zhang Xiaozu nodded in agreement without thinking.

Yan Mingchao immediately stopped him and said, "No, no, no, that may be the legendary flat peach that only exists in the fairy world. If you eat it whole, you will be ruined."

Zhang Xiaozu waved his hand and said, "They are all over the tree. There are thousands of them at least. It doesn't matter how many you eat."

As early as when he was in the sea, he was willing to take ambergris to satisfy his appetite. How could he not part with the trees full of fairy peaches in front of him?

After saying that, he led everyone through the medicine field to the foot of the peach tree.

Zhang Xiaozu flew up and picked two big, red peaches and handed them to Yan Mingchao and Qingqu respectively.

Yan Mingchao took the peach but was still reluctant to eat it.

Qingqu couldn't wait any longer, so he brought the peach to his mouth and bit into it.


The peach was already ripe, and the juice overflowed when you took one bite. The peach flesh melted in your mouth, and the sweet taste exploded in your mouth, making Qingqu couldn't help but moan with satisfaction.


The wafting peach fragrance made everyone swallow their saliva unconsciously.


Yan Mingchao immediately broke through and bit into the peach in his hand.

"Pick it yourself, pick it yourself."

Zhang Xiaozu made a gesture to everyone.

Then there was a slurping sound under the peach tree. After eating the peach meat, my fingers were scratched again.

"Crack, bang..."

Niu Dawa chewed up the peach core without any hope.

"Is it delicious?"

Zhang Xiaozu asked curiously.

"It's not bad, just a bit toothless."

Niu Dawa replied.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing everyone's unfinished expressions, Zhang Xiaopou immediately asked each person to pick two more.

Everyone ate three peaches in succession and felt full immediately.


Zhou Jianlai burped, and the breath he exhaled was sweet. He touched his stomach and said sheepishly, "I feel a little full."

"I'm a little bit supportive too."

Yuan Taiping also touched his belly.

"I support it too."

Zhang Xiaozu said.


Niu Dawa suddenly screamed, "It's not that I'm full, it's that I'm bloated by spiritual energy. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm going to explode!"

Ye Mingyue waved her hand and said with a smile, "The second master, I don't praise that much - praise -"

She wanted to say it wasn't that exaggerated, but her eyes suddenly widened and the last word stuck on her lips because Niu Dawa's belly bulged at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it was really going to explode.

Niu Dawa quickly sat down cross-legged, digesting and absorbing the spiritual energy in her belly.

After a while, everyone else's expressions also changed, and they hurriedly started to use their exercises to regulate their breathing. However, their condition was much lighter than that of Niu Dawa, perhaps because Niu Dawa ate three more peach stones than them.

Only Qing Guan is safe and sound.

Before the spiritual energy could swell his belly, it was swallowed up by the strange death energy in his body.

Qing Qu glanced around and saw that everyone was adjusting their breath, so he stood up on tiptoes, picked a peach, and ate it secretly.

I ate three more pills in a row before I was satisfied.

Zhang Xiaozu was the first to wake up, stood up, stretched his arms, and exclaimed, "Three peaches are actually stronger than the spiritual power of three thousand Holy Emperor Pills. They are indeed the ancient immortal peaches."

"Oh! Senior brother, help me quickly!"

Qi Jinyao suddenly groaned in pain, opened her eyes and asked Zhang Xiaozu for help.

Her cultivation level was too low. She was only in the Heavenly Saint Realm. She could not withstand the violent impact of spiritual power in her body. Her whole body was already swollen and she was about to explode and die.

Zhang Xiaozu was startled and quickly stepped forward to help Qi Jinyao dissolve the excess spiritual power in his body.


Qi Yoyo also suddenly opened her eyes and shouted.

"What's wrong?"

Zhang Xiaozu asked with concern.

"My Nine Yin bloodline has returned

I'm starting to wake up." Qi Yoyo said with a pale face.


As she spoke, a majestic momentum suddenly burst out from Qi Yoyo's body. She actually broke through the Yang Saint Realm and was promoted to the Imperial Saint Realm, and her momentum continued to rise.

Qi Yoyo's face became paler. The improvement in her realm brought her not surprise, but fright. She cried and said, "Husband, I can't control my power."

With the awakening of Jiuyin's bloodline, her power laws began to generate independently, giving her a trancelike feeling that she was about to achieve enlightenment and ascend.

"come over."

Zhang Xiaozu freed up his right hand, grabbed Qi Yoyo's wrist, and pushed the little golden dragon and his ancient immortal power away, trying to suppress the growth of Qi Yoyo's Nine Yin power, but was greatly repelled.

Qi Yoyo's momentum continued to rise, and finally stopped at the middle stage of the Emperor's Saint Realm.

The little golden dragon escaped from Qi Yoyo's body and actually sent a message to Zhang Xiaozu that if he continued to stay in Qi Yoyo's body, he would be obliterated by Qi Yoyo's Nine Yin Power.

"Yo yo, how do you feel?"

Zhang Xiaozu asked worriedly.

Qi Yoyo looked at Zhang Xiaozu, her expression suddenly became cold, as if she were looking at a stranger, and then she suddenly flew up on the spot and reached out to pick the fairy peaches.

She had an uncontrollable thought in her heart and continued to eat fairy peaches to awaken the Nine Yin bloodline.

"Yo yo, no!"

Zhang Xiaozu saw Qi Yoyo's intention and was startled. He hurriedly flew over and grabbed Qi Yoyo's wrist to stop him from picking the fairy peaches.

"Thank you, senior brother, I'm fine."

Qi Jinyao hurriedly reported to Zhang Xiaopeng that she was safe, then closed her eyes and adjusted her breathing.

Most of the spiritual energy in her body has been sucked away by Zhang Xiaopou, but the rest is still enough for her to drink a pot. If she doesn't take the time to adjust her breath and absorb it, she is still in danger of exploding to death.


Qi Yoyo scolded Zhang Xiaopou, his voice cold and bone-chilling.

Zhang Xiaozu frowned suddenly, feeling that Qi Yoyo was no longer Qi Yoyo, as if another soul had awakened in her body. This feeling made his hair stand on end, and he shouted loudly, "Hey, you can't eat Xiantao anymore, otherwise you

He will become a heartless person and leave us."

There was suddenly a wave of emotion in Qi Yoyo's cold eyes, and she said in a painful voice, "Husband, I can't control myself. The power of Nine Yin is erasing my emotions. I was ordered to continue to awaken the Nine Yin bloodline. I almost... almost resisted.


As she spoke, she suddenly swung her arm, trying to break away from Zhang Xiaopou's hand.

"Junior brother, bring my sister-in-law to me and let her put the power of Nine Yins into my body. Maybe it can relieve some of the pain."

Qing Qu waved to Zhang Xiaozu and the others.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Xiaozu immediately dragged Qi Yoyo to Qing Qu.

"Brothers and sisters, give me the power of Nine Yin quickly and use the death energy in my body to consume it."

Qing Qu said to Qi Yoyo.

Qi Yoyo looked at Qingqu, and her eyes suddenly turned cold by several degrees.

>When she looked at Zhang Xiaopou, she still had some emotion, but when she looked at him clearly, it was as if she were looking at a stranger.

Qingqu was stared at by Qi Yoyo's cold eyes, and he felt that the person standing in front of him was not a person, but an iceberg exuding a biting cold air.

"Yo yo, hurry up!"

Zhang Xiaozu urged.


Qi Yoyo suddenly screamed in pain, with a look of struggle on his face. He slowly raised his hand and held it with Qingqu's, and then gave Qingqu the power of Nine Yins.


White smoke appeared between the palms of the two men.


The sound of teeth clashing suddenly came from Qingqu's mouth, and he shivered uncontrollably from the cold. In the blink of an eye, a layer of frost appeared on his body.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaozhu grabbed Qingqu's other hand and divided his ancient immortal power into two parts. One part was injected into Qiyoyo's body, consuming as much of her Nine Yin power as possible, and one part was transferred to Qingqu.

He helped him resolve the cold.

As a result, Qingqu's whole body was filled with white mist. He felt cold and hot for a while.

"Are you two trying to kill me?"

Qingqu was complaining endlessly.

"I'm here to help too."

Yan Mingchao dissolved the spiritual power in his body, walked behind Qi Yoyo, clapped his palms, and gave Qi Yoyo his ancient immortal power.

"I'm here to help, too!"

Several people from Zhou Jianlai came to support him one after another.

"Everyone, please stop wasting your efforts. It's useless."

After a cup of tea, Qi Yoyo suddenly shook his head and said, "Although my Nine Yin Power has been consumed, the disappeared emotions have not been restored."

"Nonsense." Zhang Xiaozu responded, "I can tell just from the tone of your voice that it's much better than before. Don't stop, continue."

After gathering the efforts of everyone and burning incense, the power of the Nine Yins in Qi Yoyo's body was exhausted.

However, it was only slightly relieved.

And this is only a temporary solution, not the root cause, because Qi Yoyo's Nine Yin Power will still be restored.

"Husband, I have a method that will allow me to never leave you, even if the Jiuyin bloodline is fully awakened." Qi Yoyo suddenly sent a message to Zhang Xiaozu.

Zhang Xiaozhu was overjoyed when he heard this and asked quickly, "What's the solution?"

"You sign a master-servant contract with me, then I will always listen to you. Even if I become a heartless person in the end, I will still stay by your side." Qi Yoyo said quietly.

This was not a momentary thought on her part, but she had been thinking about it for a long time.

"No." Zhang Xiaozhu refused directly, "I can't forcefully control your soul. It will make you more painful, and I can't accept it."

"Aren't Long Siqing and Feng Sijun very affectionate?" Qi Yoyo said, "I love you and want to stay with you forever. I don't want us to become temporary passers-by in each other's lives. If you don't agree, I would rather

It is better to die with only emotion now than to become a monster without emotion."

This chapter has been completed!
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