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Chapter 2290 The sky is angry and everything trembles

"On the night of the 22nd day of the twelfth lunar month in the eighth hundred and forty-sixth year of the New Year, the north and south sky pillars of Kyushu suddenly collapsed. Chaos poured in, covering the sky and plunging the Kyushu continent into endless darkness. Doomsday came and wanted to destroy everything."

"We were afraid, wailed, begged gods, worshiped Buddha, begged heaven for mercy, gods and Buddhas to protect us, but heaven was ruthless, gods and Buddhas were silent, and they had to kill us."

"We were desperate, then angry, and then resolutely resisted."

"I and the saints straightened the north and south pillars, the cultivators put down the murderous riots, and led the people of all nine states to rebuild their homes."

"We worked together as one, and with hard-working hands and unremitting efforts, we built new settlements, developed new farming methods, and survived the apocalypse with difficulty."

"In the end, after four years and eight months, we drove away the darkness, defeated the doomsday, and let the light reappear."

"We are victorious!"

"However, before we can live a stable life for a few days, life has just started to get better, and the end has come again with a fierce look!"

"It doesn't want to see us well, so it wants to kill us."

"Excuse me, what unforgivable sin have we committed?"

"We just want to live well, is it a crime to live? Why must we be exterminated to death?"

"Some people say that if you want to live, you have to kneel down and beg for mercy. Ask God for mercy, and maybe he will spare our death."

"Didn't we kneel before?"

"No, we have knelt down a long time ago, kneeling with great piety and humility."

"But is it useful?"


"Heaven is ruthless and cruel. It just wants to kill us."

"The last time it came with darkness, it killed more than 70 million of our compatriots. I wonder if any of these 700 million compatriots have any relatives of you?"

"This time it comes with red thunder and will destroy all living things on the land of Kyushu."

"What use can we ask for from such a ruthless heaven?"

"What's the use of keeping it?"

"It's better to kill it and let Kyushu have a new sky!"

Zhang Xiaozhu stood on the podium and made an impassioned speech, which directly touched the hearts of the people of Jiuzhou and aroused their emotional resonance.

"Is it a sin to live?"

This question made the people of Jiuzhou angry.

He clenched his fists.

Living is their humblest begging.

But God is ruthless and refuses to agree to even this humblest begging, insisting on killing them all.

Since there is no way out, we can only resist.

"Cut the way to heaven and replace it with a new one!"

Zhou Jianlai raised his sword and roared to the sky in response to Zhang Xiaozu's voice.


Nearly ten million cultivators up and down the Sermon Mountain showed their weapons and started shouting along with Zhou Jianlai.

The shouts were projected to all parts of Kyushu through the space array. When the people of Kyushu heard it, their blood surged with excitement, and they raised their arms and shouted together.

Demons, demons, and ghosts all responded in unison.

The birds and beasts that had not yet awakened their intelligence actually sensed it, stopped flying and running, and looked up to the sky to cry and roar.

Even the flowers, plants and trees all raised their branches and leaves toward the sky, as if they were flashing swords.

"Cut the way to heaven and replace it with a new one!"

The sound penetrated the sky and shook the sky.

"All living things are responding to Zhang Xiaozu's call, and he succeeded!"

Ksitigarbha God looked at the shocking scene. He couldn't help but feel envious in admiration. He thought that if he could respond to a hundred calls like Zhang Xiaopou, then the disaster of doomsday would have been resolved.

Zhang Tufu said, "He is the Lord of Kyushu, you are Ksitigarbha, he is a citizen of Kyushu, you are a bystander from ancient times, he and the people of Kyushu are heart to heart and live and die together, and you are just a favor

Damn it, he didn't leave a way out for himself, and you already had a way out. If he fails, he will be wiped out in ashes. If you fail, I'm afraid you will just sigh and say that this is the fate."

Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha fell into silence after hearing this. He wanted to refute Butcher Zhang's words, but found that Butcher Zhang seemed to be right. He couldn't help but start to examine his own heart, and suddenly found that he seemed to be treating this doomsday catastrophe with the mentality of a bystander.

Can't help but feel ashamed.


Tiandao seemed to be offended, and suddenly a strong wind blew angrily across the land of Kyushu.


People were blown around by the strong wind, poured into their mouths, and were forced to stop talking.

The birds and animals shrank in horror.


Flowers and trees had their branches blown off.

The sky is angry and everything trembles.


A large number of thunderclouds suddenly appeared over Preaching Mountain. Red thunder and lightning were chattering in the thick clouds, as if a demon with teeth and claws was about to emerge from the clouds to eat people.

The cultivator below suddenly stood on end and felt locked by a terrifying aura. He quickly set up his weapon and concentrated on alert.

Zhang Xiaozu stood up to the sky, stared at the cold light, and shouted angrily, "I am the lord of the nine states, up to the ninth heaven and down to the ninth earth. I am the only one who respects me. Come out and talk about the ancient way of heaven. If you can't tolerate us, you will destroy the world."

No, then don’t blame us for rising up to resist and destroy you first."


A red thunder thicker than Preaching Mountain poured down from the rolling thunder clouds, trying to engulf Zhang Xiaopeng.

The terrifying thunder power suffocated thousands of cultivators, but what frightened them even more was that the growth rate of the red stinging thunder in the body suddenly accelerated. Obviously, this red thunder was not only going to hit Zhang Xiaopeng, but also them.



Niu Dawa suddenly appeared in the nine-tailed demon body. His body stretched across the sky, exuding a powerful supernatural aura. He opened his bloody mouth and swallowed all the thunder clouds in the sky and the red thunder that struck Zhang Xiaozu.

Entered the belly.

"What a move, Tengu swallows the moon, well done!"

In the void a hundred miles south of the Sermon Mountain, a fat black dog cheered for Niu Dawa.

"Father, is this nine-tailed fox also from our divine dog clan?"

Under the black dog's crotch, a colorful dragon asked doubtfully.

The black dog nodded and said, "Well, a dog gives birth to nine sons, each of whom is different. That is the eldest son of the father, your eldest brother Niu Dawa. What he just used is the magical skill of our divine dog clan, Tengu Swallowing the Moon."


"Father, how do I remember you said that my eldest brother Niu Dawa was a human when he was born? How did he turn into a fox?" the colorful dragon asked in confusion.

Hei Gou's expression froze when he heard this, and he coughed dryly and said, "Ahem...it doesn't matter, you just need to remember that Niu Dawa is your eldest brother."

"Brother is so awesome!" The colorful dragon obeyed and didn't go into details. He looked at Niu Dawa and praised him.

Like it.

However, Niu Dawa's situation is not optimistic. Although he swallowed the thunder cloud and red thunder in one gulp to resolve the danger for Zhang Xiaopou, his cultivation level still cannot let the thunder cloud and red thunder disappear in his belly.

It suddenly expanded and exploded with thunder patterns, blood flowed out, and it was about to explode and die.

"I'm here to help you!"

Gunil, the leader of the giant dragon clan, swung his dragon body and flew forward, giving his strength to Niu Dawa to help him suppress the thunder calamity in his body.

"I'm here to help you too!"

When the iron-eating beasts and other ancient monsters saw this, they also came to help.


There was a sudden explosion above the sky, the space was torn apart by tens of thousands of feet, and a scarlet eyeball emerged from the depths of the void.

"Ah, it's the Eye of Heaven!"

All the cultivators screamed in fear.

The red sting thunder in the body is growing faster and has already extended to the bottom of the ankle, just a little short of spreading to the whole body.

"If you disobey the law of heaven, you will be killed without mercy!"

The Eye of Heaven stared at Zhang Xiaopou, and a majestic voice that could not be violated came from the depths of the void.

"Second Master, let me give way and let me kill him!"

Zhou Jianlai shouted.

Niu Dawa's huge body stretched across the sky, blocking Zhou Jianlai's angle from which to draw his sword.

"It's easy to say." Niu Dawa heard the sound and fell to the forest in the north, letting the sky out.

Zhou Jianlai stood with his sword horizontally, stared at the eyes of the sky and said to himself, "I have just completed my sword to cultivate the way of heaven, but today I have to swing my sword to kill the way of heaven, which is equivalent to cutting off the way of swordsmanship. If I can win with this sword, my swordsmanship will be great. Otherwise,

Then my sword will be destroyed."

He cultivated the sword of heaven, and the sword was born in accordance with the way of heaven, but he was born with an invincible sword heart, so he was destined not to be willing to live under the way of heaven forever, so one day he would cut down the way of heaven to prove his own way.

For him, this day was still far away.

But it arrived early.

"This day comes a little early, but we meet on a narrow road and there is no retreat, so I'm here!"

Zhou Jianlai's eyes suddenly condensed, he flew straight towards Jiutian, and slashed out with one sword.


The Eye of Heaven suddenly turned and stared at Zhou Jianlai.

This chapter has been completed!
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