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Chapter 2423 Suppression (Part 1)


Meng Changshan drove Taiwang Mountain across the void, and flew to Gunan in the blink of an eye, appearing above a primeval forest southwest of the Yao clan.

"You two, why don't you show up yet?"

Meng Changshan stood on the main peak of Taiwang Mountain, looking down at the mountains and forests below, and gave a majestic shout.

However, there was silence in the mountain forest, and no one answered. Except for some birds and animals that were so frightened by the power of Taiwang Mountain that they prostrate themselves on the ground and did not dare to move, no cultivators could be seen.


Meng Changshan snorted heavily, and the smile on his face suddenly turned gloomy. He made a hand gesture with his right hand and borrowed the power of Taiwang Mountain to create a yellow power curse seal at the forest below.

Boom boom boom!

The cursed seal fell in the mountain forest, activating the power of heaven and earth, and erupted with a terrifying force impact, instantly razing the mountain forest to the ground within a radius of ten miles.

Meng Changshan deliberately controlled his power, otherwise it would be easy to destroy the forest within a hundred miles with a single blow. He just wanted to force out the two people hiding under the forest who were unwilling to come out.


As the ground exploded, a forbidden barrier hidden underground was also torn apart by the terrifying force. Whoosh, two figures flew out of the cracked barrier and jumped into the sky.

"I, Hou Yi, brought my humble wife Chang'e to see Jiang Taigong. I didn't know it was Taigong arriving, so I couldn't go far to greet him. I was rude and disrespectful."

A rough man in coarse linen clothes, dressed as a farmer, was holding a middle-aged woman in a floral gown, also dressed as a farmer, flying in the air to greet Meng Changshan politely.

"It's them!"

Fufeng stood behind Meng Changshan, looking at the couple in the distance, secretly surprised.

He knew this couple.

He once carried a basket of local eggs to Wuliang Mountain to burn incense and pray for a son, and begged Zhang Xiaozu to help the woman take care of herself. At that time, he and Zhang Xiaozu did not realize that the two of them were monks with advanced cultivation, and they regarded them as ordinary pilgrims, until

After the two left, they left a bottle of elixir and a fragment of the "Jiangshan Sheji Tu" in the main hall. Only then did they realize that this couple was an extraordinary person.

"Fairy Chang'e, you have to marry this mortal after all."

Meng Changshan actually looked at the middle-aged woman with a look of pity and regret and sighed: "From now on, the name of the fairy will no longer be seen on the list of jade girls. If the gods in the fairy world know about this, I don't know what will happen to them."

How many people will be sad and unable to sleep."

The middle-aged woman spoke up and said: "How can Taigong Jiang talk nonsense? The Nu family is Yi's wife."

Meng Changshan laughed and said: "If the immortals and gods in the heavens had not left in response to the disaster, you two would not have been able to bridge the gap between immortals and mortals. At least the Queen Mother of the West would not have agreed to this marriage."

"That's not necessarily the case!"

The rugged man shouted displeasedly.

Meng Changshan turned his eyes to the rugged man and said in surprise: "Your Excellency is really impressive. He actually cultivated himself to become an immortal, and he did it in an environment where the path to immortality was cut off. It is really amazing. But -"

He changed his tone, curled his lips slightly, and said with a disdainful expression: "That's all, a mere immortal, but he can't get into the eyes of the Queen Mother of the West."

After hearing Meng Changshan's sneer, the rugged man laughed instead of being angry. He straightened his back and said with a proud expression: "It is the immortal road that has been cut off and blocked my avenue. When the ancients return, the immortal road will be recast, and with my talents

, it’s easy to reach Da Luo Jin Immortal Realm, who dares to underestimate me when the time comes.”

Meng Changshan shook his head and said: "Loose immortals are loose immortals after all. No matter how high your cultivation level is, in the eyes of those big shots with orthodox teachers, they are still hereditary and cannot be promoted. Now there is a good opportunity for you and Chang'e

Fairy is a perfect match."

"Oh, tell me." The rugged man said curiously.

"Yi, my intuition tells me that he has bad intentions. I can't trust his words, lest I fall into a trap." The woman immediately sent a message to remind him.

"Don't worry, I just want to know his purpose and I won't believe him easily." the man replied.

Meng Changshan stroked his long beard with his left hand, turned his body back, pointed his right hand at the three immortal monuments behind him, and said: "The ancient catastrophe destroyed the Conferred God Platform and the Conferred God List. I spent a hundred thousand years to restore these two artifacts.

Cast, now that they have reappeared in the world, there is an urgent need for seats on the list, and the great cause of becoming a god is imminent. I sincerely invite you two to join the list to help. When the great cause is completed, you two will be first-rate heroes, and I will not treat you badly."

The couple were shocked when they heard this.

They know best what the God List is, but how can they be willing to give up their freedom and leave their destiny to the control of others after they have entered the fairyland and become immortals.

"Bold Jiang Shang!"

The woman suddenly frowned angrily, glared at Meng Changshan and shouted: "You dare to let me be on the list of gods, are you trying to rebel against Tiangang?"

Unexpectedly, Meng Changshan actually nodded and admitted: "Yes, I want to rebel against Tiangang and re-establish the seats and rules of the immortal world. When I return from ancient times, the immortals, Buddhas, gods and demons will all be on the list and they will all obey my orders."

"Jiang Shang, are you crazy?"

The woman looked shocked.

Meng Changshan slowly shook his head and said: "I am not crazy, I am more awake than ever. I not only want to control my own destiny, but also the destiny of all of you. From now on, I am the only one who can decide your fate."

, none of you can speak nonsense about my destiny."

His deep eyes suddenly shot out two burning rays of ambition, and a ray of resentment that could no longer be concealed.

"You are so crazy!"

The woman was shocked and said: "You dare to openly complain about your master Yuanshi Tianzun, aren't you afraid that the old man will come back across the void and slap you to death? Husband, let's go, be sure to keep a distance from this lunatic, or else you will die

I don’t even know how he died.”

The rugged man nodded, took the woman and left.

"Want to leave?"

Meng Changshan raised his eyebrows and shouted in a deep voice: "Have you asked me? Suppress it!"


Under the control of Meng Changshan, Taiwang Mountain instantly moved above the heads of the couple, and then suddenly fell, knocking them to the ground.

"Completely powerless to resist?"

Fufeng couldn't help but be disappointed when he saw this. He thought that these two worldly experts could resist Meng Changshan, but he didn't expect that they would be pushed to the bottom of the mountain all of a sudden.

However, the next moment his disappointed eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw that the five peaks of Mount Taiwang actually flew up. They were not controlled by Meng Changshan, but were pushed up by someone below.

"Jiang Shang, you have gone too far!"

The rough man's angry shouts rang out from the bottom of the mountain. He raised his arms to the sky and lifted the five peaks of Mount Taiwang. Then he threw his arms and threw the five peaks of Mount Taiwang tens of thousands of feet away. He refused to fight for a moment.

Meng Changshan pulled him, took the woman's hand and left.

Meng Changshan was not surprised or annoyed, but instead stroked his beard and laughed and said: "You two are determined to be on the list today, and neither of you can leave."

After saying the right hand kneading formula, he controlled the original river of heaven connecting Mount Taiwang to the outer world, and borrowed the power of heaven to suppress the rough man and his wife again.

"court death!"

The woman suddenly shouted and turned around, punching Tai Wangshan who was suppressing him.


Taiwangshan, who carried the power of heaven, was knocked back hundreds of miles by the woman's punch.


Fufeng's eyelids jumped in shock, and then he realized that women are more powerful than rough men.

Meng Changshan was also so shocked that he opened his mouth wide.

This chapter has been completed!
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