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Chapter 2501 Mental Brainwashing

"do you have any opinion?"

Zhang Xiaozu looked at Luo Xuan coldly, thinking that he was going to complain about Nezha.

"I don't dare." Luo Xuan quickly waved his hand and explained, "Master God, please don't misunderstand me. I just asked out of curiosity. I have no other intention."


Zhang Xiaozu glanced at Luo Xuan dubiously, then glanced at the others and admitted: "Yes, I did steal Nezha's ninth Nine Sun Pearl. Do any of you have any objections?"

No one dared to answer.

If I really have an opinion, I don't dare to speak it out, because I don't want to taste the pain of being whipped.

"Zhang Xiaozu, what are you proud of?"

Nezha suddenly pointed at Zhang Xiaopeng and shouted, "You can only rely on magic weapons and divine power to show off your abilities. If you have the ability, you can fight with this prince with real swords and guns without magic weapons and divine power. If I lose, I will kneel down immediately."

I swear allegiance to you."

Zhang Xiaozu rolled his eyes at Nezha: "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"You trash!" Nezha scolded.

"Ha ha…"

Zhang Xiaopou smiled instead of getting angry, and asked jokingly: "May I ask your Excellency, how do you feel about being a prisoner of a good-for-nothing like me? Tsk, tsk, if I were you, I would be so embarrassed and angry that I would kill myself headlong."


Nezha couldn't help but hesitate, his face turned red, he was so ashamed and angry that he wanted to die.

But it is limited to an emotional reaction, and it will not really be like Zhang Xiaozu said, a head-on collision to death.

He is still waiting for Master Taiyi to come to rescue him.

Even if Master Taiyi can't save him, there are still Yuanshi Tianzun and the Jade Emperor.

Zhang Xiaozu's words also made Luo Xuan and others lower their heads, ashamed.

Because like Nezha, they are also prisoners of Zhang Xiaozu.


Nezha still snorted angrily in dissatisfaction, glared at Zhang Xiaopou and said: "If the path to immortality hadn't been cut off and this prince hadn't been able to step into the Hunyuan Daluojin Immortal Realm, I would have stabbed you to death with one shot. It's my turn."

You show off your power here."

He was talking about the shot he took to stab Zhang Xiaopou in the Haotian Tower, revealing the Hunyuan Da Luo Jin Fairyland.

In fact, the reason why that shot ended in an anticlimax, and the severance of the immortal path that prevented him from entering the Hunyuan Daluojin Fairyland was only a small part of the reason. The main reason was because his power laws were still a little short of the Hunyuan Daluojin Fairyland.

The power of Yuanda Luojin Fairyland caused the law of power to be unable to withstand it and suddenly collapsed.

"Thank you to the Third Prince for not killing me."

Zhang Xiaozu mockingly arched his hands towards Nezha.

He had searched Nezha's soul memory and knew the real reason why Nezha's shot failed. He didn't want to expose his background.

Nezha snorted angrily and said nothing more.

Zhang Xiaozu raised his hand and grabbed Empress Shiji's hand, and took back the Nine-Yang Divine Power Golden Dragon.

"Thank you God Lord for giving me the power of Nine Suns!"

Empress Shiji bowed deeply to Zhang Xiaopou with great excitement.

Zhang Xiaozhu nodded slightly and said: "My Nine Sun Divine Power has gathered seven Nine Sun Divine Beads, which can give you supreme vitality, strength, understanding, and strong affinity and understanding of Tao. I hope you can

Redouble your efforts in cultivation and don’t let down your divine power.”

"Shi Ji must practice hard and live up to the expectations of the Divine Master."

Luo Xuan and others had shocked expressions on their faces, and then they realized that Zhang Xiaozu had actually collected seven Nine Sun Divine Beads. Immediately, their eyes suddenly became hot, and they also wanted to be given divine power by Zhang Xiaozu.

"I am willing to swear allegiance to the Lord of God."

Luo Xuan suddenly stepped forward, bowed deeply to Zhang Xiaopou, and said:

"Since ancient times, all those who have been favored by the Nine Suns Divine Power are the sons of destiny. The God Lord can collect seven Nine Suns Divine Beads, and also obtained the ninth Divine Bead that has never appeared in the world. Obviously, he has been deeply influenced by the Nine Suns Divine Power.

of favor.

There is no doubt that you are the destined son of this world.

I am willing to follow the Son of Destiny and devote myself to saving the Three Realms of Kyushu until my death."

He is obviously someone who can talk. His words not only set him on a higher level and made his decision more upright, but also praised Zhang Xiaopou.

After saying that, he walked towards the altar, knelt on the ground and swore loyalty.

Zhang Xiaozu first stamped the leaf mark on his forearm, and then generously gave him the leaves of the ancient tree and gave him the power of Nine Suns.

"Thank you Lord God!"

Luo Xuan's face showed a look of ecstasy that could not be concealed, and he said excitedly: "With the help of divine power, I hope to enter the Taiyi Golden Wonderland."

When I finished speaking, my voice was shaking with excitement.

"I am also willing to swear allegiance to the Lord of God."

"I am also willing."


Zhou Ji and others followed Luo Xuan's example, first giving an impassioned speech, and then kneeling in front of the altar to swear allegiance.

Zhang Xiaozu didn't treat them differently, everyone had the mark, leaves and Nine Yang Divine Power.

In the end, there were nine people left who did not surrender. They were all members of the four ancient forces. Obviously, they were very loyal to Wen Shaoqing and the four of them, and they did not forget their loyalty just because Zhang Xiaozu gave a little favor.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird.

Originally, everyone was a prisoner, and there was no difference. But now there are differences in camps. Those who swore allegiance to Zhang Xiaozu unconsciously rejected those who did not swear the oath, while those who did not swear the oath looked at the eyes of those who swore the oath.

There was also a bit more contempt.

Moreover, whether the people who swore allegiance were true or false, when Zhang Xiaopou carved the leaf mark on their forearm, they all received the message conveyed to them by the leaf mark in disguise: From today on, I am a member of Tiandao Academy.


This thought may only pass through their minds for a moment, and they don't take it to heart at all, but if one day Tiandao Academy becomes powerful and famous in the three realms of Kyushu, this thought will definitely have a deafening echo in their hearts.

It takes a process to go from not paying attention to deafening, and Zhang Xiaozhu already has a way to guide it in his mind.

This was what Qi Changfeng taught him. Some people call it preaching, while others call it spiritual brainwashing.

"Although the gate of Tiandao College has not yet been established, some matters need to be discussed in advance, such as college regulations, uniforms for teachers and students, admissions criteria, etc. Empress Shiji, Luo Xuan, you two have time to discuss with everyone and draw up a draft

Give me the plan."

Zhang Xiaozu gave instructions to Empress Shiji and Luo Xuan.

Allowing them to participate in the preparation of the college can increase their sense of belonging.

"As commanded."

Empress Shiji and Luo Xuan took the order.

“Remember, Tiandao Academy is by no means a one-person institution, and we must respect the opinions of every member.

The purpose of Tiandao Academy is to cultivate talents for Kyushu, make Kyushu prosperous and strong, and not be afraid of the invasion of cultivators from the alien stars.

Instead of unifying and dominating the three realms of Kyushu.

If anyone has such an idea and leaves early, Tiandao Academy will not welcome him.

We take it as our duty to revitalize the three realms of Kyushu, and we will have no regrets even if we die.

Let future generations evaluate the merits and demerits."

Zhang Xiaozhu's words were sonorous and he set a just and lofty goal for them, giving them a sense of honor and mission.

Maybe they won't take it seriously when they hear it now, but when there are more and more people in Tiandao Academy and the voices get louder and louder, they will be infected unconsciously, and they will be enthusiastic about it and charge into battle.

These are all what Qi Changfeng said.

Zhang Xiaozhu has never doubted Qi Changfeng's methods, so he has no doubts about it.

"Third Prince, do you want to join my Tiandao Academy? If you come, I will immediately give you the position of deputy dean. How about that?"

Zhang Xiaozu looked at Nezha with a smile and asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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