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Chapter 2505 Blind Date

"I met Miss Ziyuan when I was in Kangle, Xiayuan. Being famous is not as good as meeting her. Miss Ziyuan is really as beautiful as a fairy."

Yuan Kangle took off his straw hat and gave a gentleman's salute to Ziyuan.

He had heard of Ziyuan's name for a long time, and he had also seen her stunning face from a distance above Baiyun City on the day Ziyuan went to Liujia Village to seek Zhang Xiaozu's apprenticeship. But now that he saw this face up close, he still felt

Let him be amazed.

"Thank you Mr. Yuan for the compliment."

Ziyuan's face was slightly red, and he smiled at Yuan Kangle and gave him a blessing.

Yuan Kangle looked at Ziyuan's pale and rosy face and the shy smile on his face. He couldn't help but be fascinated for a moment. Only at this moment did he truly understand the saying "A smile can conquer a city, and a smile can conquer a country."

The meaning of poetry.


Zhang Tianci suddenly coughed slightly, reached out and tugged Yuan Kangle's sleeve, and joked: "Brother Kangle, be subtle, your eyes are already on Junior Sister Ziyuan's body."

One sentence made Yuan Kangle blush.

Fortunately, he has dark skin and can't tell.


Niu Yufu also smiled evilly and asked, "Brother Kang Le, is Junior Sister Ziyuan good-looking?"

Because Ziyuan entered the school late, she and Zhang Tianci both called Ziyuan their junior sister.


Yuan Kangle looked away from Ziyuan in embarrassment.

"Do you like it?"

Niu Yufu asked.


Yuan Kangle was startled by Niu Yufu's question and hurriedly waved his hands: "Don't say nonsense. If you ruin Miss Ziyuan's reputation, I will be guilty of a big sin."


Niu Yufu was amused by Yuan Kangle's panic.

Zi Yuan's cheeks turned red due to Zhang Tianci and Niu Yufu's words, but he still looked at Yuan Kangle quietly.

Dark and thin.

He looks more like a farmer than a farmer.

To be honest, based on first impression alone, she really didn't like Yuan Kangle.

But thinking about her father's instructions and Zhang Xiaozhu's sudden change of mind, which showed that there was indeed a marriage between herself and the unattractive man in front of her, she could only ignore Yuan Kangle's external image and re-examine it.

Ziyuan couldn't help but feel admiration when he thought that Yuan Kangle gave up the favorable conditions for cultivation and devoted himself to farming in order to provide food for the people in the world. He ran around in the fields and was exposed to the wind and sun for decades, and he was as happy as sweet rice.

She knew that given Yuan Kangle's conditions, as long as he was willing, it would be too easy to keep herself fair and graceful.

This is an honest man who pays attention to inner cultivation and does not care about appearance. He also has great love and a simple heart.

He is a thousand times better than those libertines who are smooth-tongued, smooth-tongued, and show mercy everywhere.

Thinking of this, Ziyuan suddenly felt that Yuan Kangle was much more pleasing to the eye, exuding excellence from head to toe, from the inside to the outside.

I even feel that I look at people's appearance at first glance and judge people based on their appearance, which is really vulgar.

Seeing Yuan Kangle being embarrassed and confused by Zhang Tianci and Niu Yufu, she almost couldn't hold back her laughter and thought Yuan Kangle was quite cute.

She thought about this all her life, and she couldn't help but feel startled, and thought to herself: "Maybe this is fate. When fate comes, it will be pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it."

"Junior sister, it's on fire."

Zhang Tianci suddenly shouted to Ziyuan.

"Ah, where's the fire?"

Ziyuan was startled and looked around quickly, looking for the source of fire.

"Your face is on fire." Zhang Tianci teased.

After Ziyuan realized what Zhang Tianci meant, his face turned red to the root of his neck. He stamped his feet in anger, grabbed Zhang Xiaopeng's arm and complained: "Master, he is making fun of my disciple, don't worry about him."

"What are you two making nonsense of? Go aside and play."

Zhang Xiaozu glared at Zhang Tianci and Niu Yufu with a smile, then changed the subject and asked Yuan Kangle: "Kangle, when we came here, we saw you looking at the ears of rice in your hands and sighing. Did you encounter any problem?"

"Take a look."

Yuan Kangle handed the rice ear in his hand to Zhang Xiaozhu.

Zhang Xiaozu took the ear of rice and took a look at it, and he knew why Yuan Kangle was sighing.

The whole ear of rice is more than seven inches long and contains a lot of rice grains. However, not only are the rice grains dry, the rice husks have also exploded, as if they have bloomed. Most of the rice grains, which were not full, have turned black and deteriorated.

Zhang Xiaozu unfolded his consciousness to cover the more than ten acres of rice fields in front of him, and found that they were all in the same situation.

"Didn't you find the reason?"

Zhang Xiaozu frowned and asked.

Yuan Kangle looked at the rice field with a sad face and said: "Half a month after earing and flowering, the rice grains and shells all exploded as soon as they started to bulge. We have been planting like this for three consecutive years. I guess it may be that the spiritual energy contained in the rice is too high."

Sheng, the shell could not withstand the impact of the spiritual energy, so it cracked.

But I don't feel like it, because when the rice grains first begin to bulge, the spiritual energy contained in them is not that strong.

Perhaps the existence of Linggu violates certain natural principles and is not tolerated by heaven."

Zhang Xiaopou shook his head and said: "There is no such natural principle, so don't make blind guesses. This is a good thing that benefits the people of the world. How can the law of heaven not tolerate it?"

Yuan Kangle suddenly remembered that Zhang Xiaozhu was the Dao of Heaven, and slandering the Dao of Heaven was slandering Zhang Xiaozhu. He quickly apologized and said, "Uncle, please calm down. My nephew is talking nonsense. Please don't blame me."

Zhang Xiaopou waved his hand and said with a smile: "If you think about it more, good things will take a long time. Such amazing auspiciousness that benefits the world will not come to the world so easily. Uncle believes that you will succeed."

With the encouragement from Zhang Xiaozhu, Yuan Kangle couldn't help but dissipate the sadness on his face, and nodded firmly, saying that he would not give up.

Zhang Xiaozu glanced at Ziyuan who was walking to the edge of the field, waved to Yuan Kangle, and whispered: "Come here, uncle wants to tell you something."

Ziyuan, who was holding the ears of rice to study, heard Zhang Xiaozu's words and knew what Zhang Xiaozu was going to say to Yuan Kangle, and blushed again.

"Uncle, what's the matter?"

After walking for a distance along the field path, Yuan Kangle couldn't help but asked curiously.

"How old are you this year?"

Zhang Xiaozu asked.

Yuan Kangle counted with his fingers and replied: "My nephew is thirty-seven this year."

"Is there a girl you like?"

"No...no." Yuan Kangle said with an embarrassed expression.

"Really?" Zhang Xiaozhu asked, looking into Yuan Kangle's eyes.

"My nephew walks around the place every day, and in a year he doesn't see a few women, let alone the one he likes." Yuan Kangle scratched his head with a smile.

"As the saying goes: There are three types of unfilial piety, the worst of which is not having children. It's time for you to start a family."

"That's what uncle taught me."

"How about I introduce you to a girl?"

"Ah?" Yuan Kangle was stunned on the spot, never expecting that Zhang Xiaozu was going to say this.

"Ah what, just say it's okay?" Zhang Xiaozu glared.

"Okay." Yuan Kangle shrank his neck, not daring to say no.

"What do you think of Ziyuan?" Zhang Xiaozhu asked straight to the point.

"Ah?" Yuan Kangle was stunned again.


Zhang Xiaozhu knocked Yuan Kangle on the forehead with his finger and cursed with a smile: "You brat, ah, ah, are you deliberately pretending to be stupid to deal with me?"

"How dare you, my nephew?"

Yuan Kangle quickly waved his hand, rubbed the forehead where he was knocked, and said: "It's true that you can't stop talking without surprising me. Look at me like this. I've almost been sunburned into black charcoal balls. How can I be worthy of Miss Ziyuan?"

"You brat, if you want to be white, how about I immediately reshape you into a body whiter than snow?"

"Well, that's not necessary, that's good."

This chapter has been completed!
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