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Chapter 2573 Nian Lifu’s visit

Zhang Xiaozu's words reached everyone's ears.

Wen Shaoqing and the other four glared at Zhang Xiaozu with hateful eyes, but did not speak. They were not only afraid of angering Zhang Xiaozu and making him do more extreme things, but also because of their guilty conscience. Their feeble and pale excuses would only make Zhang Xiaozu even more ruthless.

It is ridiculing and ridiculing, so it is better not to say it.

Those generals who were loyal to the four men remained loyal. These people had dedicated their lives and souls to their masters, and it was very difficult for them to betray their masters.

However, there are only a few such ministries.

After listening to Zhang Xiaozhu's words, most people thought about what Wen Shaoqing and the others had just done, and their expressions became complicated. They thought that one day they might be ruthlessly abandoned, and their loyalty could not help but be shaken.

Zhang Xiaopou stopped talking without saying anything more, and called those who had sworn allegiance to him down from the ancient trees.

"What happened? Why do everyone look so sad?"

Zhang Xiaozu's eyes swept across everyone's faces, and he asked pretending to be surprised.

In fact, this situation had been expected by him. Even he, who owned the ancient tree, could not understand the profound principles on the ancient tree. What's more, these people, who had understood it during this period of time, would definitely be frowned upon.

"I'm ashamed to say it."

A female cultivator from heaven smiled bitterly and said: "The Tao contained in the ancient tree is so profound. I have been meditating on it for so long and I haven't even scratched the surface of it. It's too difficult."

"Oh, me too."



A dejected sigh suddenly sounded from under the Conferring God Stage.

However, their distressed sighs attracted the envious looks of many people from the four major forces. These people had been imprisoned by Zhang Xiaopeng and stayed on Mount Taiwang doing nothing all day long. They were so bored that they felt like they were being driven crazy by the boring life.

Therefore, I envy those who can cultivate. No matter whether they can realize anything or not, at least they will not feel the boring time.

"The Tao contained in the ancient trees is more profound than the original force of the chaotic world. It is normal to not understand it thoroughly. You don't need to be anxious. I will lead you to understand and practice step by step."

Zhang Xiaozu said in a comforting voice, "I called you down just to inform you that in a few days I will lead you to comprehend the laws of heaven. When you have thoroughly comprehended the laws of heaven, I will lead you to comprehend the power of Taichu Yuanshi.

Then there is the divine power of Nine Suns and the original force of the original chaotic world. Once you have fully understood the original force of the chaotic world, and everyone's understanding of the Tao Principles has been raised to a sufficient level, then it will be easy to understand the ancient tree Tao Principles."

When everyone heard this, their eyes suddenly became eager.

The eyes of those who were envious of their ability to practice became red, especially those who were shaken by their loyalty to their masters. They couldn't help but regret not swearing allegiance to Zhang Xiaozu last time, otherwise they could follow Zhang Xiaozu to comprehend various divine powers and ways.


"Master God, please give me a chance to swear allegiance."

A man walked out of the demon camp and pleaded with Zhang Xiaopou with his fists clasped.

He was one of the twenty people killed by Luo Ping before. His loyalty to Luo Ping had wavered, but he was completely chilled by Luo Ping's sword.

As soon as this statement came out, there was a commotion in all the four major force camps. Many people looked at Zhang Xiaopou hopefully, expecting something.

"I don't have time now, let's talk about it later when I have time."

Zhang Xiaozhu rejected the man's plea.

Hundreds of hopeful eyes dimmed with his words of rejection.

Zhang Xiaozhu's eyes did not linger on that person for long, and returned to the person who swore allegiance, and continued: "This study of the laws of Tiandao is the first formal group activity of our Tiandao Academy, so I hope everyone will change to the academy

They are uniformly dressed, with men wearing white and women wearing cyan.

You all had your own residence in Liujia Village before, I will let you go out now, take care of yourself, relax and relax, and understand the laws of heaven in the best possible condition."

After saying this, Zhang Xiaozu led everyone out of the Dantian space and appeared in Liujia Village.

Some people who pretended to swear allegiance to Zhang Xiaozu and were even extremely repulsive to Tiandao Academy did not care about Zhang Xiaozu's uniform dress. However, they thought that they should dress upright to show their respect for the laws of Tiandao, so they went to their respective places.

The yard was freshened up and groomed.

After they changed into the uniforms of Tiandao Academy as requested by Zhang Xiaozhu, they walked out of the gate and strolled in Liujia Village. When they saw other people wearing the same clothes as themselves, they thought that these were the uniforms of Tiandao Academy, even if they were pretending to be flattering.

People also have a sense of belonging subconsciously.

"It's been more than twenty days, why haven't Dawa and Qianyan come back yet? Could something have happened?"

Zhang Xiaozu stood at the entrance of the village, looking southeast and wondering.

When Niu Dawa and Qianyan Gu left, he specifically told them to leave early and come back early. Niu Dawa told him that it would be half a month at the latest, but now it has been more than five or six days, and they have not been seen yet.

"It stands to reason that he should have come back a long time ago. Why don't you go and greet him so that nothing really happens."

Qi Yoyo was also a little worried.

Zhang Xiaozu nodded and was about to set off when a voice suddenly came from the western sky: "See the Lord of Nine Provinces."

"Brother Nian, long time no see."

Zhang Xiaozu turned around and hugged the person with a smile.

When Nian Lifu left Liujia Village last time, he had asked him to do whatever he wanted, but he didn't have the nerve to really bother him. That was when he summoned the world's strongest men to jointly comprehend the original power of the chaotic world, and he called Nian Lifu.

Nothing bothered him, so the two of them hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Nian Lifu landed in front of Zhang Xiaozu and bowed respectfully. He looked Zhang Xiaozu and Qi Yoyo up and down, then raised his finger and pointed around the village, curiously asking: "Why are you all wearing the same clothes? I don't know."

What’s the purpose and can I participate?”

"This is the uniform of Tiandao Academy. In a few days, I will lead the people of Tiandao Academy to understand the laws of Tiandao. Since this is the first collective action of Tiandao Academy, I asked everyone to dress in the same uniform and look more formal." Zhang Xiaozhu answered.


Then he invited: "Brother Nian is here just in time, so I don't have to go to the desert to call you over. You can stay in the village for the next two days, and then we can go to understand the laws of heaven together."

"Can I go too?" Nian Lifu's eyes lit up.

"Of course." Zhang Xiaozu smiled and nodded.

"I've heard about your Tiandao Academy. I wonder if I can join? That's... I'm afraid I can't contribute my master's skills to Tiandao Academy because my master is an old man with conservative ideas. But in the future, I will learn the skills by myself.

The law is guaranteed to be kept in the academy." Nian Lifu asked with hopeful eyes.

"Welcome!" Zhang Xiaozu said happily, "But joining Tiandao Academy requires a mark on your body. I wonder if Brother Nian can accept it?"

He stretched out his right arm and showed the leaf totem to Nian Lifu.

"Ha ha…"

Nian Lifu smiled heartily, stretched out his right arm and said, "You all can accept it, so why can't I accept it? Come on, give me one too."

This chapter has been completed!
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