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Chapter 259 The old man is not handsome

Zhou Jianlai was filled with sadness and had no intention of chatting with Granny Wang. He forced a smile on his face and responded in a pretense of haste: "Grandma Wang, Master ordered me to go to the market to buy things. I am in a hurry. I will talk to you later."

After saying that, he took a step forward and continued walking forward.

"What are you buying?" Mrs. Wang asked curiously.

"Buy a horse." Zhou Jianlai replied smoothly.

"Oh, what a coincidence." Mrs. Wang shouted in surprise. Seeing Zhou Jianlai stop and turn his head to look over curiously, she immediately smiled and explained: "My mother-in-law's house happens to have a horse for sale, but I can only sell sesame cakes, mother-in-law."

, I don’t know how to sell horses, I’m afraid of being cheated by horse dealers, so I keep putting it off and keep it at home. Why don’t I do my mother-in-law a favor and buy her horse? According to my boy

, This is a thousand-mile horse, it’s very powerful.”

"Really?" Zhou Jianlai's eyes lit up, and he was quite surprised. However, when he thought about his master's special request to buy a white horse, he immediately said: "Mother-in-law, what is the color of your horse? Master, he specially asked me to buy one.

A white horse."

"Hey, I deserve my luck today." Mrs. Wang clapped her hands and laughed, "My horse is just a white horse, with not a single hair on its body. It is fat, strong, and handsome."

"That's really great." Zhou Jianlai said happily, "Then I won't go to the horse market. I'll bother my mother-in-law to take me there. As for the price, you can give us the price."


Mrs. Wang's house is located in a very remote location, in a cold corner at the corner of the southwest city wall. The city wall is majestic and tall. It can be said that this corner cannot see sunlight all year round. It is cool in summer, but it suffers in winter.

The courtyard is a single courtyard, with three tile-roofed houses facing south, a low kitchen on the west side, and a stable in the southeast corner.

Mrs. Wang did not brag about herself. There was indeed a pure white horse tied in the stable. The horse was fat and strong, with bright and flexible hair, graceful body lines, and a tall and handsome figure.

"What a good horse!" Zhou Jianlai fell in love with it after just one look. He stepped forward to touch him, but the white horse turned its head and neighed, sprayed water vapor from both nostrils, and bared two rows of big fangs, showing hostility towards him.


"Haha, you have a temper, good!" Zhou Jianlai was not angry but happy.

"Xiaobai, be good, don't make trouble." Mrs. Wang stepped forward and reached out to caress the horse's temples, soothing her softly.

The white horse recognized its master, and instantly became quiet. He lowered his horse's head and rubbed Mrs. Wang's cheek affectionately.

There was also a black horse in the stable. It also leaned its head to beg Mrs. Wang, but was pushed away by the white horse.

Zhou Jianlai's eyes fell on the black horse. It was a little shorter than the white horse, but it also had bright fur and graceful lines. He knew at a glance that it was also a good horse.

"Mother-in-law, I bought these two horses." Zhou Jianlai said with a smile.

"The black horse won't be sold." Mrs. Wang shook her head and refused, saying, "The kid in the family won't let it be sold."

"Ah? That's such a pity." Zhou Jianlai shook his head and said regretfully, "Since the eldest brother in the family refuses to sell it, the kid can only look forward to the good horse and sigh with joy."

"Hey, I've been raising this horse for more than half a year. I've been taking care of it like a child every day. It feels really bad to suddenly have to sell it." Mrs. Wang put her arms around the white horse's neck, rubbing her old and wrinkled face intimately with the horse.

, tears welled up in his eyes, and his voice was slightly choked.

Zhou Jianlai comforted him: "A good horse should not be tied up in a stable all the time. It is its happiness to run and gallop to its heart's content."

"My little brother is right, if I raise it for another half a year, it will be useless." Mrs. Wang let go of the horse's neck and wiped her eyes with her sleeve.

With tears in her eyes, she turned around and walked out of the stable and walked towards the main hall. As she walked, she said: "I am old and can't bear to see the scene of farewell. Just take it away quietly. I don't want the money. The old lady is not short of money, so it's useless to ask for it."

"There are two bags of horse feed in the corner, which the old lady just prepared this morning. Please take them with you."


Mrs. Wang entered the room, closed the door, and burst into tears.

"Parting is the saddest thing." Zhou Jianlai sighed quietly, tied the two bags of horse materials in the corner of the stable and put them on the horse's back. He took out a stack of banknotes from his arms, which he got from Li's house that day when he went to get the jade.

The Li family took it, put it on the wooden stakes in the stable, then untied the horse's rope and dragged the white horse out of the yard.

The white horse turned back three times with one step and kept neighing.

After leaving the yard, Zhou Jianlai got on his horse, slapped the horse's neck and shouted: "Drive!"

The white horse refused to obey at first, but after being forced to run forward by Zhou Jianlai for a while, it seemed to fall in love with the feeling of running, and temporarily forgot about the pain of separation, throwing off its hooves and running wildly.

Listening to the whistling of the wind in his ears, the receding scenery on both sides of the street, the dull pain of the wind on his face, and the feeling of lightning, Zhou Jianlai knew that he had underestimated this handsome white horse. The thousands of dollars he had placed on the wooden stake

I'm afraid I can't even buy a handful of its hair for two taels of silver.

Zhou Jianlai made a pot of wine and came out of Guiyuanfang. He took the horse rein handed to him by the boy at the door and was about to get on his horse. The ground under his feet suddenly trembled weakly, and then a rumbling sound came from the south.

"What's wrong?!"

"What's wrong?!"

Everyone in Guiyuanfang and surrounding shops ran out in panic, thinking it was an earth dragon turning over.


The sky clock in the central city suddenly rang rapidly, one hundred and eight times, as fast as a reminder, forcing people to breathe hard, as if a huge mountain was weighing on their hearts.

"The war is on!"

"The war is on!"

"Oh my God, the rebels are coming!"

After one hundred and eight bells, the crowd on the street exploded.

dong dong dong

War drums thunder!

Woo woo

The horn clangs.

The cry of killing came from far away from the south.

"Give way! Give way!" The streets were in chaos for a moment like a colony of exploding ants. Zhou Jianlai galloped on his horse and used his true energy to push the people blocking the front to both sides.

The more than three million troops of the rebel king Li Yuande came to the city. They didn't even say hello when they met, and directly blew the bugle to attack the city.

Most of the refugees who gathered outside the city gate were evacuated and went to the east and west directions to find shelter. However, there were still hundreds of thousands of people who were lucky enough to receive two days of food rations but did not obey the evacuation order.

Lai stayed outside the city, feeling that Yancheng did not dare to massacre innocent people, and would eventually open the city gate to let them in for refuge. At this time, the rebels rushed into the formation and chased them away. He cried for his father and mother and ran towards the gate of Yancheng, screaming.

They opened the city gate, but when they rushed to the city gate and attacked the city gate, a cruel and merciless rain of arrows fell.

Only then did they realize that Yancheng, who had released water and food every day and was as kind as a Bodhisattva, could be so cruel and ruthless once his heart cooled down. They ran back crying, but what greeted them was the cold butcher knife of the rebels.

Half an hour later, the rebels beat drums and retreated, leaving nearly 10,000 corpses under the towering city wall. The red flowing blood made the dry red soil a little moist.

He did not use all his strength in attack, and he did not use all his strength in defense.

This half hour was just a greeting when the two parties met.

In the small courtyard of pines and cypresses, the white horse wears golden armor, looking handsome and brave.


Zi Yan is wearing silver armor, with white wind on his shoulders, white as snow from head to toe, holding a hand to drink blood and turning on his horse.

The white horse raises its hooves and neighs to the sky.

"Disciple, am I handsome?" Wei Ziyan asked Zhou Jianlai with a smile.

Zhou Jianlai couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and praised loudly: "My mentor is brave and domineering, like the God of War descending to earth!"

"In that case, go to that battlefield and charge and show off your majesty!"


Wei Ziyan shouted and left, and the two of them disappeared into the yard without a trace.

The pine and cypress courtyard suddenly swayed in the wind, and then turned into fine dust and scattered in the wind.

Zhang Xiaozhu was very disappointed. There was only a bed and a small coffee table in the secret room where the Daya people practiced in seclusion. After searching around, they couldn't find anything valuable.

When he pushed open another stone door out of curiosity and saw the scene behind the stone door, he couldn't help but burst into anger. He saw a long, narrow and deep secret room with iron cages on the left and right sides, and each iron cage was tied with iron chains.

There was a Dayu man with black eyes. They were all naked, covered in dirt, skinny, and had no human appearance. They were huddled on the cold ground, living worse than dogs.

Hearing Zhang Xiaozu's footsteps, they just opened their slack eyelids, glanced at Zhang Xiaozu with lifeless eyes, and then closed their eyes. There was no disturbance from beginning to end. It can be seen that their spirits have long been numb, and they don't even bother to think about Zhang Xiaozu.

Who is it and why haven't I seen it before?


Suddenly, a woman got up from the ground and threw herself on the iron cage, making the chain around her neck rattle.

She stood face to face with Zhang Xiaozu. Not only did she not feel any shame, she even swung her dirt-covered body towards Zhang Xiaozu and begged: "Dear Sir, please let me serve you, bitch."

Your servant only needs a small piece of cold steamed buns. Sir"

Zhang Xiaopou didn't have the courage to move forward. He cursed, turned around and rushed out of the secret room as if to run away. He frantically found the body of the big-toothed man from the rubble and cut it into pieces with a wave of the long knife in his hand.

"They are just like me. They were originally noble sons and daughters of Yancheng. They enjoyed the privileged life of superiors, but they were caught here by big-toothed dogs and imprisoned and raised like dogs." Qi didn't know when he woke up and saw

Zhang Xiaozu vented his anger on the big-toothed man's body and did not step forward to dissuade him, because Zhang Xiaozu was doing what he wanted to do.

"Why did Big Tooth Dog do this to them?!" Zhang Xiaozu asked through gritted teeth.

"Big Yagou wanted to use them to threaten their families and force them to do something after the war." Qi said, "The reason why I was treated so well was because I had to abandon my cultivation and chain my feet.

It's the city lord. They want to raise me better so that when they use it as a bargaining chip, my father will be able to obey. Lend me the knife."

"What are you going to do?" Zhang Xiaozhu asked with a frown.

Qi smiled sadly and said, "I want to give them the right to die."

"Okay." Zhang Xiaozu nodded, handed the long knife to Qi, then took a deep breath and followed Qi, fearing that when Qi gave others the right to die, he also gave himself a death, so how would he explain to Wan Qiuqing.

"Don't worry, I won't die." Qi seemed to know that Zhang Xiaozhu was worried and said with a smile: "I think after they go out, most of them won't want to see anyone anymore. I want to find a secluded place to lead them to be free.

Live on and enjoy the taste of life."

"Just live if you can." Zhang Xiaozhu sighed. (https:)

This chapter has been completed!
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