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Chapter 27 Reappearing Strange Dreams

"In today's world, warriors are revered, and the strong are kings. The war sect is innately closed and cannot practice, so naturally it is a useless person." Xu Murong put his hands behind his back, with an arrogant look on his face, and did not take seriously the white-bearded old man's question. He felt that this question was a bit ridiculous.

The person being asked, Qin Xinru, did not rush to answer, but frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

The white-bearded old man's eyes fell on Xu Murong, twirling his beard and saying: "Second Master Xu is too pretentious. In my opinion, all elders with skills are talents. Those who have skills and can do things that ordinary people cannot,

You can call him a genius."

"Isn't the word 'genius' too worthless?" Xu Murong curled his lips and didn't take it seriously.

The white-bearded old man did not argue with him, but looked at Qin Xinru and asked, "What do you think, Miss?"

"My heart is dull and I beg you to ask the elders for advice." Qin Xinru bowed and said in courtesy. She could hear that there was something in the white-bearded old man's words, but she couldn't guess what the white-bearded old man was going to say, so she had to humbly ask for advice.

"The City Lord's Mansion has a huge industry, covering all walks of life such as food, clothing, housing and transportation. It needs talents from all over the world. If you encounter such talents in the future, you might as well reward them with a job. It's just a matter of an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks. The City Lord's Mansion raises

I can afford it," said the white-bearded old man.

Qin Xinru hurriedly bowed and responded: "Xinru must remember the elders' teachings! After returning from this trip, Xinru will immediately send someone to find the boy and give him a suitable job."

Duan Baifei gently shook his folding fan and glanced at the white-bearded old man from the corner of his eye. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "No wonder the City Lord's Mansion has been prosperous for a long time. The elders are all dedicated to the future of the City Lord's Mansion. As long as it is beneficial to the development of the City Lord's Mansion, even if it is beneficial to the development of the City Lord's Mansion,

No matter how small the truth is, it's not too cumbersome to break it down and explain it to the young people in power. It's not like the worship service in our family. Everyone holds their airs high, and they are afraid of losing their status if they say one more word on weekdays.

It’s an offering, why is the gap so big? Hey.”

"According to the green python's appearance pattern, it won't come out to hunt until the night after tomorrow. I'm afraid you young people won't be able to bear it and wait here. You can go find a place to play. I'll just stay here alone.

Don't go too far. If there is any danger within a hundred miles, I can rush there as soon as possible. Don't make too much noise, so as not to scare the green python. Go ahead." The white-bearded old man waved his hand.

Qin Xinru and the five others were pardoned, dancing happily, saying goodbye to the white-bearded old man, and then went down the mountain impatiently. Some people separated from the crowd followed them down the mountain. These people were their retinues.

Valleys, cold pools, water mist, dancing gracefully.

The three-eyed Sirius King stood on the ice crystal next to the cold pool, enduring the biting cold that hit him. He was very satisfied, because this time it took another step forward, which showed that its strength had improved again.

It didn't dare to blink, staring at the graceful dancing figures in the mist, wishing to carve every move into its mind. Unfortunately, every time it left the valley, it would forget most of them and only remember a few moves.

Although there were only a few movements, it benefited a lot. It became faster, stronger, and stronger. It even found that it was much smarter than before.

It knew that these changes were brought about by the graceful dancing on the cold pool, so it wanted to stick to the edge of the cold pool to have a look, but the cold pool was too cold to get close.

It was envious of the tigers, giant apes, and giant pythons in front of it, especially the majestic giant ape that was as majestic as a small mountain. It was closest to Hantan and could see it most clearly.

The Three-Eyed Sirius King was very angry because the three black panthers who came from nowhere ignored its many warnings and invaded its territory again and plundered its prey. They seemed to have regarded this place as their territory, so it

Today, we must give these three black panthers a lesson and let them know that the wolf king is majestic and cannot be violated.

The Three-Eyed Sirius King led the wolves to quickly find three panthers and surrounded them. In order to verify his growth, the Three-Eyed Sirius King let the wolves raid the formation for him. He fought three leopards alone.

There was no suspense in the battle. The three black panthers were easily killed by the Three-Eyed Sirius King, an overwhelming victory.

The Three-Eyed Sirius King grew more and more eager to worship the dance on the Cold Pond. He decided to take his son to the Cold Pond with him when he grew older.

However, when he returned to the wolf den with the joy of victory, he discovered that during his absence, an unknown object had attacked the place. His wife and other members of his clan all fell into a pool of blood, and his son was unaware of the attack.


The Three-Eyed Sirius King was so furious that he immediately summoned all the wolves in the Black Forest to find his son.

Finally, the bad news came that its son was kidnapped by humans.

When it saw its son lifeless and hung on a big tree by a damn human being, the anger in its heart could not be described in words, and it vowed to make this damn human being struggle painfully under its claws.

Zhang Xiaozu woke up and realized that he had had another strange dream.

He didn't move, he just opened his eyes and looked at the dark night sky and the stars in the night sky.

In fact, his eyes were unfocused and he was in a daze.

This strange dream made him feel depressed. In the dream, he existed as the Three-Eyed Sirius King. When he felt that his son had no life breath and was tied to the tree trunk by "Zhang Xiaopeng", his heart was broken.


The feeling of despair and anger cannot be expressed in words at all. If I had to express it, it would be that I desperately want to destroy the whole world, and when I am angry, I want to destroy the whole world.

Zhang Xiaozhu couldn't help but pity his desperate and angry father, and even apologized, but he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong, because he was forced to defend and counterattack, and he did it as a last resort. The only thing to blame was that it was a beast

, cannot understand human language, cannot communicate, and cannot distinguish right from wrong, otherwise this vicious battle of life and death can be avoided.

"Hey, are you awake?"

A clear and sweet voice sounded in Zhang Xiaozu's ears, waking Zhang Xiaozu from his trance.

"Ah?" Zhang Xiaozu responded in a daze, looking at the source of the sound without focus. After a while, he came back to his senses, and his eyes gradually became focused, and he saw a delicate and beautiful face and a fiery red figure.

"What's your name?" The girl in the red dress leaned over and looked at Zhang Xiaozu and asked.

"My name is Zhang." Zhang Xiaozu subconsciously opened his mouth to answer, but he paused again. For some reason, the beautiful girl in the red dress in front of him made him very uncomfortable, especially the look of the girl in the red dress, which was extremely aggressive.

Sex is like looking at a personal item.

Intuition told Zhang Xiaozu that the girl in the red dress in front of him was very dangerous.

But Zhang Xiaozu felt that this was not his own intuition, but rather a wolf's intuition, which came from the wolf's keen sense of danger.

"Why do I feel like this? Is it because the dream is too real and makes me have some wolf-like animality?" Zhang Xiaozhu felt in a trance again.

"Hey, why are you half-talking?!" the girl in the red dress said softly, with a look of displeasure on her face.

"My name is Zhang Damao. Did you save me?" Zhang Xiaozhu chose to believe in his "animal sense". With a thought, he made up a random name, sat up and observed the surrounding situation.

Hearing Zhang Xiaozhu's name, the girl in the red dress narrowed her eyes with joy. She was not laughing at the tacky name "Zhang Damao", but because the name revealed that Zhang Xiaozhu was an ordinary person, and children from rich families did not have such wealth.

With such a name and an ordinary status, she didn't have to worry about it and could safely brand Zhang Xiaozu's forehead as a slave.

"When we found you, you were unconscious on the edge of the cliff. If you turned over, you would roll off the cliff. It was very dangerous, so we moved you to this safe position. You were seriously injured, but fortunately you took the supplement before you passed out.

Gushengji Pills, so the wound heals quickly and is not life-threatening, but we still give you a simple bandage." The red-faced old man said.

Zhang Xiaozu found that his body was indeed bandaged, and the wounds on his chest, back and shoulders were all bandaged tightly, making it look like he was wearing a vest. He stood up and bowed to express his thanks: "Thank you all for your help!"

At the same time, he was once again grateful to Qin Rulan for the gift of medicine. If it had not been for the help of the elixir, he would have died of bleeding due to the injuries on his body.

Zhang Xiaozhu tried to stretch his upper body. Only the wounds on his chest were still aching faintly, and the wounds on his shoulders and back could hardly feel the pain. He had to marvel once again at the powerful effect of the medicine.

"Where is the young man from? Why do you come to this dangerous black forest?" asked the old man wearing a crown.

"I am a hunter from Shangba Village. The drought is severe and my family has no food, so I have to venture into the black forest to find food." Zhang Xiaozhu replied half-truthfully.

"Did you kill the Wolf King?" the red-faced old man asked.

"Well, I killed it. I was almost eaten by that beast. Fortunately, I was born with strong strength and chopped it with a knife. By the way, where is the beast? I have to carry it back to feed my mother." Zhang Xiaozhu said with lingering fear.

, there is no need to pretend about this, because he really was almost eaten by the Wolf King.

"Haha, they are roasting on the fire over there. We only took two legs, and the rest are enough for you to take back and feed me." The red-faced old man pointed at the bonfire not far behind him and laughed.

As for Zhang Xiaozu's claim that he killed the Wolf King with his natural strength, he didn't believe it, nor did the girl in the red dress or the old man wearing the crown. The three-eyed Sirius is the king of wolves, with a ferocious nature, not to mention the three-eyed one who transformed into a demon.

Sirius is not something that can be easily dealt with. Moreover, Zhang Xiaopou is still a person whose strength has not yet been developed. Even if he is born with great strength, how powerful can he be?

Just looking at the shocking wounds on Zhang Xiaopou's body, one can tell that he and the Three-Eyed Sirius King were engaged in a thrilling fight. Without a certain amount of hard power, it was impossible to do it just by relying on natural brute force.

However, Zhang Xiaozu didn't say anything, and they couldn't ask in detail. They thought that after Zhang Xiaozu was subdued, it wouldn't be too late to ask more slowly.

Zhang Xiaozu looked at the bonfire, and sure enough he saw two huge wolf legs being roasted on the fire, and they were already golden and oily. He couldn't help but swallow, and his stomach growled.

"Haha" Zhang Xiaozu laughed twice to cover up the embarrassment of his stomach growling.

"Haha, the young man woke up at the right time. The meat has just been roasted. Let's go over there and eat and chat." The old man wearing a crown said with a smile.

"Thank you. Thank you very much." Zhang Xiaozhu thanked him hurriedly, but his heart skipped a beat because he saw the four big men sitting by the campfire grilling meat, with the ferocious and terrifying slave brand branded on their foreheads.

Zhang Xiaozu doesn't know much about literacy, but he just knows the word "slave".

In Zhang Xiaozhu's mind, those who keep slaves are not good people, but mostly unscrupulous bullies, because he feels that even if he has a little conscience, he will not treat people like animals, so the slave brand makes him treat the three girls in red skirts

Be vigilant to another level.

"Young man, Xugu Shengji Pills are an expensive panacea. Just sell one pill and it will be enough for your family to survive the drought. Why would you risk your life and go into the black forest?" The old man wearing a crown pretended to be nonchalant.


"Ah?!" Zhang Xiaozu exclaimed in surprise, "Are those pills so valuable?"

Zhang Xiaozu has seen and experienced the powerful effects of pills, so he knew that the pills must be expensive, but he did not expect them to be so expensive. Selling one pill is enough for the family to survive the drought, so why not give it tens of taels of silver per pill?

It's too expensive.

"Yes, one Xugu Shengji pill on the market sells for two hundred taels. Now that there is a drought and medicinal materials are in short supply, I am afraid it will sell for three hundred taels per pill. Why, don't you know? This medicine is not yours?"

The old man wearing a crown asked.

He said so much in a long way just to ask the last question. He didn't ask directly because he was afraid of arousing Zhang Xiaozu's vigilance. Once Zhang Xiaozu showed that the elixir had nothing to do with him, it would be completely confirmed that Zhang Xiaozu was an ordinary person.

status, so that you can freely mark him as a slave.

"Ah?! Three hundred and three hundred taels per pill?!" Zhang Xiaozhu's brain couldn't keep up with his thinking. He was calculating with difficulty. Qin Rulan gave him a total of twenty pills, one pill of three hundred taels, for a total of six to six thousand taels!

Zhang Xiaopou opened his mouth wide enough to fit a fist into it.

Fuck him!

If I had known earlier, I would have sold it.

If six thousand taels were exchanged for grain, the people of the two villages would not be able to finish it even if they were lying on piles of grain.

Why bother being chased by wild boars here like a rabbit, and chased by wolves like a grandson? No, not as good as a grandson.

This chapter has been completed!
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