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Chapter 289 Breakthrough

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Qi Yoyo didn't need to remind him, Qi Changkong knew it was a trap, so he just feinted with a shot, charged a certain distance in Qi's direction, and then suddenly turned back.

The cavalry who followed Qi Changkong were not urgently recruited from the refugee camp. They were the elite of the Yancheng Jiazi Battalion. Qi Changkong hid with them in the left route army. The original plan was to prepare for the critical moment.

They came out to give Qi a fatal blow, but they never expected that Qi had already figured out their plan, and instead used it to give them a severe blow.

The only thing to blame is that their reports were too serious, and they were too self-righteous. They thought that the main force of the Daya Army was attacking Baiyun City. Little did they know that the Daya Army had made a trick to attack from the east to the west. The main force had secretly moved to Jincheng and was preparing to attack Yancheng.

Launch a surprise attack.

As a result, their 1.8 million army was like a blind man, rushing into the arms of the main force of the Daya Army. Not to mention the urgent recruitment of troops with weak combat effectiveness, even the regular army would be killed by the Daya Army.

He abandoned his armor and fled in confusion.

However, although the elite Jiazi battalion hidden in the left route army did not play the expected role, they played a vital role in the breakout and escape process. Without them charging into the formation and suppressing the rear, the army would have been destroyed long ago.

He was caught up by Daya's pursuers, so there was no way he could escape here.

Qi Changkong led the elite cavalry of the Jiazi Battalion and tore a hole in the defensive formation of the Daya Army in a flash. Qi Yoyo just happened to lead the troops to kill, and rushed in according to the torn hole. Like a rushing force.

The torrent poured into the crack in the dam, tearing the originally small crack into a huge gap.

"Kill!" Qi Changkong took advantage of the situation and rushed to kill, sometimes rushing to the left and sometimes to the right, covering Qi Yoyo's breakout.

"Damn it! I should have expected it!" Qi looked at his formation that had been disrupted, with a livid face and cursed in annoyance and self-blame.

Even though he was chatting and laughing and calm when he seduced Qi Changkong just now, in fact he was caught off guard by Qi Changkong and Qi Yoyo. Because based on his understanding of Qi Yoyo, he felt that the two brothers and sisters would still be together in Qi Changkong.

They defended the city for one or two days, hoping for the arrival of reinforcements. Only when the army rations were exhausted and reinforcements were not received, and the final hope was shattered, would they leave the city to fight to the death.

However, he ignored the existence of Qi Changkong. Compared with Qi Yoyo's stability, the radical and wild Qi Changkong would not stand firm.

I can't blame Qi, mainly because in the several battles along the way, it seemed that Qi Yoyo was directing the battle, and he also guessed Qi Yoyo's escape route based on Qi Yoyo's combat style.

An ambush was set up in advance, and the result was just as he expected. Qi Yoyo led his troops into his ambush and was torn off a large piece by him.

After tasting the huge sweetness, he subconsciously formed the concept that Qi Yoyo was directing the battle, so that his battle plans were all formulated for Qi Yoyo.

As night fell, Qi Zheng was preparing to order an attack on the city. However, it was not a fierce attack like last night, but a half-hearted feint attack like today's day, so that the army hiding in the city would not have a chance to rest and breathe, and consume their energy.

When the fight to the death takes place two days later, only one or two out of ten fighting strength will be left, and it will not be able to cause any waves.

But he never thought that as soon as the war drums sounded on his side, the city gate on the opposite side suddenly opened, and people followed and rushed out. The cavalry moved like the wind, and they were killed in the blink of an eye from a distance of several hundred steps, leaving him no time to adjust his response.

Watching Qi Changkong and Qi Yoyo leading the army to rush out from the city, as if they were charging and breaking through, and feeling the fierce and brutal aura coming towards their faces and the ferocious distortion on the faces of everyone in Dayu's army illuminated by the firelight

Qi couldn't help but frown. It was obvious that Dayu's army was making its final struggle. And this time is usually the most dangerous time.

Trapped animals still fight, let alone humans?

Although he led the Daya regular army, its combat effectiveness was much higher than that of the urgently recruited army led by Qi Changkong and Qi Yoyo, but there was a certain gap in numbers. It was okay to conduct an ambush, but under such circumstances, and Qi Changkong

It would be unwise for the urgently recruited troops he led to engage in a head-on confrontation. Even if they could be forcibly stopped, the price would definitely be high.

"Wait a minute." Qi clenched his fist and muttered secretly. He had already made a decision in his mind, but he did not rush to give an order. Instead, he turned his attention to the south of the city, hoping that the troops outside the south gate would come to support him as soon as possible.

However, what disappointed him was that after waiting for two quarters of an hour, no reinforcements came from outside the south gate to support him. In these two quarters of an hour, his troops had suffered huge losses. Although the number of casualties was almost one to three,

On average, it took three Dayu troops to kill one of his Daya troops, but he still felt at a disadvantage because everyone on his side who died in the battle was a well-trained regular army, and most of those who died in the Daya army came from refugee camps.

The mud-legged man who was summoned in a hurry.

In his opinion, exchanging one regular soldier for three mud-legged soldiers was a loss to his grandma's family.

"Shit-eating thing!" Qi scolded in the direction of the south of the city with a sullen face.

The distance between the north and the south of Partridge City is only a dozen miles. With the speed of the cavalry, it only takes a quarter of an hour to run from the south gate to the north gate. However, even in the past two quarters of an hour, not even a shadow of support has arrived.

Qi was so angry that he wanted to tear off the head of Commander Daya outside Nancheng and play it with a ball.

Although Commander Daya outside the South City had neglected his duty and did not notice the unusual fighting situation at the North Gate, he could not be entirely blamed because the fighting on the South City Wall was also in full swing.

Qi Changkong left five thousand dead soldiers on the south wall. They had only one mission, and that was to use all their strength to resist the attack of the Daya Army and buy time for their comrades to break out.

But Daya's army outside the south city didn't know this. They thought that all Dayu's army was in the city, so they kept executing the predetermined battle plan and launched a feint attack on the south city gate every once in a while. There were only 5,000 people on one side.

, one side is a feint attack, half a catty versus eight liang, the fight is back and forth, it's very noisy.


"Separate them!" Qi Chi couldn't wait for reinforcements, so he had to issue an order and execute the battle plan he had thought of before.

He wants to eat Qi Changkong and Qi Yoyo separately, leaving one behind and letting the other one go. He only needs to send a small team of people to hang the one he lets go at a distance. After the remaining one is dealt with, he will chase the one who let go. This is Jincheng

At the border with Haoyue City, Baiyun City cannot be seen to the north, and Yancheng cannot be seen to the south. Wherever he can go if he runs away.

A group of brave Dayu cavalry rushed out under Qi's order, followed closely by the infantry troops, like a sharp spear thrust straight into the center of Dayu's army. Although Dayu's army desperately resisted, the formation was still torn into two.


"Let's go!"

"Leave me alone!" Qi Changkong shouted urgently at Qi Yoyo.

Qi Yoyo wanted to rush back to save Qi Changkong, but he was carried away by the cavalry on the left and right and rushed to the outside.

Obviously, Qi Changkong had long expected that she would not leave, so he arranged a team of people in advance to take her away forcibly at the critical moment.

"Miss, instead of dying in battle with the Second Young Master, why not find a way to survive and avenge the Second Young Master!" said a cavalryman beside Qi Yoyo.

Either they both die together, or one dies and the other lives.

The words are cruel, but very realistic.

"Second brother, he..." Qi Yoyo wanted to say something, but her throat suddenly choked, and the words stuck in her throat, because anything she said at this time was feeble. She glanced at Qi Changkong for the last time, but in fact she didn't see anything

, because Qi Changkong's shadow had already been submerged in the chaotic fighting, and then he turned his head and looked forward, roaring: "Kill!"

She is not a coy little girl. Now that the matter is a foregone conclusion, she will make a decisive decision immediately.

Qi deliberately let Qi Yoyo leave, so Qi Yoyo led more than 30,000 people to successfully break out of the encirclement, but there was only a tail hanging far behind.

Qi Yoyo looked at the tail that was neither far away nor close, and immediately wanted to understand Qi's plan. She did not try to clean up the tail, because she knew that this tail must not be easy to clean without trying.

If you keep entangled with it and waste your time on escaping, it is better to seize the time and run farther away, put some distance between you and the Big Tooth Army, and then think of a solution.

Passing by a towering tree, Qi Yoyo suddenly flew up from his horse. He was as strong and vigorous as a monkey. After a few clicks, he climbed to the top of the tree and looked towards the direction of Partridge City.

I vaguely saw some firelight and heard the sound of fighting coming from afar.

"George, how many more cavalry do we have?" Qi Yoyo jumped back from the tree and asked the middle-aged man on the right. He is the deputy battalion commander of the A-shaped battalion and is the one dispatching the personnel of the A-shaped battalion this time.

The highest military officer. His combat prowess is at the eighth level, only one step short of the ninth level.

"A little more than five thousand." George responded, "The second young master ordered all the cavalry to escort the eldest lady to break out, and he only left two small teams."

When he heard that there were five thousand cavalry, Qi Yoyo's eyes suddenly lit up, and he stared at George with a stern gaze. He lowered his voice and asked word by word: "Do you dare to go back with me and charge for a kill?!"

"This" George frowned deeply, obviously not agreeing with Qi Yoyo's idea.

Qi originally thought he would capture Qi Changkong soon, but he far underestimated the fighting power of Qi Changkong and a group of urgently recruited troops. After all, there were still more than 30,000 people left, and it would not be easy to eat him in one bite. Besides, Qi Changkong

He didn't give up hope, he still kept trying to break out, and he was almost killed a few times.

"Qi Changkong, I'm warning you one last time. Don't fight any more and put down your weapons and surrender. For the sake of our brotherhood, I can spare your life." Qi walked towards the battlefield for the unknown number of times.

He roared angrily, and the answer he received was still Qi Changkong's roaring and cursing.

"Let your mother's dog stink!"

"You are a big-toothed dog, and I am a native of Dayu. How have I ever had a fight with your brother?"

"Damn it, you killed my eldest brother. I am incompatible with you and are incompatible with each other!"

"Brothers, work harder and grab a few more big-toothed dogs to support you before you die! I have hacked to death more than 160 big-toothed dog heads. It's worth dying. Haha."

"Qi Changkong, if you don't put down your weapons and surrender, I will kill you indiscriminately with bows and arrows! Then you will be like these mud-legged people and be turned into a pitiful rotten hedgehog!" Qi Senran warned.

But Qi Changkong didn't take advantage of him at all, and shouted: "If you have any tricks, just use them. If I say even half a word of fear, I will be your grandson!"

"Bah!" Qi Changkong spat out the bloody foam in his mouth and shouted: "Don't you think I can't see it? If you could use a bow and arrow, you would have used it a long time ago, and why would you wait until now? Ha, I must be.

Have you run out of arrows?"

"Stubborn! I wanted to save your life, but since you gave me the chance, don't blame me for turning your back on me!" Qi said angrily, but he did not order a bow and arrow attack because Qi Changkong was right.

His arrows were exhausted in last night's siege. If he could kill with a rain of arrows, he would have given the order long ago.

Dayu's army could not get supplies along the way, and they also had no supplies.

The escape route Qi Yoyo chose was very far to the west and far away from the main city. It seemed that she had taken this into consideration at the beginning of her escape and did not allow them a chance to supply supplies. After several battles, everything that could be consumed was basically exhausted.

It's almost consumed.

"Qi, why don't you dare to come over and fight with that bitch who pretended to be my eldest brother? Are you frightened by grandpa's bravery?" Qi Changkong once again challenged Qi. He desperately wanted to fight Qi head-on.

, but Qi kept avoiding fighting, which made him itchy with anger.

"Oh, if you didn't have the blind uncle's magical power, do you think I, who is in the sixth heaven, would be afraid of you, a rubbish in the fifth heaven?" Qi finally couldn't help but tell the reason why he didn't dare to challenge.

"Ha, it turns out that you know that I have the magical power of the Star Power, and you are afraid that I will use this magical power to destroy you, so no wonder you don't dare to challenge me," Qi Changkong said.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Qi sneered, "It's just that I don't think you dare to use it. The saint has just issued an edict, prohibiting the stars from participating in the war, and those who disobey the order will be killed without mercy. Although it is a magical power, I'm afraid

No way. Otherwise, if all the powerful stars have sealed their magical powers for the people below to use, wouldn’t the Saint’s Order become a joke? So if you dare to use it, the blind uncle will be implicated. You are already in a certain death situation, do you still want to harm you before you die?

Kill your master?"

"Haha, it's just a magical power. It passed in an instant. The saint may not be able to show it. Even if it is discovered and implicates the master, the master will definitely not blame me, because I used his magical power to kill thousands of people.

Big-toothed dogs, because his lifelong wish is to kill all the big-toothed dogs!" Qi Changkong responded, raising his voice suddenly and shouting: "Brothers, you have heard it, I still have a powerful star.

My magical power has not been used. I will use this magical power when I find the opportunity to help us break out. Big-toothed dogs, you have to be careful. The powerful star's magical power can destroy thousands of you in the blink of an eye.

I don’t know which of you will be unlucky?"

"Fuck!" Qi's face turned livid, and he suddenly felt that he was being plotted by Qi Changkong.

Qi Changkong had the supernatural power of the Star Power. He could have told it early to boost his morale, but Qi Changkong delayed saying it. He waited until he took the initiative to say it. As a result, people on both sides of the enemy and us were confused.

Knowing that Qi Changkong possesses the magical power of the Star Power, and that he has no doubt about it, Qi Changkong takes the opportunity to build momentum, boost his own morale, and suppress the enemy's morale.

A powerful magical power from the stars was pressed into the hearts of every Daya soldier, and the effect was immediate, making them fearful in battle.

Qi Changkong rushed left and right, and even tore apart the already closed circle.


Suddenly, a deafening loud noise suddenly erupted in Partridge City, and the power of stars in the sky exploded in the city.

Qi Changkong's expression changed drastically, knowing that what he had been worried about had finally happened.

Immediately afterwards, a golden fist struck down from the sky. The fist covered the entire night sky, and golden light illuminated the heaven and earth.

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