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Chapter 350 Sin deserves death

 "Boy, you made it so hard for us to find you!"

When Wan Qiuqing saw Zhang Xiaozu, he immediately shouted with joy. The two jumped across a distance of tens of feet, reached Zhang Xiaozu, reached out and grabbed his arm, and said hurriedly, "Follow me!" "

After saying that, he couldn't help but force Zhang Xiaopeng to fly towards Yancheng.

Zhang Xiaozhu saw that Wan Qiuqing was covered in stains and even smelled bad. It seemed that she had not had time to wash and change clothes since the war. Looking at her extremely anxious look, he thought about her first words when they met and the previous encounters. What the man said made me couldn't help but ask, "Have you been looking for me? What happened?"

"I'm not the only one, the whole army is looking for you, and they are about to dig three feet into the ground in Yanbei. Where did you run away without saying a word?!" Wan Qiuqing couldn't help but feel a bit angry and reproachful in her tone, In order to find Zhang Xiaozu these days, she had been running around without touching the ground. She was so anxious that blisters appeared on the corners of her mouth. She was really exhausted, so she couldn't help but complain a few words when she saw Zhang Xiaozu.

Zhang Xiaozu laughed twice and didn't answer.

Wan Qiuqing just complained a few words and had no intention of pursuing accountability, so he didn't care whether Zhang Xiaozu answered or not, and continued, "The red-haired corpse poison broke out in Yancheng."

"What?!" Zhang Xiaozhu was shocked when he heard this. Thinking of the horror of the red-haired corpse poison, he instantly got goosebumps all over his body, and a chill ran up his spine. He didn't dare to think about the tragic situation in Yancheng right now.

"Nearly a million people have been infected. The only good thing is that the red-haired corpse poison that broke out in the city is much less toxic than the red-haired corpse poison we have seen. It takes an infected person six or seven days from the onset of the virus to coma. , it will take four or five days after the coma for the body to slowly grow red hair, and finally the red hair will cover the whole body and the vitality will fail and die." Wan Qiuqing told Zhang Xiaozu what she roughly knew about the situation.

But Zhang Xiaozu still felt numb after hearing this. Nearly one million people were infected. This huge number made him suffocated.

He finally understood why the whole army was looking for him. It should be that the people in Yancheng were helpless against the red-haired corpse poison. Only his ghost eyes could drive away the red-haired corpse poison, so he became Yancheng's life-saving straw. .But the number of nearly one million made him feel scared and powerless. How could he save one million people by himself?

"But General Qiu was poisoned by the powerful red-haired corpse poison." Wan Qiuqing suddenly said in a serious tone, "Someone spread the red-haired corpse poison on the battlefield. After the corpse was infected with the red-haired corpse poison, it turned into a red-haired corpse monster. A man controlled a man to attack Yancheng. General Qiu chased him out of the city. He might have had a fight with that man. After he came back, he was infected with the corpse poison and his life was in danger. I suspect that the man who controlled the corpse monster was Fang Bubu. He was the only one who knew this kind of magic. .”

"Well, it's most likely him." Zhang Xiaozu nodded in agreement.

Wan Qiuqing went at full speed and took Zhang Xiaopeng to the gate of Yancheng City in just an hour. He happened to meet Xiao Chong on the way, and he was so excited that he almost shed tears. Five fingers grasped Zhang Xiaopeng's arm like iron pliers. Let go, just like Zhang Xiaopeng will spread his wings and fly away as soon as he lets go.

Arriving at the gate of Yancheng City, Zhang Xiaozu was deeply shocked by the scene he saw in front of him.

Although the battlefield has been cleaned, the traces of the baptism of war are still there.

The towering city wall was completely devastated, as if it had been chiseled by tens of thousands of people with huge chisels. In some places, huge gaps had even collapsed. The entire city wall was either scorched black by kerosene or stained red with blood.

Zhang Xiaopou could not imagine for a moment what kind of fierce fighting and fighting was required to leave such numerous scars on such a majestic and towering city wall.

The ground under his feet was wet and sticky, and a stench evaporated under the sunlight. The brown-red soil told Zhang Xiaozu that this dry land had just been irrigated with blood. The image of corpses piled up like mountains and blood flowing into rivers was in his mind.

emerged involuntarily.

Xiao rushed forward and called the door, and the side door of the corridor opened a gap allowing one person to pass through.

The three of them entered one after another, passed through the corridor and entered the city of North Ten City. A heavy, dead atmosphere accompanied by noisy cries, howls, and curses rushed towards their faces. On both sides of the street and on the street, some people were lying in random directions, some of whom were already unconscious.

When they wake up, some are groaning in pain, some are surrounded by family and friends, and some are alone and have no one to care about them.

"Damn it!" Xiao Chong cursed through gritted teeth. He had been looking for Zhang Xiaopeng outside the city for the past few days. He didn't know what happened in the city, but after seeing the scene in the city, he already knew what happened.

Wan Qiuqing and Zhang Xiaozu were horrified. They had tried their best to think of the worst, but the miserable scene in front of them was still far beyond their expectations. It was clear that the entire city had been infected.

"It seems that the city lord listened to Yaowang Valley's suggestion and expelled all infected people to North Nine and North Ten cities for isolation." Xiao Chong lamented.

Such isolation is unkind, but it is also a helpless move. We cannot just watch the entire population of Yancheng being infected by the corpse poison.

Now I just hope that someone can step forward to control the corpse poison and relieve the suffering of the people of Yancheng.

Xiao Chong looked at Zhang Xiaozu expectantly, but then he lamented in his heart. He felt that Zhang Xiaozu could not complete such an arduous task by himself, so he could only do his best to obey fate and save as many as he could.

"They?" Zhang Xiaozu frowned, looked at Wan Qiuqing and Xiao Chong and asked, "Why are they all cursing me?"

His hearing was very good, and he could hear the curses of the people from a long distance, including all kinds of foul words and extremely vicious curses, which were unbearable.

"Is there any?" Xiao Chong was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously stepped forward, trying to hear clearly the curses of the people.

Wan Qiuqing listened carefully, and then her face turned ugly. She found that Zhang Xiaopou was not talking nonsense, and the people in the city were indeed cursing Zhang Xiaopou, and they were extremely vicious.

Zhang Xiaopou followed Xiao Chong and walked forward. He saw an old woman with disheveled hair burning paper figurines on the street. There were many steel needles stuck in the paper figurines, and their names were written on the backs of the paper figurines. They were clearly "Zhang Xiaopou".


"Old woman, what's the grudge between you and Zhang Xiaopeng that you want to curse him so viciously?!" Xiao Chong also saw the old woman's behavior and strode over to ask.

The old woman was startled and sat down on the ground. When she heard Xiao Chong's shouting, she got up with her eyes widened, clasped her waist with her hands and cursed, "The old woman has a mortal enemy with that little pawn.

He has harmed my son, daughter-in-law, and my poor grandson. The old woman wants to drink his blood, eat his flesh, and crush his bones into ashes."

"How did he harm your son, daughter-in-law, and beloved grandson?" Zhang Xiaozhu strode forward and asked. He dared to guarantee with his head that he never knew the old woman in front of him, let alone her son, daughter-in-law, and beloved grandchild.

"Zhang Xiaopeng brought corpse plague into Yancheng. He deserves death!" the old woman jumped to her feet and cursed angrily.

"How do you say this? How did he bring corpse plague into Yancheng?" Zhang Xiaozu asked anxiously.

"It was he who discovered the water source in Yanbei and the Corpse Plague was hidden in the water. We all got the Corpse Plague after drinking the water. Do you think he brought the Corpse Plague into Yancheng? He harmed so many innocent people in Yancheng.

, he will suffer retribution sooner or later. I will tie up the paper man and curse him to die a good death, so that his soul will be scattered, and he will never be reborn!" The old man's eyes were about to burst, and foam was foaming at the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Xiaozhu's face turned pale. If the corpse plague was really hidden in the water and brought into Yancheng, he would indeed be to blame.

"That's nonsense!" Xiao Chong shouted loudly, "The soldiers who defended the city drank all the water brought from Yanbei. How come no one was infected with corpse plague? Furthermore, wasn't the Yanbei water source discovered by the people from Yaowang Valley?

When did Zhang Xiaozu discover it?"

"That's what the immortals from Yaowang Valley said." The old woman was forced by Xiao Chong's momentum and said timidly.

"So shameless!" Xiao Chong scolded angrily. "When the water transport came into the city, the whole city cheered. The sky was almost collapsed when they praised Yaowang Valley. They were all so proud and looked at people with their chins raised. They were all condescending.

The gesture is all it takes to write the three characters "Savior" on the forehead. Why didn't they say that they didn't discover the water source at that time? Now that there is a problem with the water source, they immediately slap their butts and distance themselves from the relationship. Damn it, are there any people like this?


Most of the men in the military camp were straight-tempered. When Xiao Chong heard what Yao Wanggu had done, he cursed on the spot.

Zhang Xiaozhu had no idea that there were any of these things, but he didn't care about them at the moment. Although what Yaowanggu did was despicable, compared to the lives of the people in Yancheng, he had no time to care about them.

"Go and rescue General Qiu first." Wan Qiuqing hurriedly changed the subject, fearing that Zhang Xiaopeng would become furious after hearing too many unbearable curses from the people. He threw up his sleeves and left in anger. Then the people of Yancheng could only look at the sky and wait.

Dead, "Where is General Qiu?"

"In the North Nine City Tower, the general does not allow others to approach." Xiao Chong replied.

"Let's go!" Wan Qiuqing shouted, and the wind element surged, carrying the three of them flying towards the North Nine City Tower.

A quarter of an hour later, the three of them landed on the city wall, walked into the city gate tower, and searched separately. They soon found Qiu Zhan in the narrow and remote stone room.

"Who?" Qiu Zhan heard the footsteps of the three people, opened his eyes and shouted. The corpse poison had spread to his head, his entire face was dark purple, and his voice was hoarse and weak.

"General, it's me." Xiao Chong responded, "There's also Madam Qi and Brother Xiaopeng."

"Don't come close to me!" Qiu Zhan shouted in a hoarse and weak voice, "The poison of this corpse is extremely vicious. With your cultivation level, if you fall into it, you may die in an hour or two. Get out of here quickly, if I die unfortunately

Here, pour kerosene into the room, then light a fire and burn this place together with me. Remember, no one can get close to me. If this poison spreads in Yancheng, Yancheng will really be hopeless. You,

Leave quickly."

"Old General, you can't die, we have found a savior for you." Wan Qiuqing said with a smile.

"Savior?" Qiu Zhan glanced at the three of them doubtfully, then landed on Zhang Xiaozu and asked, "Do you have a way to deal with this corpse poison?"

Zhang Xiaozu smiled and nodded, then walked towards Qiu Zhan.

"Wait a minute!" Qiu Zhan called Zhang Xiaopou urgently and said, "Boy, are you sure? I'll say it again, this poison is so vicious that even my cultivation in the Star Realm cannot suppress it. If not 100%

Be sure, you'd better leave, don't waste your life."

Zhang Xiaozhu couldn't help but admire Qiu Zhan after hearing this. If he were an ordinary person, he would cling to a glimmer of hope in a life-or-death situation. How could he reject hope? But Qiu Zhan didn't care about his own life or death, worrying about his life first.


From this alone, Zhang Xiaopou could judge that the old general in front of him must be a good general with high moral integrity and respect and love.

"General, I believe you are the one." Zhang Xiaopou said with a smile.

Before he finished speaking, he took a step forward and arrived in front of Qiu Zhan. Before Qiu Zhan could react, he pointed a finger at the center of his eyebrows, and the power of the ghost eyes immediately penetrated Qiu Zhan's eyebrows along the fingertips.

hanzuzhantian0. (https:)

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