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Chapter 370: Opening the Eyes of Heaven (This chapter will be updated)

 The stone door suddenly opened, catching everyone off guard.

Fortunately, everyone's nerves were in a tense state, and they reacted immediately, using their own skills to jointly block the red-haired invasion.

To everyone's secret relief, except for the red-haired ones, no corpse monsters or ancient corpses emerged from behind the stone door.

But the corpse monster was approaching from the corridor.

Tap tap tap

The hard-soled boots stepped on the hard and smooth corridor floor, making crisp footsteps, knocking on Zhang Xiaozu's heart.

Zhang Xiaozu took a deep breath, clenched the Nine-Nine Evil Punishing Money Sword in his hand, and said to the five people who were struggling to resist the red-haired invasion, "A zombie monster is coming. You hold on for a while, and then come and help me after I deal with it."


"Pawn, be careful," Wan Qiuqing hurriedly warned.

"Junior brother, be careful." Taoist Yiwei and Taoist Qinglian also hurriedly warned.

They couldn't help but worry about Zhang Xiaozu, because Zhang Xiaozu was the weakest among them, and they were afraid that Zhang Xiaozu would not be a match for the zombie monster, but they couldn't spare any effort to kill the approaching zombie monster for Zhang Xiaozu.

At present, the five of them have worked together to barely block Hong Mao's invasion. They are in a stalemate stage where they can neither advance nor retreat. If one of them stops rashly, the defense line will collapse instantly. So they have the intention to help Zhang Xiaopeng, but they are not willing to do so.

And lack of strength.

"Don't worry, my Daolitian can defeat the corpse monster, it can't do anything to me." Zhang Xiaozu responded, and then his body turned into a stream of light and threw himself at the corpse monster approaching step by step.


The corpse monster felt Zhang Xiaopou charging towards him with murderous intent. He opened his mouth almost filled with red hair towards Zhang Xiaopou through the darkness in the corridor, and let out an angry and hoarse roar from his throat. Then he suddenly picked up speed and ran like a wild beast.

Generally rush towards Zhang Xiaopawn.

Facing the zombie monster that was most likely the donkey-faced old man, Zhang Xiaopou didn't dare to be careless at all. He bit the tip of his index finger and drew a talisman on the money sword with pure Yang blood and the power of ghost eyes.

The distance of less than 300 steps was in front of us in the blink of an eye. They met on a narrow road and could only fight. Zhang Xiaopou's momentum had reached its extreme. The murderous aura rushed to drive away the fear in his heart. The murderous knife was displayed brazenly. The money sword acted as a war knife and slashed at a tricky angle.

Corpse monster.

The moves of the zombie monster are very simple, just punch out the moment they meet each other.


Zhang Xiaozu was knocked away by a punch, but his money sword did not have time to touch the corpse monster. His body hit the hard wall of the corridor, and he fell to pieces. Venus stars appeared in front of his eyes, and he almost fainted.

Fortunately, the power of the three colors swirling around the body counteracted most of the power of the zombie monster's punch. At the same time, his body's ability to withstand blows was far superior to that of ordinary people. Otherwise, the zombie monster's punch would have killed half of his life.

Previously, he had seen Butcher Zhang dealing with the corpse monster that Blind Uncle had turned into, just like torturing a chicken. He couldn't feel how strong the corpse monster was at all. Now when he fought the corpse monster head-on, he realized that it wasn't that the corpse monster was too weak, but that it was

Butcher Zhang is too strong.

"The power of the stars has become so powerful that it has turned into a monster with no intelligence and low level. Even without the power of the stars, it can easily crush me with just physical strength and speed." Zhang Xiaozhu smiled bitterly in his heart.

The power of the corpse monster was in line with his thoughts when he first came into contact with martial arts. It was strong enough, fast enough, and could defeat all kinds of magic.

In just one thought, the corpse monster had already rushed in front of him, and Zhang Xiaopou was lying on the ground before he could get up.

Another punch in the face, simple and rough, but very effective.

Zhang Xiaozu lay on the ground and punched out the zombie monster's fist. This punch gathered all the strength of his body, not to injure and repel the corpse monster, but to block the zombie monster's punch. Because he held the

The money sword in his left hand had already pierced the corpse monster's ribs, exchanging injuries for injuries. This was the simplest and most effective way Zhang Xiaozu thought of to deal with the corpse monster, instead of competing with the corpse monster for strength and speed.


The two fists collided together. Zhang Xiaozu's fist and his entire right arm instantly lost consciousness, and there was a clear sound of bone cracking. A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and he felt that his internal organs were being destroyed by the corpse monster.

The punch was dislocated.

But despite his efforts to withstand the injury from this punch, the results he gained were also remarkable.

The talisman drawn on the surface of the right fist was successfully imprinted on the zombie monster's fist. The money sword burst out with light and pierced into the corpse monster's ribs with a pop.

The talisman carrying the power of the ghost eye exploded in the zombie monster's fist, and the power of the talisman on the money sword exploded in the zombie monster's body.

Ho ho

The corpse monster suddenly screamed in pain and backed away from Zhang Xiaozu in fear. The corpse poison on its right arm was being driven away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the corpse poison in its body cavity was being driven away even faster.

Its roars became more and more shrill, and its body fell to the ground and rolled around. Its left hand tore at its abdominal cavity crazily, as if there was a flame burning its internal organs. It wanted to tear open its abdominal cavity and take out the flames.

This continued for about half a cup of tea before the corpse monster twitched and slowly became silent. Its stomach and intestines were broken, and the stench of decay was nauseating.

Zhang Xiaozu took the healing elixir and his right arm has basically recovered.

He held his breath and walked towards the corpse monster. When he saw the red hair on the corpse monster's face, he discovered that it was indeed an old man with a donkey face. He could not control the power of the fire element and could not cremate the old man with a donkey face, so he had to plead guilty and throw the old man away temporarily.

it's here.

The fighting in the depths of the corridor was still going on, but the sound of the fighting was a little weaker, and he didn't know what was going on. Zhang Xiaozu didn't care to look, and turned around and ran towards the stone gate.

The five people in front of Shimen were still in a stalemate with Hong Mao, but from their pale faces and the beads of sweat on their foreheads, it was easy to see that they were struggling to hold on.

Zhang Xiaozu rushed forward in one breath and took out Taoist talismans from Xumi mustard seeds. He drew them on the roadside on the way here. He took out six in a row, pasted them side by side on the money sword, and immediately stamped them on the money sword.

, the Taoist Talisman is blessed by the Money Sword, its light shines brightly, and its power increases dramatically.

Zhang Xiaopeng uttered a word as urgent as an order, his eyebrows were angry, his beard and hair were spread out, the money sword suddenly stabbed out, and six Taoist talismans shot out, turning into the size of a door panel in the air.

Hee hee hee

As soon as the Taoist talisman touched the red hair, the red hair immediately burst into flames, but the light of the Taoist talisman dimmed very quickly.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaozu quickly took out six more Taoist talismans. Because the length of the money sword was limited, he could only attach six at a time. After the blessing of the money sword, the Taoist talismans shot out again.

The pressure on Wan Qiuqing and the other five people was greatly reduced, and they couldn't help but secretly breath a sigh of relief.

Especially Wu Man'er. Her cultivation level is only slightly better than Zhang Xiaopeng's. It is not easy to compete with Hong Mao for such a long time. Her face is already very pale and her body is already soaked with sweat.

Zhang Xiaozu played twelve Taoist talismans in front of her to relieve the pressure she was under.

One Taoist talisman was typed out one after another, and more than 200 Taoist talismans were quickly gone, but the red hair in the tomb was still endless, constantly pouring out from the depths.

"Junior brother, we must find the source of it," Yi Wei Taoist shouted urgently.

Zhang Xiaozu said anxiously, "The space inside is extremely wide and deep. My state of mind is limited and I haven't found the source of the red hair."

Bang bang

Suddenly there was a banging sound in the tomb, as if someone was hitting the ground with a heavy object.

"What's the sound?" Wu Man'er asked with a frown. She couldn't help showing a panic expression on her face, because the banging sound she heard sounded like footsteps, which reminded her of an ancient corpse more than two feet tall walking.

The sound of footsteps.

"Yes" Zhang Xiaozhu swallowed, and a wry smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, because he found that he had been frightened and swallowed several times after entering the tomb. Every time something scary appeared, he would be the first to see it.

, and then endure the sudden shock.

"It's an ancient corpse." Perhaps because he had been frightened too many times, Zhang Xiaozu's voice was less frightened. He looked at the huge ancient corpse walking towards him step by step, and added, "The huge ancient corpse is more than two feet and five feet high.

The corpse was covered in red hair, and he was holding a spear over three feet long in his hand."

The air suddenly became quiet, leaving only the heavy breathing of a few people.

The powerful ancient corpse is definitely not something they can compete with. Just look at Zhang Tufu and Wen Buwu who are still fighting against the ancient corpse.

Zhang Xiaozu walked to the front and took out more than ten bottles of elixirs from Xumi mustard seeds. These elixirs were left over from when he was drawing Taoist talismans. He secretly took advantage of the ink. Wan Qiuqing opened his eyes and closed his eyes, enduring

Heartache pretended not to see it, and regarded these more than ten bottles of elixir as a reward for Zhang Xiaozu.


Zhang Xiaozu pulled out the jade stopper and swallowed bottles of pills. The majestic spiritual power flowed through his body like a flood that burst a dam.

"Xiaozu, what are you going to do?" Wan Qiuqing was shocked when she saw Zhang Xiaozu taking the pill desperately.

"Please Taoist ancestor, open the eyes of heaven" Zhang Xiaozu replied.

The two star powers fought an ancient corpse in a fierce battle, and the winner has still not been decided. How could the six of them defeat an ancient corpse, let alone face endless terrifying red bodies?


Opening the ghost pupils was the only way he could think of.

When Wan Qiuqing heard this, he immediately knew what Zhang Xiaozu meant by opening the heavenly eye.

Zhang Xiaozu swallowed more than ten bottles of elixirs in one breath. His body was swollen like a ball by the spiritual power, and he was about to explode from the spiritual power. Fortunately, there was a bottomless pit like the ghost pupil, and he tried his best to guide the spirit.

The force poured into the ghost pupils, and at the same time he pretended to say, "Zhang Xiaozu, the 167th generation disciple of Sanqing Temple, pays homage to the Taoist ancestor, and begs the Taoist ancestor to lower his heavenly eyes, show his power, subdue demons and eliminate them, and win every fight. Urgent

Like the law” (https:)

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