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Three hundred and eighty-eighth chapter hole

 Yuan Taiping has been living at the bottom of society. He has been ridiculed, insulted, bullied, excluded and expelled. He can only hide in a dark corner and live alone. This living environment has made his character timid and introverted.

He was weak and had low self-esteem. So when he looked at the spiritual fruits and elixirs delivered to him, he didn't dare to reach out to take them even though he longed for them so much.

The faint glow flowing on the surface of the spirit fruit and the elixir bottle showed their preciousness, and even made Yuan Taiping subconsciously have a humble thought, feeling that his status was low and he was not worthy of owning and using these two treasures.

"Take it and use it, I still have it here." Zhou Jianlai forced the spiritual fruit and elixir into Yuan Taiping's arms, and warned: "This place is weird and inexplicable. It is definitely not a good place. I'm afraid something bad will happen.

Let’s seize the time to practice. Every improvement in our cultivation will increase our ability to protect ourselves.”

Yuan Taiping held the spiritual fruit and elixir with trembling hands, and expressed his gratitude to Zhou Jianlai: "I dare not say thank you for your great kindness. Yuan Taiping will remember it in his heart and will definitely repay him in the future."

"Brothers don't talk about kindness or repayment. Just remember that we are brothers and family members." Zhou Jianlai smiled and patted Yuan Taiping on the shoulder, then stood up and walked to a corner of the small space, took a pill and began to meditate.


Niu Dawa also walked to the other corner, took the elixir, held a demon elixir in each hand, and entered the state of cultivation.

Holding the spiritual fruit and elixir in his arms, Yuan Taiping walked quietly to a corner away from Zhou Jianlai and Niu Dawa, sat cross-legged facing the wall, quietly wiped away the moisture from the corners of his eyes, and involuntarily raised a happy smile at the corners of his mouth. He was so good

I want to yell, because this feeling of being accepted, valued and cared for by others is so comfortable.

"We have been walking along this cave, let's call it a cave, for nearly twenty hours. According to our traveling speed, we should have entered the boundary of Yancheng."

In the dark and empty cave, Zhang Xiaopeng and his group of nine people sat down to take a short rest.

As Wan Qiuqing said, they had been walking along the cave for nearly twenty hours, during which they only stopped to rest three times, each time only for one stick of incense.

A Wei Taoist used his compass to orient himself and found that they had been walking south.

So Wan Qiuqing made a rough calculation based on their traveling time and speed, and was surprised to find that they had entered the boundary of Yancheng from underground.

Butcher Zhang twisted his beard and said: "It turns out that the underground river can be so long. No wonder the big-toothed dogs can use the underground river to cross the Nanling Mountains from deep underground without anyone noticing, and then gather in the black forest."

Fortunately, it was discovered immediately, and Qin Zhenghao, the lord of Baiyun City, reacted quickly and immediately dispatched an army to block the exit of the Black Forest, which greatly slowed down the dispatch of the Big Tooth Army. Otherwise, if the more than 1.5 million Big Tooth Army assembled in the Black Forest had no chance,

Come out without any damage, and then cooperate with the nearly one million Big Tooth Army from Haoyue City and Jincheng. The three of them join forces, and more than two million troops suddenly appear under Yancheng City. There is a high probability that Yancheng will not be able to defend it.

It can be said that Qin Zhenghao deserves the most credit for this battle."

"I hope the officials will not treat the Qin family poorly when discussing merits and rewards." Wan Qiuqing couldn't help but sigh when he thought of the Qin family's current bad situation. He hoped that the officials could give generous rewards to help the Qin family tide over the difficulties.

"Senior, what kind of place is the Black Forest? Why are there so many terrifying demon kings in it? They all seem to be sealed in the Black Forest and cannot get out. Was it the saint who banned them?" Zhang Xiaozu asked several questions in one go.

A question. Because when he mentioned the Black Forest, he couldn't help but think of the horrific scene he saw that night. The star power who was flying in the sky and escaping from the earth was killed by a demon king like an ant.

"Have you seen the Demon King in the Black Forest?" Butcher Zhang did not rush to answer Zhang Xiaopou's question, but looked at him and asked with interest.

"Well, I'm lucky enough to have seen it once." Zhang Xiaozu nodded and said, "A toad demon king, with a body as big as a mountain peak. It can eat a big-toothed star power with just one roll of its tongue. It's as easy and simple as eating flies and insects. Also,

The black goshawk that covers the sky with its wings spreads out, and its sharp claws can tear a star power into pieces with a single grab. There are also giant pythons, tigers, great apes, etc. Their strength is extremely terrifying, and they can completely crush the star power.


"Why didn't you tell me?" Tianwu Taoist asked with a glare.

"This is what my disciple saw not long ago." Zhang Xiaozu explained.

"You went to the Black Forest again?" Taoist Tianwu couldn't help but frown.

The Black Forest is recognized as a forbidden and dangerous place. He has sternly reminded Zhang Xiaopou that he is not allowed to enter the Black Forest unless his combat power reaches the ninth level of heaven. However, he can only wander around the outside of the Black Forest and cannot go deep into it, because even if it is

Even the mighty stars dare not venture into the depths of the black forest. With Zhang Xiaozu's current meager ability, if he is not careful in the black forest, he will end up with no body left, which is extremely dangerous.

"No. The thing is like this, that night." Zhang Xiaozhu shook his head, and then recounted what he saw that night.

Except for Wan Qiuqing, who had already heard what Qi Yoyo said, everyone else couldn't help showing shocked expressions after listening.

Butcher Zhang frowned and said: "Someone must have broken into the tomb of the ancient immortal and alerted the ancient demon deep in the black forest. Otherwise, these ancient demons who have lived for nearly a thousand years would not have come out en masse."

"Tomb of the Ancient Immortal? Ancient Demon?" Zhang Xiaopou said with a surprised look on his face.

Taoist Tianwu looked at Taoist Yiwei and ordered: "Yiwei, tell your junior brother."

"Brother, please help me clear up my doubts." Zhang Xiaopou hurriedly bowed his hands to a Taoist priest.

Taoist Yiwei nodded, moved his body, faced Zhang Xiaozu, and then said: "The Black Forest is said to be the virgin forest left over from the previous era. Well, do you understand the era? We call it an era of nine hundred years.


Zhang Xiaozu couldn't understand "Era", but he understood "Nine Hundred Years". Last time in the Li Family Treasure House, Taoist Tianwu talked about a catastrophe that occurred once in nine hundred years, so Taoist Yiwei didn't need to explain it in detail. He had already

He roughly understood the meaning of this word and nodded towards Taoist Yiwei.

Yiwei Taoist saw Zhang Xiaopou nodding, so he continued: "The Black Forest is a primitive forest left over from the previous era, so there are many monsters from the previous era living in it. We call them ancient monsters or ancient monsters. They are

Just like the ancients of the last era, not only did their bodies become extremely large, but their combat power was also extremely terrifying.

Legend has it that the ancient demons living in the deepest parts of the Black Forest have at least a semi-saint level of cultivation, while there are many ancient demons at the saint level, and there are even many terrifying beings that surpass the saint level.

But the entire Black Forest is shrouded in an extremely powerful restriction. Even terrifying beings that surpass the level of saints are helpless against this restriction and can only stay in the Black Forest obediently.

In other words, the restrictions in the Black Forest are definitely not arranged by the Saint, because the Saint does not have this ability."

Zhang Xiaozhu couldn't help but open his mouth in surprise. The saint was already an existence that he could not imagine at present, and there were actually terrifying existences beyond the level of saints in the black forest. He could not imagine how powerful this level of terrifying existence was.

Can the entire Yancheng be reduced to rubble with one palm?

Or can you say that you can tear apart the sky with just a grab, or crack the earth with just a stamp of your foot?

Just listen to a Wei Taoist continue to speak: "Along with these ancient demons, there are ancient immortal tombs, and they are extremely well-preserved ancient immortal tombs, magic weapons, elixirs, magic weapons, etc., and even secret books of skills.

Found in these well-preserved tombs of ancient immortals.

Countless cultivators swarmed under this huge temptation and entered the black forest in search of ancient tombs.

However, these tombs of ancient immortals are guarded by extremely powerful ancient demons. Once the cultivators are exposed and discovered by the ancient demons, they will definitely die. They die after death, after death, until there are mountains of corpses. Even several saints have fallen.

Then very few people dared to take the idea of ​​the Ancient Immortal Tomb.

But occasionally there will be one or two people who are not afraid of death.

The ancient demons are bored living in the Black Forest all day long, so once they discover that a cultivator has invaded the Ancient Immortal Tomb, they will treat it as a game and sweep the entire Black Forest. Therefore, generally no one dares to enter the Black Forest.

If you stay here for a long time, you will be afraid that someone desperate will mess with the ancient demons and implicate you, or that the ancient demons will launch a large-scale raid on a whim."

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaozu was first surprised and shocked, and then asked in confusion, "Since there are ancient demons who survived from the previous era, it stands to reason that there should also be ancient people who survived from the previous era. Are there no ancients in the Black Forest?"

Taoist Yiwei shook his head and said: "No one knows whether there are any. Anyway, no one has seen it. Or maybe everyone who has seen it has been killed. Who knows?"

Only then did Zhang Xiaozu realize that the Black Forest was so extraordinary.

After chatting for a while, everyone set off again.

"Go ahead and take a look. If there's no exit yet, dig a hole up and get out. I don't want to go all the way to Daya Country in one go." Butcher Zhang said.

Neither Wen Buwu nor Tianwu Taoist objected, and they were obviously tired of it. If they hadn't had hidden expectations in their hearts, wondering whether they would encounter another valley with great opportunities, they would have stopped moving forward.

Unfortunately, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

They walked forward for more than ten hours, but they didn't encounter Mao's opportunity, only a dark cave.

A group of nine people stopped and prepared to dig a hole up and get out.

"I'll go first." Wan Qiuqing said.

Wan Qiuqing knew that they were at an unimaginable depth. If she wanted to dig out the hole by herself, it would probably take at least ten days and a half, so she said she would come first and then switch to other places when she was tired.

People come up.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Wan Qiuqing got through it in only half a cup of tea.

The dazzling light shone down through the hole made by Wan Qiuqing, stinging the eyes of many people who had been in the dark environment for a long time and causing tears to flow from their eyes.

Wan Qiuqing was the first to bear the brunt of the pain. She couldn't help but scream in pain. She felt like her eyes were going to be blinded, so she hurriedly jumped down from above.

(Sorry, something happened and today’s update was delayed. The remaining two chapters will be added.) (https:)

This chapter has been completed!
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