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Chapter 429 Dinner at night

 Monk Huixin came to the door early this morning. When he entered, he called Brother Niu Dawa and said that their master Kong Wen, the abbot, wandered around the world last night and discovered that Niu Dawa was a Buddhist apostle in his previous life and that there was a problem with Buddhism in this life.

Therefore, in response to Niu Dawa's Buddhist karma, he accepted Niu Dawa as his disciple and took the Dharma name Huise.

Niu Dawa was stunned for a moment after hearing this. When he realized what he was doing, he became furious. He grabbed the back of Monk Huixin's neck like a chicken and threw him into the street.

Monk Huixin was not angry either. He got up and patted his butt and entered the yard again.

As a result, Niu Dawa stared at him and threw him out again.

Monk Huixin was still not angry. He seemed to know that he would be thrown away by Niu Dawa, so he simply stopped patting his butt and ran into the yard again with his lips curled up and aggrievedly.

Throw it out and run in.

Run in, throw out.

After going back and forth more than ten times, finally looking at the dusty little monk with his mouth curled up and about to cry, Niu Dawa gave up and could only let him stay in the yard.

However, when Taoist Tianwu saw it, he calculated it with his fingers and told Niu Dawa that he did have some karma with Buddhism in this life, but there was no need to force it, and he could just let nature take its course.

Niu Dawa was so frightened that he hurriedly ran to the kitchen and got two fried chicken legs to eat to calm his shock. He held the chicken legs high and said harsh words. Anyone who dared to stop him from marrying a wife and having children would be Niu Dawa's life-long enemy and he would kill them all.


Monk Huixin stayed like this, and already regarded Niu Dawa as a long-term meal ticket, saying that the master asked him to practice in the world of mortals with his senior brother Niu Dawa.

Niu Dawa saw Monk Huixin's big, clear eyes staring straight at the chicken drumsticks in his hand, with tears streaming down his face in disgrace. He was so angry that he kicked him away and cursed, "You're a bitch.

I know you are not a serious monk!"

Jin Zhihui's meal was as delicious as Jue Wa's, especially when she heard Zhou Jian say that Niu Dawa was going to Tianbaoshan to be ordained and ordained in a few days, her heart was full of mixed emotions, not to mention unpleasant. She thought to herself, no wonder Niu Dawa ate so much meat in one meal.

, it turns out that I will no longer be able to eat it soon.

After having enough wine and food, a group of people changed into coarse linen clothes and continued to clean up the ruins under the scorching sun.

Jin Zhihui looked at Zhang Xiaopeng and the others in the ruins, digging bricks and tiles, digging in the earth and raising dust. After a while, they became disgraced, but they were not too tired or too dirty and worked enthusiastically. Even Zhang Butcher, a star in the sky,

They all rolled up their trouser legs and rolled up their sleeves to participate in the battle. The relaxed and cheerful expressions on their faces showed that they were enjoying the process.

She felt extremely incomprehensible. She had already soared into the sky, said goodbye to poverty and poverty, and could fully enjoy the life of a superior person. Why did she still have to do these menial and cheap jobs?

Is it hard to change your nature?

But fortunately, there are still two normal ones, otherwise Jin Zhihui would have doubted whether her world view was correct.

Master Tianwu was lying on a bamboo chair in the shade, squinting his eyes and taking a nap.

Monk Huixin was sitting in a secluded corner, holding a rosary in one hand and a mallet in the other, banging the wooden fish, but his cheeks kept moving back and forth, obviously stealing food.

Jin Zhihui suspected that he was eating meat secretly.

After working for half an hour, everyone stopped to rest. Meilanzhuju brought the cold mung bean soup, and they drank a large bowl of it in one go, feeling refreshed.

"Old man, if you work harder this afternoon, you should be able to clean it up, and you can start working with the mud tomorrow." Zhang Xiaozhu felt a sense of accomplishment when he looked at the results of these two days of work.

Compared with the surrounding mansions, Tingyaxuan is relatively small, with only a dozen rooms in front and behind. Zhang Xiaozu and his team are strong and agile. One person can support seven or eight people, plus more than a dozen servants and maids to help.

, the cleaning efficiency is naturally extraordinary.

Butcher Zhang nodded and said with a smile, "Well, we can start building the wall tomorrow."

Everyone only rested for a quarter of an hour before starting to work again.

Jin Zhihui gritted her teeth and looked like she was willing to die generously. She asked her maid Chunlan to help her find some coarse linen clothes to change into, put on the cuffs and trousers, and put on a green flower headscarf. She didn't dare to look in the mirror, for fear of being put on the spot after seeing herself dressed like this.

He broke down, then picked up a shovel and went to Niu Dawa's side, preparing to bring a fairy to the mortal world.

She originally thought that Niu Dawa would laugh at her when he saw her outfit, but instead of laughing, her eyes lit up, as if in this guy's eyes, her filthy village girl outfit was far better than hers.

The elegant gauze skirt is much more beautiful.

Niu Dawa's reaction made Jin Zhihui roll her eyes. However, what made her even more depressed was that Niu Dawa didn't show any sympathy for her. He actually pointed at a broken wall next to her and asked her to do it. She was so angry that she slapped the broken wall with a shovel.

On the wall, the broken wall collapsed, but the shovel pole was also broken.

The huge collapse sound attracted the attention of everyone around her. She stood there holding half a shovel pole and wanted to escape from the scene in embarrassment.

Niu Dawa walked up to Jin Zhihui, took the half of the shovel pole from her hand, then handed the hoe in front of her, and said softly, "Since you can muster up the courage to change into these clothes, why not be braver and experience this

What about the new identity? Behind the nobility and honor, there may be unknown sadness and pain, and behind the humbleness and misery, there may be unknown happiness."

Jin Zhihui was startled when she heard this. She didn't expect that Niu Dawa could say such delicate and profound words. She subconsciously took the hoe from Niu Dawa's hand.

Seeing Niu Dawa walking to the broken wall that she knocked down, she began to pick up the bricks inside. She was obviously in the realm of earth, but she didn't take any tricks. All the aura and momentum of the strong man were absorbed into her body, and Douda was sweating.

Sweat dripped from the tip of her forehead, nose, and chin. The front, chest, and back of her linen jacket were all soaked with sweat. She looked like a coolie doing rough work. Jin Zhihui slowly tried to put down her identity, her cultivation, her nobility and reserve, and she picked up her hoe and walked to

He raised his hoe and dug into the spot where Niu Dawa was working just now.

At the beginning of her skills, the hoe was disobedient, always swinging back and forth, and even bouncing off after digging. But after all, she had a lot of cultivation, even if she didn't use her true energy to make tricks, her body's toughness, strength and flexibility were far beyond normal.

A hundred times more people, and then secretly watched how other people used hoes. After learning the skills from their masters, they soon became good at it. At the same time, sweat was pouring out of the body, and it was hard to taste under the hot sun.


Niu Dawa stood up and wiped the sweat with the sweat towel on his shoulder. He glanced at Jin Zhihui and said, "To the east is Taiyuan Lake. I heard that when there is water in the lake, the water will flow from north to south every full moon night."

When pouring back, the flowing water will wash away the cracks in the grottoes in the center of the lake, and then it will make a melodious sound, like an ensemble of dozens of musical instruments, and the sound will be different every time.

That’s why this small courtyard is named Tingyaxuan.”

Jin Zhihui stopped the hoe, her fair face already reddened by the sun. She turned sideways and looked through the gap in the bamboo fence at the dry Taiyuan Lake to the east. She nodded and said, "I've heard of it. I've also made a special trip to hear it. It's really amazing."

.It’s a pity that the lake has dried up, so I may not be able to hear it in a short time.”

"I can give you a house, and you can live in it and listen to music when you come to Yancheng in the future." Niu Dawa pointed to the ruins around him and said.

The corner of Jin Zhihui's mouth twitched, she squinted at Niu Dawa with phoenix eyes, and said angrily, "Don't even think about tricking me into helping you work. Besides, I can't build walls."

"I can." Niu Dawa said.

"Senior brother, I want a room." Monk Huixin raised his mallet and waved from a distance. He didn't know why his ears were so sharp, but he could hear the two men talking in low voices from such a distance.

"Get out!" Niu Dawa picked up a brick and threw it hard, but Monk Huixin picked up a stone and flicked it with his fingers, blocking it with a clang.

When Niu Dawa saw this, his eyes widened. He grabbed a brick and went to loosen the bones of Monk Huixin. Monk Huixin was so frightened that he shrank his neck and repeatedly said, "Brother, I was wrong. I won't dare to do it again!"

Jin Zhihui burst into laughter at being amused by the two of them. She raised her finger and pointed at her feet, saying, "Then the room at my feet is fine, but the ugly words are ahead. I don't know how to build a wall. Don't expect me to build it myself."

"Don't worry, no one dares to let you build a wall, because the wall you built may fall down when the wind blows." Niu Dawa said.

"Don't provoke the general, it's useless to provoke the general." Jin Zhihui sneered.

"" Niu Dawa.

"Well" Jin Zhihui suddenly took two steps closer to Niu Dawa, and whispered with blushing cheeks, "Thank you for your rescue yesterday."

"Oh, no need to say thank you for your hard work." Niu Dawa responded.

"Actually, there may be a little unpleasant misunderstanding." Jin Zhihui's voice was like a mosquito, which was a little difficult to say, but after a pause, she mustered up the courage to say, "Yesterday, I was poisoned. The closer you got to me, the poison in my body would take effect."

The more severe it gets, the more frightened I become. That’s why I panicked and yelled at you to stay away and tell you to get out, otherwise I would go crazy.”

Hearing Jin Zhihui's explanation, Niu Dawa's eyes suddenly lit up, a happy smile broke out on his face, and he grinned innocently and said, "I thought you were too dissatisfied. Let's forget it. Let's pass it."

The reason why Jin Zhihui stayed was because she wanted to say thank you to Niu Dawa and explain yesterday's misunderstanding. But now that her purpose was achieved, she had no intention of leaving. She suddenly looked forward to the house being built and felt that if

Being able to live in a house built by one's own hands seems to be a really special feeling.

"Do you really want to become a monk?" Jin Zhihui asked.

"Maybe." Niu Dawa thought for a while and replied.

"Oh" Jin Zhihui suddenly felt empty in her heart.

"The main thing depends on whether the monk allows me to drink alcohol, eat meat, marry a wife and have children." Niu Dawa added.

"" Jin Zhihui couldn't help but twitching at the corner of her eyes.

At half past five o'clock in the afternoon, the work was completed early and the work was called to a close.

Butcher Zhang said he wanted to have barbecue for dinner tonight.

The four girls, Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum, are in a dilemma because meat is extremely expensive right now. If they eat a barbecue at night, their living expenses will be overdrawn.

The Tianwu Taoist waved his hand, took out a thick stack of silver notes, and threw it to the fat servant who was doing the shopping to buy meat.

The fat servant left happily, but came back crying with black eyes.

Seeing that he had neither money nor meat in his hand, everyone immediately guessed that he had been robbed.

As a result, the fat servant looked at Taoist Tianwu with a resentful look on his face and said that the banknotes that Taoist Tianwu gave him were from previous dynasties. The butcher shop thought he was a liar and punched him without any reason.

Everyone was speechless after hearing this.

In the end, Jin Zhihui took out the banknote and solved the dilemma.

Everyone took a hot bath comfortably and ate something to cushion their stomachs. Then they gathered in the open space specially prepared in the yard and lit a bonfire and charcoal stove. The aroma of meat and wine soon spread.

It just filled the air.

After a tiring day, everyone enjoys the relaxing time in the evening.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the bonfire gradually extinguished and dimmed. Everyone had eaten and drank enough. The maids and servants packed up their things and went back to the house to sleep. The rest of Zhang Xiaopeng and the others sat in the yard, looking up at the stars, and chatting from time to time. It was very comfortable.

The courtyard door suddenly opened with a squeak, and a man covered in black robe walked in. He was of medium height, and his whole body was hidden in the loose black robe. His face was covered by the robe and cap, and he was surrounded by

The cold black mist made it blurry to see his figure.

The man entered the courtyard and walked straight towards the crowd, but stopped twenty steps away, as if he was wary of the crowd. Then he raised his hand to Zhang Xiaopou and asked, "Master Zhang, can you bless an object for me?"

The voice was clear and light, and it was actually a woman.

"Moxiu?" Butcher Zhang stared at the black-robed woman and frowned.

"He is still a demonic cultivator who has broken his precepts." Taoist Tianwu suddenly sat up from the recliner, stared at the black-robed woman and sneered, "A demonic cultivator who has broken his precepts dares to appear in front of me, how brave are you?" (


This chapter has been completed!
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