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Chapter 448: Underworld

 Flying forward through four or five streets, the Yin Qi in the air became more and more intense. A dark void door appeared in Zhang Xiaozu's field of vision, and he knew that this should be the Yin Gate that Master mentioned.

The cold and biting Yin Qi kept spewing out from the dark space behind the door. There were people in front of the door, some going out and some going in.

Tianwu Taoist's hand seal was pressed on Zhang Xiaozu's body. Zhang Xiaozu felt a coldness sweeping through his body, covering up his life breath.

"Let's go." Taoist Tianwu flew into the Yin Gate with Zhang Xiaopeng.

The body was submerged in the darkness. Zhang Xiaozhu only felt his head and feet lightened, and he had a feeling of losing weight. But before he could feel it carefully, his eyes lit up. His feet touched the ground and his body returned to normal.

As soon as he regained his sight, Zhang Xiaopou looked around curiously.

I found that everything was gray in all directions, just like the scene on a cloudy morning when the sky has just dawned and the night has not completely faded away.

At your feet is a flat and spacious avenue, leading to the front with no end in sight.

There are rugged rocks and overgrown weeds on both sides of the road. There are even mountains and trees in the distance, but whether they are stones or trees and weeds, they are all gray and white in tone, full of a dead atmosphere.

Zhang Xiaozu looked at the road that disappeared at the end of his field of vision, feeling as unreal as a dream. He never thought that one day he would stand on the road to hell as a living person.

At the same time, he couldn't help feeling nervous and fearful, fearing that he would never be able to turn back after walking on this road to hell. Fortunately, with Taoist Tianwu by his side, he quickly calmed down.

Zhang Xiaozu found strangely that all the ghosts walking around were walking on the road in an orderly manner, and not a single ghost stepped off the road and ran around.

"This is the border area between the underworld and the underworld. It is a chaotic area where neither world exists. There are many powerful people living in it. There are ghosts and people, demons and demons. So even though it is quiet all around, it looks safe, but in fact it is dangerous and hidden.

, murderous intent is everywhere. If these little devils dare to get off the road, they will be devoured by the evil spirits lurking on both sides of the road in an instant." Tianwu Taoist said.

Zhang Xiaozu looked at Taoist Tianwu in surprise, pointed at his mouth, and asked Taoist Tianwu if he could speak?

"It doesn't matter, I have cast a forbidden spell, so they can't hear our conversation." Tianwu Taoist said.

A ghost with a red glow came towards him, and Taoist Tianwu suddenly swept it away with a wave of his sleeves.

The ghost suddenly let out a shrill scream that made Zhang Xiaopou's hair stand on end. It fluttered its limbs desperately, trying to stop its flying body, but Tianwu Daoist's power was beyond its ability to resist, and it flew out of the road in an instant and fell to the ground.

Piles of rocks on the roadside.

Suddenly, a ferocious black-faced long-haired monster sprang out of the ground. The little devil was caught in its hand before it fell to the ground, then threw it into its mouth, chewed it, and finally swallowed it with a gurgle.

He licked the corner of his mouth with unfinished thoughts and looked at Tianwu Taoist and Zhang Xiaozu expectantly, as if he wanted them to throw a few more imps at it.

Zhang Xiaozu was stared at by its pair of green eyes, which made his skin crawl all over.

Tianwu Taoist used practical actions to tell Zhang Xiaozu how dangerous the seemingly quiet roads were on both sides, but this method seemed a bit too casual and ruthless.

Tianwu Daoist seemed to know what Zhang Xiaozhu was thinking, and said, "These ghosts with red bodies are all sinners who have lost their conscience and committed heinous crimes. Death is not a pity and there is no need for sympathy."

"Oh" Zhang Xiaozu suddenly realized, and then he began to pay attention to the light on the ghosts, and found that there were many red lights on their bodies, some light and some deep. He knew that the darker the color, the more serious the sins on the body.

He found that there were people with white and yellow lights emitting from their bodies, so he curiously asked, "Master, what do white and yellow lights mean?"

"The ones with white light on their bodies are the ghosts who usually live in the underworld, which is almost like an identity token. The ones with yellow light on their bodies are the people who have just died. You can see that their eyes haven't opened yet. They are in an unconscious state now. They can only enter the underworld if they enter."

The gate of hell will not open until you step on the road to hell." Taoist Tianwu said.

"Ah?" Zhang Xiaozhu was stunned when he heard this. He pointed at his feet and asked in surprise, "Isn't this Huangquan Road?"

"Of course not. If you haven't passed through the gate of hell, where can you find the road to hell?" Tianwu Taoist said.

Zhang Xiaozhu couldn't help scratching his head in embarrassment, and he lamented for a long time about a road that was not the Huangquan Road.

Tianwu Taoist sped up his flying speed.

After flying forward for about a cup of tea, a towering city wall made of pitch black stones appeared in Zhang Xiaozu's field of vision.

Having seen the tall city wall of Yancheng, and then looking at the city wall of Baiyun City, there will be an illusion that the city wall of Baiyun City is very low. However, seeing the pitch-black city wall in front of him, which can hardly be seen from the top, Zhang Xiaozu suddenly felt that the city wall of Yancheng looked like

It's not too high either.

Zhang Xiaozu felt that this city wall was a natural moat that separated the two realms of yin and yang.

However, I heard Taoist Tianwu say, "The underworld has plunder and wars just like the human world. The difference is that the wars in the underworld are a hundred times crueler and more ferocious than those in the human world. This can be seen from their tall city walls. The walls of every underworld are

It is so majestic and tall, but it still cannot guarantee 100% safety, and there is still a possibility of being captured."

"What kind of ferocious attack would it take to capture such a strong fortress?" Zhang Xiaozu looked up at the towering city wall and couldn't imagine.

While they were talking, the two of them had already arrived at the city gate.

On the lintel of the city gate, which is nearly 20 feet high, are engraved three large black characters: GUIGENGUAN!

There is a doorpost on each side of the city gate.

On the doorpost on the left is engraved the words Farewell to this life and the next, and the reincarnation of heaven.

On the doorpost on the right is engraved "Do more good and do less evil, and you will be punished with displeasure."

On both sides of the door, there is a green-faced tusked stone statue more than ten feet tall. It holds a steel fork in its hand and looks down at the ground. It shows its teeth and cracked eyes. It is ferocious and terrifying. It seems that it wants to choose humans to devour, oh no, it should choose ghosts to devour.

Zhang Xiaozu looked at the words engraved on the doorpost on the right and couldn't help but want to laugh. He thought to himself that there was no use in carving it here for ghosts to see. They would not be able to remember anything after they were reincarnated. But then he thought about it, maybe he would remember it.

Those who reincarnate with this sentence in mind will have this sentence secretly engraved in their souls after birth, so their nature will be good, but those who do not pay attention to this sentence will be evil in nature after birth.

Walking forward to the bottom of the stone statue, Zhang Xiaozu looked at the hair on the stone statue's thick calves that was shaking in the wind. Leng Buding was startled, and then he realized that the two evil ghosts were not stone statues, but alive.

After passing through the deep city gate corridor, the sight suddenly became brighter and clearer. The sky was no longer gray, and there was a bright but not dazzling sun hanging in the sky.

Tianwu Taoist told Zhang Xiaozu that it was the dark day of the underworld.

A gentle breeze blew in my face. Although it was cool, it was not as cold as outside the city.

The wind carries the refreshing fragrance of flowers.

Zhang Xiaozu saw red flowers blooming on both sides of the road, as bright and bright as blood. At a glance, they were boundless, like a red ocean.

What makes Zhang Xiaozu feel strange is that these flowers only have petals and not a single flower or leaf.

"The flowers and leaves on the other side of the river don't touch each other. They are the most beautiful scenery on Huangquan Road." Tianwu Taoist said.

"Huangquan Road!" Zhang Xiaozhu couldn't help but groan in his heart. He hurriedly looked at the Huangquan Road at his feet and found that it was no different from the roads outside the city. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It seemed that it had to be a little unusual to deserve the title of "Huangquan Road".

As Tianwu Taoist walked forward, Zhang Xiaopou suddenly remembered a sentence and couldn't help but become nervous and said, "Master, can't we turn back on the road to hell?"

"Haha," Taoist Tianwu stroked his beard and said with a smile, "We are taking the Yang path, and it doesn't matter whether we turn back or not. The ghosts of the first dead take the Yin path. There will be all kinds of illusions on both sides of the road, all of which happened before.

There are bitterness and sweetness, it can be regarded as the memory of a lifetime, but once you go there, you have passed it, and you must not look back, because once you look back, your soul will be hooked and turn into a flower in this sea of ​​flowers."

Zhang Xiaozhu was shocked when he heard this. He looked at the red ocean on both sides of the road and asked, "Are these flowers all transformed by ghosts?"

"Yes." Butcher Zhang nodded.

Zhang Xiaozu was so shocked that he was about to speak when the scenery on both sides of the road suddenly changed, and a picture appeared. Looking at the familiar figures in the picture, Zhang Xiaozu's eyes couldn't help but moisten, but he was not very sad either, because he was in the illusion.

Having lived a lifetime, the sadness in my heart has been greatly relieved.

"Did you see it?" Taoist Tianwu asked, sensing Zhang Xiaozu's emotional fluctuations.

"Yes." Zhang Xiaopou nodded and hurriedly calmed down his emotions. He still remembered what Taoist Tianwu told him before coming here, not to have too many mood swings.

Continuing to move forward, after about a thousand steps, Zhang Xiaozu suddenly stopped in surprise, because he saw two different pictures at the same time, one was his life in the fantasy world, and the other was his real life experience. "Why?

Is this possible?" Zhang Xiaozu told Taoist Tianwu about the two scenes he saw, and then asked in surprise.

Everyone can only see their own immediate experiences, so Taoist Tianwu cannot see the two different life experiences Zhang Xiaozu mentioned.

Tianwu Taoist thought for a long time, and finally said with uncertainty, "Maybe that formation is so powerful that it deceived Heaven."

After walking another five miles, a river and a bridge appeared in front of us. On the opposite side of the river were houses and streets, and the streets were bustling with traffic.

"Wangchuan River, Naihe Bridge?" Zhang Xiaozhu asked in surprise.

"No." Taoist Tianwu shook his head, "The Forgotten River and Naihe Bridge are in hell, not here. The river and bridge in front of us are just ordinary rivers and bridges."

Zhang Xiaopou couldn't help feeling very sorry when he heard that it was not the Wangchuan River and Naihe Bridge.

Since it is not the Wangchuan River and Naihe Bridge, naturally there is no way to see Po Meng selling soup.

There were quite a few coachmen soliciting passengers, swarming up and vying to let Taoist Tianwu and Zhang Xiaopeng board their carriages.

Calling it a carriage is not appropriate, because the carriage is a two-headed monster that Zhang Xiaopou has never heard of. It has fangs exposed and half-green and half-green hair that is more than half a foot long. It looks very scary.

Tianwu Daoist picked a large and comfortable carriage, paid the driver a black bean the size of a soybean, and ordered the driver to wander along the bustling streets.

The coachman got a black bean and was so happy that he grinned from the corners of his mouth to his ears.

The carriage drove around in the bustling streets for half an hour. Zhang Xiaozu kept opening the curtains to watch the scene on the street curiously, and finally came to a conclusion.

This is basically a city that is no different from a human city.

The only difference is that one is inhabited by humans and the other is inhabited by ghosts.

"Haha, don't forget, they were all humans once, and their living habits are naturally the same as humans." Taoist Tianwu stroked his beard and smiled.

Zhang Xiaozhu laughed dumbly, feeling that this was not the case.

Tianwu Taoist stopped the carriage and led Zhang Xiaopou out of the carriage. Under the greeting of a waiter from a shop on the street, he led Zhang Xiaopou into a luxurious restaurant.

The two of them did not ask for a private room, but chose a table in the lobby facing the entrance of the restaurant and sat down. It was convenient for them to watch the guests coming and going, and to give Zhang Xiaozhu some insights. Then Tianwu Taoist ordered the waiter to serve wine and food.

After a while, the waiter brought wine and food. The dishes ordered by Taoist Tianwu were still being cooked. The waiter brought two simple side dishes, which were provided by the restaurant to go with wine.

Zhang Xiaozu originally thought that the food and wine ordered by Taoist Tianwu were just for show, but Taoist Tianwu actually picked up the wine glass filled by the waiter and drank it all in one gulp. After drinking, he smacked his lips and said, "Good wine!"

"Can I drink it?" Zhang Xiaozhu asked worriedly as he looked at the red liquid in the wine glass in front of him. He couldn't help but guess that the liquid in the glass was human blood.

"Naturally." Taoist Tianwu replied affirmatively.

"Is it blood?" Zhang Xiaozhu asked in a low voice.

"Haha" Tianwu Taoist was amused and shook his head and said, "This is made from a kind of fruit from the underworld. Try it. It tastes really good."

Zhang Xiaozu breathed a sigh of relief. He first picked up the wine bottle and filled the wine glass for Taoist Tianwu. Then he picked up his own wine glass, put it to his lips and took a sip. Then his eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly, "It's really good."

After saying that, he raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

He held the empty wine glass and savored it for a long time before waking up from the wonderful taste and said, "I didn't expect that the underworld could brew such a fine wine!"

Taoist Tianwu was stunned. This wine was indeed good, but it was far from as exaggerated as what Zhang Xiaopou said. But after a moment, he suddenly thought about it and laughed dumbly and said, "I forgot, you are still a ghost cultivator. This ethereal wine is made from the underworld."

It is brewed from the ethereal fruit, which is a kind of spiritual fruit in the underworld and is very beneficial to ghost cultivation, so you will find this wine particularly delicious."

"Can you take some back?" Zhang Xiaozu asked.

"Yes, but it cannot be given to ordinary Yang people, as it will damage their vitality and longevity." Taoist Tianwu nodded.

Zhang Xiaozu picked up the jug and was about to pour wine when two people walked in from the door. The light blocked him and he subconsciously looked up at the door. When his eyes fell on one of them, his body suddenly trembled and the jug clanged.

With a sound, he took off his hand and fell on the wine table... (https:)

This chapter has been completed!
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