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Four hundred and seventieth chapters serve soft

 After his emotions calmed down, Zhang Xiaozhu’s brain also calmed down.

Listening to the increasingly thick sounds of obscenity in the distance, he snorted with disdain in his heart. He had clearly realized that this was an opportunity deliberately exposed to him by Rakshasa. Otherwise, with Rakshasa's control over the power of space, he would only need one space. Isolated, let alone sound, he couldn't even see a shadow.

Just like that day on the wall of Fuzhou City, he was manipulated by Rakshasa and even almost killed by Rakshasa. However, no one came to rescue him from the beginning to the end. It was not that they were all afraid of Rakshasa and did not dare to step forward, but that they did not dare to come forward at all. No one can see it because the Rakshasa blocks the space.

Even Xiao Chong, who was in the Star Realm, did not notice anything unusual, which shows Rakshasa's powerful control over the space realm.

So by letting him hear the voice, Rakshasa was clearly trying to lure him into action, unless Rakshasa was a psychopath and liked to do such things in front of others.

Zhang Xiaozu gathered his mind, took a pill of Yuanshi Golden Pill, sat cross-legged, put his hands on the Dantian area of ​​his lower abdomen, and started practicing by using his mental method.

In the four war gates, Zhang Da to Zhang Liu were all busy.

Zhang Si followed the great white ape and roared at the sea. The effect was remarkable. The momentum of the great ape became more and more powerful, and the body of the great white ape became larger and larger.

Zhang Wu was studying the art of talismans in Shumen.

Because Taoist Tianwu once mentioned that ghost talismans are a destructive technique, and using too many of them would harm Tianhe, so he has never studied ghost talismans in detail, but he has been studying ghost talismans in the past few days.

If you want to kill Rakshasa with one blow, you must use the power of the ghost talisman.

Zhang Liu practiced the knife-holding posture and basic knife skills over and over again in Qimen.

Zhang Xiaozu has clearly felt the benefits of practice, which can be seen from the improvement in the power of his sword skills.

Zhang Da, Zhang Er, and Zhang San are still practicing boxing and pile skills with the Beach Boys in their hearts.

Xinmen is the name given by Zhang Xiaozu to the fourth battle gate.

Zhang San has made great progress. He can already box skillfully with the third boy, and his state has also undergone a surprising change. From the beginning, it was difficult to sustain the intense energy consumption, but now he is more energetic and energetic the more he practices.

Based on the experience of the second and third boys appearing, Zhang Xiaozhu felt that the fourth boy would appear soon.

The foundation has been laid, and he is looking forward to what kind of surprise the fourth boy will bring him.

Zhang Xiaozu touched the rusty sword on the beach with a ray of thought, and was directly killed by a sword energy.

Zhang Xiaopou was so frightened that he sighed that this sword was too overbearing.

If he could pull it out of his heart, he would definitely give it to Zhou Jianlai so that the two of them could use swords to hurt each other.

What made Zhang Xiaozu secretly lamented that it was a pity that the "Tai Chi Yin Yang Meditation Technique" could not be practiced in the Zhan Sect. Otherwise, he could practice it for twelve hours a day, and his cultivation level would definitely improve very quickly.

Fortunately, what pleased him was that, as he ate the Yuanshi Jindan jelly beans, the waves in the four seas of energy became more and more turbulent, and there were already signs of a breakthrough.

Except for Guitong, everything is developing in a good direction, which is the source of his strong confidence.

Five months ago, he was just an ignorant young man who had just walked out of the mountain village. With pure goodwill, beautiful yearning, and youthful enthusiasm, he wanted to warmly embrace the vast world outside the mountain village.

However, reality gave him a blow and shattered his beautiful fantasy.

He gradually learned that in addition to truth, goodness and beauty, this world also contained lies, hypocrisy, sin, ugliness, famine, hatred, war and blood. In order to survive, he had to change himself to adapt to this world.

He gradually hid his innocence, kindness and enthusiasm, and armed himself with coldness, ruthlessness and fists.

He did not forget the earnest teachings of the old village chief, and at the same time, he also firmly remembered the survival rules taught to him in the real world.


The white body of the woman in the green dress fell in front of Zhang Xiaozu, interrupting his practice.

The sky is already showing the white color of fish belly.

The woman's body was still warm, but her vitality was cut off. The Rakshasa tortured her all night and then killed her.

Zhang Xiaozu glanced at the pendant on the woman's fair neck, a sneer flashed deep in his eyes, then stood up and walked aside, used a bone knife to carve a big hole in the ground, and threw the woman and the other two broken corpses.

Buried in a pit.

Five months ago, he had Shantian in his heart. Even though Qi Ronger treated him so cruelly, he still couldn't bring himself to kill Qi Ronger. He even forgave Qi Ronger in the end. But five months later, he could not hesitate.

He swung his sword to kill the fat and thin men, but was indifferent to the death of the woman in the green dress.

In just five months, he has changed a lot.

There was a cloth bag on the ground. Zhang Xiaozu remembered that it was hung on the fat man's waist. He bent down and picked it up. It was bulging and heavy. He opened the bag and took a look. It was full of jade pieces. It should have been prepared by these three people.

Objects for him to bless.

Zhang Xiaozu threw the bag into the mustard seeds. These jade pieces seemed to be of good quality. It would be a waste to throw them here. It is better to keep them for use.


Rakshasa's cold snort came from the distance. Zhang Xiaozu's calmness that night made him very dissatisfied. He felt that Zhang Xiaozu would definitely seize the opportunity to have fun with a woman and attack him, but the result made him very disappointed. That night

Zhang Xiaozu didn't even take a step closer to him.

He never paid attention to Zhang Xiaozu, but Zhang Xiaozu's gradual silence and calmness made him feel more and more uncomfortable. He felt that Zhang Xiaozu was becoming more and more like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity, even though he could kill it with just the move of his fingers.

You can crush this snake to death, but if you are accidentally bitten by Zhang Xiaozhu, a venomous snake that is dormant and endures humiliation, it may not be easy for you.

"Tch!" Realizing that he was actually afraid of the reptile Zhang Xiaozu, Rakshasa couldn't help but snorted in annoyance, strode towards Zhang Xiaozu, and slapped him in the air.


Zhang Xiaopou had no time to react before he was blown away by a powerful force that appeared out of thin air. He rolled awkwardly on the ground and rolled more than ten feet before he stopped.

"Cough cough puff" Zhang Xiaozhu tried to get up, but his energy and blood surged back, his organs were injured, and blood spurted out from his mouth.

"Haha" Seeing Zhang Xiaozu's embarrassed appearance, Rakshasa couldn't help but sneered. It seemed that this was the only way to prove his absolute dominance over Zhang Xiaozu.

Zhang Xiaozu suddenly touched his chest nervously, and then showed a panic expression on his face. He stood up suddenly and looked in the direction he was rolling over. His searching eyes quickly settled on a location twenty steps away. There was a piece of paper lying on the ground.

On an aqua jade pendant shaped like a ring.

He stroked his chest and let out a long sigh of relief. The panic expression on his face turned into peace and joy, and he strode towards the jade pendant.

But as soon as he reached the jade pendant and was about to bend down to pick it up, a foot kicked him in the face, hitting him in the stomach with a bang, causing his body to fly out again.

The figure of Rakshasa appeared next to him, looking at the clear jade pendant on the ground with interest, and bent down to pick it up.



"Don't touch it with your dirty hands!"

Zhang Xiaopou fell to the ground, ignored the fact that he was still coughing up blood, got up and rushed towards Rakshasa, roaring hysterically.

"Interesting." Luosha suddenly became interested when he saw Zhang Xiaozu's nervous and frantic look.

He saw Zhang Xiaopou rushing over at an extremely fast speed, already holding a long knife in his hand. After a few days, he broke his silence and calmness because of a jade pendant, and once again attacked him desperately, Rakshasa's interest became even more intense.

I know that this jade pendant must be very important to Zhang Xiaopou, but the premise is that Zhang Xiaopou is not deliberately acting or playing tricks.

"Go to hell!" Zhang Xiaopou stepped in front of Rakshasa and struck down the bone knife in the air. The blade broke through the air and distorted the space. It was obvious that the power of this knife was extraordinary.


But before the bone knife could fall, he was slapped on the ground by Rakshasa and then kicked thirty feet away.

Not a match at all.

"Hey" Rakshasa suddenly let out a startled cry, half-opening his mouth, looking at the clear water jade pendant in his hand in surprise and shock. The rich soul nourishing power overflowed from the jade pendant, flowed along his arms to his brain, and enveloped him.

and nourish the soul.

dong dong dong

Rakshasa's heartbeat couldn't help but beat a little faster, and there was a deep greed in his eyes. He laughed happily at Zhang Xiaopou who got up again and rushed towards him: "Haha, this jade pendant belongs to me."

He already understood why Zhang Xiaozu was so nervous about this jade pendant, because this was not an ordinary jade pendant at all, it was a heaven-defying artifact. Even he couldn't withstand the temptation of this jade pendant, let alone Zhang Xiaozu.


If it were him, he would definitely be hysterical and fight for the person who snatched the jade pendant.

Zhang Xiaozu can use the power of talismans to bless objects, so that the objects can have the effect of nourishing the soul. He has long known this information, but these days he has never asked Zhang Xiaozu to bless one for him, because he knows that even with a knife

If you put it on Zhang Xiaopeng's neck, Zhang Xiaopeng will not give in.

So last night I saw Zhang Xiaozu blessing the woman in green skirt with a jade pendant, so he found an excuse to keep the woman.

It can't be said that he was looking for an excuse, because in addition to wanting to see the effect of the jade pendant, he was indeed attracted by the woman's charm. At the same time, he also wanted to tease Zhang Xiaozu and induce Zhang Xiaozu to kill him.

He saw the nourishing effect of the jade pendant on the soul. He was surprised but a little disappointed, because for him in the star realm, it made little difference whether this nourishing power was present or not. In addition, he was afraid that Zhang Xiaopou would tamper with the jade pendant.

So there is no jade pendant left.

But with this jade pendant in his hand, it was difficult for him to let go. The rich nourishing power of the soul firmly hooked his heart like a hook.

Moreover, this jade pendant was used by Zhang Xiaozu himself, or it was exposed accidentally. Unless Zhang Xiaozu had the ability to predict the future, it would be impossible for him to kill Zhang Xiaozu and think of using his personal jade pendant to deal with him.

But just in case, he still resisted giving up and wrapped the jade pendant with the power of space. He had to carefully examine it before he could use it safely, because he also had information that Zhang Xiaopeng had powerful spell power and could hurt people.



"Give me back the jade pendant!" Zhang Xiaozu roared hysterically, as if he was crazy. Regardless of his own injuries, he slashed at Rakshasa again with his sword.

But the consequences can be imagined.

After a few times, Zhang Xiaopou lay on the ground and could not get up. He said to Rakshasa in an almost pleading tone: "You return the jade pendant to me, and I will give you another blessing. This jade pendant is very important to me. It

It is a relic of a loved one." i

This chapter has been completed!
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