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Chapter 483 New Year's Eve

 "What are you laughing at?!"

After the ghost face saw Zhang Xiaopou, after hearing his words, not only did he not feel any regret or worry, but he was actually smiling, as if he was listening to a joke. He didn't take his words seriously at all, and immediately lowered his face and asked angrily.

"First of all, Li Haotian is a man with pride in his bones and has a supreme sense of military honor." Zhang Xiaozu said.

"His pride makes him disdain to use the hand of a big-toothed dog to kill me for revenge. For a person as proud as him, he will definitely take revenge personally."

"His sense of military honor made him loyal to Dayu and would never do anything detrimental to Dayu."

"So he will not betray me in public or private matters."

"Secondly, if I were him, I wouldn't leave Daya, because I won't be able to move fast with one person. Once the Mu family or Wanyan family sends out powerful men from the stars to pursue them, it will be a dead end to escape north, so go south to Daya."

The only way to survive is to run away."

"Furthermore, the fact that you can sit here and talk to me calmly about Li Haotian means that the matter has been taken care of by you, so what do I have to worry about?"

Zhang Xiaozu was smiling and talking freely.

"Two words for you: stupid!" Ghost Face sneered.

"If you make major decisions based on your self-righteous feeling again, I will immediately terminate your mission and send you back to Dayu."

“I’ll leave you with a special message: The most fickle thing in this world is the human heart.”

"If you are used to judging things by your feelings, one day you will pay the price for it."

"You've learned a lesson, kid," Zhang Xiaopou said.

"I hope." Ghost Face raised his eyelids and glanced at Zhang Xiaopou. He was skeptical about Zhang Xiaopou's "teaching", but he did not continue the topic and asked instead: "When you came in, you said you were looking for me.

What's up?"

"I have a private matter that I would like to ask you for help with." Zhang Xiaozu nodded and responded.

"What's the matter?" Ghost Face asked.

"I would like to trouble you to help you sell a few items." Zhang Xiaozu took out a jade pendant from his arms and put it on the table. With a flick of his finger, the jade pendant slid to the face of the ghost and asked, "I wonder if you can sell it in Daya.

This kind of object?”

Ghost Face took the jade pendant in his hand, felt the effect of the jade pendant, and asked: "What price do you want to sell it for?"

"Fifty Yuanshi Golden Pills." Zhang Xiaozu replied.

"What's in it for me?" Ghost Face asked bluntly.

"I will give you five Yuanshi Golden Pills as a reward for every piece I sell. If you can sell it at a higher price, no matter how much more you get, it will belong to you." Zhang Xiaozhu said.

"Ten pills, otherwise there's no need to talk." Ghost Face said.

"Okay." Zhang Xiaozu agreed.

"——" The corner of Guimian's mouth twitched twice. He was still waiting to bargain with Zhang Xiaozu. He never thought that Zhang Xiaozu would agree so readily. This made him feel that he was short-changed and regretted it endlessly.

"How many pieces do you want to sell?" Ghost Face asked, suppressing the annoyance in his heart.

"Hmm -" Zhang Xiaozu pondered for a moment and said, "Sell five hundred pieces first."


"Do you want it to be cheap?" Ghost Face cursed angrily. At the same time, he also confirmed one thing. It would be effortless for Zhang Xiaozu to bless these objects.

"How many pieces do you think is appropriate to sell?" Zhang Xiaozhu asked awkwardly.

Ghost Face pondered for a moment and said, "How about selling a hundred pieces first to test the market."

"Sir, wait a moment." Zhang Xiaozu stood up and walked to the bedroom. After a while, he turned back with a bulging bundle in his hand. He handed it to Ghost Face and said, "Thank you, sir."

There is a stone tablet unknown to outsiders in the secret room of the Wanyan family's treasure house.

This stone tablet was dug out of an ancient tomb by the third generation ancestor of the Wanyan family. It is one foot two inches high, four feet four inches wide, one foot two inches thick, and is entirely jade-white.

From the outside, it looks like it is cut from a huge piece of warm jade. Its semi-transparent soft color gives people a feeling of being untouched, but in fact it is indestructible.

A star warrior from the Wanyan family who passed away once slashed at this stone monument with all his strength with a sharp sword as sharp as iron as clay. As a result, the star warrior was shaken by the huge force of the shock until his jaws cracked and he vomited blood. However,

But not even a single white mark was left on the stone tablet.

But such an indestructible stone tablet is actually engraved with seventy-two inscriptions that are unknown whether they are words or runes.

What is particularly shocking is that these seventy-two imprints do not look like they were carved by sharp tools such as chisels, knives or swords, but rather like they were drawn on them with fingers.

This discovery shocked the Wanyan family members. They could not imagine how advanced one must be to draw on such a hard monument with his fingers.

They dare not ask an expert to answer their curiosity, for fear of luring a wolf into the house and someone taking away the treasure.

This stone tablet is truly a treasure.

The seventy-two imprints may seem ordinary, but in fact they hide mysteries. Each imprint contains extremely profound laws and secrets. People with average talent and understanding cannot understand it even if they sit in front of the stone tablet for several years.

Enter through the door.

Since obtaining the stone tablet, the most talented ancestor of the Wanyan family has only comprehended a dozen or so inscriptions. His cultivation is like sailing along the current, and he has almost reached the half-step saint level without any obstacles.

It's a pity that his talent and understanding seemed to have been exhausted by the first twelve imprints. After that, he sat in front of the stone tablet for sixty-three years and still failed to understand the thirteenth imprint. At the same time, his cultivation also stagnated at the half-step saint level.

No improvement.

He spent his later years in depression in front of the stone monument, and finally died with regret.

"You'd better come out every three or five days to get some fresh air. Don't be like them, who are all crazy."

In the dimly lit underground secret room, after Wanyan Yongnan told Zhang Xiaozu the secrets and functions of the stone tablet, he pointed at the forty or fifty people sitting cross-legged in the secret room and lamented.

"What happened to them?" Zhang Xiaozu asked curiously.

He found that all of these people were pale and skinny, and their beards and hair were long and messy, like a tangled bird's nest. The gray stains on their bodies were more than an inch thick, peeling off piece by piece, like dry old tree bark. Their clothes were all rotten and tattered.

Like a beggar and a devil.

"They are all the core disciples of my Wanyan family, and they are all extremely talented people. However, they are all trapped in the stone inscription and cannot extricate themselves. They are crazy about it. They have been for more than ten years, twenty years, and even fifty or sixty years.

I haven’t left the secret room in years.”

Zhang Xiaozhu was shocked when he heard this, thinking that no wonder these people looked so terrifying.

"Hey, the talents of my Wanyan family have gradually withered over the past few decades. Outsiders think that my Wanyan family has exhausted its strength and will eventually decline, but they don't know that it is all caused by this damn stone tablet."

"Sometimes I really want to carry this damn stone tablet out and throw it away."

"It buried the future of my Wanyan family!" Wanyan Yongnan said sadly.

"Fortunately, it is not too late to remedy the situation. We have hidden the existence of the stone tablet from the core members of the family for more than ten years. We only need to persist for another twenty or thirty years, and our Wanyan family can regain its vitality and rise again."

"Hey, if it weren't for the imminent war and your combat prowess, I wouldn't have let you take the risk of coming here."

"Although there is no fighting here, in my heart it is far scarier than the battlefield. There is a terrible demon living here, which turned this small stone room into a tomb of the living dead, eating people without spitting out their bones.


"Remember, don't be seduced by the devil."

"Don't let me down!"

"My lord has worked hard to cultivate it, and Meng will be grateful and remember it. Please rest assured, lord, Meng will not let you down." Zhang Xiaozhu saluted.

"I believe you."

December 30, 1828, New Year.

Lunar New Year's eve.


Wanyan Keke, who was wearing a goose-yellow dress, was sitting under a spacious and bright straw shed, making noodles.

Not far away, Li Haotian, dressed as a farmer, was chopping dumpling fillings on a piece of meat with a kitchen knife in his hand.

Today is New Year's Eve, and they are going to eat dumplings tonight.

Behind them stood three thatched huts.

To the southwest of the thatched house, there is a chicken pen surrounded by a fence, which contains more than 20 chickens and ducks.

Next to it are a horse pen, a pig pen and a sheep pen.

Two acres of land were opened in the southeast and some seasonal vegetables and crops were planted.

Although it is winter in the north of Daya, you can't feel the cold.

Looking around, we are surrounded by mountains, and the greenery that is getting richer and thicker day by day is quickly covering the yellow leftovers from the drought.

At the end of October, a violent storm swept across the northern border of Daya, drenching the dry land.

Withered grass reveals new buds, and withered trees sprout new buds in spring.

After two months, the earth became green and full of life.

In the past two and a half months, Li Haotian and Wanyan Keke have been living in this valley far away from the world, enjoying a peaceful and sweet world.

Raising chickens and ducks, riding horses, herding sheep, and feeding pigs are all ordinary and comfortable.

Wanyan Keke promised Li Haotian to temporarily put aside her hatred and live with him for half a year without worries, and then she would leave the valley and embark on the road of revenge.

But Wanyan Keke found that she had been fooled.

The hatred in her heart is being gradually dissipated by the peaceful and sweet life.

And now, she is even afraid to think of the word "revenge", because she has new concerns and bonds, and she is pregnant with a little new life in her belly.

She is pregnant with Li Haotian's child.

After eating delicious dumplings in the evening, Li Haotian led Wanyan Keke out of the thatched cottage, went to the valley, and walked along the path paved by the two of them.

"Ke'er, I've always seen you looking very worried in the past few days. Are you too homesick?" Li Haotian asked softly.

"Brother Tian, ​​I-I don't want to take revenge anymore." Wanyan Keke said.

"Ah, why?" Li Haotian was stunned for a moment, and then asked in surprise.

"I, I might, might be happy." Wanyan Keke's cheeks were red and she lowered her head and said shyly.

"Are you happy? What are you happy about?" Li Haotian didn't react at once.

However, after seeing Wanyan Keke's left hand caressing her belly, he suddenly reacted and stared at Wanyan Keke's belly, with an ecstatic smile blooming on his face bit by bit.

"Really, really?" Li Haotian took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to caress Wanyan Keke's belly, and asked anxiously and excitedly.

"Wow -" Wanyan Keke suddenly cried loudly, beat Li Haotian with his fist, and cried and cursed: "You liar, you tricked me into staying here with you for half a year, how can you take revenge now that I am pregnant? You said, you

Was it premeditated? Wow, how can I not avenge my father's murder? But - but how can I avenge it?"

Li Haotian stretched out his hand to hug Wanyan Keke into his arms, and whispered in her ear: "Don't worry, this revenge must be avenged, and I will help you avenge it. After you give birth to the child, I will find a safe place to put you mother and son."

Okay, I'll go and help you take Wan Yan Yongnan's dog head."

"No, I won't let you go. What if something happens to you? How can we, orphans and widows, survive? I am a big-toothed woman with a child of Dayu. Without you to protect us two, what would happen in this world?

Can you accommodate the two of us?" Wanyan Keke cried.

"——" Wanyan Keke's words made Li Haotian's heart tremble suddenly, and a string in his heart was suddenly touched. His arms hugging Wanyan Keke tightened, and he solemnly promised: "I swear, as long as I

As long as Li Haotian is here, he will never let you two suffer any injustice."

On the blood-stained city wall, Zhang Xiaopeng and a group of big-toothed soldiers quietly ate dry food.

He looked at the northern night sky, his eyes unable to suppress the sadness.

Thinking back on every New Year's Eve he had spent since childhood, he suddenly realized that every New Year's Eve he spent was so warm and lively.


A gust of wind blew.

Zhang Xiaozhu couldn't help but shrink back, feeling that the air in a foreign land was a bit cold.

Baiyun City, Zhennan Palace.

Su Yang and Su Mou sat opposite each other and drank.

It was the first time for the two brothers to celebrate New Year's Eve without Su Hanju.

It's a bit chilly, but also a lot less restrained.

"I heard that Zhang Xiaozu and Niu Dawa will come back before the spring equinox to help the Qi family participate in the island survival?" Su Yang asked.

"Yes." Su Mou responded, with a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

"I want to kill both of them." Su Yang said.

"No need, I can resolve my grievances with them myself." Su Mou said. He thought Su Yang wanted to help him resolve his grievances with Zhang Xiaozu and Niu Dawa.

"I slaughtered Liujia Village." Su Yang said.

"What?!" Su Mou was shocked when he heard this and looked at Su Yang in disbelief, thinking that he heard wrongly.

"The two of them wanted to seek revenge on me, and they told my father about it. My father couldn't bear to kill his relatives out of justice, so he went to Taihu City," Su Yang said.

The letter Su Hanju left for him when he left Baiyun City told Su Yang that Su Hanju knew everything he did.

Su Yang mistakenly thought that it was Zhang Xiaozu and Niu Dawa who told Su Hanju.

"I asked why my father suddenly wanted to go to Taihu City. It turns out that this is the case." Su Mou said, then curled his lips and said: "They are just a bunch of untouchables. I will kill them if I kill them."

"I think so too." Su Yang said with a smile, "But if you miss two flies, although they won't cause any trouble, they will always buzz in your ears and make people upset. It's better to slap them to death.


"Don't worry, brother, I will help you get rid of these two flies. This time I will make sure there is no return for them." Su Mou's eyes shone with a vicious light.

"I heard that the two of them have a very good relationship with a concubine of the Qi family. This time they helped the Qi family participate in the island survival just to help this concubine." Su Yang said.

"Yes." Su Yang said, "The concubine of the Qi family, Qi Ronger."

"Catch her."

"This will prevent those two flies from retreating and not daring to come." Su Yang said with a cold look.

"This woman can't move," Su Mou said.


"She has a royal status jade plaque on her body, which was given to her by the Thirteenth Prince Su De. It is said that the Thirteenth Prince went to join the army in the south and said that he would marry this woman after joining the army." Su Mou said.

"Thirteenth Prince Su De?" Su Yang frowned, he had never heard of this name.

"He is your Majesty's youngest son, born to a nobleman. He was sent out of the palace to study under a master not long after he was born, so few people know of his existence." Su Mou said that that day he went to find Qi Ronger to trouble him.

Qi Ronger was frightened when she showed Su De's identity jade badge, and when she came back, she specifically asked Su Hanju to find out.

"There is no need to worry about an abandoned prince. Besides, Qi Ronger is a concubine. How can He De marry into the royal family? Su De is just playing for fun. We can capture her without hurting her." Su De

Yang Dao.

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