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Chapter five hundred and seventy seventh fighting is a good hand

 "When you ask for help, you must ask for a man; when you help others, you must help when you are in need."

"When you ask for help, you must ask for a man; when you help others, you must help when you are in need."

Su Jin was lecturing at the teaching platform and leading the students in reciting virtuous articles. From the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a strange figure burst into the courtyard. Without saying a word, he walked straight towards the main hall. He was so rude.

Su Jinliu frowned, feeling displeased, but she endured it and didn't express it, wanting to see how rude this uninvited guy could be.

“A drop of it is like nectar when you are thirsty, but a cup of it when you are drunk is worse than nothing.”

Su Jin continued to read aloud, but her attention was no longer concentrated. Fortunately, she had read this enlightenment article thousands of times, and she could make no mistakes as soon as she opened her mouth.

She originally thought that this uninvited and rude guy would walk straight into the main hall and disrupt her class, but to her surprise, this person was walking, but for some reason, he suddenly stopped and faced

The man in the hall bowed to her, as if he was apologizing for his intrusion, and then turned around and exited the courtyard.

Su Jin couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth when he saw the visitor's actions. He was amused by it. The displeasure in his heart dissipated. He shook his head slightly, retracted his attention, and guessed in his heart: "I think he is a careless messenger.

It wasn’t until I entered the yard that I realized I had lost etiquette.”

Seeing that the visitor did not leave after exiting the courtyard, but waited respectfully outside the courtyard gate, Su Jin became more sure of his suspicion.

Who is the rude person who broke into the yard if it wasn't Zhang Xiaopeng?

But to say he was rude would be an injustice.

It was an unintentional act to break into the hospital. Otherwise, how could he have bowed, apologized, and then left.

The reason why I respectfully stayed outside the door was because I couldn't bear to leave. But it wasn't that I couldn't bear the sound of the students reading loudly, but that I couldn't bear to let go of Su Jin's voice.

At first Zhang Xiaozhu thought that what attracted him was the loud sound of the students reading. However, after entering the courtyard, he realized that it was not the sound. What really attracted him was the voice of the gentleman who was leading the students to study.

A female gentleman, a very beautiful female gentleman.

Zhang Xiaozhu could swear to God that he was definitely not unable to move because he was attracted by the female gentleman's beauty. He was indeed deeply attracted by his voice.

But if he was asked what was so special about the female gentleman's voice, he couldn't explain it.

All he knew was that there was an indescribable kindness in her voice. Her voice touched his ears, like a spring breeze caressing his face, making him relax physically and mentally involuntarily. His mind returned to tranquility, forgetting his sorrows and worries, and his whole heart felt warm and comfortable.

Zhang Xiaozhu couldn't remember how long it had been since he had felt this profound tranquility and comfort in his soul, so he was greedy and unwilling to leave.

However, the female gentleman's voice was not entirely friendly, but also had a dignity that frightened Zhang Xiaozu.

Just like when he broke into the yard just now, he suddenly heard the displeasure and anger in the female gentleman's voice. He was so frightened that he suddenly stopped in his tracks. After realizing his mistake, he hurriedly saluted and apologized, and then left the yard obediently.


Fortunately, his panic and fear were not the same as when facing a strong enemy or being in danger, otherwise he would have been on guard and regarded the female gentleman as a dangerous person.

Zhang Xiaozhu has experienced this kind of panic and fear, which is the kind of panic and fear that occurs when the village chief grandfather catches him for doing bad things. It is the fear of the younger generation towards the majesty of the elders.

Both kind and majestic, this is a feeling that can only be felt from the village chief grandfather, but now it appears in this female gentleman who has never been masked before. Zhang Xiaozhu can't figure out why it is like this even if he breaks his head.

If it weren't for the ghost eyes, he would have doubted whether he had been charmed by the female gentleman using some powerful sound magic.

He thought about it and couldn't find the reason, and even began to

I wonder if humans are like monsters and have bloodline suppression. His bloodline was suppressed by this female gentleman.

However, he was immediately amused by his unprecedented idea, shook his head, and simply stopped thinking about it.

Thinking that Yuan Taiping was comprehending the opportunity under the Wensheng Pagoda and would not leave for a short time, Zhang Xiaozu gathered his thoughts, let his heart fall into peace with the sound of the female teacher reading, and enjoyed this rare relaxation and comfort.

Intoxicated, Zhang Xiaozhu, not knowing whether intentionally or unintentionally, opened up his mind, not to appreciate the teacher's beauty, but to read the book in the student's hand for the first time. As the teacher read, word by word, line by line.

Meditate silently.

For the first time in his life, Zhang Xiaozu discovered that reading and writing were not boring at all. These words, which were more troublesome than ghost drawings, suddenly became lively and interesting.

I couldn't help but think to myself: "If I could come here every day to attend classes, I'm sure I would be able to learn all the Chinese characters very quickly."

"The warehouse is empty because of the lack of time, and the descendants are stupid because of the lack of etiquette."

"There are countless people in the vast world, which man is your husband?"

"There is a time in life, but there is no time in life. Don't force it."

Zhang Xiaozu listened and recited. Some words he didn't know the meaning of, but some words made his mind suddenly clear. He regarded them as the best principles and kept them in his heart.

Unknowingly, when it was time for recess, Su Jin dismissed the class.

The Zhulin Courtyard suddenly became lively. A group of five or six-year-old students poured out of the classroom. Some hurriedly ran to the toilet in the backyard, some laughed and played in the yard, and some were still studying hard in the classroom.

There were also some people who discovered Zhang Xiaozu's existence and were not afraid of strangers. They came closer and looked at Zhang Xiaozu. Some of the bold ones even asked Zhang Xiaozu's name and what he was doing here.

Zhang Xiaozhu was so noisy by several children that he had a headache. He was about to leave and come back after the next class started. Unexpectedly, Su Jin came over, drove away several students who were asking questions, and answered the questions for him.


Zhang Xiaopeng, who was fearless in the face of a large army charging at him, now faced Su Jin, felt nervous for no reason, and hurriedly saluted: "I see you, Mr. Zhang. I was rude and offended before, and disturbed Mr.'s lecture. Please punish me."

Su Jin did not answer the question, but asked with a cold face, "Who sent you here? Su Hanlin or Du Tianlu? What did you say?"

She really regarded Zhang Xiaopou as the messenger, so she got straight to the point and didn't want to talk nonsense.

It is not difficult to tell from the tone of her words that she dislikes Su Hanlin and Du Tianlu very much, and is even disgusted with them.

Although Zhang Xiaozu was confused, he was shocked.

He had never heard of the name Du Tianlu, but the name Su Hanlin was not too loud.

Zhang Xiaozu believes that in this three-thirds of an acre of land in the imperial capital, apart from the one who sits on the throne in the imperial palace with this name, there should be - no, it should not be, there is definitely no other person who dares to call this name.

Listening to Su Jin's disrespectful tone when he called Su Hanlin by his first name, Zhang Xiaozu was a little confused and couldn't imagine the identity of the female gentleman in front of him who looked to be in her twenties.

"No one sent me here, I came here myself." Although Zhang Xiaozhu was shocked in his heart, he did not delay in answering.

"Did you come by yourself?" Su Jinliu frowned slightly, expressing doubts about Zhang Xiaozu's words.

"I followed the sound of reading and found it all the way. It's absolutely true. I dare not deceive you even a single word." Zhang Xiaozhu affirmed.

"Oh" Su Jin nodded, as if he believed Zhang Xiaozu's words, his cold expression suddenly softened a lot, and he asked casually: "Then you don't know that outsiders are not allowed in this Yunzhu courtyard?"

Did you approach casually?"

"I don't know. Please forgive me, sir." Zhang Xiaozu replied.

"It's not my rule." Su Jin waved his hand, turned around and walked into the yard, saying as he walked: "It's just that I didn't know before, but now that I know, let's leave quickly, so as not to be seen by Du Tianlu's people and suffer in vain.

A painful meal of flesh and blood.”

Zhang Xiaozhu didn't quite understand it, but he didn't feel comfortable asking in detail. Hearing Su Jin's eviction order, he felt very reluctant to leave, so he tried to beg, "Please forgive me, sir, and allow me to attend another class. I'm standing outside the courtyard."

Just listen, and I promise you won't disturb Mr.'s lecture."

Hearing Zhang Xiaozhu's sincere words, which did not sound like a compliment intended to please her, Su Jin couldn't help but stop, turned around and asked, "It's just a few paragraphs of children's enlightenment articles. What do you think of what you have learned at your age?"

"I'm not afraid of sir's jokes -" Zhang Xiaozhu's face turned red, but in order to stay and listen to the class, he didn't bother to expose his own shortcomings. He said shamefully: "I have never been to school, and I can't read more than two hundred words. I'm afraid that even these children

Worse than anything else.”

"Indeed, they can already read a thousand characters." Su Jin nodded, not giving Zhang Xiaopou any face.

Zhang Xiaozhu was immediately ashamed. For the first time in his life, he felt that being illiterate was so embarrassing.

Little did he know that Su Jin deliberately humiliated him.

She was observing Zhang Xiaozhu's expression and reaction. If Zhang Xiaozhu was lying, then when he heard this contemptuous remark, a look of disdain would flash in his eyes. If he was not lying, then when he heard this contemptuous remark, he would definitely have it.

When I talk about it, I will feel like I am now, ashamed, ashamed, sad, and a little bit angry.

Therefore, Su Jin believed Zhang Xiaozu's words.

Zhang Xiaozhu suppressed his embarrassment and said: "I'm really ashamed to say it. I have always felt that reading and literacy is a very painful and boring task. When I was a child, I would rather be whipped with a wicker than to learn to read. When I grow up, my temperament becomes more and more lazy, and I am even less willing to sit down.

I came down to study. But after I came here, maybe it was the beautiful and quiet environment that washed away the impetuousness in my heart, maybe it was my husband’s voice that was beautiful and contagious, or maybe it was a combination of both. I suddenly found that reading and literacy changed.

It has to be lively and interesting, so I beg you, sir, to listen to it for a while."

He was afraid that Su Jin would misunderstand him as a slut, so he didn't dare to say that the reason why he wanted to attend the class was because he liked hearing her voice.

"You -" Su Jin opened his mouth and said the word "you", but suddenly paused, and then his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said to Zhang Xiaopou: "Come in, go to the classroom and listen, hurry up."

Three points of command, seven points of urging.

Zhang Xiaozhu couldn't help but frown.

He could see clearly that Su Jin's sudden coldness was not directed at him, but at the person walking behind him.

He didn't look back, but he had already carefully looked at the person coming.

The visitor is about thirty years old, eight feet tall, wearing a moon-white flying fish suit, with a sword hanging from his waist. He has a majestic figure and a dignified appearance. His eyes are like cold stars, his eyebrows are like the first moon, his chest is broad, and he has an aura that is difficult to defeat.


The appearance was so outstanding that Zhang Xiaopou couldn't help but secretly praise it after seeing it.

Unexpectedly, Su Jin made it clear that he hated this person, and Zhang Xiaopou also became disgusted with him.

This is what Aiwujiwu said.

"Thank you, sir." Zhang Xiaozu thanked him, followed Su Jin's order, and walked quickly into the yard.

"Go faster." Su Jin urged again.

Zhang Xiaozu quickly quickened his pace.

Su Jin frowned deeply and stood still, as if waiting for someone to come over.

"Sir -" When Zhang Xiaozu passed by Su Jin, he suddenly stopped and said in a voice that could only be heard by Su Jin: "It's useless for me to study, but I am a good fighter. If you can use it, sir, I can use it."

Wherever you go, just give your orders."


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