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Chapter 604 The ghost wakes up

"Qi Mingyue, don't force me!"

Zhang Xiaopeng was forced to the wall step by step by Ye Mingyue. With no way to retreat, he couldn't help but roar angrily.

Facing Ye Mingyue's approaching murder weapon, he not only had no idea, but also pressed his palms against the wall to prevent Ye Mingyue from taking advantage of it.

Through these two days of getting along, he already knew the crazy woman in front of him very well.

He dared to use his own head to guarantee that as long as he dared to stretch out his hand, he would definitely be ravaged by her violent storm before he even touched the clothes of this crazy woman.


Ye Mingyue suddenly sighed quietly, stepped back and distanced herself from Zhang Xiaozu, raised her hand to touch her cheek, and said with a lonely and sad expression:

"I think back then, in my twenties and eighties, how many men blocked the entrance of the college, just to catch a glimpse of my beauty. Nowadays, I am old and beautiful, and I throw myself into my arms, but I am rejected by others. Alas, the most beautiful thing is that I can't keep it in the world.

Ci Jing Hua Ci Shu!"

Seeing Ye Mingyue's lonely and sad look, Zhang Xiaozhu couldn't bear it and explained aloud: "It's not what you think -"

"Then why don't you touch it?" Before Zhang Xiaozhu finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ye Mingyue. She looked down and asked, "Is it because it's too young?"

"——" Zhang Xiaozu.

"It doesn't feel too small." Ye Mingyue raised her hands and scratched her chest, casting a questioning look at Zhang Xiaopou.

"Cough——" Zhang Xiaozu was so excited by Ye Mingyue's sudden and unrestrained movements that he almost stared out of his eyes. For a moment, he felt his mouth was dry, his heart was racing, and he couldn't bear it, so he quickly turned away from Ye Mingyue.

Mingyue moved her chest away and said with shame and annoyance at the same time: "You crazy woman, can you be more serious?!"

"Giggle--" Ye Mingyue was amused by Zhang Xiaozu's embarrassed look and giggled.

Zhang Xiaozhu snorted in displeasure, lowered his face and said, "If you do this again, I will leave. Anyway, I am not the one who was poisoned, and it is not me who is about to die. It has nothing to do with me."

His words were a little harsh, but Ye Mingyue was not angry because she could tell that Zhang Xiaozhu actually cared about her. How could she, a dying person, blame someone who cared about her.

"The poison I was poisoned with is the special poison of the Hehuan Sect in the Western Regions, which is called Desire for Immortality and Desire for Death."

Ye Mingyue spoke loudly.

"There is no cure for this poison. Once you are infected, you will definitely die. Even the mighty stars are no exception. Therefore, countless people in the world are frightened by it."

"This poison is extremely harmful. The person who is poisoned will be tortured by lust for seventy-seven and forty-nine days, and will eventually be eaten by thousands of insects and die.

When I was addicted to this poison in junior high school, I would only have sexual desire and desire when I had daily attacks. However, as the poison spreads and intensifies, the number of daily attacks will gradually increase. And the poisoned person must not have evil thoughts, otherwise the poison will be triggered.

The last seven days are the most terrifying. Not to mention the poison attacks seven times a day. As long as the poisoned person sees the opposite sex, even smells the breath of the opposite sex, or even sees the figure of the opposite sex in his mind, the poison will be triggered.

In addition, when a poisoned person is poisoned, the body will emit a poisonous aroma, and those who smell the smell will be immediately poisoned and then driven by lust."

Having said this, Ye Mingyue's cheeks turned red, she looked at Zhang Xiaozhu and said: "The two times I was poisoned, you were able to quickly regain your consciousness after smelling the fragrance and being poisoned. It must be because you have the holy blood in your body to help you.

Protect Mingtai, right?"

Zhang Xiaozhu also looked slightly embarrassed. He did not answer Ye Mingyue's question, but said in shock: "Fortunately, the poison among those poisoned by smelling the fragrance is not the ecstasy poison, otherwise this poison would be too terrifying."

Ye Mingyue nodded and said: "The poison in my body has now reached the middle stage. Because I have been taking medicine to control it, I will only have two to three attacks a day. But I must not have any evil thoughts in my heart, otherwise it will immediately trigger the attack of the poison."

, and its attacks are far more violent and powerful than those of its own initiative.”

"Then you just - and -" Zhang Xiaozhu blushed and was embarrassed to say it out.

"But the poison in my body has not broken out." Ye Mingyue's tone suddenly became urgent.

Zhang Xiaozu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that Ye Mingyue didn't mean to tease him just now, she was testing whether the poison in her body would take effect.

"Besides, I haven't had any sexual desire all day today." Ye Mingyue stared at Zhang Xiaopou with burning eyes and said word by word.

She was trying hard to adjust her emotions and not let herself get excited, but her voice still trembled uncontrollably.

Zhang Xiaozhu frowned slightly and asked, "Is it because you drank my blood?"

"Yes, just because I drank your blood!" Ye Mingyue nodded sharply.


She took a deep breath while stroking her chest, suppressing her excitement, and said: "After sucking your blood in the bamboo forest yesterday, I found that your blood can actually make the poison disappear quickly. It seems that you have some restraint on the poison.

function, so I want to discuss with you to see if you can provide me with some blood every day——"

"It's not negotiation, it's kidnapping and imprisonment! It's torture and robbery that forces others to do what they want!" Zhang Xiaozhu corrected loudly and indignantly.

"Don't worry about these details." Ye Mingyue waved her hands indifferently.

"——" Zhang Xiaozu gritted his teeth and glared at her.

Ye Mingyue ignored Zhang Xiaopou's gnashing of teeth and continued: "I didn't think much about it at first. I just thought it was because you ate ambergris fruit and other heavenly materials and earthly treasures, coupled with the dual nourishment of holy blood and powerful soul, so that you

The blood played a certain role in suppressing the poison in my body.

I just said that the poison will be extremely terrifying when it finally breaks out, so I don't dare to leave you here. I'm afraid that I won't be able to control myself when it breaks out, and I'll suck all your blood to death.

I need you to live and protect Jinnizi for me, so I let you go.

I just didn’t expect you to come back on your own initiative.”

Only then did Zhang Xiaozhu realize that Ye Mingyue was suddenly willing to let him go this morning because she was afraid that after he died, no one would protect Su Jin for her.

When leaving, Ye Mingyue even asked him to punch him a few times to calm down his anger, fearing that he would vent his anger on Su Jin.

She herself was clearly in agony from being tortured by pornography, but she still thought about Su Jin wholeheartedly. Zhang Xiaozhu couldn't help but be moved by this protective feeling.

He can best understand what kind of emotional bond this is, because he and Niu Dawa are like this.

It was precisely because of his deep understanding that he left and came back this morning.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaopou didn't respond, Ye Mingyue continued: "After today and my temptation just now, the evil spirit has never been..."

The sound stopped suddenly.

Ye Mingyue's face changed drastically, revealing a look of horror.

Suddenly an alluring fragrance floated in the air.

Zhang Xiaozhu's eyes turned cold, knowing that the poison in Ye Mingyue's body had struck again.


"Blood, give me blood!"

Ye Mingyue felt as if she had been pricked by a needle, screaming urgently at Zhang Xiaopou, because she felt that the ferocity of this drug attack was more than twice that of the previous one.

She was so frightened that her heartbeat almost stopped.

Zhang Xiaozu directly used the power of the ghost eyes to dispel the poison that invaded the body, and said to Ye Mingyue: "Don't worry, let me try to see if I can dispel the poison from your body."

"It's too late!" Ye Mingyue's eyes were so anxious that they were about to burst into flames.

In just a few breaths, the flush had already rushed to her cheeks, which was more than twice as fast as the previous attack.

She reached out to grab Zhang Xiaozu, trying to stop him from sucking blood, but Zhang Xiaozu grabbed her wrist.

"Yeah." Ye Mingyue's body was extremely sensitive. Being grabbed by Zhang Xiaozu, she could not help but let out a comfortable moan in her throat. At the same time, her whole body was numb and limp, and she fell onto Zhang Xiaozu's body.

Zhang Xiaozu caught Ye Mingyue's inverted body and immediately used the power of the ghost eyes to penetrate into her body.

"Master, no!"

A voice rang out between Zhang Xiaozu's eyebrows, and Zhang Xiaozu was suddenly startled.

"Ghost, you finally woke up. It's great." After Zhang Xiaozu realized that it was the voice of the ghost, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and said eagerly: "Hurry and help me save her. She has been poisoned by an extremely evil poison. Deal with it."

You are the best at these things."

But he saw the ghost spirit shaking his head in the sea of ​​consciousness between Zhang Xiaozu's eyebrows and saying: "Master, you must not do it. If the power of the ghost eyes enters her body, not only will it not be able to save her, but it will kill her immediately."

"Ah?" Zhang Xiaozu was startled after hearing this, and conditionally shook off Ye Mingyue's wrist, for fear of accidentally invading the power of the ghost eyes into Ye Mingyue's body.

Ye Mingyue seemed to have completely lost her mind, humming and letting out soul-stirring moans. Two arms climbed up Zhang Xiaopou's body and began to tear his clothes.

"Master, she is hopeless. Give her a break and let her leave with dignity." The ghost shook his head and said sadly.

Hearing the ghost's words, Zhang Xiaozhu's heart suddenly twitched. Although he had long known from Ye Mingyue that she was about to die, when death really came to Ye Mingyue, he still couldn't help but feel sad.

"You can't die yet!"

Zhang Xiaozu grabbed the back of Ye Mingyue's neck, pulled her head away from him, then used Daoli to cut his left wrist and put the wound on Ye Mingyue's mouth.

"Drink!" Zhang Xiaozhu shouted angrily, with a Taoist heart-clearing mantra in his voice, trying to awaken Ye Mingyue's sense.

"You haven't even said goodbye to my husband, and you disappeared so suddenly. My husband will be sad."

Zhang Xiaozu's voice kept ringing in Ye Mingyue's ears.

As if hearing Zhang Xiaozu's voice, Ye Mingyue suddenly took Zhang Xiaozu's wound into her mouth and started sucking it.

Gulu gulu——

The sound of swallowing that made Zhang Xiaozu heart-wrenching and painful sounded again, but this time he didn't reject it in his heart.

His blood really worked, and the flush on Ye Mingyue's cheeks faded away after a while.

Zhang Xiaozu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

But I heard the ghost say: "Master, although your blood can help her relieve the temporary pain, it cannot save her, and it will aggravate the spread of toxins in her body, making the next attack more ferocious and deadly."

"Is there really no way to do it?" Zhang Xiaozhu asked unwillingly.

The ghost did not answer immediately, but said: "When she calms down, I will let you see the terrifying situation in her body, and you will know."


Ye Mingyue relaxed his mouth.

Zhang Xiaozhu's face was pale due to excessive blood loss, and his eyes were dizzy.

"You should give me a good time." Ye Mingyue said with lingering fear while helping Zhang Xiaozhu treat the wound on his wrist.

"Go and say goodbye to my husband. You left her quietly four years ago, which already made her sad and worried. You should make her feel more at ease this time." Zhang Xiaozhu said with a sad expression.

Originally, he had a glimmer of hope, thinking that the ghost spirit could save Ye Mingyue, but now this glimmer of hope was shattered.

"Okay." Ye Mingyue nodded.

This chapter has been completed!
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