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Chapter seven hundred and forty fourth

 Zhang Tufu and his Zhang Jiajun were stationed in the northern frontier of the empire, not only intimidating the Xiongxiong Empire in the north, but also frightening the various sects and gangs in the northern frontier, so that they did not dare to make trouble for decades.

However, time will slowly make people forget fear and breed courage.

This is the case with the Bear Empire in the north.

At the beginning of last year, they suddenly sent troops to invade Northern Xinjiang, thinking that they could take advantage of the fact that all sides of the Su Empire were devastated by natural disasters and were too busy to take care of themselves. They thought they could break through Northern Xinjiang, plunder supplies, and occupy cities.

As a result, they fought with the Zhang Jiajun on the border of northern Xinjiang for four months. Instead of invading the territory of Dasu, they left more than 400,000 corpses behind and finally withdrew in embarrassment.

The Zhang Jiajun defended the northern frontier impregnably, and used their blood-stained swords to tell the Xiong Xiong Empire that they were as ferocious as ever.

But people noticed one thing: Butcher Zhang never showed up on the battlefield from beginning to end, so some people wondered whether Butcher Zhang was old and frail and no longer had the strength to go to the battlefield.

However, some time ago, Butcher Zhang twice attacked the powerful star in the imperial capital, causing the rumors to fall apart.

But now the six major sects in Northern Xinjiang still want to join forces to ask for the answer. They sent eighteen stars to "ask" Zhang Tufu to "give advice".

They did not want to rebel, but wanted to show their attitude to Butcher Zhang. They were not the lambs raised by Butcher Zhang. They could be killed and chopped into pieces if they wanted. If they were pushed into a hurry, they would fight to the death.

Of course, it would be best if they could take this opportunity to knock down the mountain that has been weighing on them for decades, Zhang Butcher.

In their eyes, Butcher Zhang was a vicious dog raised by Su Hanlin in northern Xinjiang, watching their every move every day.

If they can get rid of the evil dog Zhang Butcher, even if they submit to Su Hanlin's new policy, they can still live a prosperous life in the future.

The mountains are high and the emperor is far away, and there are no vicious dogs watching. It is not up to them to decide how much sect tax they should pay.

"Beidou Sect, Tai Tianyun, please give me some advice from General Zhang!"

"Tianxue Sect, Xing Shangchun, please give me some advice from General Zhang!"

Two men wearing Confucian robes, with white beards and hair, and immortal spirits descended from the sky and stopped in front of Butcher Zhang's eight-carrying sedan.

It is said to be a guide, but in reality it is a challenge.

Today is the sixth consecutive day of challenges like this.

During these six days, the six sects will send two star masters to challenge each day. If they fail, they will come back with two more masters the next day.

In the first two days, the people who came to block the road to challenge all spoke very tactfully and beautifully, begging Butcher Zhang for martial arts advice with the humble attitude of a junior, making it difficult for anyone to fault him, but gradually they became too lazy to say anything.

The idea of ​​the six sects is very simple, to use wheel fighting to deal with Zhang Butcher. They believe that even if Zhang Butcher has good fighting ability, he will definitely not be able to withstand the battle due to his age.

However, all the ten people who came in the first five days were dismissed by Zhang Butcher's two apprentices, which greatly damaged the morale of the six sects.


There was a cold snort, and then two people rode out from behind Butcher Zhang's eight-carrying sedan.

The person on the left has eyes like torches and facial features as cold as knives. He exudes an awe-inspiring aura, giving people a sense of oppression without anger or self-power.

His name is Jia Zhongmou, he is sixty-eight years old, and he is the eldest disciple of Butcher Zhang.

The person on the right has dark eyes, because he has more black eyes than white eyes, occupying most of his eyes, so the two eyes look very dark, but more of a weird thing.

His name is Hu Buhu, he is fifty-two years old, and he is the second disciple of Butcher Zhang.

Hu Buhu glared angrily at the two people who blocked the road and shouted angrily: "You two yellow-haired children are worthy of asking a tutor for advice? Why don't you let me give you advice?"

Both Tai Tianyun and Xing Shangchun were famous seniors in Northern Xinjiang for a long time.

It was a great humiliation to be called a yellow-haired brat by him.

The two of them couldn't help but turned livid with anger. They were about to lecture Hu Buhu when they suddenly heard Butcher Zhang, who was lying on the eight-carriage sedan, scolding Hu Buhu: "Buhu, although these two were once my master's subordinates.

Defeated general, but after all, he is your elder, so don’t be too presumptuous."

"Okay Master, I won't slap them in the face later." Hu Buhu replied.

"——" Tai Tianyun and Xing Shangchun were so squeezed that they almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

"You two, please!"

Hu Buhu said "please", then his body rose into the air from the horse and flew towards the mountain forest not far away.

He wanted to find a place where he could fight freely. Otherwise, if he fought on this official road, he would have to build the road after the fight.

Jia Zhongmou followed.


Tai Tianyun and Xing Shangchun snorted angrily. Although they were a hundred unhappy, they still followed. They knew in their hearts that they couldn't let Butcher Zhang take action unless they defeated Butcher Zhang's two apprentices.

Looking at the four people's retreating figures, Butcher Zhang had a deep look of loneliness in his eyes.

"If I haven't lost my cultivation, why are these clowns so rampant? Alas -" He sighed in his heart, and a sense of late sadness emerged in his heart.


Over the mountain forest not far away, the battle between the four people soon began. The stars stirred and the ground shook. It was so fierce.

Half an hour later, Jia Zhongmou and Hu Buhu returned from the sky, but Tai Tianyun and Xing Shangchun disappeared.

"Being a master has made you tired." Butcher Zhang looked at the tiredness that could not be concealed on the two apprentices, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

"Master's words have upset Buhu and I. Fighting for Master is a lifelong honor for Buhu and I. Even if we die in battle, we will have no regrets." Jia Zhongmou said firmly.

"Disciple can still fight." Hu Buhu said.

"Your eyes were blackened and your face was swollen from being slapped." Butcher Zhang looked at Hu Buhu's dark eyes and red and swollen cheeks and teased.

When Hu Buhu heard this, he jumped up and cursed angrily: "What a fool, that old boy doesn't know martial arts ethics. He hit me in the face with every move he made. But he didn't take advantage either. I cut off his beard, eyebrows and hair."

They’ve all been shaved off, how can he have the face to show off to others when he goes back?”

"Haha, the fight between you two was quite interesting." Butcher Zhang couldn't help laughing.

Then he shook his head and said: "Go forward ten miles and camp at Beiwangpo. From tomorrow on, we will no longer fight. You two will recover from your internal injuries first."

"Master, we can still fight!" Jia Zhongmou shook his head and said that he did not need to nurse himself back to health, but would still continue to fight.

"No, we must not let those turtle bastards disgrace your reputation!" Hu Buhu shouted with his eyes wide.

Butcher Zhang glared at the two of them and reprimanded: "You two are already in your fifties and sixties, why are you still acting like children?

Haven’t you seen the intentions of these major sects?

They obviously want to fight me in a wheel battle, defeat me, and then take the opportunity to create public opinion momentum, discredit me, and no longer have the right to speak out in northern Xinjiang, so they will not stop until I defeat me.

Can you continue to fight?

If they come to provoke you, let them provoke you.

As long as I don't take action and Zhang Jiajun is still there, they will only dare to play tricks. Even if you give them a hundred courages, they won't dare to rebel.

I have been a strong and domineering person all my life, and I have scolded and bullied many people. I think I have received karmic retribution if I was scolded a few times.

I'm open-minded and there's nothing to be angry about, so you two don't need to be angry.

My purpose of this trip is to frighten the major sects in northern Xinjiang so that they will not dare to come out and stab them at the critical moment when they are conquering the east and west.

So I first mobilized a few small sects to scare the monkeys, and then stationed the 50,000 Zhang Jiajun on Beiwangpo, hanging like an unsheathed sword on the necks of the several sects, so that they would not dare to act rashly.


I only have a month or two left. When I die, you should not mourn. Just pretend that nothing happened and do whatever you need to do until your Majesty has settled things in Northern Xinjiang.

Haha, people from several sects would never imagine that even if they were killed, I could intimidate them.

Because I am Butcher Zhang!"

Butcher Zhang's tiger eyes shone brightly, and although his cultivation level was no longer there, his power was still the same as before.

After hearing Butcher Zhang's explanation, Jia Zhongmou and Hu Buhu couldn't help feeling sad, but they could only obey the orders and did not dare to mess up Butcher Zhang's plan.

The 50,000-strong army marched ten miles and then set up camp.

At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, two people from the six sects flew in and asked Butcher Zhang for advice outside the camp gate.

Seeing that Butcher Zhang did not respond, the two said many provocative words, but Butcher Zhang still did not respond, and in the end they could only leave in anger.

Even though they spoke arrogant and provocative words, they kept their feet firmly on the ground and did not dare to step into the camp gate, because stepping into the camp gate would be equivalent to charging into the army camp, with unpredictable consequences.

The next day, the two came to challenge again, and this time their words were even more exaggerated. They almost scolded Butcher Zhang for being cowardly, but Butcher Zhang still didn't respond.

Although Jia Zhongmou, Hu Buhu, and the 50,000 Zhang family troops were furious, no one dared to disobey Butcher Zhang's order and join the fight without permission.

On the morning of the fourth day, two pink-faced young men came outside the camp gate. They wanted to challenge Butcher Zhang, and uttered wild words that they wanted to kill Butcher Zhang to prove his salvation.

However, the two of them sat on horseback and howled all morning, shouting until their throats were filled with smoke and received no answer. Finally, they left with their faces livid with anger.

On the morning of the fifth day, the people from the six sects went even further and used a chariot to carry two voluptuously dressed women to the gate of the camp.

These two people were not members of any particular sect, but two signboards from a brothel in nearby Shunzhou Prefecture.

"Slave Wanhualou Liu Beibei."

"Slave Wanhualou Liu Qiaoqiao."

"I heard that General Zhang's prowess is still as great as before, so I came to ask General Zhang for advice."

The two girls stood up on the flower chariot and bowed down to the military camp. Their boneless postures showed their femininity.

But their bodies and voices were shaking uncontrollably because they were afraid.

They knew that their current behavior was very absurd. If they rushed and humiliated the leading general at the gate of the military camp, they would probably be shot to death by random arrows immediately.

But they dare not not do it, because if they don't, they will be killed.

In the brothel next door to their house, because the top girl refused to die, all the girls in the brothel were killed.

If they don't come, everyone will die. If they come, only two of them will die. They have no choice.

"You son of a bitch, you've gone too far!"

"No, I can't stand it anymore. I'm going out and beheading these two bastards!"

When Hu Buhu saw the six sects bringing in two brothel prostitutes, he was so angry that he was about to chop down the two women on the chariot with his knife.

However, Butcher Zhang called out to Hu Buhu and stroked his beard and said: "They were coerced by people from several sects and had to do this, why do you have to embarrass them?

The merchant girl does not know the hatred of the country's subjugation, but she still sings the flowers in the backyard across the river.

Go and reward each of them with one hundred taels of silver and let them dance for the soldiers."

"——" Hu Buhu couldn't help but laugh. The anger in his heart disappeared with a few words from Butcher Zhang.


A soldier rushed out from the military camp.

The faces of the two women on the chariot were suddenly full of misery, thinking that the angry soldiers on horseback were coming to kill them.

The soldiers rushed to the chariot, threw the silver onto the chariot, and shouted: "The general knows that you two were coerced by evil people, so I don't blame you for your offensive behavior, and I will reward you two with two hundred taels of silver.

You two perform a dance for the soldiers."

When the two women heard this, they couldn't help but be overjoyed. The joy of escaping from death and the gratitude to Butcher Zhang surged into their hearts at the same time. Tears burst into their eyes. They hurriedly kowtowed and thanked him: "Thank you, General Zhang, for not killing me!"

But as soon as they finished speaking, a sword energy suddenly fell from the sky above their heads, and their heads were chopped off with a pop.

Boom! Boom!

Two human heads flew down from the chariot and rolled down in front of the hooves of the horse that was delivering the order.

The messenger stared at the two heads on the ground in disbelief. He saw tears of joy hanging from the corners of their eyes, but they had died inexplicably. Anger rushed to the forehead of the commander in an instant. He felt that these two women

The injustice of death.

A middle-aged man in red brocade fell from the air. He stood on the chariot with a long sword in his hand, kicked the two women's bodies to the ground with two kicks, and cursed: "You are so bold, you slut!

How dare you make a show of your head in front of the formation of the three armies and disturb the morale of the army, it would be a shame not to die!"

"Who are you?! The general has forgiven her two sins, why did you kill them two?!" the officer who ordered the order glared at the man in red and asked.

"Who do you think you are, worthy of asking me my name?" The man in red glanced at the messenger with contempt, and then looked toward the camp.

Because the camp was set up on a gentle slope, the man was at the bottom of the slope. Looking up, he could just see Butcher Zhang's handsome tent.

"Old General Zhang, junior Duyuanlou Lu Feiluan, please give me some advice from the old general." The man in red found the figure of Butcher Zhang in the camp and bowed his hands to him.

"General, can the last general kill him?" The officer who ordered the order turned back to the camp and asked Butcher Zhang for instructions.

He was very angry.

"Haha, it's just you? I can crush you to death with one finger!" Lu Feiluan looked sideways at the officer who was passing the order and sneered disdainfully.

The officer who sent the order ignored Lu Feiluan. He held the handle of the sword in his hand and looked at Butcher Zhang eagerly. As long as Butcher Zhang nodded, he would draw the sword at Lu Feiluan without hesitation.

Zhang Jiajun will never be afraid because the enemy is strong. As long as they feel it is worth it, they will dare to risk their lives to fight.

At this moment, the soldiers who sent the order just wanted to fight, to fight with their lives for the two brothel girls who refused to die in peace.

"Come back." Butcher Zhang ordered.

"General... obey your order!" The soldiers who gave the order were unwilling to do so, but they did not dare to disobey the order.

"Haha, Butcher Zhang, it seems you are really old. You can swallow such a breath, I really admire you!" Lu Feiluan laughed loudly at Butcher Zhang.

Butcher Zhang ignored him.

"Butcher Zhang, do you dare to come out and fight?" Seeing that Butcher Zhang remained silent, Lu Feiluan became even more impudent.

"Master, let me crush this thief to death. I really can't bear it anymore and I'm about to suffer internal injuries." Hu Buhu gritted his teeth in anger as he looked at Lu Feiluan's arrogance.

"Master, Buhu and I have almost recovered from our internal injuries." Jia Zhongmou couldn't stand such anger either.

Butcher Zhang waved his hand and said, "Let them bark. If you keep barking for a few more days, they won't be able to bark anymore."

"Butcher Zhang, do you dare to come out and fight?!" Lu Feiluan provoked again.


Hu Buhu sighed depressedly. He had never been as frustrated as he had been these past few days in his life.

Zhang Tufu pretended not to care and closed his eyes, but his heart was already full of anger. He had wanted to kill several sects in northern Xinjiang more than once. He wanted to lead an army to bulldoze them, but he was suppressed every time.

Go down.

The main force of the Zhang Jiajun is stationed on the border of northern Xinjiang and cannot be mobilized.

The Xuanwu Legion is on standby at any time, ready to support the army in the east and west expeditions, but it cannot be mobilized.

He only has the 50,000 Zhang Jiajun in front of him to mobilize.

Furthermore, he had promised Su Hanlin that with him in Northern Xinjiang, he would be safe and sound, so he couldn't bear this tone and had to endure it.


Suddenly, a series of rapid and powerful horse hooves came from the official road to the south.

Because the sound of the horse's hooves was so fast that it was as if it was about to fly, so everyone couldn't help being surprised when they heard it, and their eyes followed the sound unconsciously.

I saw a horse as red as flame galloping on the spacious official road, with a long trail of dust rising behind it.

A young man in black clothing was leaning on the horse with his upper body lowered. His body swayed gently and rhythmically with the galloping horse, giving people the feeling of being one with the flaming horse.


The young man in black suddenly pulled the horse's rein lightly, and the flaming horse rushed down the official road and galloped up the slope.

Butcher Zhang stared at the young man on the horse and stood up suddenly.


In an instant, the distance of two to three hundred steps came before us. The young man in black and the flaming horse jumped onto the chariot. The flaming horse raised its front hooves high and kicked towards Lu Feiluan.

This chapter has been completed!
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