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Chapter seven hundred and eighty second brothers who grew up together

 Zhang Xiaozu woke up with his eyes open, and the movements of his hands stopped. He looked at the sticks and stones in his hands for a moment, and then seemed to remember something terrible, and held his hands like a scorpion stinging him.

Throw away the two things.

"I'll fuck you!"

Zhang Xiaozu let out a whimper, got up and ran away like a hair, while waves of cold air shot up from his tailbone.

He stared at the half-engraved word "Zhang" on the ground, his expression was indescribably ugly, he was really frightened.

He had a dream last night. He dreamed that he bumped into an unnamed tombstone, fell into a coffin, was buried alive by the coffin, and finally fainted.

But in a daze, he saw himself crawling out of the coffin somehow, standing in front of the unnamed tombstone, holding a chisel in his hand and carving words on the tombstone, trying to carve his name on it.

So when he woke up and saw that he was actually carving names, he couldn't help but feel horrified.

"It's a dream, not real."

Zhang Xiaopou calmed down, walked forward and rubbed the writing on the ground with his feet.



Not far away, frightened screams suddenly sounded one after another.

The disciples of the sect also woke up one after another. Most of them had the same reaction as Zhang Xiaozhu when he first woke up, with expressions of horror on their faces. Some were even so frightened that their bodies shivered uncontrollably. They had obviously also experienced terror.


There were also some people who had no reaction at all and were drowsy, as if they had slept very comfortably.

After Zhang Xiaozu heard the scream, he immediately looked towards where Niu Dawa and the others were. Seeing that the three of them were still in the same place, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and quickly turned around and ran over.

None of the three people had moved yet, and Niu Dawa's snoring could be heard in the distance, seeming to be sleeping soundly.

"Is it really a dream? Or an illusion, a fantasy."

Zhang Xiaozhu found that the positions of Niu Dawa and the others had not changed, and they were not farther and farther away from him like what he heard last night, so he became more convinced that last night's experience was untrue.

He turned back and glanced in the direction of the sect disciples, and at a glance he saw Yu Wenrui running in the distance, so much dust was raised behind his back that he was running faster than a rabbit.

"What a bastard!" Zhang Xiaozhu cursed unhappily.

Soon he arrived in front of Niu Dawa and the others. Niu Dawa was lying on the ground, snoring like a thunderous sound, sleeping soundly.

The wounds on his body have been bandaged, and there are no new blood stains on the bandages. It seems that the wounds are recovering well.

Butcher Zhang was breathing evenly, and there were no major injuries on his body. They were all minor injuries that were not fatal. Judging from the situation, they should not be serious.

Zhang Xiaozhu's eyes stayed on Jin Zhihui and he frowned worriedly.

Jin Zhihui's face was pale, and the bandage covering the abdominal wound was soaked with blood, and blood seemed to be oozing out of the wound. Her breathing was short and rapid, and the situation did not look optimistic.

"Da Wa - Da Wa -"

Zhang Xiaozu slapped Niu Dawa on the face to wake him up, and was then given a death stare by Niu Dawa.

"Huixianzi's situation doesn't seem optimistic. Wake her up quickly and ask her about the situation. Where is the Yanxinguo?" Zhang Xiaozu said.

After hearing this, Niu Dawa suddenly regained consciousness. He pulled his right hand on the ground a few times and dug out the Flame Heart Fruit from the soil.

After darkness fell yesterday, he was afraid that the Flame Heart Fruit would be stolen, so he dug a hole with his hands and hid the Flame Heart Fruit.

He slept all night, but his right hand did not move from the place where the Flame Heart Fruit was buried. It was really hard for him.

Zhang Xiaozu whispered a few times into Butcher Zhang's ear. Butcher Zhang slowly opened his eyes and woke up, his mind a little blurry. Zhang Xiaozu quickly pinched off a piece of Yanxinguo and put it into his mouth.

"Pawn, Zhihui is unconscious. Bring your fruit quickly and I'll feed him some." Niu Dawa screamed several times but failed to wake up Jin Zhihui, so she couldn't help but panic.

Zhang Xiaozu quickly handed the Yanxin Fruit to Niu Dawa.

"No, we can't give it to her." Butcher Zhang regained some consciousness after eating the flaming heart fruit. When he heard that Niu Dawa was about to feed flaming heart fruit to Jin Zhihui, he quickly stopped him and said: "She was hurt too much, Qian

You must not give her Yanxinguo, otherwise her blood will swell and she will die of hemorrhage."

Hearing this, Niu Dawa quickly took back the Yanxinguo that had been brought to Jin Zhihui's mouth and asked eagerly: "What should we do?"

"The rhizome of the Phoenix Blood Vine has miraculous effects on healing wounds. Quickly dig up the roots of the Phoenix Blood Vine and boil water for her to drink. After the wound is cured, feed her the Heart Fruit." Butcher Zhang said.

Zhang Xiaozu immediately picked up Butcher Zhang on his back and said to Niu Dawa: "Hold Fairy Hui and follow me. I know where the Phoenix Blood Vine is."

"Haha, I got the ancient inheritance, I opened the war gate, haha ​​-" A sect disciple in the distance suddenly roared excitedly, and his entire face was almost distorted by the extreme excitement.

"Brother Song, how did you get it? Where did you get it? What kind of ancient inheritance? Where is it?" Someone immediately gathered around and asked eagerly.

Zhang Xiaozu heard it, but had no time to stop and listen carefully.

This thorny grassland is huge, and it is not easy to find the location of the Phoenix Blood Vine. Fortunately, there is a river. Zhang Xiaopu found the river first, and then followed the river upstream to find it.

Half an hour later, Zhang Xiaozu saw the woods, but there was someone in the woods setting up a pile of firewood and making a fire.

Zhang Xiaozu's heart skipped a beat, worried that the Phoenix Blood Vine had been discovered by these people and taken for themselves.


"Stop, don't come near!"

Before Zhang Xiaozhu and Niu Dawa could get closer, they were discovered by each other and given a warning.


The opponent had a big bow in his hand, and he immediately opened the bow and set an arrow to aim at the four Zhang Xiaopawns.

This is a group of twelve soldiers wearing helmets and armor. Judging from their equipment, they should be light-armored crossbowmen.

Zhang Xiaozu had never seen the standard armor on them, so he didn't know which empire they were soldiers from.

"We don't mean any harm." Zhang Xiaozhu quickly stopped, put Butcher Zhang down from his back, and explained: "One of our companions was injured, seriously injured. I know there is an herb to stop bleeding over there, and I want to pick it."

Come to treat the injuries of our comrades, and ask for the convenience of the military masters."

"Are you talking about the Phoenix Blood Vine? The roots of the Phoenix Blood Vine are miraculous in treating trauma." asked the person on the other side, who was very familiar with the medicinal properties of the Phoenix Blood Vine.

Before Zhang Xiaopou could respond, another person waved his hand and said: "We have already collected the roots of Phoenix Blood Vine. You can look for them elsewhere."

"Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Please be kindhearted and give me a little kindness." Zhang Xiaozu lowered his posture and said sincerely.

"No, don't go and look for it. Phoenix Blood Vine is of great use to us, and it won't be of any use to you." The other party refused unceremoniously.

"Haha, I'm done."

The man who had been sticking his buttocks out to light the fire suddenly laughed happily. A plume of white smoke appeared in front of him. He quickly put the soft thatch in his hand on it, puffed up his cheeks and blew a few times, and the flames suddenly started.

"Be careful when adding to the fire, don't put it out."

He stood up and gave instructions to the two people next to him, then patted the dust on his hands and walked out of the woods. His eyes fell on Zhang Xiaozu and the four of them. He looked up and down, then turned to the soldier who rejected Zhang Xiaozu and said: "Phoenix Blood Vine is so

If there are many, don’t be too stingy, just split them up and treat them as friends.”

This man seems to be the commander of this group of soldiers, and his words are very effective.

After hearing this, the soldier who rejected Zhang Xiaozu didn't say anything else. He immediately went back to the woods to get two gray roots and brought them to Zhang Xiaozu.

The palm is long and the grass stems are generally thin.

Zhang Xiaozu took it in his hand and frowned slightly, fearing that this little bit wouldn't be enough.

"That's enough." Butcher Zhang knew what Zhang Xiaozhu was thinking and said immediately.

Zhang Xiaozu's brows suddenly relaxed, he raised his hands towards the other party and thanked him: "Thank you, Mr. Jun, for your generous gift. The four of me will remember this great kindness."

"It's just a trivial matter. It's not worth mentioning." The officer bowed his hand in return and said, "I have just lit a fire here. If you need it, feel free to come and get it."

"Thank you."

Zhang Xiaozu thanked him, and then several people went to the beach by the river and put Jin Zhihui down.

Zhang Xiaozu and Niu Dawa went separately to look for hay. They did not go to the woods to look for it because the other party was obviously wary of them and going there rashly would easily cause misunderstanding.

Fortunately, there was a lot of dead grass on the wasteland, and soon the two of them found a lot of it.

Butcher Zhang picked up some big rocks by the river and built a simple stove. He used a knife to cut out the middle of a stone and put it on the stove to hold water and cook medicine.

Crack, crackle!

Soon Zhang Xiaopou lit the fire, and the thatch burned vigorously, making a crackling sound.

Put the two rhizomes of Phoenix Blood Vine into the stone pot, fill it with water three times under Butcher Zhang's instructions, and finally boil it into a small bowl.

The decoction is as red as blood.

Niu Dawa pinched open Jin Zhihui's mouth, and Zhang Xiaozu held the heavy stone pot and carefully poured the soup into Jin Zhihui's mouth.

Gulu gulu——

Niu Dawa pinched Jin Zhihui's nose with great experience, and Jin Zhihui, who was out of breath, quickly swallowed the decoction that she poured into her mouth.

Butcher Zhang glanced at the two brothers who were cooperating with each other tacitly, and murmured in his heart: "As expected of two brothers who grew up together, their methods of giving medicine to people are the same."

How did he know that these two brothers had to take medicine for colds and fevers when they were young? Niu Dawa's father always fed them like this.

"Colonel Lieutenant, two roots of Phoenix Blood Vine can save the lives of more than a dozen brothers on the battlefield. We don't know them, so why should we give them a free advantage?"

In the grove, the soldier who rejected Zhang Xiaopeng asked their captain in confusion.

With a distressed expression on his face, he was reluctant to give Zhang Xiaozu the two rhizomes of Phoenix Blood Vine.

"If I don't give it to them, they will definitely snatch it away. You can tell by looking at the injuries on their bodies that they are not a good person. It's better not to mess with them." The captain replied.

"What are you afraid of? We have bows and arrows. If they rob us forcefully, we will send them to see the King of Hell."

"Then what if our bows and arrows can't hit them?" the captain asked.

The soldier was stunned for a moment and said: "Colonel, you think too highly of them."


The captain slapped the soldier on the back of the neck, and said with a smile: "Boy, my captain's feeling is unmistakable. Those guys can't be easily offended. Go fish in the river, I'm going to starve to death. Go there."

Walk under the river and stay away from them."

"Yes." The soldier immediately took the order, called his four companions, bypassed the position where Zhang Xiaopeng and the four were, and walked down the river.

The captain's eyes fell on Zhang Xiaozu and the other four, and he said to the remaining people: "The footprints in the woods before we came here should have been left by that boy. He knew that there was a Phoenix Blood Vine here, and he also knew about the Phoenix Blood Vine.

The rhizomes of the vine have medicinal effects, but he didn’t dig up the rhizomes of the vine, why do you think it is?”

"There must be something better that attracted him." A soldier replied.

"Is it the Flame Heart Fruit?" the captain guessed, holding his chin.

"It may be that he is unwilling to destroy the growth of Phoenix Blood Vine." Another soldier guessed, "I once heard a veteran say that those stars can explore ruins, and if they encounter rare and exotic fruits, they will pick them

Be very careful not to damage their growth."

"There is such a thing." The captain nodded, his eyes fell on Butcher Zhang, and he asked doubtfully: "The Great Power of the Stars? Those who can withstand the temptation of Phoenix Blood Vine are definitely not ordinary people."

Zhang Xiaozu suddenly turned his head and smiled kindly towards the woods.

The captain's eyes trembled, a smile appeared on his face, he nodded in greeting, and secretly said in surprise: "You can feel my prying eyes from such a distance, this boy has such a keen intuition."

He further confirmed his intuition and knew that he was right not to offend Zhang Xiaopeng and others.

Jin Zhihui drank the concoction and her complexion immediately improved a lot.

Niu Dawa took her to a secluded place and re-bandaged her wounds.

"Grandpa, how do you feel? Do you need to take another bite of the flaming heart fruit?" Zhang Xiaozhu asked with concern to Butcher Zhang.

"No need." Butcher Zhang shook his head.

"Grandpa -" Zhang Xiaozu suddenly lowered his voice and said: "I picked two flaming heart fruits on the mountain, and I suspect there are many flaming heart fruits on the mountain.

I want to climb to the top of the mountain to see what good things are there, maybe there is a longevity fruit."

"Do you have any way to deal with the rock-backed monitor lizard?" Butcher Zhang asked.

"No." Zhang Xiaozu shook his head, looked in the direction of the woods, and said, "We need to find someone to lure the rock-backed monitor lizard away."


"Of course not, I will not be a villain who repays kindness with hatred." Zhang Xiaozhu laughed dumbly.

He stood up, looked around, and sighed: "Grandpa, based on your experience, how big can this ruins be? It stands to reason that there are space gates in all nine continents, so there should be many people coming in, but it's impossible to look around.

There are not many people in sight, so where have all the people gone? Or is this space so vast that it is sparsely populated?"

"It's hard to say. We can only take one step at a time, explore one step at a time, and explore one step at a time." Butcher Zhang shook his head.

"Where should I go to find Xiao Bing? Is she safe now? Hey -" Zhang Xiao Bing looked around blankly and sighed depressedly.

While the two were talking, Niu Dawa had bandaged Jin Zhihui's wound, brought her back, put her down and said, "The bleeding has stopped."

"That's good." Zhang Xiaozu said, "If I knew that the roots of Phoenix Blood Vine have such medicinal effects, I would dig some and put them on my body."

"It's my fault that I forgot to tell you." Butcher Zhang said.

"It's okay. There are at least two more on the mountain. Let's go dig on the mountain. Just digging out some rhizomes won't damage the growth of the Phoenix Blood Vine, right?" Zhang Xiaozhu asked.

"As long as it doesn't touch the main rhizome, it'll be fine," said Butcher Zhang.

"Let's go, I'll dig with you." Niu Dawa said.

"Aren't you hungry?" Zhang Xiaozhu asked.


It's okay not to say hungry, but as soon as I mention hungry Niu Da Wa's stomach growls immediately.

"I'll go down to the river to catch some fish, and I'll fill my stomach first." Zhang Xiaozu said.

As he spoke, he walked to the river, crossed his fingers in front of him, stretched out his arms, and prepared to enter the water.

But his eyes suddenly stopped on the surface of his right hand, and his expression was stunned, because he found that there were injuries on the finger knots. These injuries reminded him of the punch before he fell into the coffin last night.

That punch hit a hard object. The pain was so painful that he felt like his bones were about to break. The surface of his hand must have been broken.

Zhang Xiaozu stared at his hand for a moment, then raised his hand to touch his forehead, thinking that if there were injuries on his forehead, it would mean that the experiences last night were not a dream.

This chapter has been completed!
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