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Chapter 812: The Fateful Enemy

 "Haha..." Niu Dawa heard that the inheritor who came was actually Yu Wenrui. After being stunned for a moment, he couldn't help laughing happily, and thought to himself: "It's true that we are enemies on a narrow road. But things are turning, and this time it is my turn to be the most powerful.

.Yuwen Zasui, your death date is today!"

Seeing Niu Dawa smiling so happily, Zhou Dashan was surprised and asked: "Does the young master know this friend of Yuwen?"

"We know each other, we know each other so well!" Niu Dawa gritted her back molars, her expression suddenly turned cold and gloomy, her sinister eyes shot out two murderous auras without concealment, and she lowered her voice and ordered Zhou Dashan: "Take someone to get them."

Surround them quietly, and no one is allowed to let go, do you understand?"

"Understood." Zhou Dashan understood the idea and immediately went to gather people.

Niu Dawa told Jin Zhihui and Zhang Xiaobing: "You two take good care of the old man, and I will go and settle the account with Yuwen Zazai."

"Do you want to wait until Mr. Zhang comes back?" Jin Zhihui was worried about Niu Dawa going alone.

"Don't worry, we have the strength this time. I want to let Yuwen Zazai also have a taste of being bullied. This time we will settle all the old and new grudges with him." Niu Dawa gritted his teeth.

This was an excellent opportunity to kill Yu Wenrui, and he was unwilling to let it go.

Zhou Dashan moved very quickly, gathering more than 2,000 experts in less than a cup of tea.

These two thousand people were a combat force specially formed by Zhang Xiaozu, so that if the people from the world were to sneak up on them, they would be able to defend effectively immediately.

This is when it comes in handy.

"Surround them all and don't let anyone go!"


Following Zhou Dashan's order, more than two thousand masters immediately surrounded the casual cultivators who came up from the mountain.

"Why are you surrounding us?!"

"What do you want to do?!"

"Calm down, calm down. We are all casual cultivators. If you have anything to say, please say it."

The surrounded cultivators were frightened and immediately panicked.

Niu Dawa frowned and walked out, and shouted to the crowd with a gloomy face: "Yu Wenrui, get out of here!"

The reason why he frowned was because he had been observing secretly for a while, but did not see Yu Wenrui's figure. However, there were more than 700 people standing together, and he was not sure whether Yu Wenrui was there.

In the crowd, there was just a vague feeling of bad premonition.

"Uncle Yuwen has something to do and has gone down the mountain. Who are you? What do you want to see my uncle for?" A man wearing Yaowanggu ink clothes walked out of the crowd and raised his hand to Niu Dawa with a cold face.

"Fuck!" Niu Dawa cursed when he heard this and asked, "How long has he been gone?"

"You haven't said who you are yet." The Yaowang Valley disciple looked unhappy and did not answer Niu Dawa's question.

"That Mr. Yuwen has been gone for a long time." The casual cultivator who knew about it told Niu Dawa.

"He left in a very hurry, saying he was going to rescue the enslaved monks on other mountains." Another monk added.

"Tch! Don't listen to what he said so nicely. In my opinion, he was clearly scared away by the reputation of Mr. Niu and Mr. Zhang." A person next to him said with disdain.

"Fart!" The disciples of Yaowang Valley were furious when they heard this and shouted: "My uncle is the inheritor of the mythical beast Phoenix. He is blessed by the divine phoenix in the valley and has infinite fighting power. If you say anything to scare him away, it is pure fart. The stench is extremely bad."

"Then tell me why he was not in a hurry when he first went up the mountain, but when he heard that there were two inheritors on the mountain, Mr. Niu and Mr. Zhang, he panicked and hurried down the mountain?" the man asked with a sneer.

"Hmph! My uncle is concerned about the life and death of other monks on the mountain. It's normal to be flustered and anxious. People like you who are selfish and only care about themselves will never understand the righteousness in his heart." The disciple of Yaowang Valley sneered proudly.


Niu Dawa was angry, knowing that Yuwen Ruiding was so frightened that Sayazi ran away after learning that he and Zhang Xiaozu were inheritors. It was pure bullshit to care about the life and death of other loose cultivators on the mountain.

"You bitch, let him run away!" Zhou Dashan cursed angrily, seeming to be even angrier than Niu Dawa.

Niu Dawa walked towards the Yaowang Valley disciple and said, "My name is Niu Guangmao, do you know who I am?"

"A possessed devil." The man said without fear.

"It's good to know." Niu Dawa nodded and smiled, then stepped in front of the man and punched him in the face.


Blood splattered everywhere.

The man's whole face collapsed and he fell to the ground. He kicked his legs twice and then lost his breath.

"Since you already know that I am the devil, you will definitely not die in peace." Niu Dawa looked at the dead body lying on the ground and said calmly.

After speaking, he raised his head and looked at the new casual cultivators, and said to comfort him: "Don't be afraid, everyone, this is a personal grudge and has nothing to do with you.

However, there are some enemies of mine among you, so I need you to walk in front of me one by one and let me identify them.

If you don't want to, you can just stand still and wait until I finish killing my enemies before I take the time to kill you."

He spoke calmly, but the people listening were so frightened that their eyelids jumped.

"I don't even know you, so I'm definitely not your enemy." A woman walked out of the crowd, saying comforting words to herself, while walking past Niu Dawa with anxious steps.

Niu Dawa didn't even move.

With this precedent, many people suddenly became bolder. Knowing that they had no enmity with Niu Dawa, they calmly walked past Niu Dawa.

As expected, Niu Dawa didn't take action against them.


When a man with a face smeared with rock ash walked past Niu Dawa, Niu Dawa punched him in the head.

As for whether the killing was wrong, Niu Dawa didn't care too much.


A figure jumped out from the crowd and fled down the mountain.

But he was captured before he could escape very far, because he was already surrounded by Zhou Dashan and his men, so he would not be allowed to escape.

"Let me go, let me go!"

The man screamed and struggled, but was still escorted to Niu Dawa.

"Young Master Niu, I was wrong. I never dare to be right with you again! You have a lot, please forgive me! I kowtow to you!"

The man was so frightened that he knelt down in front of Niu Dawa and begged for mercy.

At this moment, his intestines were filled with regret, and he regretted not leaving with Yu Wenrui.

He was lucky, thinking that he could avoid being discovered by Niu Dawa and Zhang Xiaozu by hiding in the crowd. He never expected that Niu Dawa was so ruthless and had a good memory, remembering the appearance of everyone who had besieged him.


Niu Dawa ignored him, punched his Tianling Cap directly with his fist, and sent him to see the Lord of Hell.

"Everyone, run!" Someone in the crowd shouted in fear.

Suddenly, several people jumped out of the crowd and rushed in different directions, but none of them escaped. They were all captured and escorted to Niu Dawa.

Niu Dawa ignored their tearful begging and sent them all to see the Lord of Hell.

He didn't feel that he was cruel, because when these people surrounded him and killed him, no one thought of sparing his life.

"What should we do with these people?" Zhou Dashan saw Niu Dawa patting his butt and leaving after killing everyone, so he quickly caught up and asked.

Niu Dawa said without looking back: "You can make up your own mind, as long as you don't imitate those bastards in the world who capture people as slaves."

"Hey, okay, let me think about it." Zhou Dashan sighed, realizing that he was about to become Zhang Xiaozhu and Niu Dawa's housekeeper.

Looking at Niu Dawa's leaving figure, his expression gradually became serious, and a feeling of horror swirled in his heart. Only then did he realize that Niu Dawa, who was usually laughing and joking, was actually much more ruthless and cruel than Zhang Xiaopou.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

In a space of a hundred feet with no entrance or exit, two fierce life-and-death battles were taking place.

Zhang Xiaozu woke up in the morning and found himself in this strange space. However, he was not surprised because Bai Hu had told him in advance last night that he would be put in the same space with four other people to fight.

Fateful enemy.

When he woke up and saw four other people in a strange space, the first thing that came to his mind were these four words.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a voice of a gear of fate telling him in his mind that the five of them were lifelong enemies and could not coexist.

Zhang Xiaozu read from the eyes of the other four the same thoughts as his, as well as the unrelenting killing intent.

Although there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, the defeated tiger still has a chance to go down the mountain and escape. However, their current situation is not as good as that of the tiger, because they have to live or die, and there is no way out.

Unless they can coexist peacefully here for three days.

But the result was that they didn't even last three hours, and the battle started with their own ulterior motives.

Gu Shengnan and Xin Jitong wanted to join forces with Zhang Xiaozu and another inheritor of the White Tiger Power, hoping that the four of them would join forces to deal with the strongest Shen Weiran.

In the eyes of Gu Shengnan and Xin Jitong, Shen Weiran is the strongest, because the Shen family's physical skills are recognized as the strongest in the world, which is proved by the Shen family's exclusive control of Central Continent.

If there was a melee between five people, Shen Weiran's physical skills would have a lot of room to display, and the one who would have the last laugh would definitely be Shen Weiran, so they wanted to get rid of Shen Weiran first.

As for Zhang Xiaozu and the other inheritor of the White Tiger's power, they never paid attention to them.

Zhang Xiaozhu did not expect to see Shen Weiran in this way. After a brief moment of surprise, he readily agreed to Gu Shengnan and Xin Jitong's proposal.

Not only did he want to kill Shen Weiran, he was also determined to get Shen Weiran's body, because Shen Weiran's body could be used to exchange his mother with the Shen family.

Another inheritor of the White Tiger Power also nodded in agreement.

However, Shen Weiran's various objections and words to sow discord were ignored by the four people.

The battle started at Gu Shengnan's order.

However, when Zhang Xiaozu pounced on Shen Weiran and performed a move, another inheritor of the White Tiger's power suddenly attacked him.

Zhang Xiaozu sneered and kicked him to the side to force him back, then rushed forward to fight with him.

He had been guarding against this man because he was a blond, blue-eyed man with big teeth.

Preventing fire, theft, and big-toothed dogs is something that everyone in the southern border knows, and Zhang Xiaozu naturally understands it clearly.

Gu Shengnan and Xin Jitong were furious at Zhang Xiaozu's uneasy plan, but they were helpless because they were already fighting with Shen Weiran and could not tolerate any distraction.

So there are two battlefields in a small space.

Shen Weiran was sulking in his heart. He wanted to combine the two battlefields into one and have a five-person melee. However, Gu Shengnan and Xin Jitong did not agree, and Zhang Xiaozu and Dayaren did not agree, so he could never succeed.

Each of the five people has his own wishful thinking.

This chapter has been completed!
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