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Chapter 83 One punch and one kick

Zhou Jianlai is a poor man.

He was originally a rising star in the direct family of the Zhou family in Baiyun City. He was extremely talented. The family gave him the Mountain Sword and taught him the top-grade martial arts "Thunder Sword" and placed high hopes on him.

If everything goes well, the future is limitless.

However, things in the world are unpredictable, and blessings and misfortunes are unpredictable.

In the Black Forest, he was chased by the Big Tooth Man and lost his right arm. If the sword wielder broke his right arm, he was effectively useless. As a result, his family's status plummeted, the Mountain Sword was taken back, and the supply of various cultivation resources was cut off.

Zhou Jianlai couldn't stand the pain of his broken arm, couldn't stand the disparity in status in his family, and couldn't stand the cynicism of his younger brothers. He gave up on himself and left Baiyun City all the way south.

Fortunately, he had a strong mind and woke up from the confusion on his own and found himself. Although he was left with only one arm, he resolutely picked up the sword again.

He did not return to Baiyun City, because it was impossible to get the Mountain Sword back from his family with empty rhetoric, and talking too much was just an attempt to make a joke, so he decided to practice alone outside, and secretly vowed to return to Baiyun City to retrieve it one day.

His mountain sword.

Zhou Jianlai traveled all the way south and finally arrived at Yancheng, but he was penniless and like all poor people without money, he was blocked from entering the city.

He was thirsty and went to the gambling ring.

It was normal for Zhang Xiaozu not to recognize Zhou Jianlai, because Zhou Jianlai had changed so much. Even with all his imagination, he couldn't possibly compare the wind-haired young man holding a giant sword at the entrance of Shuanglong Valley to the ragged man in front of him.

The skinny boy with a broken arm covered in mud was connected.

Zhang Xiaozu did not recognize Zhou Jianlai, but Zhou Jianlai recognized Zhang Xiaozu. To be more precise, Zhang Xiaozu announced his family name first, and Zhou Jianlai recognized him after hearing it.

Although they only met once, Zhou Jianlai had a deep impression of Zhang Xiaozu. He was a good-for-nothing young man with excellent intelligence, and was considered a talented guy by the elder of the city lord's palace. Of course, the simple and catchy name "Zhang Xiaozu" also contributed to a certain amount of credit.


"Fight again!" Zhang Xiaozu said calmly after winning with one punch.

"" The corner of the ring manager's eyes twitched twice. Zhang Xiaozu punched one of his thugs in front of him. The clean and neat scene made him feel unreal. However, after the brief shock, he calmed down and raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.


It had been five days since the betting competition was set up. In these five days, he had met many strong challengers, including many young men as young as Zhang Xiaozu. Unfortunately, most of them spilled their blood on the stage due to excessive pride.

He looked at a man in black clothes and said: "Luo Fei, come on. Be careful, this guy is surprisingly fast, don't capsize in the ditch. This bone knife is very novel, we will accept it."

The well-dressed man in black named Luo Fei curled his lips in disdain and said: "He's just a young boy, let me kill him with one sword."

"Liujiacun, Zhang Xiaopeng, please enlighten me." Zhang Xiaopou saluted Luo Fei as he stepped onto the ring.

"Yancheng, Luo Fei, please enlighten me." Luo Fei looked Zhang Xiaopeng up and down, cupped his hands casually, and then shouted: "Limen, open!"

"Shoot the door, open!"

"Valve, open!"

Opening three battle gates in a row, a wave of air suddenly rose up under his feet, raising the dust on the surface of the arena and spreading it around. He immediately raised his combat power to the highest level. It can be seen that the words of contempt for Zhang Xiaopeng were just words, in fact

Don't dare to underestimate it.

Zhang Xiaozhu looked at Luo Fei with the battle gate fully open, and he couldn't help but wonder. Why did he have to wait until before the battle to open the battle gate? Can't it be left open all the time? Is it just to increase the number of shouts before the battle?

Is it your own momentum? Or is it to hide your strength?

Zhang Xiaozu didn't understand, because his force gate had never been closed since it was opened, and he didn't feel any discomfort. He didn't even know how to close the force gate.

He didn't know that in fact, before a cultivator reaches the realm of the sea and truly understands nature, the war gate cannot always be kept open, because opening the war gate will continuously consume the cultivator's energy and spirit.

Without the nourishment and replenishment of spiritual power, a person's energy and spirit are simply not enough to support the consumption of Zhanmen.

Therefore, it is not others who are strange, but himself. If he tells his own situation, others will definitely tell him that he is talking nonsense.

However, he was not wrong about two things. Opening the war gate before the battle and shouting loudly can indeed increase the fighting momentum, just like roaring in the dark can drive away fear, and beating drums on the battlefield can increase morale. The same reason

.In addition, it also has the function of hiding strength, especially when a battle gate is suddenly opened during a battle, catching the opponent by surprise.

For example, at this moment, Luo Fei opened three battle gates in a row, and his momentum skyrocketed. If Zhang Xiaopawn was an ordinary opponent, he would definitely be overwhelmed by his momentum. If his momentum weakened, he would have lost three points before the battle started.

It's a pity that Zhang Xiaozu is not an ordinary opponent. He is ravaged by the black giant ape every day in the black forest. It can be said that even if the black giant ape stands there motionless, the pressure of his momentum is stronger than that of Luo Fei in front of him.

A hundred times a thousand times, so Luo Fei's pressure was like a breeze sweeping past him, without any effect.

Zhang Xiaozu was not afraid of the pressure from Luo Fei's momentum, but Lu Kaixue, who was watching the battle below the ring, was frightened and hurriedly shouted: "Zhang Xiaozu, open the battle gate quickly, don't be suppressed by his momentum."

Zhou Jianlai scanned Luo Fei up and down and murmured to himself: "The perfection of the Qi Gate is a bit tricky."

The two of them were the only ones left in the ring to watch the battle. Everyone else swarmed towards the ring where Zhou Jianlai had just challenged, because the buckets of water that Zhou Jianlai had won were being distributed over there.

"Boy, are you scared?" Seeing Zhang Xiaozu's slightly dazed expression, Luo Fei thought he was scared by his own aura, and couldn't help but raise a proud smile on his lips.

"Boy, let's start the battle!" Lu Kaixue was so anxious that his voice became hoarse.

"Boy, don't say that I am bullying the small, I will give you the opportunity to open the war gate." Luo Fei was quite a gentleman and made an inviting gesture towards Zhang Xiaopou, indicating that he would be given time to open the war gate.

"Zhanmen?" Zhou Jianlai looked puzzled. He knew that Zhang Xiaozu's Zhanmen was congenitally closed. Could it be that after not seeing him for more than a month, he had gotten the Shifang Demon Pill to penetrate the Zhanmen?

Under the gaze of three pairs of eyes, Zhang Xiaozu suddenly felt so much pressure that he had to open his mouth and shout: "Limen, open!"

Then he made a move that made everyone vomit blood. He scratched the back of his head, looked back at Lu Kaixue, and asked in a low voice: "Sir, is this okay?"

"" Lu Kaixue opened his mouth and looked at Zhang Xiaopou with his eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

"" Veins appeared on Luo Fei's forehead, feeling that Zhang Xiaozu was deliberately humiliating him.

"" Zhou Jianlai shook his head and smiled bitterly, thinking that Lu Kaixue was bluffing and asked Zhang Xiaozu to pretend to open a battle gate to scare his opponent, but Zhang Xiaozu was stupid and didn't know how to cooperate. He actually asked Lu Kaixue how the effect was. He was so stupid.

"Look at the sword!" Luo Fei was furious and attacked Zhang Xiaopeng with his sword.

Zhang Xiaozu calmly concentrated on his movements and entered the subtle realm, accurately capturing Luo Fei's every move in an instant and judging his next move. He strode forward to meet him, barely avoiding the stabbing attack with a tilt of his head.

The sharp sword was kicked out with his right foot at the same time, hitting Luo Fei in the chest. Luo Fei flew backwards with a groan and fell directly off the ring.

Clean and neat, no wasted moves.

This is the fighting method that Zhang Xiaozu learned from the Black Giant Ape. There are no moves or styles, only strength and speed, full of the most primitive sense of violence.

But Zhang Xiaopou had to be merciful with this kick, otherwise Luo Fei would not have simply fallen off the ring. Zhang Xiaopou's strength would have been enough to break his sternum with one kick.

Luo Fei didn't know that it was actually his pretense of courtesy that left Zhang Xiaozhu time to open the war gate. Although his words were sarcastic, they still won him a good impression of Zhang Xiaozhu, which made Zhang Xiaozhu

The pawns should be merciful.

Zhang Xiaopou's temper gradually became as simple and direct as his fighting style. If you give me a point, I will give you a point. If you bully me, I will give you a point.

"Damn!" Luo Feifu jumped up as soon as he fell off the ring, jumping to his feet and shouting in anger, feeling that he had lost so unfairly.

"Does this mean we win?" Lu Kaixue rubbed his eyes with a look of disbelief on his face.

Zhou Jianlai stared at Zhang Xiaopou and said to himself: "Simple and direct violence, designed to deal with all the bells and whistles. Can my sword learn something from it?"

Zhang Xiaozu felt Zhou Jianlai's gaze and turned to look at Zhou Jianlai.

Looking at each other, Zhou Jianlai smiled and nodded at Zhang Xiaopou.

Zhang Xiaozu smiled politely, but still did not recognize Zhou Jian.

"Continue to challenge." Zhang Xiaozu looked away from Zhou Jianlai, looked at the hay shed and said with his hands.

"I'll do it!" Without waiting for the ring manager's reply, a man dressed in black and well-dressed took the initiative to step on the ring without asking for the ring manager's permission.

"Zhang Yue, be careful, this kid is not simple." The ring manager reminded with a frown, his expression slightly displeased, because this guy came on stage without authorization, which somewhat disrupted his plan.

The well-dressed man in black named Zhang Yue didn't answer, he just laughed.

"Liujiacun, Zhang Xiaopeng, please give me some advice." Zhang Xiaopeng bowed his hands in salute to Zhang Yue who came up. When he heard that the name of the man in front of him was Zhang Yue, who had the same surname as himself, he couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy in his heart.


However, what answered him was an air-breaking crossbow arrow, which was shot from Zhang Yue's sleeve. There was actually a very lethal sleeve arrow hidden in his sleeve. However, this arrow was not shot at Zhang Xiaopawn, but straight away.

Niu Dawa lying on the edge of the ring.

This man was very cunning and vicious. He wanted to attack Niu Dawa and make Zhang Xiaopeng throw a rat weapon.

Hearing a bang, Zhang Xiaopou's body was ejected like an arrow, and two large holes were kicked out of the thick wooden board where he was standing. His body was close to the ring and shot towards Niu Da Wa, and at the critical moment, he pounced on Niu Da Wa.

Niu Dawa was thrown onto the baby's body, and he rolled down the ring with Niu Dawa in his arms.

"Haha, a soldier never tires of deceit!" Zhang Yue, who was on the ring, couldn't help laughing proudly when he saw Zhang Xiaopeng rolling down the ring, "You will lose if you land!"

"Watch the sword!" I heard a shout from the audience, and Zhou Jianlai, who was watching the battle, suddenly stabbed Zhang Xiaopou with his sword. He didn't want to stab Zhang Xiaopou, but sent the sword to Zhang Xiaopou to give Zhang Xiaopou a place to use his strength to stop Zhang Xiaopou.

Fell to the ground.

Zhang Xiaopou couldn't help but feel happy at the sound. He hurriedly twisted his body, freed up his right hand, and slapped the stabbing sword with his palm. Zhou Jianlai took advantage of the situation and raised his sword, picking Zhang Xiaopou and Niu Dawa up.


Zhang Xiaozhu hugged Niu Dawa and landed firmly on the ring with his feet. He stared at the man in black clothes with cold eyes and squeezed out three words from between his teeth: "You want to die!"

Zhang Yue's laughter stopped abruptly, and he glared at Zhou Jianlai, blaming him for meddling in other people's business. Then he squinted at Zhang Xiaopou from the corner of his eye and said, "You two challenge each other at the same time. As long as one of you goes down, you will lose. You hold him."

How to fight with me?"

He is acting unreasonably and rogue.

Although Zhang Xiaozu entered the ring with Niu Dawa in his arms, Niu Dawa remained unconscious. Even fools knew that the only challenger was Zhang Xiaozu, but he told lies with his eyes open and was obviously cheating.

Even the ring manager under the straw shed couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, showing a look of disdain. But when his eyes fell on the bone knife lying on the wooden tray, his eyes suddenly showed an unconcealable greedy light. In the end, he did not

Saying something to stop Zhang Yue was acquiescing to Zhang Yue's rogue behavior.

Zhang Yue waited for a moment and saw that the ring manager did not stop him. Knowing what the ring manager was thinking, he couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth with a sinister smile. He raised his left arm and aimed it at Zhang Xiaopeng. To be precise, he aimed at Zhang Xiaopawn.

Holding a cow baby.

"Despicable and shameless!" Lu Kaixue pointed at Zhang Yue and yelled.

Zhang Xiaozhu was also furious, but his experience during this period had already made him understand one thing: fairness and rules are always in the hands of the strong, so he did not engage in unnecessary verbal arguments.

If you're angry and it's hard to calm down, just punch the annoying guy in front of you to death, and then your anger will go away naturally.

"Zhang Yue, you are a bastard!"

"You gave birth to a son without a butt and eyes!"

"You will choke to death when you drink water, and choke to death when you eat!"


Under the ring, Lu Kaixue blushed and swore, slapping his hands and scolding him, foaming at the corners of his mouth, just because Zhang Yue ruined his good expectations. Originally, he was full of confidence in Zhang Xiaozu and thought that Zhang Xiaozu would win another round.

It's not a problem, that is, if you win three games in a row, you can get a bucket of clean water.

Although this water was used to clean Niu Dawa's wounds, he could save some and have some water left. With Zhang Xiaozu's grateful temper, he was sure that Zhang Xiaozu would give him some of the remaining water to drink.

He had even imagined in his mind the wonderful taste of the clear water at the entrance, but he never expected that a shameless Zhang Yue would appear and use Niu Dawa to restrain Zhang Xiaopeng.

How to fight this fight?

Lu Kaixue's beautiful fantasy was shattered in an instant. He was so angry that he turned into a scolding woman for a while, slapping his hands and scolding her no matter how unpleasant it sounded.

"Shut up!" Zhang Yue's face turned green after being scolded by Lu Kaixue. He yelled angrily and suddenly turned his cuffs to point at Lu Kaixue. He then fired a crossbow arrow with the intention of killing Lu Kaixue.

A hand appeared in the path of the crossbow and firmly grasped the arrow.

Zhang Yue's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that Zhang Xiaozu was so fast that he could catch flying arrows with his bare hands. However, his eyes fell on the unconscious Niu Dawa who was held in his arms by Zhang Xiaozu's shoulders. He couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

He said coldly: "Oh, you are quite capable. You can catch flying arrows with your bare hands. I underestimate you. I just don't know if you can catch all the arrows?"

As he spoke, he raised his right arm and pointed it at Zhang Xiaopeng.

Apparently he also had an arrow hidden in his right arm sleeve.

"You can try." Zhang Xiaozu looked at him, his voice extremely calm.

This chapter has been completed!
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