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Chapter 830 Test

 Niu Dawa felt the scene before his eyes flicker, and then he appeared on a beautiful grassland.

The sun is shining brightly and the breeze is gentle, carrying the fragrance of green grass and wild flowers, blowing in front of the nose, making people unable to help but want to take a deep breath and feel the beautiful smell of nature.

Niu Dawa, who had not seen the sun for a long time, was instantly fascinated by the beautiful scenery in front of her.

If it hadn't been too weird, he would have rolled around on the grass and stretched out comfortably.

"Humph!" A cold snort sounded from behind Niu Dawa, and then came an unhappy questioning voice: "Boy, do you think my divine power is weak?"

Niu Dawa was so frightened when he heard the sound that he shrank his neck, quickly turned around and saluted respectfully: "Junior speaks uncontrollably and offends the Holy Power. You really deserve to be punished, senior."

But he secretly complained in his heart: "I just muttered something casually, who knew you had such good ears, you could hear it properly. If you knew, I wouldn't dare to be beaten to death."

He raised his eyelids and glanced ahead, seeing an old man on crutches standing ten steps ahead.

The old man was dressed in a green feathered coat, with white beard and hair, two long white beards hanging from the corners of his mouth, and a pair of small, round eyes shining with shrewd light.

Not far behind the old man, there was a white plush animal skin spread on the grass, and sitting on it was a beautiful woman with a graceful figure and an alluring appearance.

In front of the woman was a white jade table with colorful fruits, a pot of wine, and two wine glasses.

Apparently, before he came, the old man was enjoying the scenery and drinking with a woman.

Niu Dawa took a quick look and looked away, fearing that she might offend Shengwei.

"I'm asking you a question. Do you think my divine power is weak?" The old man raised his crutch and tapped the ground hard, and asked again.

Niu Dawa quickly shook his head and complimented: "Not weak, not at all. Senior's divine power is boundless and he is very majestic and domineering."

"Humph, you don't mean what you mean!" the old man snorted dissatisfied.

Niu Dawa lowered his head respectfully and did not dare to answer. He was afraid that if he could not say anything, he would make the other party angry and then take back the divine power given to him.

"Do you know why your divine power is weak? Why can't you stop the Phoenix's Nirvana fire?" the old man asked.

"It must be that the younger generation is dull and unable to exert the true power of the elder's power." Niu Dawa replied with shame.

The old man stroked his mustache and said: "The first half of the sentence is correct, the second half is wrong."

"Senior, please tell me." Niu Dawa said puzzledly.

The old man said: "You have dull qualifications and are not qualified to inherit my divine power. It was the old guy Baihu who forced you on me, so I uploaded 50% of your power for his sake, so it's not that you didn't use it."

The divine power is due to my divine power, but because you only possess half of my divine power, you cannot use it even if you want to."

"..." Niu Dawa was very embarrassed, because he had indeed begged for his divine power.

"Now do you understand why your divine power is weak?" the old man asked.

"Junior understands." Niu Dawa nodded.

"Hmph, it's good to understand. If you dare to say that my power is weak in the future, I will definitely not let you off lightly. Go back." The old man raised his hand to send Niu Dawa away.

"Senior, wait!" Niu Dawa quickly stopped the old man and asked urgently: "Junior, if you are brave enough to ask, senior, how can I fully inherit your magical power?"

This is a great opportunity, and he wants to seize it.

"Reincarnate and strive to have better qualifications in the next life." The old man replied.

"..." Niu Dawa couldn't help being speechless, and then he knelt down in front of the old man with a plop and begged: "Senior, please give me a chance."

"Meeting each other means we are destined, husband, you might as well give him a chance." The beautiful woman not far away suddenly said.

"Since Madam has asked for mercy for you, I will give you a chance." The old man said.

"Thank you, senior! Thank you, madam!" Although Niu Dawa was shocked by the relationship between the two, it did not hinder him from kowtowing in thanks at all.

"Get up." The old man asked Niu Dawa to stand up, then raised his hand and pointed in one direction, and said: "See if there are those people over there. They came here three days ago to accept the test of me. Some of them

People are almost through.

I will make an exception and give you a chance now. If you can pass the test before them, I will impart my divine power to you and make you my guardian."

"Juniors are willing to accept the test of seniors." Niu Dawa agreed.

Those people had already started taking part in the test three days ago, but he was just starting now, and he needed to surpass those people to get first place. This was obviously unfair.

But Niu Dawa knows that he is not qualified to argue whether it is fair or unfair. If he has a chance, he will burn the incense. As for whether he can succeed, we will have to fight hard.

His eyes fell on the people who were participating in the test, and he saw them all sitting cross-legged on the ground, with their eyes closed, as if in trance, and he didn't know what kind of test they were going through.

However, it can be inferred from their complex expressions, which may be solemn, struggling, frightened, or ferocious, that the test seems to be extremely difficult and dangerous.

"Wait for me to call that girl here." The old man raised his hand and grabbed the void, grabbing a woman in.

The woman was obviously frightened. After entering, she immediately held a mace in front of her body in a defensive posture, and then looked around in a panic.

When her eyes fell on Niu Dawa, she seemed to have found her backbone, and her panic suddenly calmed down a lot. She walked quickly to Niu Dawa and asked in a low voice: "Guangmao, where is this?"

The woman is Jin Zhihui.

Zhang Xiaobing thought she was scared away by the bloody scene of cutting flesh and bones, but little did he know that she was caught here.

Niu Dawa gave Jin Zhihui a "reassuring" look, took a step forward to protect her behind him, then frowned slightly and looked at the old man and asked: "Senior, what do you mean?"

He was unwilling to let Jin Zhihui take risks for him.

The old man pointed to those who were undergoing the test and said: "Don't you see that they are all in pairs? If you want to accept the test of me, you naturally need to be in pairs.

You should be glad that this girl fell in love with you and entered the ruins with you, otherwise you would not even be able to meet the most basic conditions for participating in the test."

Niu Dawa looked over there, and then noticed that the people participating in the test were indeed in pairs, with a man and a woman sitting facing each other.

"Is the test very dangerous?" Niu Dawa frowned.

"Of course, what's a test if it's not dangerous? If you make a mistake, you'll be doomed." The old man replied.

"Junior, give up." Niu Dawa said.

If he were alone, he would give it a try no matter how dangerous the situation was, but if Jin Zhihui was to take risks with him, he would not give up on such an opportunity.

The old man stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Many of them wanted to give up, but they still took part in the test in the end. Do you know why?"

"Because they can't resist the temptation?" Niu Dawa guessed.

"Wrong!" the old man waved his hand, "because you don't have the right to give up."

After saying that, the old man swept his long sleeves, and Niu Dawa and Jin Zhihui flew out, falling right next to the person undergoing the test.

"You are late. To be fair, I will give you a reminder. My test is about loyalty to love." The old man gave Niu Dawa a reminder, and then clapped his hands at the two of them.

Niu Dawa and Jin Zhihui immediately seemed to be under a spell. They sat cross-legged facing each other obediently, and then closed their eyes.

The beautiful woman not far away looked up at the sky, her expression suddenly became sad, and she said sadly: "Husband, time is running out."

"Let me have a few more drinks with my wife." The old man walked over and sat down on the white velvet animal skin, picked up the wine flask and filled the glass.

The two looked at each other, smiled, and drank from their glasses.

The woman put down her wine glass and said with a smile: "They should have chosen their guardians, right?"

"There are only two of us left." The old man nodded.

The woman turned her eyes to the person who was undergoing the test and asked: "Husband, which pair do you like most?"

The old man shook his head and sighed: "It's hard to say, human nature can't stand the test, let alone love. In the face of huge temptation and life and death threats, love usually becomes ridiculous and childish."

"It's a pity that none of them gave the answer that my husband wanted most, which disappointed him." The woman smiled.

The old man stroked his beard and sighed: "It is indeed disappointing, but if someone can pass the test, it will be very good."

Niu Dawa and Jin Zhihui felt their heads sink and their consciousness blurred for a while, but they soon woke up and were startled by the scenery in front of them.

The air was filled with a scarlet color and was filled with the pungent smell of blood, which was nauseating.

Underfoot is a half-foot-wide path, leading to an unknown place ahead. There are numerous bones on both sides of the road, piled more than ten feet high, making people's hair stand on end.

"Don't be afraid, it's an illusion." Niu Dawa held Jin Zhihui's hand and comforted her.

"Yeah" Jin Zhihui nodded and handed the mace in his right hand to Niu Dawa.

The mace was too heavy and she struggled to use it, so she thought it would be most suitable for Niu Dawa to use.

Niu Dawa took the mace and dropped it in his hand. He almost missed it and asked in surprise: "Where did you get such a heavy weapon?"

The weight of this mace was far beyond his imagination. Holding it in his hand and weighing it, it must have weighed at least a thousand kilograms.

He tried waving it twice, and there was a roaring sound in the wind. He felt that the power was extraordinary and it was very advantageous.

Jin Zhihui responded with a smile: "Master Zhang gave it to me, saying that this magical weapon best suits your temperament. This magical weapon can be big or small, it all depends on the user's wishes."

Niu Dawa's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately raised his mace and said, "Let me see if you get bigger."

As soon as the sound fell, the mace immediately became louder and its weight also increased.

Niu Dawa was immediately overjoyed and shouted: "A little bigger."

The sound of the mace became louder again.

"How big can it get at the maximum size?" Niu Dawa couldn't help but asked curiously.

In response, the mace grew in size to four to five feet long, fell directly from Niu Dawa's hand, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Niu Dawa's eyes widened in surprise, then he grinned happily and said: "Haha, anyone who knows me is a pawn, so I can count on getting a weapon that I can take advantage of."

In his mind, he couldn't help but imagine the domineering scene when he transformed into a giant, sweeping everything with this huge mace, and he was very excited.

Then he changed the mace to more than seven feet long, held it in his hand, took Jin Zhihui's hand and said, "Let's go to the front and see what dangerous test it is."

"Who is that senior? What is the test about?" Jin Zhihui finally got the chance to ask the question in her mind.

Niu Dawa immediately told the story.

After hearing this, Jin Zhihui's expression became serious and said: "This is a great blessing. You must grasp it. Let's go faster."

"No matter how great the fortune is, it is not as important as your life and safety. If I had known that you would be involved, I would never ask for this opportunity." Niu Dawa shook his head.

Jin Zhihui felt very sweet after hearing this. She was really touched that Niu Dawa could resist the temptation of divine power and put her life safety in the highest position.

The two of them walked forward hand in hand for about a hundred steps, and came to a fork in the road.

There is a road sign at the fork. The arrow pointing to the left fork is marked with the word "death", and the arrow pointing to the right fork is marked with the word "live".

There was an old woman standing under the road sign. Her face was gloomy, her eyes were sinister, her body was hunched over, she was wretched, and she exuded an evil nature.

She looked at Niu Dawa and Jin Zhihui, and said directly without any unnecessary nonsense: "Going to the right is the way to live, going to the left is the way to die. You two choose a path -"

Niu Dawa frowned and interrupted her, asking: "Can't everyone choose to live?"

"No." The old woman shook her head.

"Then I choose... to survive." Niu Dawa let go of Jin Zhihui's hand and walked forward.

Jin Zhihui's face turned pale.

Niu Dawa walked to the fork in the road, looked back at Jin Zhihui, then turned and walked to the right.

But just as he turned around, the mace in his hand suddenly lifted up and hit the old woman hard.


Under the influence of Niu Dawa's thoughts, the mace instantly transformed into its largest form and was smashed down. The old woman was smashed into a pulp before she could react.

(Thank you! Thank you!)

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