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Eight hundred and thirtieth chapters too soft

 When Zhang Xiaozu was on Phoenix Mountain, he often heard the casual cultivators talk about how terrifying the Scorched Earth Basin was, but he never saw it with his own eyes, and now he saw it.

I saw those corpses or living people controlled by the men in green. After they stepped onto the black scorched earth, their bodies turned into blood and sank into the scorched earth at a speed visible to the naked eye. They could not go very far, and only the remaining

A withered skeleton fell and scattered on the scorched earth.

Following the actions of the man in green, the other eight first-generation guardians were not far behind and immediately took action. They all controlled the corpses and living people on the ground to rush into the scorched earth basin.

However, they did not control the bones of the holy beasts under their feet to fly directly through the air, nor did they command the star powers behind them to charge into the battle. They only treated the corpses on the ground and the living people with poor cultivation as miscellaneous soldiers to conduct a tentative attack.

The real name of the Scorched Earth Basin is the Land of Nirvana. No matter whether you fly from the sky or dig holes underground, you cannot escape its swallowing. Only by feeding it with your energy and blood will it disappear.

So Zhang Xiaozu saw that with the charging of corpses and living people on the ground, the scorched land was gradually shrinking.

He stood up and no longer begged for the dead bones, because he knew that begging was in vain. In the eyes of these ancient powers, their lives were as worthless as ants.

He turned around and looked at the people rushing into the Scorched Earth Basin from all directions. He felt very anxious, panicked and at a loss. But he could only pray helplessly, hoping that Niu Dawa, Jin Zhihui, and other relatives and friends who might also come in could escape.

Get through this calamity.

Finally, his eyes fell on the longevity fruit a few steps away, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

An impulsive thought came to his mind. He wanted to step forward and pluck the longevity fruit, then throw it to the ground and slowly crush it with his feet. Then he looked at Yan Taibai and these first-generation guardians who were so angry.

, my heart feels so happy and joyful.

But reason quickly suppressed his impulsive thoughts. Reason told him that if he dared to reach out to the longevity fruit, Yan Taibai would slap him to death before his fingers could touch the longevity fruit.

"It turns out that this is not the Immortality Fruit, but the Soul-Reviving Fruit." Zhang Xiaozhu stared at the crystal clear purple fruit and muttered in his heart when he thought of how the man in green and Su Jin in red called it.

In fact, the Soul-Returning Fruit can also be called the Immortality Fruit, because it is the immortality fruit that matures and undergoes thousands of years of transformation from six leaves to nine leaves.

Its efficacy is naturally far greater than that of longevity fruit.

Eating the Immortality Fruit can add five hundred years to your life, and eating the Soul-Reviving Fruit can transcend life and death and prevent you from falling into reincarnation.

As long as the body is immortal, even if the soul is scattered, the soul can be reborn after eating it.

It can be said to be unbelievable.

That's why it was so coveted by these first-generation guardians.

"Soul-reviving fruit, can you regain your soul and be reborn after eating it?"

Although Zhang Xiaozu doesn't know the efficacy of the soul-reviving fruit, it's not difficult to guess something from its name.

He turned to look at Yan Taibai who had turned into withered bones, knowing that he was guarding the soul-reviving fruit because he wanted to wait for it to mature and eat it, then reshape his body and be reborn as a soul.

But when his eyes fell on the soles of Yan Taibai's feet, his pupils suddenly trembled, because he saw that the soles of his feet, which were white bones before, were now filled with flesh and blood.

The rosy and tender skin is like the skin of a newborn baby.

Zhang Xiaozu was extremely shocked.

He looked up at Yan Taibai's head in fear, thinking that he was staring at him with his reshaped naked eyes, but he was surprised to find that Yan Taibai's head was still a skull.

After Zhang Xiaozu was stunned for a moment, his eyes moved down and landed on Yan Taibai's palms resting on his legs, and found that his palms were still withered bones.

His eyes continued to move downwards, but Yan Taibai's body was covered with dust, and the original color could no longer be seen, but it was not blocked by the weathered and decaying clothes.

"This outfit must be extraordinary!" Zhang Xiaozu thought to himself.

Although he was almost certain in his heart, he still couldn't help but want to step forward and tear Yan Taibai's pants apart to completely confirm his suspicion.

He knew that Yan Taibai was rebuilding his body.

Zhang Xiaozu turned his head to look at the Soul-Returning Fruit, and saw that the Soul-Returning Fruit was still growing on the branch, which overturned his previous guess.

Yan Taibai did not rely on the soul-returning fruit to reshape his body.

"Then what did he rely on to reshape his body? Just rely on his own magical power?" Zhang Xiaozhu was shocked and curious.

His eyes fell back on Yan Taibai's reshaped soles, and he suddenly noticed that there was a trace of blood emerging from the ground under the soles of the feet. As soon as it touched Yan Taibai's body, it was quickly absorbed by him.

Zhang Xiaozu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned his head to look at the corpses and living people who were charging towards the scorched earth basin. He saw their bodies turning into blood and being swallowed by the scorched earth. He then turned back and saw the blood emerging from the earth and being swallowed by Yan Taibai.

Absorbing it, he understood it all at once.

Yan Taibai is absorbing the blood of those corpses and living people to reshape his body.

Zhang Xiaozu suddenly remembered what Venerable White Tiger said.

That night he asked Venerable White Tiger whether the person in the Scorched Earth Basin was alive or dead. Venerable White Tiger clearly answered him that this person was dead, but then he said: "But you stupid humans will resurrect him."

Zhang Xiaozu was confused when he heard it, but he didn't understand it until now.

If these first-generation guardians want to pick the soul-returning fruit, they have to step through the Scorched Earth Basin, and stepping through the Scorched Earth Basin requires the power of blood and energy, and then Yan Taibai will use the power of these blood and energy to reshape his body.

Zhang Xiaozu admires Yan Taibai's magical powers and calculations.

This can no longer be regarded as a conspiracy, but a conspiracy on the surface. Unless people can restrain their greed, they will not come to the Scorched Earth Basin to pick the soul-returning fruit.

However, there is probably only one way to prevent human beings from greed, and that is to eliminate human beings from this world.

"Look, Yan Taibai is reshaping his body!"

"He is absorbing the blood that sank into the land of silence. Please tell the people below to stop!"

"When he reshapes his body and takes the soul-reviving fruit, he will truly be reborn. We must find a way to stop him!"

The first-generation guardians soon discovered the changes in Yan Taibai's body. From their eager and slightly panicked tone, it was not difficult to tell that they were very afraid of Yan Taibai.

The army of corpses and living people on the ground stopped. They had advanced more than three hundred feet into the Scorched Earth Basin, leaving behind a field of dead bones.

However, if we don't push forward, we can't cross the Scorched Earth Basin, and we can't pick the soul-recovering fruit, so the situation is stuck.

The first-generation guardians looked gloomy and embarrassed, already understanding Yan Taibai's plan.

Then all their eyes fell on Zhang Xiaozu.

In their opinion, the only one who can stop Yan Taibai from reshaping his body is Zhang Xiaozu.

"Boy, as an ancient god, I order you to burn Yan Taibai's body quickly!"

The man in green on the green dragon's back showed his power and ordered Zhang Xiaopeng in a tone that brooked no resistance.

Zhang Xiaozu smiled, spread his hands and replied: "I have no fire."

"Then use the knife in your hand to chop his body into pieces." said the man in green.

"The knife is not fast and the strength is weak, so it cannot chop." Zhang Xiaozu responded.

"You——" The man in green was furious. Knowing that Zhang Xiaozu was teasing him on purpose, he immediately stared into Zhang Xiaozu's eyes murderously and asked, "Do you want to die?"

Zhang Xiaozu raised his hand and pointed at Su Jin in red, and said: "If you can save my husband and send all the living people out of the ruins, I will help you destroy this man's bones, otherwise there is no need to say more."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Su Jin's mouth, and he glanced at the other guardians and asked: "Do any of you want to fight with me?"

No one answered her call, because fighting with her would mean giving up the fight for the soul-reviving fruit and making wedding clothes for others. No one was willing to do such a stupid thing.

"Boy, do you know who Yan Taibai is?" the man in purple on Qilin's back asked Zhang Xiaopou.

"I don't know, and I don't want to know." Zhang Xiaozhu responded.

The man in purple clothes was very angry when he saw Zhang Xiaopou's indifference to him, but he still suppressed his anger and continued: "Yan Taibai once slaughtered billions of people in Qingzhou with his own power, and the entire Qingzhou was almost massacred by him.

After all, he is a big devil through and through.

If you allow him to be resurrected, no holy beast will be able to seal him by then, and all nine continents will be slaughtered by him.

Do you want to become the eternal sinner of Jiuzhou?"

"Fart!" Zhang Xiaozhu cursed, "It's obvious that you are providing him with blood to resurrect him, so what does it have to do with me? If he is resurrected, you will be the sinners throughout the ages!"

He was cursing, but he couldn't suppress the horror in his heart, thinking: "One person slaughters billions of people, this guy is really a big devil!"

At the same time, he was secretly worried as to whether Yan Taibai would kill Qingzhou again after his resurrection.

"Looking for death!" The man in purple was furious when Zhang Xiaopou yelled "fart" and raised his hand to point his finger at Zhang Xiaopou.

A majestic energy spurted out from his fingertips and shot directly at Zhang Xiaopeng.

Zhang Xiaozu's eyelids jumped in shock. Just as he was about to dodge, he saw that the energy beam suddenly softened in the air, and then turned into a stream of light and fell towards the Scorched Earth Basin.

Zhang Xiaozu was stunned for a moment, then he laughed unscrupulously to the sky, and teased the man in purple: "Haha, Lord God, you are...too soft."

"Giggle..." The woman on Soaring Snake's back laughed after hearing this.

Originally, Zhang Xiaozhu's ridicule was just literal, but when he smiled coquettishly from this woman, the meaning immediately took on another layer of meaning.

The man in purple blushed for a moment and stared at Zhang Xiaopou with evil eyes. He had already sentenced Zhang Xiaopou to death in his heart and would make him taste the most vicious pain in the world before he died.

"Haha... I know! I know you are doing it for her. You want to use the soul-reviving fruit to save that bitch, right?" Su Jin in red suddenly stared at Yan Taibai and roared.

Zhang Xiaozu couldn't understand.

"You want to save that bitch, but I won't let you. The soul-reviving fruit is mine!" Su Jin in red seemed to be blinded by anger, commanding the corpses and living people on the ground to charge violently towards the Scorched Earth Basin.

"There is no better way. It depends on whether we pick the soul-reviving fruit first or Yan Taibai picks it first." The burly man on Xuanwu's back shouted, and then ordered the ground troops to charge towards the Scorched Earth Basin again.

Then several others followed suit.

This time it was much more violent than before, and the powerful stars behind them also spread out their formations and prepared for battle.

This chapter has been completed!
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