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Chapter 867: Turning the face is faster than turning the book

 "Sanqing Temple is not a monk's temple, so of course you can marry a wife. To say the least, even if it is a monk's temple, who says you can't marry a wife? You see, your senior sister was abducted by a monk."


After receiving a positive reply from Yu Chengyang, Zhang Xiaozhu felt relieved.

Qi Yoyo just woke up from practicing and had breakfast with Zhang Xiaozu.

She heard that Zhang Xiaozu was going to Taiping College to visit Su Jin. She wanted to go out with Zhang Xiaozu, but she didn't dare to see Su Jin.

She knew that the current Su Jin was a combination of Su Jin and the first-generation Phoenix Guardian, and she was afraid to see the Phoenix Guardian because that day in the ruins, the Phoenix Guardian said whose reincarnation she was and wanted to kill her.

She originally wanted to ask Yan Taibai whose reincarnation she was, but just when she was about to speak, Yan Taibai was suddenly sent to Baihu Mountain, so the words came to her lips but she didn't have time to ask.

Afraid that Zhang Xiaozu would be worried, she didn't tell Zhang Xiaozu about this matter, and she didn't want Zhang Xiaozu to know, because she felt that she was Qi Yoyo, not someone else.


The cold wind is howling on the street and the northwest wind is biting, but there are not many people at all, because tomorrow is the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, which is the New Year, and every household is busy buying new year's goods.

Suddenly, a piece of ice fell on Zhang Xiaozu's forehead. Zhang Xiaozu looked up at the sky in surprise and saw snowflakes drifting down with the cold wind.

This snow has been holding in for more than half a month, and it finally fell today.

Perhaps because it had been brewing for a long time, the small snowflakes turned into heavy snow in the blink of an eye, whirling and dancing on the street with the cold wind, going straight into the necks of pedestrians.

Pedestrians were hurrying, and the street soon became quiet.

Heavy snow fell, blocking the view, and visibility was less than ten steps.


Under the cover of falling snow, a sharp arrow shot from a roof on the street to Zhang Xiaopeng, who was walking slowly on the street.

The arrow was extremely fast and reached Zhang Xiaopeng in an instant.

Zhang Xiaozu raised his hand and flicked his fingers.

His movement didn't seem to be fast, at least not as fast as the arrow, but it blocked the path of the arrow just right, giving the impression that he already knew that the arrow would come from this direction, so he raised his hand in advance.

Just waiting there.


Zhang Xiaozu's fingertip hit the tip of the arrow, making a crisp sound of gold and iron colliding.

The arrow suddenly turned around and shot back at more than twice the speed.


The arrow pierced the attacker's forehead, and blood shot out, dyeing the falling snow red.

Bang, bang, bang!

A corpse slipped from the ridge of the roof and fell on the street, eyes open, dying.

He didn't understand why his silent sneak attack with the help of Piaoxue was easily discovered by Zhang Xiaopou?

If he knew that Zhang Xiaozhu had a subtle state of mind, he would understand, but it's a pity that he doesn't know.

Zhang Xiaozu suddenly stood still.

He suddenly remembered that going to Su Jin like this would bring danger to Su Jin, but he immediately shook his head and smiled, and then walked forward.

There is an ancient god hidden in Su Jin's body. Let alone bringing these star-level killers to Yunzhu Courtyard, even if he brings the saint ancestors of the Shen family there, Su Jin will not be in danger.

Zhang Xiaozu felt that he should probably have a good chat with this Phoenix Guardian. He was a noble person and it would be a waste not to use him.


Zhang Xiaopou flicked another incoming arrow with his fingers.

This arrow was much more clever than the one just now. It came out of the void and suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Xiaopou, but the result was the same. It was bounced back by Zhang Xiaopou at a faster speed.


Another body fell from the roof next to the street.

The sneak attacker's eyes widened even more, and he was even more stubborn, because he had already hid in the folding space, but he was still shot to death by his own arrow.


A man walked from across the street, looking in a hurry, as if he was in a hurry to get home.


The moment he passed by Zhang Xiaozu, his right hand suddenly swept towards Zhang Xiaozu, and a gleaming dagger came out of his sleeve, stabbing Zhang Xiaozu in the back of the heart.

Zhang Xiaozu suddenly turned around and grabbed the man's throat with his right claw. While dodging the grasping hand, the man stabbed Zhang Xiaozu's arms hard with a ferocious smile on his lips.

He felt that before Zhang Xiaozu broke his neck, his dagger would penetrate Zhang Xiaozu's heart first.


His estimate was correct, his dagger did hit Zhang Xiaopawn first, but it did not break Zhang Xiaopawn's defense.

Zhang Xiaozu has activated one hundred and seventy-four sacred bones, and his ancient immortal power is extremely powerful. Although he does not have the turtle shell-like defense of Niu Dawa, he is invulnerable.

The next moment, Zhang Xiaozu grabbed the man's neck with his right paw, and turned his head violently with his left hand.


The man's neck snapped.


Zhang Xiaozu casually threw the man's body to the side of the road, turned around and continued walking forward.

Under the prying eyes of a subtle state of mind, this kind of sneak attacks and disguises that are useful against ordinary people have no effect on Zhang Xiaopeng.

He took a few steps forward, then suddenly turned back, walked to the man's body, grabbed his head, and muttered something unknown.

Suddenly, a crack in the void opened above the man's body, and a large amount of things poured out.

The people who were hiding in the dark and preparing to assassinate Zhang Xiaozu were all horrified when they saw this scene, knowing that Zhang Xiaozu had opened the void space of the dead man.

Zhang Xiaozu squatted on the ground and picked it up, with an excited smile on his face.

When the assassin in secret saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel the sadness of a rabbit dying and a fox dying. He felt that if he died in the hands of Zhang Xiaopou, he would definitely suffer the same fate.

This is the method that the ghost spirit just taught to Zhang Xiaopou. It is more clever than the method used by the murderer, because the murderer can only open the void space of the living, but Zhang Xiaopeng can even open the void space of the dead.

But you can't die for too long. Like the two people who were shot to death by arrows before, Zhang Xiaopeng turned back and failed to open their void space.

After everyone steps into the star realm, a void space will automatically open, which is associated with everyone's soul. The stronger the soul, the larger the space.

It feels like a storage space given by God to the power of the stars, but there are practitioners who have always been studying it.

They feel that the void space is definitely not just a storage space, but must contain unknown mysteries, but no one has figured out why yet.

From Guowei Mansion to Taiping College, at Zhang Xiaopou's walking speed, it would take at most one stick of incense.

But today it took Zhang Xiaopou nearly two hours because too many people assassinated him, including two Destruction Realm experts, but they all ended in failure. Except for one of the Destruction Realm experts who escaped, the others

They all contributed the void space to Zhang Xiaozu.

Zhang Xiaozu was distressed and happy.

What was distressing was that the space in his mustard seeds was too small and it filled up in a short time.

He found another big sack, but it was still full. In the end, he had to pick and choose and give some less valuable items to the members of the killing sect who secretly protected him.

Happiness naturally comes from getting many babies.

The heavy snow is still falling like goose feathers, and the snow on the ground is already more than an inch thick.

Zhang Xiaozu walked to the gate of Taiping College. Instead of rushing into the college, he took off his coat and treated the wounds on his body.

There was an assassin who was in the first-level Star Observation Realm. He used a sharp blade over three inches long to cut a deep bloody gash on his chest.

Although he made a sneak attack while Zhang Xiaopou was fighting with a great expert in the realm of destruction, Zhang Xiaopou was still amazed by the killing techniques he performed.

In addition to this person, four or five others also left wounds of varying sizes on Zhang Xiaozu's body.

Especially the great master of the destruction realm who escaped caused two serious injuries to Zhang Xiaopou and almost killed him.

Zhang Xiaozu was forced out of the power of the Holy Breath.

This man was also alert. As soon as he felt the power of the holy breath in Zhang Xiaopou's power, he immediately ran away.

Zhang Xiaozu cleaned the wounds on his body, picked up the snow on the ground and washed his hands and face, then took out a brand new coat and put it on, and wrapped it in a cloak until he confirmed that he could no longer smell the smell of blood.

Only then did he step into the gate of the college.

"Taiping Academy, outsiders are not allowed to enter!" Nan Fengtian's shout came from far away from the direction of Wusheng Tower.

Zhang Xiaopou was very surprised, because Nan Fengtian's words were very effective. As soon as they rang out, those foreign cultivators who were still following him in search of assassination opportunities all stopped obediently.

What he didn't know was that the National Master Guan Longfeng showed his sage in Taiping College two days ago and slaughtered the foreign cultivators who broke into Taiping College, so Nan Fengtian's words were so effective.

The college had a holiday yesterday afternoon, but it was still very lively today. Many students who had traveled far away and did not plan to go home for the New Year were running and playing in the heavy snow excitedly.

The bamboo door of Yunzhu courtyard was closed, and the courtyard was quiet. The students seemed to have gone home for the holidays.

Green smoke was rising from the chimney, and Su Jin was cooking lunch in the kitchen.

Zhang Xiaozu fought all the way, and as soon as he smelled the aroma of rice, his stomach immediately began to growl.

Boom, boom, boom!

A relaxed smile appeared on his face, and he raised his hand to knock on the door, not very hard, but the sound came out clearly.


Su Jin's voice came, and people also walked out of the kitchen. When they got closer, they saw Zhang Xiaopou, with a smile on his face.

"Sir, I can smell the aroma of your rice from a long way away." Zhang Xiaozhu joked.

"I think you just came here for lunch." Su Jin opened the courtyard door for Zhang Xiaozu, and then hurried back. She was frying vegetables in the pot.

Zhang Xiaozu put the sack on his back at the door and stepped into the yard.

Seeing Zhang Xiaopou coming, Su Jin wanted to stir-fry some more vegetables.

"Sir, are you okay?" Zhang Xiaozu asked worriedly while helping Su Jin light the fire.

Su Jin knew what Zhang Xiaozhu was asking and responded with a smile: "It's good. Having someone to chat with me makes it more interesting than before. I have to thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I would have died in the ruins."

"Students should protect sir, isn't that right? It's a pity that students have limited abilities and failed to really protect sir." Zhang Xiaozhu blamed himself.

Su Jin blinked at Zhang Xiaopou, lowered his voice and laughed: "You don't know, sir is really a blessing in disguise. She..."

Su Jin pointed to his head, indicating that he was talking about the first-generation Phoenix Guardian, and said: "There are so many things I know. Every time I chat with her, I get a lot of gains. I feel like I am digging into an ancient period."

history, and my heart is filled with excitement and expectation.”

Seeing the light in Su Jin's eyes and the happy smile from the heart on his face, Zhang Xiaozu smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, letting go of all the worries in his heart.


Suddenly, Su Jin threw the spatula into the pot, a biting cold air emitted from his body, stared at Zhang Xiaopou and shouted: "You dare to let me cook, are you impatient?!"

"..." Zhang Xiaozhu raised his head and looked at Su Jin in shock, and a sentence came to his mind: "It's faster to turn your face than to turn the page in a book."

This chapter has been completed!
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