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Chapter 88 Secondary Two Patients

"Ha ha"

"Stop, don't move!"

"Robbery! Haha"

"Hey, what about you? Robbery, please pull over!"

"Don't look at that donkey-faced old man. I'm talking about you. Pull over and park quickly."

Zhou Jianlai was so excited, as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood, that he couldn't restrain his inner agitation, shouting about robbery and laughing at the same time.

Zhang Xiaozhu thought that robbery should be a hidden, dangerous, exciting and serious thing, but Zhou Jianlai turned it into a relaxed and joyful stupid act. Even if he tried hard, he couldn't figure out why Zhou Jianlai was laughing so hard.

Road robbery seems to be something worth showing off and glorious.


Zhou Jianlai brandished his long sword and jumped up and down to stop the carriage. Unexpectedly, the donkey-faced old man driving the carriage was not only not afraid at all, he even coughed up a large mouthful of thick phlegm from deep in his throat and spit it at Zhou Jianlai.

Zhou Jianlai hurriedly dodged and avoided the biochemical attack of the donkey-faced old man, and then a look of confusion appeared on his face, because the donkey-faced old man's reaction was different from the dozens of robbery scenarios he had imagined, leaving him at a loss as to how to deal with it.

After being stunned for about five or six breaths, Zhou Jianlai suddenly raised his chest and tightened his abdomen, his throat squirmed violently, and then a mouthful of thick phlegm burst out of his mouth and shot toward the donkey-faced old man.

The donkey-faced old man seemed not to have expected Zhou Jianlai's counterattack to be so fierce and unexpected. He almost got a mouthful of thick phlegm on his face from Zhou Jianlai. Fortunately, he turned his head at the last moment and narrowly escaped disaster.

The donkey-faced old man immediately blew his beard and stared, extremely angry. He stood up suddenly, pinched his waist with both hands, and pouted his long mouth at Zhou Jianlai: "Hey!"

"Huh!" Zhou Jianlai didn't show any weakness, dodging while fighting back.


"Huh bah"

Zhang Xiaozu stood not far away, hurriedly covering his face and turning his head, fearing that others would know that he and Zhou Jianlai were on the same team. This was not a robber who blocked the road, but was clearly a middle-school patient who escaped from nowhere.

What’s even more frightening is that a second-grade patient robbed another second-grade patient, and the scene was unsightly.

Zhou Jianlai's impression on Zhang Xiaozu was that he was mature, steady, reliable, resolute, and decisive, but now he had to re-examine Zhou Jianlai's temperament.

"Well, maybe the pain of the broken arm hit him too hard, causing his temperament to change drastically." Zhang Xiaozhu sighed sadly in his heart, finding a reasonable reason for Zhou Jianlai's second-rate behavior.


"Silly dick!"

"Two lunatics!"

People passing by yelled and dodge, for fear of being splashed with thick phlegm.



I don't know how many mouthfuls of thick phlegm were sprayed on each other. Finally, the donkey-faced old man's throat ran out of ammunition, and he said "heh" several times without spitting out any phlegm.

"Haha!" Zhou Jianlai pinched his waist and laughed arrogantly, saying: "Donkey-faced old man, give up. I just drank a lot of water, and my saliva is flowing."

"Wu. Mao Xiaoer, you are really sinister and vicious! Do you dare to let me drink enough and then fight you for 300 rounds?" the donkey-faced old man cursed.

"Haha!" Zhou Jianlai threw his head back and laughed, and shouted: "Idiots are just dreaming. If you don't leave money to buy the way, you can't leave."

Suddenly a clear and melodious female voice sounded in the carriage, asking: "Mr. Donkey, did we lose?"

"My boss, I'm not very skilled at it, so I lost." The donkey-faced old man turned around and responded respectfully, with a look of resignation and helplessness.

"Since you lose, just keep your money." said the woman in the carriage.

"Listen to the boss." The donkey-faced old man responded, then looked at Zhou Jianlai who was blocking the carriage and asked: "Boy, how much money do you need to let me go?"

"Half." Zhou Jianlai stretched out a finger and said, seeing the donkey-faced old man showing a puzzled expression, he explained: "Keep half of all your money."

The donkey-faced old man's eyes widened and he shouted: "Boy, your appetite is too much!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a gap suddenly opened in the carriage curtain, and a small white hand stretched out from the carriage. Its five fingers were slender, as delicate as green onion, and it was very beautiful. Her slender white fingers pinched a few pieces of silver.

He took the ticket, shook it slightly, and signaled the donkey-faced old man to continue, and said: "It feels good to experience being robbed."

"Haha, that's true." The donkey-faced old man's expression immediately softened upon hearing this, and he smiled happily while stroking his long beard. He took the banknote in his hand, stretched out his hand to Zhou Jianlai and said, "Boy, the money is here, how dare you

Come and get it?”

"It's a joke, why don't you dare?" Zhou Jianlai twisted his eyebrows, waved to Zhang Xiaopeng, and ordered: "Young men, go and get the money from me. Don't show your cowardice and let others see the joke."

Zhang Xiaozu was already messy in the wind.

His mind was in a state of confusion. He looked at Zhou Jianlai, then at the donkey-faced old man, and at the unseen woman in the carriage. He extremely suspected that these three secondary patients came from the same place. Otherwise, how could it be like this?

tacit agreement.

A man holding a sword and baring his teeth and claws robs, as if he is afraid that the world will not know that he is a highway robber.

A man who was robbed not only showed no fear, but actually spit on the robber with thick phlegm.

The robber was angry and spit on him.

So the two staged a war of words.

In the end, the robber won, and the person who was robbed obediently handed over the banknote.

What is all this?

Zhang Xiaozu remembers that this is not the case in the story of the No. 1 Scholar.

In the story, the robbers are all vicious and murderous at every turn. Those who were robbed are not like this. They are either scared to death and obediently hand over the money; or they fight back vigorously and fight the robbers for 300 rounds.

Are all the stories lies?

Zhang Xiaozu couldn't help but have a picture in his mind. Three to five hundred robbers robbed a large caravan. The two parties stood in a row facing each other, with the sound of drums and spitting at each other.

Such a scene frightened him to the point that he shook his head quickly to get rid of the scene in his mind, and secretly said with certainty: "No, the story is not a lie, the problem is these three people."

"Why are you still standing there? Go and collect the money!" Zhou Jianlai was stunned when he saw Zhang Xiaozu, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry. He felt that Zhang Xiaozu, a gangster, had too little eyesight and would slip up at the critical moment. Could it be that he, the leader of the robbers, would let him go?

Go up there and collect money? That would be too disrespectful.

"I have to train him carefully when I have time." Zhou Jianlai secretly decided.

Zhou Jianlai's urging voice woke up Zhang Xiaopou, who was in a mess. Zhang Xiaopou looked at the banknotes in the donkey-faced old man's hand and couldn't help but beam with joy, thinking that so much money could definitely cure Niu Dawa's injury.

He has never seen a banknote in his whole life. He only knows that banknotes are a lot of money and a huge amount of money.

"Oh, okay." Zhang Xiaozu hurriedly responded and ran towards the carriage.

However, as he took a step forward, his feet suddenly staggered, and with a bang, his right knee fell to the ground, and half of his knee sank into the dry hard ground.

Zhou Jian came to see him and cried.

What is this?

Kneel down on one knee and pay homage?

Where does the robber's spirit lie?

Where does the robber's face remain?

Zhou Jianlai hid his face in shame, feeling that his majestic image had been completely ruined by Zhang Xiaopou.

"That's all, maybe he's not talented enough to be a robber. Let's gradually train him in the future. This is the first time I will go out in person and set an example for him." Zhou Jianlai thought in his mind.

He held a sword flower and held the long sword upside down with the sword blade attached to the inside of his arm. He shook his messy hair, coughed twice and cleared his throat. He held his head high, his eyes round with anger, and he clenched his cheeks.

Putting on a scornful attitude, showing the ruthlessness and ferocity of the robber, he stepped forward.


Zhou Jianlai took a step forward and his knees fell directly to the ground. He couldn't help but look confused.

What are you doing?

Only then did he understand why Zhang Xiaopou had to kneel down and salute the donkey-faced old man. It was not because he wanted to, but because he had to.

Every time you take a step, it feels like a mountain of ten thousand feet is falling on your shoulders. The overwhelming pressure is irresistible, and your knees bend in an instant, making you have to kneel down even if you don't want to.

Zhou Jianlai's eyes trembled, and he raised his head with difficulty to look at the donkey-faced old man. He saw the donkey-faced old man looking at him and Zhang Xiaozu with a smile, shaking the banknotes in his hand, and jokingly said: "Here's the money, you have the ability."

Just come and get it.”

The cold sweat on Zhou Jianlai's forehead suddenly fell down. Only then did he realize that the ugly donkey-faced old man in front of him turned out to be a hidden master. It should be said that he was an extremely terrifying master. His aura alone made him and Zhang

The pawn was so suppressed that he couldn't move, and he did it so easily and comfortably. I couldn't imagine how advanced his cultivation was.

Zhou Jianlai wanted to warn Zhang Xiaopou of the danger, but he was suppressed to the point where he had difficulty breathing and could not speak.

Zhang Xiaozu was panicked at first, but soon calmed down. He had experienced similar pressure several times, but this time the situation was different.

Before, whether he was facing the pressure of Su Mou's momentum or the pressure of the black giant ape, he could more or less feel the source of the pressure, which meant that he could capture the aura of Su Mou or the black giant ape.

, but this time he couldn't catch it at all.

His eyes fell on the donkey-faced old man. It was clear that the donkey-faced old man was standing there with a smile, but he always felt that he could not be caught in his sight. He was obviously so close, but yet he seemed to be a world away.


Zhang Xiaozhu roared in a low voice, his muscles bulged one by one, and his veins grew ferocious. He tried his best to stand up, but his body did not move at all. He felt extremely uncomfortable, and felt that all his strength was hitting the air, without any trace of it.

The feeling of exertion actually caused the blood and qi in his body to surge up, and a mouthful of fishy sweetness rushed to his throat and he almost vomited it out.

Zhang Xiaozu hurriedly stopped resisting violently, feeling that he could not aim without aim. He had to catch the traces of the donkey-faced old man's aura and make a targeted target. So he calmly concentrated and searched carefully with the help of the Into the Subtle Realm. However, he was not sure that the Into the Subtle Realm could

It is impossible to capture such intangible but real things as breath and momentum.

After a few breaths, Zhang Xiaozhu was overjoyed. He caught a strange air flow. As soon as he caught this air flow, the figure of the donkey-faced old man suddenly became clear in his field of vision, as if a transparent layer had been lifted off.

cut off.

But the brief surprise distracted him, and the strange air flow disappeared in an instant, and the figure of the donkey-faced old man became erratic again.

Zhang Xiaozu took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, and became more calm and focused.


The smiling donkey-faced old man standing on the carriage suddenly let out a startled cry and stared at Zhang Xiaozu with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Donkey, why are you surprised?" the woman in the carriage asked curiously after hearing the exclamation of the donkey-faced old man.

"That boy," the donkey-faced old man pointed at Zhang Xiaopou, and said in a surprised tone: "He is actually in the subtle state of mind. He is using the subtle state of mind to capture my breath!"

"Really?" The voice of the woman in the carriage suddenly rose a lot. She opened a gap in the carriage curtain with her green-white jade fingers, and observed Zhang Xiaopou through this gap. A pair of beautiful autumn eyes showed a look of jealousy, because of the subtlety.

This is the state of mind that every practitioner dreams of.

With a very small penetration, you can see everything. It can be as small as the floating dust, or as large as the stars changing. Everything is impossible to detect.

No one wouldn't want such a perverted ability.


At dusk, there was a slight sound in the air, like the sound of ice breaking.

The donkey-faced old man let out another cry of surprise and turned to look at Zhou Jianlai.

Zhou Jianlai actually stood up half his body, with his eyes closed, holding a sword with one arm, and pointing the tip of the sword diagonally forward in an offensive posture.

The long sword buzzed, as if a fierce battle was going on.

"Sword, sword, heart and will?" The donkey-faced old man's eyes nearly popped out of his sockets, with a ghostly expression on his face.

The will of the sword heart is the lifelong pursuit of all swordsmen. Because having the will of the sword heart can give the sword the heart of the sword.

If the sword has a heart, it can cut down the heaven and the earth.

The donkey-faced old man looked at Zhou Jianlai and then at Zhang Xiaopou. His eyes were not full for a while, and he suddenly stroked his long beard and laughed loudly, saying: "Haha, good, good, good, my Dayu men are really talented. We have such good men.

Now, why be afraid of the big-toothed dog!"

"Donkey Lao, Dayu is not the only one with men." The woman in the carriage said angrily, but she was actually jealous of Zhang Xiaozu and Zhou Jianlai.

The donkey-faced old man said hurriedly: "Haha, of course, all the women of Dayu are as good as men, and they are as chivalrous and heroic as men. Our head of the family is even more of a hero among women. He is beautiful in the world and has unrivaled martial arts, attracting the heroes of the world.


"Giggle, that's about it." The woman in the carriage smiled with satisfaction, her voice was like a silver bell, it was really nice to hear.

She lowered the carriage curtain and no longer looked at Zhang Xiaozu and Zhou Jianlai. Although she was envious and jealous of them, she did not feel that she was inferior to them.

When cultivating the Way of Asking Heaven, the only thing that matters is the word "competition". Compete with people and compete with Heaven. If you lose, it's a waste of time.

This is something she has understood since she was a child.

Of course, she is indeed no worse than Zhang Xiaozu and Zhou Jianlai, otherwise how could she be able to take the position of the head of Tiandao Mountain.

The donkey-faced old man's eyes fell back on Zhang Xiaozu and Zhou Jianlai, and he said with a deep smile: "Meeting is fate, I will help you."

This chapter has been completed!
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