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Chapter nine hundred and tenth bad heart

 "Why is it her?"

Zhang Xiaozhu extended his subtle mood toward the door of the mansion, and saw the woman the guard was talking about, with a look of surprise on his face.

When everyone saw his expression, they thought he had really done something and someone was looking for him.

"Who?" Qi Yoyo's face was cold, but her eyes could not hide the look of panic.

"Wanyan Keke." Zhang Xiaozhu looked at Qi Yoyo and replied. Seeing that Qi Yoyo's eyes were confused and he seemed to be unable to remember who this person was, he added another name: "Li Haotian."

Hearing the name "Li Haotian", not only Qi Yoyo suddenly remembered who Wanyan Keke was, but Zhou Jianlai, Niu Dawa and Yuan Taiping also remembered.

Zhang Xiaozu told them about Li Haotian traveling thousands of miles to block roads in Daya Kingdom to steal his bride. After hearing this, they felt that Li Haotian was very domineering and like a love saint, so they were deeply impressed.

"It's her, how did she find her way here? She said it was yours... where is that one?" Qi Yoyo knew who it was, and she breathed a sigh of relief, leaving only curiosity.

"It's possible that Li Haotian has encountered some trouble." Zhang Xiaozhu guessed, "Let's go out and ask."

Everyone immediately put down their bowls and chopsticks and followed Zhang Xiaozu towards the door of the mansion with curiosity.

"Won't you follow me out to see the excitement?" Yu Chengyang looked at Butcher Zhang and asked.

Butcher Zhang smiled and shook his head: "Why am I, an old man, getting involved in young people's affairs? Is your injury healed?"

That day, Yu Chengyang summoned the Eye of Heaven, but was stabbed by Guan Longfeng's sword. He suffered a huge backlash.

"Your grandson piled up elixirs and elixirs all over my bedside. It's hard to think clearly." Yu Chengyang stroked his beard and smiled.

"That's your good disciple of Sanqingguan." Butcher Zhang smiled.

"Okay, you've got a small advantage and you behave well, and no one will compete with you to steal your grandson." Yu Chengyang rolled his eyes at Butcher Zhang angrily.

As he spoke, he suddenly sighed and said, "Since you're back, you don't need me here anymore. I'll leave now."

When Butcher Zhang heard this, he immediately glared in displeasure and said, "Old fellow, please speak clearly. Don't sound like a resentful woman. It's as if I'm telling you to leave."

"My uneasy junior brother is being held in the Dao Fa Sect's prison. We have to find a way to rescue him." Yu Chengyang said with a bitter smile.

Butcher Zhang glanced out the door, frowned and said, "The soldier told me about this, do you need me to accompany you?"

As far as he knew, the previous temple master of Sanqing Temple died in the heavenly prison of Daofazong, so there was a lot of grudge between Sanqing Temple and Daofazong.

Previously, he heard from Zhang Xiaozu that Taoist Tianwu was imprisoned, but he didn't say where he was. He also said that Yu Chengyang had already visited him and said that Taoist Tianwu was living a good life, so he didn't take it to heart.

But now that he learned that Taoist Tianwu was imprisoned in the Daofa Sect's heavenly prison, he immediately guessed that Yu Chengyang had not told the truth to Zhang Xiaozu, so he couldn't help but worry.

"No, a drop of Wutong tears is enough to exchange people." Yu Chengyang shook his head and said, "The new emperor has ascended the throne, surrounded by powerful enemies, and there is also an ancient demon called Long Feng. You'd better stay in the imperial city. In other words,

How powerful are you now?"

"I definitely can't defeat an old monster like Guan Longfeng, but it shouldn't be a big problem against a normal Saint Ancestor."

"Holy land, it's so nice." Yu Chengyang said with envy.

"If you like it, use your strength and climb up to see the scenery."

Yu Chengyang shook his head: "I don't have complete Taoism and Dharma. I'm afraid there is no hope in this life."

"It's so pitiful." Butcher Zhang knew a little about the techniques Yu Chengyang practiced.

"But we don't know yet."

"What should I say? Do you see hope?"

"Yes." Yu Chengyang nodded, stood up from his seat, and walked towards the door. When he got outside, he suddenly turned around and smiled at Butcher Zhang, saying: "I passed the "Ancient Divine Refining Technique" to a man with the power of Tianzong.

I think he can definitely complete this skill, so I just need to be like the bastard and work hard to live for a few more decades before I can see the hope of reaching the Holy Realm."

Butcher Zhang's face darkened when he heard this, and he bared his teeth and said, "The talented monster you are talking about is not a pawn, right?"

"Hey, you guessed it right." Yu Chengyang raised his eyebrows, with an expression on his face that showed whether he was surprised or surprised.

"You evil-minded old man..." Butcher Zhang grabbed the bowl on the table and was about to throw it away, but Yu Chengyang had disappeared.


At the entrance of Guowei Mansion, as soon as Wanyan Keke saw Zhang Xiaozu coming out, without saying a word, she hugged the child and knelt down directly towards Zhang Xiaozu.

"What are you doing? Please get up and talk." Zhang Xiaozu quickly stepped forward to help him.

Wanyan Keke couldn't get up from her knees, knocked her head on the ground, and begged in her hoarse voice with a hint of crying: "Master Zhang, please go and save the husband of the slave family, for the sake of... for the sake of the fact that you were once side by side on the battlefield.

For the sake of the passion of killing the enemy."

She traveled thousands of miles to the Imperial Capital of Dasu just to seek help from Zhang Xiaozu, because she remembered that Li Haotian once said that if you are in danger and desperate, you can come to Dasu to seek help from Zhang Xiaozu.

The reason why she lied to the guard at the gate that she was Zhang Xiaozhu's wife was because she saw the Gaomen Courtyard of the Guowei Mansion and knew that Zhang Xiaozhu had a noble status, and was afraid that the guards would look down on her as a prostitute and not give her a pass.

She poured her true energy into her meridians and changed the color of her eyes and hair. Otherwise, let alone coming to the imperial capital, she would not even be able to cross the border.

"You get up first, go into the house and tell me the matter in detail, otherwise I will be confused and how can I reply to you?" Zhang Xiaozhu said.

Wanyan Keke refused to get up and begged to herself: "Mr. Zhang, you pity this child. He cannot live without his father. Please save my husband. My family and the child are kowtowing to you."

The implication was that she was willing to get up only after Zhang Xiaozu agreed.

Zhang Xiaozu let go of his hand and took a step back, saying in a cold voice: "If you do this, then I can only thank you behind closed doors."

He didn't know what danger Li Haotian had encountered, so how could he dare to accept it in such a muddle-headed manner.

Wanyan Keke quickly stood up after hearing this.

Zhang Xiaozu is the only person she can turn to now. If Zhang Xiaozu also turns her away, she really doesn't know who to turn to.

Before coming to the imperial capital, she first went to the Li family in Yancheng, but the Li family was very indifferent after hearing this. They said that Li Haotian was no longer a member of the Li family and kicked her out directly.

At present, the Li family is in the stage of family growth. When they learned that Li Haotian was in Daya and had a child with a Daya woman, they were worried that this matter would affect the future of the family, so they refused to accept Wanyan Keke and drew a clear line with Li Haotian.

Zhang Xiaozu brought Wanyan Keke into the mansion.

The child in Wanyan Keke's arms woke up. As soon as he woke up, he was so hungry that he cried loudly. He was fed a large bowl of white porridge, and then he calmed down in Wanyan Keke's arms. His big eyes looked at Zhang Xiaozu curiously.

et al.

Wanyan Keke also hurriedly ate a bowl of white porridge under Qi Yoyo's persuasion. Before Zhang Xiaozu agreed to save Li Haotian, her food was not stable.

"That evening, Brother Tian and I were accompanying Huai'er..." Wanyan Keke's eyes fell on the child in her arms and said, "Brother Tian named the child Li Shihuai, saying that he had let go of everything in the past.

From now on, I will live a good life with my mother-in-law. Who would have thought that God would not follow people's wishes and bring disaster..."

Then, Wanyan Keke told the danger Li Haotian encountered.

That day, Li Haotian and Wanyan Keke were playing with their children on the grass in the valley. Suddenly, they heard a rumbling sound coming from a mountain to the west. The sound sounded like the mountain was collapsing.

Because it was dusk and it was getting dark, Li Haotian did not go to check immediately. Instead, he planned to go up the mountain early tomorrow morning to see what was going on.

That night, terrible roars of beasts kept coming from the mountain to the west, and it seemed that many terrible beasts had gathered on the mountain.

Li Haotian was worried that the ferocious beasts on the mountain would endanger his family's safety, so he went to the mountain early the next morning to check the situation.

Wanyan Keke didn't see Li Haotian coming out until the afternoon, so she couldn't help but worry, so she carried her child up the mountain to look for him.

She found a large cave halfway up the mountain to the south. The new signs of collapse at the cave entrance told her that this should be the location where the mountain collapsed yesterday, and the cave entrance should have been exposed after the collapse.

The horse hoof prints at the entrance of the cave told Wanyan Keke that Li Haotian had entered the cave on horseback. She stood at the spacious entrance of the cave, which was more than one foot high, and looked in. It was pitch black and she could not see anything.

Wanyan Keke called Li Haotian at the entrance of the cave for a long time, but did not hear any response.

She held the child in her arms and did not dare to enter the cave rashly, so she could only wait anxiously at the entrance of the cave.

Waiting until dark, a ferocious beast roar suddenly came from the cave, which frightened Li Shihuai to the point of crying.

Just as Wanyan Keke was about to escape from the cave entrance with her child in her arms, suddenly a huge creature jumped out of the cave.

(Thanks to the alliance leader Sichuan Jun and 5063 bosses, as well as readers of all platforms for their great support. I will work hard and update as much as possible on the basis of maintaining stable updates. Thank you!)

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