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Chapter 118 Elf Dance

 Xia Duo didn't believe this. The news had spread to the Mage Tower apprentices. Even though Edrich had a slightly special background, the fact that he could say it so straightforwardly meant that this was probably an advertisement.

"Edrich, was there an Elf Dance there in the past?"


Edrich hesitated, but under the pressure of Sha Duo and others' eyes, he still told the truth, "Okay, I admit, it happens every year!"

"Every year?" Dean and others' eyes widened, and when they looked at Edrich, it was as if they were looking at a liar!

If it happens every year, how come only a few people have seen it? If many people have seen it, how come they haven't heard of it?

"Believe me, everything I say is true!"

Seeing that his companions didn't believe him, Edrich was so anxious that he was a little incoherent. "My brother saw it last year. He said there was really an elf show in it. I believe my brother wouldn't lie to me?"

"Your brother is——"

"His brother is the lord's student - Master Adrian." Sha Duo continued.

"Edric's brother is the Lord's student?!"

The three Deans were quite shocked. They knew that Edrich might have a background, but they didn't expect it to be such a background. Of course, being a student of the lord was nothing. Edrich's real background was actually his father, the lord's money bag.

However, in the eyes of the three Deans, the endorsement of the Lord's students is enough. They don't even read the book now, and are staring at Edrich closely, hoping that he will reveal more about the Elf Dance.

And now Xia Duo also thinks that this elf dance is quite interesting and wants to see it. He has already seen the cold elf, let's see what the enthusiastic elf looks like!

"Edrich, when can we see the elf's performance?"

"Tomorrow at noon, only less than an hour."

"Does it cost money?" Xia Duo said with certainty. He was able to spread the news to the Mage Tower for the purpose of making money. It was probably not a small amount, so he asked again, "Does the study group have enough funds?


After more than half a month of answering questions in their study group, after deducting the cost of borrowing books and renting a mage's laboratory, they still had a balance of more than 200 gold coins.

If this is not enough, then Xia Duo will never go to see any elves dancing, even if it is a group of elves.

Hearing Xia Duo's inquiry, Edrich immediately understood that Xia Duo actually wanted to go, and quickly replied, "Enough! Enough! If you only want to watch for a moment, it only costs 10 gold coins per person, but if you want to stay there and watch the whole process

If you still need some wine, I asked, the five of us can order a bottle of Blue Dream for 50 gold coins together, the total is only 100 gold coins."


Dean spoke in a longer tone. He was born in an ordinary farmer's family, and he knew the concept of 100 gold coins. His family, including farming and doing handymen, had to work hard for a year to earn 100 gold coins, and this did not include expenses.

Although their study group made hundreds of gold coins in less than a month, this money largely relied on Xia Duo. Without Xia Duo, he would not have been able to make such money.

A person who even spends money on copper coins really doesn't want to waste 100 gold coins on pleasure. Dean couldn't help but look at Xia Duo. The only person who can stop him at the moment is Xia Duo.

"Xia Duo, what do you think? 100 gold coins is too much!"

In fact, when Xia Duo heard that the price was only 100 gold coins, Xia Duo was moved. It was not that it was not good for 100 gold coins, but that this "off-campus activity" could be used as a team-building activity for the study group.

At the same time, it can also satisfy his curiosity. Xia Duo, holding more than 2,000 gold coins in his hand, thinks it is quite worth it.

"I think we can go and have a look. After all, it only happens once a year. Besides, we are not that short of money now. We have to spend it when it is necessary. That's the decision!"

Shado directly decided on tomorrow's itinerary. Edrich, Sammy, and Devine immediately showed joy, while Dean could only nod with distress.

"Okay, let's all go eat, Dean will stay here for a while."

In this regard, although Edrich and others were a little confused and didn't know what happened to Chateau Liudian, they all knew that Chateau was always fair and impartial, so they just thought they had something private to talk about and left first.

Of the two people left behind, Dean was a little embarrassed. He was afraid that Xia Duo would blame him for his previous performance, so his tone became cautious, "Xia Duo, what do you want from me?"

"It's nothing serious, I just want you to do me a favor."

Dean breathed a sigh of relief and immediately agreed, "As long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

"Haha, don't be so nervous. We are all in the same study group. I won't let you work in vain. I will pay you. As for what you are doing -"

After a pause, Xia Duo continued, "I would like to ask you to copy a few books for me. For each book you copy, I will pay you 20 gold coins, and I will pay for the materials."


Dean knew that Shado was helping him. Otherwise, how could he be paid such a high salary for copying books for others!

But he couldn't accept it. He had already received the greatest benefit by joining the study group. How could he be greedy again? Just when he was about to refuse, Xia Duo said again:

"Think about how difficult it was for your family outside before you became a regular employee. The income from the study group cannot be used casually. I think it must be very difficult for you normally."

As soon as he finished speaking, Dean's eyes turned red. Not only was it not easy, after the Orc War, he once left the Mage Tower and gave all the money he had to his family.

Others need family subsidies to come to the Master Tower, but he is subsidizing his family. If it were not for the study group, he might not really be able to persist.

"I will never give up on any member of the study group, so accept it with peace of mind. If you feel bad about it, just perform well in the group!"

"Xia Duo, I——"

"Needless to say, it's settled." Xia Duo took out two 100 gold coin exchange vouchers from his personal purse and stuffed them into Dean's hand, "This is the reward paid to you in advance. As for transcribing the materials, I will do it on the moon.

Be ready after the festival.”

After saying that, he didn't care about Dean's crying look and left.

In fact, Xia Duo was still a little neglectful about the status of the study group members. If an organization wants to develop and grow, in addition to its core interests, the warmth of some small favors is also the lubricant of organizational relationships.

It's a pity that he doesn't have enough fame now, so he can only do this.

If he were the lord today, there is no doubt that Dean would fall to the ground and kneel down to show his loyalty. Sha Duo has never been shy about his dark psychology, but he is not a heartless person. After a long time together, even plants and trees have feelings, let alone humans.


The help given to Dean can't be said to be very dark, nor can it be said to be very affectionate. It can only be said that he made a natural choice that was beneficial to both parties and the organization.

This chapter has been completed!
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