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Chapter 1416 Resurrection Props, Soul Amulet

Facing the disintegration of the device, Iolum did not panic at all. While confirming the overlapping state of the demiplane and the main plane, he was ready to separate at any time, but on the other hand, he paid attention to the last wave of arcane energy.

When the device was completely out of control, even the magic network was broken, and there was a riot, Iolum took direct action - creating arcane crystals and separating the planes.

When everything in the laboratory returned to calm, a piece of arcane crystal the size of a human head appeared in his hand. It was initially estimated that there were at least one or two thousand standard arcane crystals.

"This time the disintegration of the device was relatively peaceful, and the collection was a little less!"

Iolum seemed to be a little dissatisfied, and handed the piece of arcane crystal to Shado, "You can keep it for the next experiment."


Xia Duo nodded heavily. This experiment was actually to a large extent to collect the arcane crystals needed to make David's String for the next experiment. The experiment itself actually didn't have much suspense.

The arcane fire device for the next experiment is the spherical core radial type scheme he designed. In the past half month, he had completed part of the test of a single arcane fire.

Next, he and Iolum will conduct tests on single arcane fire, multiple arcane fire linkages, and support components.

Afterwards, the complete design drawings will be optimized. It is expected that the device can be constructed by the end of this year. If everything goes well, a complete machine experiment can even be conducted this year.

Based on the existing complete machine test of the David string component of the old scheme, Chateau predicts that the duration of the complete machine test of the new scheme will no longer be calculated in units of "seconds", but will be calculated in "minutes".

And if everything goes very smoothly, by the end of next year, the first experimental arctic fire device that can operate for a long time may be born.

With the working efficiency of David's automatic string component preparation machine, at least twelve experiments can be carried out next year, and many problems should be discovered and improved.

With a trace of expectation, Xia Duo left the laboratory.

Although the laboratory can avoid huge amounts of damage through demiplane separation, the damage to the magic network itself needs to be repaired. Iolum did not let Shado do this work, but took it upon himself.

However, Xia Duo knew that this was probably related to the belief in the goddess, so he didn't take it too seriously. Since Iolum had to do it himself, he could save a lot of trouble.

After leaving Iolum Laboratory, Shado did not return directly to his residence, but found a new laboratory.

"Who makes me a good person?"

Just now, through the detection spell, I saw the scene where Arman and others from the Gray Eagle tribe were preparing to participate in the blood trial. Although Shado was dissatisfied with the cruel trial method, he would not stop it.

In his eyes, the blood trial may be just a backward custom, but in the eyes of the Langas, it is indeed the most glorious and challenging activity that best proves oneself.

They can be guided slowly in the future, but now, they still need to respect their choices.

However, Shado is also prepared to use his own methods to avoid unnecessary losses. Arman is recruiting Langas people on his behalf. Even Arman's subordinates can be regarded as his subordinates to a certain extent.

In fact, judging from the historical trend of the inevitable integration of Daxia and Saville in the future, those people are his subordinates and his subjects.

Of course, the Langas are no exception.

After obtaining the resurrection spell from the projection plane, Sha Duo has never used it. Cliff may have used it, but the other party has never contacted him.

Xia Duo's original idea of ​​exchanging some Easter point information with the other party naturally came to nothing, but now, since the blood trial is destined to involve blood, it might as well be used to test the actual effect of the resurrection spell.

Of course, the more important thing is to test the Lord of Death's attitude towards the resurrection spell.

After becoming the Grand Arcanist, Xia Duo gradually became more courageous. Anyway, the depth of the magic network has come to an end, and in the future, the development of breadth will definitely be given priority.

The resurrection spell will have to be used sooner or later, so instead of betting on luck when things come to a close, it is better to try it now and see if it works or not. The result is destined anyway.

However, based on what he learned from previous exchanges with Cliff, the Lord of Death should not mind people other than death priests using resurrection spells.

Life extension spells already exist, there is no reason why resurrection spells should not be allowed to exist.

Of course, Xia Duo's confidence does not only lie in this, but more importantly, he does not directly offend the God of Death. At most, indirect offenses will only incur some "unfavorable favors".

Next time, if you use more "righteous grace", you will get through it. No god of order would be so boring, staring at a certain mortal, and immediately punishing him as soon as he finds the other person is slightly offended.

The key to resurrection lies first in the soul.

If there is no soul, even if the body is resurrected, it is just a living corpse and not a living person at all. Therefore, the first thing Sha Duo needs to prepare is the tools to collect souls.

During the heyday of the [Projection Plane Arcane Empire], there was a portable [Soul Amulet] that could collect souls, but Shado did not have enough authority to obtain its relevant information at that time.

In [Projection Plane·Remnants of the Empire], the main method is to use the soul to summon the magic circle. If a field worker dies, someone has to report it for him, and then the rear base will start the resurrection process.

In contrast, the former is more suitable for personal use, while the latter is more suitable for organizational use.

Xia Duo currently only has relevant information about the latter's soul summoning array, but this array is very cumbersome to make. Even if it can be used in the territory in the future, he is not sure whether it can be completed before the blood trial.

Of course, if he were asked to completely give up the work related to the arcane fire device, he would still be sure, but the work related to the arcana fire device was related to the long-term future, and he could not give up this for those few people.

Then you can only look for alternatives.

The first thing that Xia Duo thought of was the [Soul Capturing Gem] passed down by Niya's family. He had already analyzed the core spell [Soul Capturing Technique] contained in it.

He even thought that the [Soul Amulet] of the Arcane Empire might be related to the Soul Confinement Technique, but he could not be sure because he had not obtained the Soul Amulet in the projection plane.

Maybe we can make a Xia Duo version of [Soul Amulet] with [Soul Entrapment Technique] as the core.

Xia Duo's work efficiency has always been high. Almost as soon as he completed the idea, he completed the theoretical design related to the spell elements in the spell-suppressing field.

The subsequent engineering design was completed quickly, and by the night of that day, the experimental version 0.1 [Soul Amulet] had been produced.

But the test won’t work today, it requires the participation of living animals!

This chapter has been completed!
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