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Chapter 1457 Dialogue with God, the essence of order

 "Leiden, are you okay?"


Seeing Leiden's painful look, Xia Duo also felt a little uncomfortable. God may be able to promote civilization at a certain period, but more often it is a symbol of conservatism.

Just when Xia Duo was thinking about how to appease Leiden, a stream of light swimming like living water suddenly appeared around the two of them, surrounding them with threads.

Upon seeing this, Leiden immediately knelt down on one knee, and Shado also felt a grand will full of order and machinery, silently watching him in the flowing light.

"It's the Lord of Glory!"

Xia Duo's heart tightened, and he quickly lowered his head and bowed slightly. Then the stream of light became more elegant and agile, as if he was responding to Xia Duo, but the magnificent will did not convey any more information.

This left Sha Duo a little confused. If the Lord of Glory did not agree with his point of view and even deprived Leiden of his holy power, why is this happening now?

Could it be——

"The Lord of Glory wants to hear my explanation?" Xia Duo guessed in his mind.

At this time, the surrounding light was looming, lingering around the two of them, but never disappeared. Originally, such anomalies should have been noticed by nearby security guards or local residents, but now no one came to check.

This is enough to prove that the Lord of Glory only appeared to himself and Leiden.

And the other party did this not just to show their presence, otherwise it could have been replaced by other more grand scenes. For example, at the Midsummer Festival celebration a few months ago, the miracle caused by the code sculpture was very spectacular.

Such a stream of light appears to be more private, perhaps just to listen to one's own explanation.

Thinking like this, Xia Duo also sorted out his thoughts for a while. From the moment when the Lord of Glory suddenly appeared, to now, his mood is still ups and downs!

"Great Lord of Glory, as a mortal, I deeply feel the power of time. As small as me, as majestic as a plane, under the power of time, everything will one day perish.

"Of course, this does not mean that everything before death is meaningless. On the contrary, in my hometown, a wise man once said, 'If you don't know life, how can you know death.'

"And we mortals who want to live and live better naturally give birth to families and societies, from which order is born and continues to grow.

"If there is a law that never changes in the world, then I think there is only death. Everything else changes over time, and so does order."

After Xia Duo finished speaking, he looked at the surrounding streamers with some worry. His words might be more appropriate for the Lord of Death, and he might even be able to deceive some divine favor!

But to the Lord of Glory, saying this is a bit offensive, but Xia Duo believes that the Lord of Glory appears not just to listen to some commonplace talk.

At this time, the other party's lack of reaction is the biggest reaction.

So Chateau continued: "Adhering to laws and regulations may be the fastest way to implement order, but it goes against the spirit of legislation and will be backfired in the long run.

"The essence of the so-called 'legislative spirit' is order. If order is lost due to adherence to legal regulations, what is the meaning of the existence of such legal regulations?

"Leiden, as the governor authorized by me, was able to adapt to changes to a certain extent, but chose not to act because there was no relevant legal support. He should indeed be punished, but he should not be punished because he agreed with the higher-level legislative spiritual order.


Perhaps the Lord of Glory did not expect that Xia Duo would feel grievances for Leiden, and the stream of light he appeared actually showed slight fluctuations.

Seeing this, Xia Duo strengthened his opinion. As long as he did not offend directly or openly blaspheme the other party, there would be no punishment.

As a god, maybe after staying in heaven for a long time, he wants to hear something different. Of course, these are just some conjectures of Xia Duo as a mortal.

However, the behavior pattern of the Lord of Glory is relatively clear. Xia Duo is not very worried about this, but instead feels inexplicably excited.

It's just that the Lord of Glory never responded, which made him feel very regretful. He had long been dissatisfied with the dogmatism in the Lord of Glory's teachings.

Although many lords believed that the dogmatic radiant priests were more conducive to their rule, Shado did not want this idea to spread widely in the future magical civilization.

Moreover, dogmatism itself is not completely equivalent to order. Whether it is a good order or a bad order, it is essentially a manifestation of a certain will and a dynamic and stable state. (The will of the lords or the will of the ruling class)

Dogmatism, rigidly adhering to inherent laws, cannot fully reflect the intention that this will needs to express.

It may apply today, but it may not apply tomorrow.

Law, as the yardstick of order, changes every day, which itself means chaos.

Only by grasping the "spirit of legislation" and grasping the "constancy in change" can we truly construct and maintain order.

Otherwise, it is likely to become a stumbling block on the road to order development.

Next, Chateau elaborated on his expectations for the future development of the territory, and used this as the basis for legislation, introducing several specific laws that may appear in the future.

Such as consumer rights protection law, copyright law, etc.

Whenever he mentioned a certain law, the stream of light would speed up or slow down slightly, and the reaction was very obvious; and when he suddenly stopped talking about a certain law, the stream of light would even become blurred.


For a while, although Xia Duo could not determine the specific meaning of the stream of light that the Lord of Glory appeared or even the will expressed in it, it was not difficult to find out——

Compared with talking about the spirit of legislation, the other party seems to be more concerned about specific laws and regulations.

This discovery can't help but make Xia Duo a little disappointed. The incarnation of order that he originally imagined has now shown to be so shallow. How can this not make people feel disappointed!

However, despite being disappointed, Xia Duo also felt a little bit lucky. If God is perfect, omniscient and omnipotent, is there any need for mortals to exist?

Of course, Xia Duo doesn't really think that the Lord of Glory is shallow. Maybe the other party has some deep meaning in doing so, but this at least shows that the Lord of Glory also has self-awareness and is not the embodiment of some rules.


Since there is self-awareness, it means imperfection to a large extent. Compared with ordinary people, perhaps there is only a difference in strength.

I don't know how long it took until the sky gradually darkened. Against the backdrop of the night, the light around Chateau and Leiden became even more dazzling.

But until now, no security guard or citizen has come to check for any abnormalities.

Under the shroud of the streamer, Xia Duo even had the illusion that the space he and Leiden were in had been separated from the normal space by "gods" and turned into an independent space. What happened here?

Everything will not be noticed by the outside world?

Xia Duo doesn't know exactly how, but this situation is indeed consistent with this speculation.

And when the sun completely fell below the horizon, although the sky had not completely darkened, the stream of light from the Lord of Glory became fainter and fainter until it completely disappeared.

Only then did Xia Duo truly breathe a sigh of relief.

But it is a pity that even if the Lord of Glory appeared, he could not recover the holy power that Leiden had just lost.

To a certain extent, this may also represent His intention!

This chapter has been completed!
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