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Chapter 145 Death Mystery

Felbus Villa, study.

Fairbus had been dressed and placed on the chair in front of the desk. He was just like what Chateau had seen when he arrived, crawling on the desk and holding the wooden ink pen in his hand.

After driving all the servants out, Mrs. Patty personally went to the place where Chateau had placed Fairbuss, knocked lightly, and then knocked in other places.

The voice was not different, and there was no obvious switch on the surface. Mrs. Patty looked at Sha Duo again, "Lord Sha Duo——"

"Let me try it!"

Chateau was sure that there was a hidden compartment underneath, but he had detected it through Fairbus' body at that time. It was good to know that there was something inside, so he did not search carefully for a way to open it.

To activate it now, Xia Duo needs to cast [Image Technique] again. This spell is a variant that combines [Communication Technique] and [Phantom Sound Technique]. It is essentially a 0-level spell.

The maximum detection range is no more than one arm, and it is also related to the material of the object. The denser the object or the fluffier the object, the smaller the detection range. If it is in an intermediate state, it can detect more.

Before casting [Imaging Technique], Sha Duo glanced at Master Kaili. Kaili snorted and turned away. In Mrs. Patty's eyes, this may mean that she didn't want to pry into Sha Duo's secrets.

But in fact, the magician's identification of spells in a focused state does not entirely require eyes. He can make vague judgments based only on perception.

The last time he let Kaili see him cast a spell, this time he didn't want to take advantage of Kaili. The spell itself was not that difficult, but the valuable part was the application of sound brought by Xia Duo from the earth.

Almost everyone on Earth knows about echo detection, but this is not the case in Nese. Even if someone knows, they will not tell others easily.


Sha Duo's palm hovered less than 2 centimeters above the floor. Invisible fluctuations instantly penetrated the floor, and the floor actually resonated with Sha Duo's detection sound waves, making a low buzzing sound.

This made it difficult to detect specific information. Xia Duo immediately adjusted the frequency, and a gray picture with obvious outlines and different shades of gray was fed back.

This time he not only identified the contents inside, but also found the mechanism that opened the secret compartment. In front of Mrs. Patty, Shado flipped the switch——

It is an eye-shaped switch hidden in the wooden texture of the floor. It is about the size of a normal person's thumb. If someone familiar with the wooden texture examines it carefully, they may be able to find it.

After pressing the switch, a piece of floor slowly retracted, revealing a hidden compartment.


After Shado pressed the switch, Mrs. Patty suddenly let out an exclamation, which attracted Kaili. Mrs. Patty saw that there was actually a hidden compartment on the floor, and——

"Those eyes!"

Without checking the hidden items immediately, Mrs. Patty had already burst into tears. Facing the sudden loss of control, Shado took a step back.

But at this time, Carey took a step forward, helped Mrs. Patty up, and comforted: "Madam, do you need my help?"

"Thank you, Mr. Master!" Mrs. Patty broke away from Kaili and said to Shado, "Mr. Shado, I understand that the accident happened to Fairbus not the day before yesterday, but several days ago."

Kaili looked livid and almost left the scene angrily, but he was reluctant to part with the shiny gold coins and endured his displeasure to stay. Moreover, he now also became interested in Xia Duo.

After Chateau heard Mrs. Patty's explanation, he still didn't understand why he could tell from his eyes that Fairbus was in trouble for several days!

"Mrs. Patty, can you tell me in detail? If you want to find the murderer, the more information you know, the easier it will be."

"I understand." Mrs. Patty wiped her tears, controlled her emotions, and said, "Fairbus has a magic item that looks like a small cane and carries it with him almost every day. But five days ago, he came back from the Chamber of Commerce.

The cane was missing, and he said it was stolen when he was inspecting the goods at the dock."

"Then what?"

"Then two days ago, he suddenly said that he wanted to go upstairs to deal with some things, and then-"

Mrs. Patty's eyes dropped again.

But Xia Duo continued to ask, "What does the cane have to do with these eyes?"

"The end of the cane is a metal cylinder in the shape of an eye."

No need to say more, Xia Duo understood that just now he pressed the button to open the mechanism with his hand, which was not difficult for him, but Ferbers is just an ordinary person, and he is over 50 years old. How much can he do?

It's hard to say how strong you are.

And activating it with magic items may make an ordinary person feel more at ease.

"Madam, I need to check what's in the secret room!"

After verifying the hidden grid, Mrs. Patty already believed Shado's judgment on the cause of Ferbers' death, but she still asked Carey to come with her to check the hidden grid.

"Two adults, please feel free to check, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Now I just want to know who killed my Fairbus."

Kaili didn't know what was going on, but he still understood Mrs. Patty's needs from him, from examining the cause of death to investigating the murderer. But if he didn't examine the cause of death, wouldn't he be unable to get gold coins? In fact, he was similar to Sha Duo, and he didn't care about finding the murderer.

Not much interest.

"Mrs. Patty, do you really trust his judgment? I think it is necessary to check again."

"No, no need!" Mrs. Patty refused directly. She had already made a decision, "Fairbus may have been in an accident five days ago. There is no need to dwell on the cause of death two days ago. I would rather find out


Seemingly sensing what Carey was thinking, Mrs. Patty added, "Sir Carey, don't worry about the remuneration. As long as you investigate carefully, you will definitely be satisfied with the remuneration."

The words were so straightforward. What else could Kaili say? He glanced at Xia Duo and began to check the things in the secret room. Xia Duo had already obtained a mission certificate worth at least 400 gold coins. The more he did now, the more he would earn.

It's not too much at all.

While the two were checking the secret compartment, Mrs. Patty ordered the servants to come in and carry Fairbus out. As for the will that stated that she would inherit all the property, she did not touch it.

"Two adults, in Angri, you can look through the things in the study at will. There will be other people to help with the investigation later. Please forgive me."


Xia Duo glanced at Kaili subconsciously, and Kaili also looked at him. In his eyes, the two people who were originally a little cold and even contradictory agreed for the first time - this woman is crazy!

The old man is dead, but I am still young. I don’t want to get the family property first, but I want to avenge the old man. Is there really such an unforgettable love?

Xia Duo has never been in love and longs for love, but he is more accepting of reality. If he were Mrs. Patty, the first thing he would do is to collect the family property. The old man's son could make detailed plans in the future whether he wanted revenge or something.

, it is better than catching someone and asking him to help with the investigation.

With such a big fuss, aren't you afraid that the murderer will jump out and kill her too?

But after all, Chateau was not Mrs. Patty, and he had no way of knowing what this woman was really thinking, but he had no reason to refuse this kind of job that was almost a gift of money.

Maybe this trip can complete the task target for promotion authority!

This chapter has been completed!
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