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Chapter 17 Towering, Registration

The destination is less than twenty meters to the left after leaving the elevator. In this circular corridor, there are only a handful of rooms with open doors.

Chateau followed Leonard and entered the room. Inside was an ordinary wooden table with only a few books on it, a stack of parchment, and an inkwell with a quill. Behind the table was a half-person.

A tall small bookshelf, but not full of books.

Finally, there is a round platform in the corner with an unknown purpose.

Behind the wooden table, a middle-aged man wearing a mage's robe was reading. When he saw Leonard, Shado came in, put the book in his hand on the table, and smiled: "Leonard, why are you here when you have time?"


"I don't have time. Take the time to register him. I was only halfway through the experiment when I was caught by the teacher running errands." Leonard was a little impatient and added after speaking, "By the way, give him 10 times 0."

The redemption rights for the Ring Magic Scroll will be deducted from my share this month."

"Taling, command: teleport, Leonard Research Laboratory."

There was a flash of white light, and Leonard disappeared, leaving only Xia Duo and the middle-aged mage looking at each other.

"Ahem - Master Leonard is a bit informal - don't take offense to it." The middle-aged mage explained, and then started to go through the process, "Young man, what's your name?"


"Where are you from?"

"Saville Territory Citizen." Naturalization is not difficult in Savile Town. Chateau was naturalized more than half a year ago.

"Well, that's it. I want to ask one more question, what is your relationship with the lord? If you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it."


Xia Duo was interested in borrowing a tiger skin, but he didn't dare to do so in the mage tower. God knew if the lord was observing him in some way. Xia Duo could only answer truthfully, "It doesn't have anything to do with it."

The middle-aged man didn't believe it. It was obviously sent by the lord's student personally, so how could it have nothing to do with it? However, he didn't dare to use magic to ask questions in the mage tower, so he had to give up and pointed to the round platform in the corner and said to Xia Duo

, "Stand on that round platform."

Xia Duo obeyed and did as he was told.

The middle-aged mage added: "Go around in circles and say a few words, whatever you want."

Xia Duo did the same, "The weather is really nice today, is that okay?"

"That's it."

The middle-aged mage took out a piece of parchment from the pile of parchment on the wooden table, held it in his hand, and uttered a few short syllables in his mouth. A faint light flashed, and Xia Duo saw a three-dimensional version of himself appearing above the parchment.

The image is slowly rotating.

Before he could take a closer look, the three-dimensional image dissipated on its own, leaving only a frontal bust of Chateau on the paper. The middle-aged mage took out a quill from the ink bottle on the table and added something on the parchment.

After a few strokes, another magic was cast.

The paper disappeared from his hand!

This is the second time Sha Duo has seen space magic today. If it was also space magic when he entered, it will be the third time he has seen it. This has greatly enhanced Sha Duo's desire to learn magic.

"Okay, after registering, go out and pick up your clothes and tools from the sixth room on the left. They will tell you the next arrangements. Now go out!"

Just as Xia Duo was about to ask how to arrange him, the middle-aged mage picked up the book on the table again and kicked him out. Fortunately, this person also told him where Xia Duo was going next, otherwise he would not be familiar with this place.

Inside the mage tower, Xia Duo didn't know what to do.

After walking out of the registration room, six to the left, there was a room with an open door. When Sha Duo came here, he happened to see a young man wearing a mage's robe leaving here without even saying hello to Sha Duo.


He didn't care at all why there was suddenly a civilian in the mage tower. Sha Duo judged that he was also an apprentice because his mage robe was unusual compared to Master Leonard and the previous middle-aged mage.


It was a linen robe with a hood, and a line of text embroidered on the chest. Xia Duo couldn't understand it, so he guessed it might be the name of the apprentice. As for whether it was, we would know later by looking at the clothes assigned to him.

Walking into this room, it was similar to the previous registration office. There was also a middle-aged mage reading a book, but there were a lot of parchment documents scattered on the mage's desk, and there was also a suitcase that was slightly smaller than an ordinary suitcase.

wooden box.

Seeing Xia Duo come in, the middle-aged mage just glanced at it, pointed to the box on the table, and said - "Xia Duo, right? The things are on the table, and there is a manual inside. Just follow the instructions. If you don't understand,

Just ask the tower spirit, take the box now and get out!"

After saying that, he just started reading a book, no matter how long it was.

Xia Duo still picked up the box and walked out of the room. This was the second time he was kicked out. Is the mage so indifferent? He refused to say a word?

Full of suspicion, Xia Duo opened the wooden box directly in the corridor outside the door. The bottom should be the clothes that were issued. There was a manual pressed on the clothes, which was said to be a manual, but Xia Duo pinched it and it was

It was just a few pieces of parchment sewn together with thread, very crude.

Anyway, Xia Duo couldn't understand the characters on it, so he put it aside and checked other things——

A quill, but no ink, and blank parchment;

A candle. Does the mage tower need to light a candle?

A box of matches, for lighting candles?

A wooden wine cup, similar to the wine cup at Old Neil's Inn. Can a mage drink from it?

There is nothing else, nothing!

Sha Duo stood there, a little confused. Should he ask the tower spirit next? Recalling the scene when Master Leonard called the tower spirit, Sha Duo tried to say:

"Tower spirit, command: guide."

no response.

"Ta Ling, command: explain."

Still no response.

Xia Duo was ready to give it one last try. If it didn't work, he would go back and ask the two middle-aged mages.

"Ta Ling, I am Sha Duo, what should I do next?"

There was still no response. Just when Sha Duo was about to turn around and go to the mage for help, a chuckle came from an invisible place in the circular corridor, and then a young apprentice appeared in Sha Duo's sight.

"If you are not an official mage, you cannot command the tower spirit."

Xia Duo's eyes lit up, and he finally saw someone who was willing to take the initiative to talk to him, "Hello, my name is Xia Duo. I just joined the Mage Tower today. Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Of course." The visitor did not refuse, but his voice changed and he added, "However, mages always respect the principle of equal exchange, and apprentices are no exception. If you want to get my guidance, you must pay the price."

"What do you want? I don't have any money to give you. Maybe you can ask me for help in the future."

"Haha, I don't want your money. As long as you have the box of matches in your box, I will give you instructions on how to communicate with the tower spirit, and maybe even some precautions for apprentices. What is your choice?" said the visitor.


Xia Duo thought for a while, but he didn't think of any time when he would need to use matches. Furthermore, if necessary, he could also use [magic tricks] to make fire. He was now a person who could cast magic.

Compared to going back to the formal mage to ask, paying a box of matches to let the apprentice answer is not a too difficult choice.

"Yes, but I can't give you the matches until you answer."

This chapter has been completed!
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