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Chapter 2048 Out of nothing, favor

 After understanding the correct "way to open" Ted's divine envoy, Xia Duo will be more confident about many things that will follow. Of course, he will definitely not do everything under the guise of investigating the demon descendant, and then La Ted will come to the platform.


But the envoy is not a fool. If he does this once or twice, he will probably lose Ted's friendship (seal).

"By the way, Angel Ted, there is one more thing I want to ask you."

"Master Xia Duo, do you have any other questions?"

Originally, Ted was already preparing to return to the Kingdom of Glory. After all, the time between heaven and earth is different. If he misses the attendance check, his visit will be in vain, and he will not be eligible for the next batch of promotion places.

But after hearing Xia Duo's inquiry, Ted stayed temporarily, but he asked his subordinates to return first, so that even if he missed attendance, the punishment would be slightly lighter if his subordinates' team members were there.

Sha Duo naturally had no idea of ​​Ted's thoughts, but he still asked the question according to the established plan: "I wonder if the angel Ted has heard of the concept of timeline?"


"It's a certain possibility in reality. For example, the purification ceremony just now. What we see now is that it is a success. So will there be a world that fails?"

"You mean the future branch? Timeline is indeed a very vivid description!"

After saying that, Ted fell into a state of silence, as if he was recalling what he had seen and heard in the past, and as if he was considering his words. The holy flames in his eyes flickered. After thinking for a while, he told Xia Duo:

"There does not exist a world where the ritual fails, because it has been determined in the past that the ritual has succeeded. This is an unchangeable reality!"

"What if it exists?"

"If it exists, then there will be no clear boundaries between the past, present and future. The past may change at any time, and the world will fall into chaos."

Ted wanted to continue to say something, but suddenly stopped, his expression became extremely solemn, and the holy light on his body almost disappeared. And Xia Duo, who was opposite him, felt an invisible power coming from Tai at this moment.

It comes from virtue.

This familiar feeling is so similar——

Lord of Glory!

Xia Duo quietly lowered his head, not daring to look at Ted again. This situation lasted for about three to five seconds. Xia Duo felt that his power had disappeared, and then he looked up again and looked like Ted.

At this time, Ted was looking at Xia Duo in surprise, "Master Xia Duo, your question actually alarmed my Lord. This, this is simply unbelievable!"

"What are the instructions from the great Lord of Glory?" Xia Duo licked it without hesitation. If the Lord of Glory could solve the demon problem, that would be great.

But unfortunately, Ted shook his head, "My Lord rarely issues oracles, and this time is no exception. Let's continue talking about the timeline just now!

"The real world is obviously a definite real world. There is no need to doubt this. So even if the so-called another timeline really exists, for us, it is no different from non-existence."

"Is it possible that a powerful being from another timeline could cross the timeline and come to our real world, and then transform this timeline into another timeline?"


Ted replied without hesitation, "Even if there is a powerful existence in another timeline, he is still nothing to our real world. Is it necessary for such a strong person to appear out of thin air to change reality?

"If that's the case, why don't the real strong suppress everything?"

Ted's two rhetorical questions gradually calmed down Xia Duo, who was still thinking about continuing to argue, and began to seriously think about the possibility of the real existence of the so-called parallel time and space.

He had actually thought about these before, but the information about parallel time and space obtained by interrogating the consciousness of the senior mage of the Changshou family in the projection plane left a deep impression on him.

In other words, he cares too much about that information!

Now that Ted, a divine envoy from the Kingdom of God, is convinced of the uniqueness of the real world, Shado takes this authoritative statement as an opportunity to once again examine the information on the projection plane.

It all seems so real, conclusive, and unbreakable, but there really is no direct evidence to prove the existence of parallel time and space.

In other words, even if it exists, if you want to come to reality, it is almost as good as a creation in the void.

This is also different from energy creation. Void creation is the birth of "being" from a piece of nothingness, rather than energy. The transformation of material form still belongs to the category of "being" and does not involve "nothing".

"Are demons from parallel time and space really that strong?"

Xia Duo couldn't help but wonder, if there really is a parallel time and space, and the demons there can already "make something out of nothing", then why would they come to the "real world" where Xia Duo lives?

It can "create something out of nothing", so it is not difficult to turn the original illusory essence into reality!

For a time, Xia Duo thought of many things, which made him speculate a little more about the origin of the Illuminati. Perhaps it was just the reverberation of parallel time and space, or some concept was projected onto the main plane.

Visitors from non-parallel time and space are even less likely to travel through in an organized way and subvert reality.

Of course, one can also put it another way. The Illuminati may be the local demons who accidentally learned part of the information about the possibility of the demons unifying the main plane in some way.

In some way, it may be prophecy, or it may really be another possible reverberation of the main plane, and the concept is projected onto a certain demon in reality.

If this is the case, then the Illuminati is no longer a terrifying organization across time and space, but just the lucky ones who accidentally obtained black technology.

As long as their bodies are eliminated, even if there are still residual thoughts, there will not be any trouble in the future.

Next, Shado continued to ask Ted about parallel time and space and timeline issues, and Ted also gave his own answers one by one.

It's just that even Ted can't give a very precise answer to this kind of question involving the nature of the world.

In the end, it is likely to be another form of "appealing to authority." However, Xia Duo has not gained nothing at all. It should be said that he has gained a lot.

In addition to his new judgment about parallel time and space and the possibility of future reality subversion, before leaving, Ted also gave Sha Duo a reassurance——

He said that the Lord of Radiance is involved in Netheril, and even if there is a real possibility that reality will be subverted, Netheril will still exist.

"God's Coming"

Ted almost said this, unless the Lord of Light is gone, Netheril will never be destroyed.

Of course, this is Shado's wishful thinking. In fact, the Lord of Radiance may not care whether Netheril is destroyed or not. If it is an internal dispute in the main plane, what reason does the Lord of Radiance have to intervene?

It is true that only when parallel time and space are involved, it is possible to attract the intervention of the Lord of Glory.

As for whether the Lord of Radiance is interested in Netheril, that's a matter of opinion.

This chapter has been completed!
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