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Chapter 2216 Establishing Protection

 In Mojave's understanding, the process of spiritual awakening is actually the process of sharing the talent of those who have awakened spiritual energy in the process of sharing psychic energy among those who are not sure whether they can awaken naturally.

Or more accurately, shared artifact talents.

Because only by possessing the mental world can one awaken spiritual energy for others. In this sense, spiritual masters can also do it.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguoyuedu recently to read and catch up on new books. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. www.yeguoyuedu.com is available for Android and Apple.]

Just because this process requires the sharing of mental energy with others, it is essentially assimilation. Although it is more manifested as the strong assimilating the weak, the weak can also affect the strong, especially when the weak has a numerical advantage.


A psychic master who has gained spiritual independence is naturally unwilling to fall into entanglement with other people's minds again.

Therefore, Zhamdas's awakening ceremony is almost 100% performed with artifacts, and as long as the awakened person cannot create his own mental world, he will never be able to get rid of the influence of artifacts.

Once the body dies, unlike the psychic master who still has the possibility of resurrection, he will completely devote all his afterglow to the artifact, and even when he is not dead, he has to passively contribute his power.

The so-called "psychic energy", in Mojave's understanding, is the most important essence of an intelligent creature and is the source of spiritual energy.

But after Shado fully browsed the information about psychic energy and anima in Mojave's consciousness, he boldly made an inference that the anima that Mojave believed might be what he considered "subconscious".

The sharing of psychic energy is the sharing of subconscious mind, but the extent is not known yet. If it is only the sharing of meta-thinking, then the psychic network based on the inspiration ring built by Chateau in the Tower of Time may also have the opportunity to generate psychic energy.

If the degree of sharing is high, then the impact of the artifact on the awakened may be far from being as "subtle" as Mojave understands.

That is to say, the artifacts cannot speak, otherwise they would definitely reject all external subconscious contamination like the psychic masters did.

After roughly understanding the origin of spiritual energy and the process of awakening artifacts, Xia Duo believed that if he wanted to awaken spiritual energy, there were probably two ways -

One is to reach the level of creating a mental world in the field of illusion, and then try to awaken on your own with the help of the psychic network.

The other is to find a way to obtain a spiritual artifact, then purify the artifact, and finally use it to awaken spiritual energy.

The former is relatively safe and controllable, but it is also very likely to encounter the paradox of psychic awakening and will never be able to awaken in this way.

The latter is similar to "borrowing a chicken to lay an egg" on earth, being connected to the essence of the artifact, treating the spiritual energy of the artifact as one's own, and then slowly making "personalized settings" during the use process.

Until it is completely consistent with his own thoughts and cognition, then it may be the time for him to become a psychic master.

This method has a high probability of allowing him to obtain psychic powers, but there are many problems. Let's not talk about how to obtain the artifact and how to purify it.

Even if these two points are met, the process of sharing the subconscious can easily cause cognitive mutations.

In other words, awakening spiritual energy through this method may really awaken spiritual energy, but the final result may not be the independence of mind he wants, but assimilation by the artifact.

So many people in Zhamdas have awakened their psychic powers, but how many of them can eventually become psychic masters? Shado does not think that he is the special one.

Unless the artifact is designed and manufactured by himself, it can be relatively controllable. But if there is no psychic power, how can one create an artifact?

There is also the method of making artifacts, which does not exist in Mojave's consciousness. In other words, if Shado wants to make spiritual artifacts, he has to go to the south and try it with Zhamdas.

For him who longed for peace, this was not an easy decision to make.

Therefore, Xia Duo is more inclined to try the first way, which is to combine the mental world with the spiritual network. If it doesn't work, then simply give up.

There is a thought in his hometown called "I am the only one", which originally means the importance of "self". Xia Duo deeply agrees with it, and naturally he is not willing to change himself for a magic system that even seems to be very special.

If his self is destined to have no connection with spiritual energy, then it is no good. Judging from his current understanding of spiritual energy, if nothing unexpected happens, spiritual energy is just a way to explain the world from a different perspective.

Different paths lead to the same destination, and no matter what kind of explanation, they will ultimately point in the direction of the same truth.

Moreover, in Xia Duo's view, arcane magic, which is closer to science on earth (a magic system developed based on objective reality, the dwarves and elves are all familiar with it, but from a different perspective) is more acceptable to him.

After all, psychic magic is too erratic and is suspected of having an unstable foundation. Even though it may be a shortcut to the essence of the world, Shado believes that it can also be achieved through arcane magic.

When he didn't understand psionic magic before, Xia Duo was somewhat worried about its attitude towards it, but after he gained a certain understanding, especially the pros and cons, his mentality suddenly calmed down.

And the benefits of analyzing Mojave consciousness go beyond that.

The consciousness of a psychic master is more precious than any mineral deposit in the world. In it, Sha Duo not only found the overall understanding of psychic energy, but also the specific details of psychic spells.

Although the effects of psychic energy can be determined ideally, and there are commonalities between people, especially those awakened people who share their subconscious, the individual characteristics have not been completely obliterated, otherwise there would not be psychic masters with independent minds.


Therefore, every awakened person has a certain tendency, or preference, or expertise in using psychic energy.

For example, some awakened people can easily push a boulder into the sky, but find it difficult to light a fire. Or some awakened people can easily see into other people's thoughts, but it is difficult for them to cause any disturbance to external objects.

All these, in the thousands of years of Zhamdas' spiritual exploration, two main paths gradually separated, one is a scholar, and the other is a warrior.

The former is more about exploring the inner potential of psychic energy and the mind, and possesses many incredible powers. This path requires the most talent, and most psychic masters are scholars.

Warriors pay more attention to the interaction between spiritual energy and the outside world. The aforementioned pushing boulders, igniting flames, or penetrating thoughts are all within the scope of warriors' abilities. Of course, these are also within the research scope of scholars.

Or to put it more generally, scholars focus more on research, while samurai focus more on application. The identities of the two sides are not irreplaceable.

But generally speaking, the status of warriors is much lower than that of scholars, and they usually exist as followers or subordinates of scholars.

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